:O….Its finally time! The epic finale to this…this….story! I'm so proud of my 800+ story views! And of course my wonderful reviews! EPIC! But any who, as promised this is the final chapter on Dec.4th! ^_^ - I came up with the idea for this last chapter early in the morning…kind of weird but, it just hit me like a ton of bricks! *Gets crushed by a ton of bricks, dies, and is unable to ever finish the story!* :O …That would be just awful…a bit funny, but awful. _..I'm so glad so many people were able to enjoy my story and PLEASE! PLEASE! Read until the end! I'm brain storming for a new story but I need a bit of help from all my wonderful *800+* readers! ^_^ ..So enough about me! Here it is! The final chapter of Harry Potter!... _…I mean..my Goku and Chi-Chi story..Will they be together? Goku dies? Chi-Chi dies? O_O! YOU GOTTA READ IT!BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Here it is..! BTW…This story is kind of my own personal time line, so please forgive me if I'm off track, I try to focus more on the emotional point of view, not the combat, which owns by the way! ^_^
*I can't take the anticipation! Finals suck! _*
"O God!" Goku slams me up against the wall as he thrust harder and harder, deeper and deeper inside me, I don't know how much more I can take. I kiss him hard as he picks up his pace, we break from our passionate kiss, my lips just above his as I try to concentrate on controlling my body, but at this rate of thrusting, that's almost impossible. I throw my head back against the wall as my eyes start to shut tight, God I can feel myself losing control. Goku kisses and licks my neck, God he was driving me insane. My body starts to tighten up, I can feel myself losing control. I wrap my arm around his neck, preparing myself for release. Our moans get louder and louder….and then….
I wake up, covered in my own sweat, when were these dreams going to end? I looked around at the empty bedroom, alone. Ever since me and Goku separated theses dreams got worse and worse. It had been 3 months since we shared a bed together. It seemed so cold without him here, next to me. Our last argument had been the worse, I called him a coward…told him he wasn't man enough to be a father and a husband, but was I wrong? He told me he needed to train, that some guy named Cooler was coming to earth looking for revenge because he killed his brother Frieza, so here I am yet again playing the role of the desperate lonely housewife and mother. I couldn't control my anger, I just let the words flow, and I told him straight to his face. It seemed like it happen yesterday, but it was weeks, months ago:
"So what does all of this mean Goku? You're leaving again? You can't be serious?" He stared at me with those innocent eyes, hoping I would understand that fighting was what he lived for, but what part of his do I fit in? His convenient piece of ass? He wanted me to understand, but how do you explain leaving someone constantly? Over and over. I leaned against the kitchen counter, I had to hold myself up for support as I spoke, I was afraid I would pass out from all this pressure or anger or happiness..I didn't know anymore, I didn't know myself. Hell, I didn't know Goku either. "If he does come here and fight you and you die…what's going to happen?" He walked away from the doorway of the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. He rubbed his forehead a few times before he spoke, knowing what he said would be the most important thing he could ever say to me. He knew what he said would break my heart, he knew that he would finally have to let me go. Let me live my life without him this time, no more waiting. He placed both hands down on the table and he looked at me, straight in the eye, without even blinking, "Live without me".
*Back in the bed*
I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into the covers over them, I couldn't believe he was willing to die so easily and not care about any consequences with his family. I couldn't bear to be in the same house with him anymore, so I told him to leave that day, right now. If I was going to be alone I wanted to get use to it, not have him here and then boom. Dead. I had seen Goten cry that much when I told him Goku wasn't going to live here anymore. Gohan looked disappointed in me, as if I had given up on him or let him down, who knows. No one talked too much in this house anymore. I laid down on my cold pillow and rolled over to look at the time, a little past 4 a.m. I pulled myself out of bed, might as well get up and start on breakfast, since going back to sleep would be almost impossible. The house seemed so quiet, so still. I walked in the kitchen and turned on the light, looking at the chair he sat in was so hard for me…I needed him here, but not as a tease, I needed him here forever.
