Another chapter ^^ still short but kinda juciy, heh, hope you guys like it since I have been inactive for so long I am very sorry about that.
See my laptop power cord has split open and is spewing wires everywhere, It alas will not charge anything now, so will update whenever I have a computer handy.

Btw this is like three days after the whole dress incident, the two deathnote characters have attended classes as normal since then x


Raito sat in an uncomfortable silence in the third music room having been invited in for an early meeting with the head of the host club and a few other members. He was early, as he always was, but this time he regretted being so punctual.

The anticipation of not knowing what he was there for was killing him, though at least he was comfortable sitting on one of the red plush loveseats that was scattered around the room.

He pulls at his tie nervously having had his uniform replaced the day before he gave a sigh of relief at that, as the amount of girls he had coming to him and asking to be friends or discussing makeup and designer brands was incredible.

He shuddered and shrugged off that memory, a sense of dread was creeping up on him and he didn't like it. What was it about this group that was a cause for concern? the club president was an absolute fool for one thing.

Only three days at the prestigious academy and it the spoilt rich kids were starting to get to him...looks like this was going to take a while, Raito finds himself biting his lip to ease his uneasiness, where was Ryuzaki...he said something about a meeting with the manager of the club so he would not be attending the opposing meeting with light. going on to say that it was a good thing that they were able to check out more than one side of this wacky club that was going to be the key to solving this case, the twinkle in Ryuzaki's dark eyes as he explained this made Raito think that the young detective had probably planned this out.

"LET THE TRAINING BEGIN!" A familiar voice declared as the blonde owner threw open the doors and strode in with a confident smile.


Raito frowned and surveyed the few other students trailing in behind him, a beautiful but striking group of young adults.
A pair of caramel coloured irises were the only ones that took notice of his staring and gave an apologetic look back, The brunette owner looked like a clean cut young man who had adorably huge eyes and smooth careful features.

He turned his attention to the other three men talking to him, Had he been ignoring them and tuned out? oops...

"Are you sure Boss?" came two melodic voices in perfect harmony "he dosent really look...that amazing.." the owners were two amber haired twins with matching features and mirroring hair styles, they held themselves in such a way that it almost appeared cocky. he snapped out of his analysing when one poked his face "guess fixing him up wont hurt though"

Raito slapped the twins hands away as the host club king clapped happily

"Its decided, If you meet our standards! you may begin a trail period for becoming a host!"

Trial period!? this is are surrounded by morons...but you need to do this to get L off of your back...

Raito smiles pleasantly "indeed mister Suoh..." even if this was going to kill him he was going to see it through to the end.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki called in a obnoxious tone "would you mind fetching Ryuzaki for me? I'm sure Renge and Kyoya will be done with his training by now"

Ryuzaki was being trained too? good luck with that

After Haruhi had disappeared through the huge double doors and down the hall he noticed a scary look in the three host's eyes that stood before him, Firm hands pushed him down and pinned him in place.

wait! what the hell was happening!?

he struggled But soon gave in as a shadow covered his eyes. "Stay still!" three voices hissed in unison.

Hopefully this will be over fast...

How does anyone like? what will happen to our poor Raito? heh. should I let hints of yaoi slip in here? I'm not chapter will be up when written x sorry its short again and I know I apologise for the same thing all the time x

Rate and reveiw if you like it, If you don't like it...just give up on reading it I guess