A/N: I know I know, It's been like a lifetime since I updated! I don't have time for individual hugs today, (Something was wrong with my computer and it took me forever to upload my docs) So big hugs to everyone who reviewed and added this story to their alert list! Leave me a little love at the end!

Chapter 5:

Payton came out of the girl's locker room, excited for her ballet class. She had been on the competition dance team at Spencer since her freshman year. She was so glad to be back in the studio, ready for a workout to help clear her mind of all the negative emotions that had clouded her mind for the past few months.

Today was an easy day, the instructor focusing on technique, flexibility, and getting the girl's back into shape, since many of them did not have access to a studio during the summer months.

Even though it was a relatively easy workout Payton was still exhausted and drenched in sweat, when during a three-point turn she felt a wave of dizziness washed over her. Someone had just Used a significant amount. It wasn't a signature that she recognized, and she couldn't help but hope that nothing horrible had happened, to either the person who felt the need to move, or her boys.

That hope was dashed, however, when a sophomore from the swim team came running into the dance studio in a panic. "Ms. Anderson, one of the guys on the swim team hit his head. Coach wants you to come look at him to make sure he'll be okay." He said in a rush

Ms. Anderson flew into action, running into her office and grabbing her first-aid kit, then following the swimmer towards the pool.

Payton looked at the other girls briefly before reaching down to her to her Pointe shoes, undoing the ribbons with trembling fingers, ripping them off of her feet in haste. The swimmer hadn't mentioned a name, but Payton worried that it was her brother, or one of the other boys, because she had felt someone Use, a lot. She ran out of the studio, not bothering to grab her workout bag, or put on shoes.

When she made it to the pool Ms. Anderson was herding boys away from a still figure next to the pool. Reid intercepted her before she could get any closer to see who the figure was.

"Who is it?" Payton asked, hurriedly searching for the other boys.

Reid took a deep breath, "Caleb was racing against that new kid, Chase, when he hit the side of the pool. Luckily Chase got to him before he could drown."

Payton nodded, "where's Pogue?"

Reid pointed near the crowd that Ms. Anderson had pushed away from Caleb near the pool , and Payton rushed towards her brother.

"Pogue!" she whispered urgently in his ear, causing her twin to jump slightly. "I felt someone Use a few minutes ago; did you see or feel anything?"

Pogue shook his head, "no," he paused, turning back to his best friend who was being tested for a concussion, "this isn't going to end well is it?"

Payton finally allowed herself to look at Caleb, gasping slight at how pale he looked. She shook her head, "No, I don't think so."

"I don't think you should drive home." Payton told Caleb, holding her hands out for his keys.

Caleb looked up in surprised from the driver's side of his Mustang, "What? Why?"

Payton gave her ex-boyfriend an incredulous look. "Seriously? You just lost consciousness in a pool! I know Ms. Anderson told you that you shouldn't be driving."

Caleb just shook his head and started to get into his car. "How am I supposed to get home?"

Payton crossed her arms, a move that meant she would not be deterred. "I'll drive you."

To say Caleb was surprised would be an understatement. Payton hadn't talked to him until the previous night, and even then he knew she wouldn't have if she didn't need to explain something important to him. And now, she was willing to drive him home because he had gotten hurt.

Taking advantage of Caleb's shock, Payton pulled him from the driver's side of the vehicle and led him towards the passenger side. She had started the car before he had come out of his stupor.

"Payton?" He whispered, not sure she answer him.

"Hmmmmm?" She questioned, which, was more of a response then Caleb had hoped for.

"I saw Chase's eyes turn black before I blacked out. I think that he caused me to hit that wall."

"Saw his eyes turn black? Like when we Use?" Payton asked, surprise and concern coloring her voice

"Yea, look I know it sounds crazy, but I know what I saw."

Payton nodded, "Are you sure? It wasn't because of-"

"No!" Caleb interrupted her, "I know what I saw, I think I felt it too. It was like I became dizzy. I've never felt someone Use like that."

Payton nodded, "I felt someone Use too, just before they came for Ms. Anderson. It wasn't one of us."

"So, it could've been Chase?" Caleb asked, relieved that someone else could confirm what he had felt.

Payton nodded, "We'll have to check him out. Maybe he belongs to a rival Covenant?"

Caleb shrugged "Who knows?"