As usual, Goku came about lunch time every day to pick up Gohan and Goten and spend the day with them, training and etc. So around 1 p.m. I heard his usual 3 knocks on the door, I heard Gohan from the living room, "I got it mom! It's Dad" I kept washing dishes, trying to prepare myself mentally for this confrontation. Goku had been picking the kids up for 3 months straight everyday around the same time, and every time I saw him, it became harder and harder to be away from him.
I heard his footsteps behind me, "Hey there" I turned around and spoke briefly, "Hey" Seeing him in civilian clothes was really weird because he pretty much wore his training outfit all the time. I heard him walking closer to me until he stood right next to me. I looked up from washing the dishes, it had been a while since I stood so close to him. "Chi, I just want you to know, that even though were not together, I'll always protect you" He reached up and held my left cheek in his hand. He pulled my face closer to his, I placed my hand on his hard chest to stop the kiss. I turned back to washing dishes, thinking of a way to get him out of the kitchen I lied, "Goku, I just want to be alone, maybe you should wait in the living room" I began washing a glass that had been cleaned five times already. I had to keep busy, tears were building up and I didn't want to cry in front of him, I didn't want him to see how hard it was for me. I couldn't get weak now, I had a whole future of being alone ahead of me.
He let out a disappointing sigh and placed both hands in his pockets, "Why are you doing this Chi? Why are you tearing us apart like this? I know he's joking…Did he just say, "I'm tearing us apart?" He can't be serious, I turned the water off that one pathetic glass I had been washing 20 minutes in the sink, I walked over to the fridge as I spoke, " No Goku, tearing us apart is your department, remember?" I began taking out all the pre-cooked food I made for Gohan and Goten, of course they would go hunting and all that but, I liked for them to have at least a few home cooked meals when they stayed with their father. Yet again he broke my train of thought, "So it's my fault you told me to leave? Is that it Chi?" So he was thinking of a way to blame this on me? Make me feel guilty about him not living here? When he's the one who decided to play Mr. Hero to the world and for a Husband to me, give me a break. After stacking about 30 tupperware bowls on the kitchen counter, flustered, I brushed my hair back behind my ears, trying to keep my anger to a minimum, I tried to answer calmly, "Goku, if there is a chance you're going to die on me again, I rather live alone now, then you being here with me and the kids and then all of a sudden I'm without a husband and their without a father again, I don't want to see them get hurt again Goku, you know that"
Now the tears were flowing, it seemed like every time we talked now I was either crying or yelling, or at least that what Gohan says I do. He walked up to me with his arms open, "Chi, I know.." But I held up my hands to stop him, "Please Goku just save it" He stopped in his tracks, a bit taken back by my suddenness. He let his hands fall to his sides, "You just don't love me anymore do you Chi?" I had never considered it, Do I love him? He stood there waiting for an answer, Should I lie? I didn't really know what our marriage was anymore. Before I could answer he shook his head and walked out the kitchen. I heard the front door slam. Guess I didn't answer fast enough.
I couldn't take our little emotional conversations anymore, so I came up with the idea that Gohan and Goten would Go over to Goku's *Which was new GR Bulma built for Goku, with few bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs* I didn't want to look at him anymore, it was draining me emotionally. I was tired of being upset and confused whenever he came around. When the kids were gone, that left me here alone, so sometime Bulma would come hang out. On this particular day she came over, I needed a little help in the garden, "Ya know Chi-Chi, I could hire someone to keep your garden in top shape" I looked at Bulma, always thinking of ways to help me, She was a very good friend and the only one I could truly talk about Goku with when it came to our marriage. And she was also the only other woman in the whole universe who was married to a Saiyan. I pulled on some weeds, "No thanks Bulma, I need something to keep me busy, gets boring out here" She sat back with her knees pulled to her chest, she looked down as she spoke, "Maybe Goku could help you?" I stopped pulling weeds and let my head drop for a moment, I took a deep breath and released it, "Bulma, You know me and Goku.." She spoke quickly before I could finish my sentence, I felt like an iPod stuck on repeat. "I know I know but still Chi-Chi, you could give him another chance right?" She looked at me almost pleading, everyone, Krillin, Yamcha, even Master Roshi, they were all begging me to give Goku another try, another chance to break my heart. Easy for them, there on the outside looking in, Their not married to him.
