Title: (Just Like) Starting Over
Rating: T for language, might be bumped later for language and/or sexiness
THIS CHAPTER HAS SENSITIVE MATERIAL: If you are upset by talk of death please skip this chapter.
Disclaimer: I have no rights to any persons real or imagined, no television shows, no books, basically nothing. You want to sue me the best thing I have is a bed, but try to take that and I'll cut a bitch, it's super comfy.
Summary: AU Remma, Regina/Emma, Swan Queen, whatever you want to call it. Regina is a high society HBIC, Emma is a street-smart cop. This is what happens when I watch Once Upon a Time then go to sleep listening to Uptown Girl.
Word Count: This chapter: 622; Total: 8072
Notes: I can't get the idea of Remma out of my head; you will all be subjected to more of it. And frequently.
Also, I'm trying to build my own AU canon here so bear with me. Mary is Emma's pseudo-mother but James (yes he will be James, not David or John) did NOT come part and parcel with Mary. There will be Henry, but certainly not when Emma's 18. I think that's it.
Kathryn had lived in Storybrooke most of her life, had grown up in and out this house. Maybe that was what it felt strange to be treated like a guest while Emma played an awkward hostess.
She'd come over to offer whatever help she could; helping with unpacking, taking Henry out of Regina and Emma's hair, anything they needed.
There were only a few lonely boxes ("Most of our stuff's in storage," Emma had explained). Henry had taken off with some newly made friends (Ava and Nicholas Zimmer, twins a year older who lived down the street). While her offers of help had been turned away, her company was gladly accepted.
"How is she doing?" They'd stared into cups of cocoa laced with cinnamon; Kathryn didn't care for the odd concoction. But Emma didn't seem to be in the mood for it today either.
With a sigh Emma answered, "As well as could be expected, I guess." Moving up from Boston had taken one worry off of Regina's shoulders, only to replace it with the daily concerns that came with running a family.
Kathryn nodded sympathetically; it was a hard situation all around. She was no happier about her uncle dying than Regina was. But that was the difference; Regina was losing the only parent she had left.
"I should get back to work, but if you need anything just call. Freddie and I are happy to help." The offer had been made, even if it would probably be ignored. Both Regina and Emma were just a little too proud to ask for help, even if they needed it. Especially if they needed it. "Don't get up, I can show myself out."
Emma watched the other blonde leave with a sigh before cleaning up. The mugs needed washing and it gave Emma some necessary distraction. Her mind was mercifully blank as all traces of cocoa and cinnamon were washed down the drain.
Climbing the stairs with a heavy heart, Emma paused at the first door on the landing. It was closed but she hesitated to open it, not knowing what sort of welcome to expect. Marshaling her courage, Emma pushed the door open.
It used to be a lounge, but man-cave might have been a better term. Where cigars had once been smoked, oxygen flowed through clear lines; the enormous pool table was replaced by a hospital-issue bed that looked too big for the withered, silent figure within it.
"I was made the executor of your father's will, Regina. If I may say, everything is well in order." Mr. Gold's oily, refined tones left a bad taste in Emma's mouth. But this wasn't about her, she was here to be strong for Regina.
"Go on," the brunette said simply. For a woman who usually wore black with aplomb, Regina looked sunken and pale in mourning colors of dark gray and black.
Understanding that he touched on a raw nerve the pawnbroker turned executor soldiered on. "The majority of his estate was left to you, with few exceptions. Accounts were set aside to give yearly donations to both Storybrooke General Hospital and the Storybrooke Volunteer Fire Brigade. A trust fund was set up in your son's name, part to go towards his education and part to be released to him at age 25. And his stake in Mills Technologies has been split between you, your wife, and your son."
Mr. Gold dipped his head in deference when Regina drew a shaky breath. "We can look over specific details at a later date. If you will excuse me, I have a meeting I must get to," the older man made his exit, only somewhat hampered by his cane, leaving the two women alone.
Author's note: I'm not terribly happy with this chapter but I felt bad about leaving you all hanging for a month plus.
Also, Satisfysomemorbidcuriosity was the only one who got my Castle reference in the last chapter. Kudos to you!