Author Note

Yes, I know the words above are dreaded but hear me out.


You see, I took a break because I was rewriting to sell on Kindle Worlds because I am broke AF. And if I were to sell it, I wasn't allowed to have it up anywhere else on the internet. But since Kindle Worlds is shutting down I refuse to waste a perfectly good rewrite.

I'm doing my best to re-explore Katy's life with Damon and growing up in Mystic Falls.

And better news! In the newer version she's probably not going to die!

Because yeah, just letting you know the version you are seeing now was leading up to her 25 year separation from Damon. They find each other in a coffee shop where she has four daughters by herself, and just when she agrees to pack up her life and move her family in with him in Mystic Falls, she's murdered similarly to her parents and her children are left in the care of Damon Salvatore. Who freaks out upon seeing the kids.

Why he freaks out is still integral to the rebooted plot, so I won't spoil that for you. But suffice to say, Katy definitely won't die in that way in the reboot, but I'm still on the fence about whether she will die at all. So ya'll gotta read to find out!