I looked up at the sky, it was such a beautiful day, I remember sharing days like these with Goku right after we got married. Those memories were so far gone, they were almost like dreams, almost like they never happen, us being happy. Feeling my emotions get the best of me, I stood up and brushed the potting soil off my dress, I looked up at Bulma with a faint smile, "How about I grab us some lemonade?" She stood up, searching my face for answers, which was pointless, She wasn't going to find any, and I had no more tears for Goku.
I came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of lemonade, not looking up I spoke, "Bulma, I didn't know if you wanted pulp or not so I bought out both kinds" And I saw him, Goku. Laughing and talking with Bulma, the last time I saw him was a month ago, when he walked out of the kitchen and slammed the front door. I swallowed, not wanting my throat to get dry, I sat the lemonade tray down on a nearby picnic table. I adjusted the glasses and spoons on the tray, keeping my mind off this whole situation, I didn't want to lose control of my emotions, and I had to stay calm. He called over to me, "Hey Chi, No hello?" I looked up at him and then back at the lemonade tray, I took a deep breath and walked over to him and Bulma, I was going to give him a "hello" he wasn't going to forget. It seemed like it took forever for me to reach him but I finally did, "What are you doing here Goku?" He looked at me confused, I guess expecting a hug and boutique of flowers. We went back and forth
"No hello Chi? Just that"
"Yes Goku, Just that. So what are you doing here?"
"I can't come by?"
"What for? You don't live here?"
"But my kids do"
"What's your point?"
"I just said it Chi"
Forgetting Bulma was standing there she nervously spoke, "I think I'll have some lemonade, excuse me" She quickly walked over to the picnic table, leaving me and Goku alone. He spoke as soon as she was out of hearing range, "I came to ask you something Chi, walk with me?" I didn't expect this, what would he want to ask me? I agreed, and we walked a few yards into the nearby forest. We walked next to each other, just strolling through the forest down a path that lead to a small pond.
When we finally reached it, he grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. A hard passionate kiss, he pulled me against him so I could feel his already hard member. I pulled back from him, catching my breath. I tried pulling away but he spoke, "Don't Chi" I searched his face for answers, I could tell he wanted me, really bad. I guess he wasn't having sex with anyone because I sure as hell wasn't. He kissed me again, holding the back of my head. He gently kissed my lips over and over, finally placing his tongue inside my mouth, tasting every part of my mouth. I placed both of my hands on his chest, all this kissing was making me light headed, for such a goof he was a great kisser. He gave me several kisses before he finally spoke, " The battle is tomorrow and I need your help" I opened my eyes and looked at him, How the hell could I help him with his battle tomorrow? He saw my confusion and smirked a little and kissed me again, "I need to be inside you Chi, Saiyans can't live on battle and food alone" He knew exactly what to say to turn me on…Damn him. We stared at each other, I looked away then back at him, and I was so confused, So he just wanted to have sex with me one last time? I pulled from his embrace, So I was just a convenient piece of ass for him. I started walking back towards the house, he appeared in front of me, which caught me off guard and made me jump. He pushed me against a tree, "Chi…I need you, it's been 4 months, I can barely concentrate, I need you…I love you Chi" Those last words burned me. Why did he have to say it?, why did he have to say he needed me? He was breaking all my defenses, all my so called weeks of "preparing to be alone" were going to shit, I tried prolonging his proposal, "Why don't you find some other woman? We're technically separated" I was so full of it, If another woman went within 5 feet of my Goku…"Ugh, now he has me calling him "My Goku" again…..Damn him again. He smirked again, "Chi, me and you both know that's not an option" He's a smart fellow. I guess I could consider it him making love to me for the last time, because if he died, it would "technically" be the last time. So I agreed, "Ok Goku, time and place?" He held my cheek as he kissed me, but the kiss grew out of control. I had one leg wrapped around his waist and both arms around his neck, and he was letting out low growls. He started sliding his hand up my thigh until we heard Gohan calling in the distance, "Dadddddd! Mommmm! Where are you?" I broke the kiss, "Your GR, midnight" He nodded his head , and we broke our embrace and walked back towards the house.
