How To Speak Again

By: AtomicKokoro


Shinra seeks the aid of Masaomi and Saki once again. The only problem is that they forgot how to speak Japanese! Izaya and Shinra's lives are on the line, and a language barrier just might destroy everything!

Before You Read

Sequel to How To Walk Again by AtomicKokoro (aka me).

I thought it would be cool to continue the story. Maybe it could be a series. Maybe... How To Live or something... I dunno.

Just a translation note. English is Eigo, French is Furenchi, Japanese is Houjin. Clearing a bit of fog, that's all. And I am also aware none of you probably speak French. I used Google translate, but there will be some general idea as to what they are saying. You'll figure it out.

Anyways, you guys don't care about my comments, so on with the story!

Chapter 1

How To Get In Trouble

His first warning was getting his door kicked in by a man in a black suit with a gun. "Kishitani Shinra!" the voice boomed. Shinra jumped up from his couch and glanced down the hall way. "You're time is up!"

Shinra's eyes widened and he jumped to the side, bullets whizzing by and shattering the window behind him. The hall he ran down led to his bedroom. He turned, narrowly avoiding more explosive ammo. Why did Celty, of all days, have to work?

Two men in black chased him down the hall. Shinra thought about slamming his bedroom door closed but, seeing as what happened to his front door, it probably wouldn't do much. He practically ran into his window, unlocking it and kicking feet first out the window, sliding through without too much trouble, thanks to his small frame.

He slid out the window onto the emergency exit and ran down the stairs. The men scrambled through the window which was harder for them than Shinra since they were bigger, but they eventually got through and continued to chase Shinra.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Shinra cursed as he stumbled down the stairs into the railing, then turning and running down the next flight. When he feet finally touched ground, he started off towards the alley just across the street.

One of the men stopped, turned and aimed his gun, pulling the trigger when he was sure he was on sight. The semi-automatic gun fired about eight bullets before the man had to press the trigger again for another burst of rounds.

The doctor stumbled before disappearing into the alley. The man who had continued down the stairs followed after him and was later joined by his companion. When they reached a dead end, half a brick wall and a fence guarding bushes, they split up and went separate ways. If they had just looked at the brick wall for a second, they would have seen a trail of blood dripping from the chain-link.

Behind the fence, hidden in the bushes, was the doctor. His eyes were big, staring out the bushes, between the branches, watching the men come and go. One hand was on his mouth, the other pressing against a patch of blood on his thigh. Shinra closed his eyes and dropped the hand from his mouth, lying himself gently on the ground, frozen in pain, blood pouring from his gunshot wound onto his pure white lab coat. Oh, mercy, he thought. Someone save me.

To Be Continued in "How To Speak Again" by AtomicKokoro

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