"What can I hear?" Elladan raised a hand against the silence of the darkness. "Shh. Listen."

Elrohir frowned. "I cannot hear anything," he replied.

"I know," Elladan lay back with a wide smile. "This is called 'peace', Elrohir! I had almost forgotten how lovely it sounded!"

Elrohir gave a soft laugh. Only that afternoon he had rescued Elladan from the endless questions of their young foster brother, fascinated by their elvishness, and their likeness, wanting to know all the wheres and whys and hows of the world. He was far too inquisitive, Elladan said, and far too talkative. He wasn't overly fond of children at the best of times, but when they were as nosy as Estel, he found them quite unbearable. Elrohir however found the boy charming and had taken to him immediately.

"It is nice to have some time to ourselves though," he admitted.

"And what do you propose we do with this time?" Elladan gave a slow smile. "For the short time it will last," he added.

"Well…" Elrohir rolled onto his front and propped himself on his elbows.

Elladan nodded towards the door with a barely held back groan of annoyance.

Elrohir rolled back and looked to the door, as it pushed open a fraction more and a small head appeared around it, dark hair tousled by sleep and steely eyes wide.

"Hello Estel," he said, sitting up. "What are you doing out of bed?"

The child made no answer, merely blinking at him.

"Come in." Elrohir held his hand out, as Estel squeezed around the open gap of the door and walked slowly to the edge of the bed. Elrohir could see his cheeks were stained with tears. "What is the matter? Did you have a bad dream?"

He nodded, sniffling. "Yes."

Aiming a kick at Elladan's shin as he sighed, Elrohir reached down and lifted Estel into his arms. "It was only a dream, its nothing to be scared about." He kissed his forehead. "What were you dreaming of?"

The boy gasped on his sobs for a few seconds. "It was…a…a big eye," he whispered. "It was looking for me, but he couldn't see me, he was too far away."

Elladan froze, exchanging a worried look with his twin. "Should I fetch father?"

Elrohir shook his head, in two minds whether to or not. He decided it would not pay to make more fuss and distress Estel further. They would tell Elrond in the morning. The eye - if it was The Eye - had not seen him. He was still safe. "Did he say anything to you Estel?" He cuddled the toddler close, stroking his hair.

He shook his head. "I couldn't understand it. But he was angry. You won't let him get me will you?" He clung to Elrohir's collar, glancing between both twins.

"No, of course I won't," Elrohir assured him. "He will have to fight past Elladan and I first." He lay down and cradled Estel against his side between himself and Elladan. The child immediately turned and resumed his death grip around his neck, curling a strand of long hair around his fingers.

"You smell like horses," he said softly, fighting back a yawn. "I can smell hay in your hair."

Elrohir smiled. "I'll teach you how to ride when you're bigger."

"And teach me Elfish?"

Elrohir nodded. "Though I daresay you will learn enough by yourself before long."

"Oh good! And - "

Elladan reached over and placed his hand gently over Estel's mouth "Oh goodness, Estel! It is late," he said. "Go back to sleep now."

Estel tried to fight another yawn, but failed. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his sleeve and laid his head on Elrohir's shoulder. "Night." His eyes closed as his thumb slid into his mouth.

Elrohir kissed the top of his head. "Goodnight, my little one."

"Poor little pup," Elladan's face softened and he reached out the caress the child's hair. "I think he is rather fixed on you, Elrohir. You will have some trouble shaking him off."

Elrohir smiled at the gentle change in Elladan's eyes. "I don't mind," he said. "It's rather nice to have a little brother to take care of."

Estel raised his head with a frown painting his young face. "I am your brother! But I am not an Elf!"

Elrohir stroked the furrow out of the small brow with his thumb. "No, you are not, though..." He was about to say he was part Elf, if it only was a very small part, but he bit his tongue remembering his father's warning that they were not to reveal the smallest part of Estel's ancestry, however young he may be. "Though when you are older, Elladan and I will teach you to be an Elf, like us," he recovered himself.

The boy grinned. "Oh yes, I would like that!"

"We will teach you so well I am sure you will put us to shame when you are grown, won't he Elladan?"

But Elladan had rolled over and turned his back, pulling the sheet over his head.

"We'd best sleep now," Elrohir whispered, "or Elladan will get grumpy."