"So you're giving up that ass after all huh?" Bulma spoke with a big grin stretched across her face. When Goku left and the kids were in bed, we finally had a chance to discuss my "nightly appointment" with Goku. I continued to fold clothes, "Well, we are still married, so we can still have sex" She rolled her eyes and looked at me smiling, "Chi, you're his midnight hooker, just admit it" I threw a pair of socks at her, I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time, it felt good. I got up to put some clothes away in the hall closet, "I'm not his hooker" Bulma followed me as she spoke, "O please Chi, he comes over, ask for that booty, and you put out..correction, you're his hoe!" She was laughing so hard I thought she was going to bust a vein, "Look who's talking, if Vegeta called right now and asked you to come home for sex you would go running! Admit it Bulma" She tried to think of a good defense, "Well….that's…not…Ok, so it is true, but we're not talking about me and prince boy, we're talking about you and the positions Goku is going to have you in tonight!" Good God, Bulma didn't care what she said, her and Vegeta were almost too perfect.
We laughed and talked until about 11:45pm, that's when Bulma decided it was time for her to go because I needed to get ready for my "ass tapping". Which was true. So after she left I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and watched television in the living room as I waited for Goku. I wasn't' really focusing on what I was watching because I was too nervous. I didn't know why, me and Goku had had sex plenty of times. I guess because it could be our last time, forever. Ugh, I didn't want him to find me crying, I was determined not to be a Debbie Downer, I was going to enjoy this night even if it killed me. Three knocks at the door broke my daydream, he was here. I opened the door, he was smiling, and out of reflex I smiled back, "Are you ready Chi?" Of course I was, I nodded and he swiftly picked me up and we disappeared.
We reappeared inside his GR, he gently let me down out of his arms. I looked around the GR a few moments, he stood behind me watching each movement I made. I walked over to the panel and began studying all the buttons when he grabbed my waist from behind and started kissing on my neck, I wanted an explanation of all these buttons, "Goku, how do you remember what each button does?" He turned me around and kissed me, "Chi, I didn't bring you here for a tour" he let out a growl and started a trail of kisses down lower and lower until he reached my flower. He started kissing it and licking it through the material of my dress, which was a tease beyond anything I could ever explain, it made me moan out loud out of reflex. He kissed his way along my waist, licking at the hem of my dress. He ripped it off, leaving me standing before him in my panties. I didn't wear any underwear, What was the point? He placed my leg on his shoulder, licking and nibbling at my bud. He licked all around it, teasing me and then he would suck on it and then lick a long trail up and down it over and over. I held on hand in his hair and one hand on the panel, turning on several lights with my hand. I felt myself getting hot, so I stripped off the rest of my clothes except for my bra.
I was losing consciousness, his mouth on my bud was driving me crazy. My body was getting rigid and I could feel my heart beat racing, I could hear him letting out low growls as he sucked harder on my bud, my back started to arch off the panel. He sucked harder and inserted two fingers inside me and started a fast pace, the same rhythm he was sucking my bud. I was moaning so loud It was echoing off the walls of the GR. "Goku…Goku…Ahh…I… can't…" I felt myself coming, I was so near, and then he suddenly pulled away. He turned me around, I could hear him ripping his clothes off as I tried to gather my senses, it was so hard to think under this conditions. He spread my legs open more and slowly entered me, I let out a small gasp of air because I had to adjust to his size. He reached under my arms and grabbed both of my breasts, after he ripped my bra off, he began to rub my nipples with his thumbs. He started a slow hard pace, each thrust was hard and slow. He would pull all the way out and then thrust hard inside me. This pace was driving me insane, and he was massaging my breast causing my nipples to be extremely hard. He was kissing and licking my ear as he spoke, "Tell me when you're coming Chi, I want to come at the same time" He wanted me to think at a time like this? All I could do was nod my head. He picked up his pace, he started ramming in and out of me at a faster pace. My whole body was bouncing up and down to the rhythm of his thrusting. I was moaning so loud that it turned into screams of ecstasy. He kissed my shoulder and neck as he growled low trying to keep his composure. I closed my eyes as I tried to focus on everything. How much I loved him and how I couldn't live without him. Goku was everything to me. He was my reason for living, he had given me two wonderful children and kept our world safe regardless of the consequences. He did it to keep us safe and give us a better life, even if that meant he couldn't be a part of it.
My moans grew louder and louder, my flower started contracting around his member, I was so wet now, my liquids allowed him to speed up his pace even more, my whole body arched against his as I called to him, "I'm coming….Goku….I'm….coming" He continued to pound inside me as I screamed his name over and over riding this orgasm to the end. My eyes rolled back in my head as he continued his hard thrusting causing me to come again and again. Then finally he came inside me, letting out one long growl as he thrusted upward pumping his seed inside of me. He held me there as we both tried to gain control of our breathing, covered in sweat.
We lay together in his bed, my head was on his chest and my hand rubbed up and down his rock hard stomach. He wrapped his arm tightly around my body, pressing me against him, "Well, coming at the same time went well" He let out a low chuckle, mixed with a low growl. I let out a small laugh, that plan did go down the drain, but what did he expect under those conditions? Geeez! I looked up at him, all the humor gone from his face, he had a troubled look on his face as he spoke, "Chi, I love you more than anything or anyone in the universe, The reason I fight is for you, I can go on because I know you're safe and happy. And if us not being together makes you happy, then I'm game." I looked up at him and then I kissed him a few times. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Goku, I just want you to be mine, I'm tired of sharing you with the universe, and You're my Goku. But I know I can't do that, and in order to be with you I must learn to accept that fighting is a part of you and always will be" He pulled me into another kiss, this time rolling on top of me. I grabbed his hair as he kissed me roughly. He started trails of kisses down my neck and then he stopped and looked at me, "Chi, I'll do my best to be a better husband and father, I promise. I'll fight until my last breath, I'll fight to live, no matter what" Goku was so sincere when he spoke, so innocent and caring. I brushed a piece of hair out of his face, "I know Goku, and You always do". We kissed again before we spoke.
"I love you Chi"
"I love you Goku"
The next day we both stood in front of the GR watching the sun rise. Goku turned and looked at me, "Time for me to go Chi" I hugged him, trying to remember everything about him, his touch, and smell, anything I could hold on to. My tears started to fall, I never wanted to let him go. After what seemed like years, I finally let go. He kissed me softly on the lips, "I love you so much Chi" He wiped my tears away with his hand, "Come on Chi, You know I'm coming back" He gave me a smile and back up out of my embrace, slowly rising into the air. My heart beat started speeding up, I didn't want to see him go, 3 months wasted, God how I wish I could go back and get those 3 months back, all those nights he could have been making love to me and holding me in his arms as I fell asleep each night. I love his so much, How could I ever imagine living without him? He was my everything, My Goku. Holding back more tears I finally got my words out, "I'll wait for you forever Goku" He nodded, and disappeared from my sight.
*Of Course Goku kicked Cooler's ass and he moved back in and of course they didn't get a divorce! ^_^* CRIES LIKE A BABY! O MY GOD! ITS OVER! Well my fellow readers, I hope you enjoyed this DBZ story, I know I did! And again thanks for all the lovely reviews and all the motivation for me to continue writing this story and of course forgiving me for the late update 0_0…Remember Be Inspired and Take Care! ^_^ oooooBTW..HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY! AND THANKS FOR GETTING MY STORY TO 800+ VIEWS! YOU GUYS ARE TO EPIC TO DESCRIBE! XD