Hi Everyone… So this is my first Charmed/Twilight story and this is going to be a Jasper/Bella story, but Bella is going to be a witch. I'm already doing chapter two but won't post it until I get some reviews. Sorry for the errors, I'm learning English.

I don't own Twilight and I don't own Charmed, but I wish I could own Jasper Whitlock.

The Chosen one

Chapter 1

I'm Prudence Isabella Melinda Swan, I'm 23 years old, I'm 5'3'' tall, I'm pale skin, I'm slim, I'm brunette and my hair is long and wavy and I have brown reddish eyes.

I live in San Francisco. My parents Charlie and Renee died 6 months ago in a car accident, a couple of days after their death I found a letter while I was packing their stuff, the letter said:

Dear Bella:

The first thing we wanted to tell you is that Charlie and I love you very much, you were our little miracle, our love for you was never ending. If you are reading this letter it means that Charlie and I passed away, we are sorry to leave you, know that we are going to be watching over you, but you need to know something very important, you were adopted; Charlie and I adopted you when you were thirteen years old; but don't even think for a minute that your dad and I love you any less, we love you as our own daughter because that is what you are to us, our lovely daughter. I know you must have a lot of question about your biological parents and you need to find out who they are and why you can't remember anything from the first thirteen years of your life.

We don't know what happened to you back then, or why your parents gave you up for adoption, but there is a man who should know, his name is Darryl Morris, he was an Inspector from the San Francisco Police Department, he was the one who brought you to us, he said you needed a loving family and that he knew you were going to be well taken care and loved with us. Look for him Bella, and remember your dad and I love you very much, my little angel…


Mom and Dad

I've been searching for Inspector Morris this past 6 months, I've always felt that I didn't fit in my own house, like something was missing, and now I know why, don't get me wrong my parents Renee and Charlie were great parents, but still there was a hole in my chest that told me I didn't belong with them, that's why after I read the letter I went to look for Inspector Morris, I needed to know where are my biological parents, I needed to know why they left me, that's why I'm in front of his house; it took me 6 months to find him, because he quitted his job and moved away, but I finally found him…

I knocked on the door and after a minute a man opened the door, 'here I go'

"How can I h… Bella is that you?" the man was watching me with eyes wide open.

"Yes, I'm Bella. Who are you?" is he the Inspector? I hope so; it looks like he knows me.

"It's me, Darryl. Come on in" I finally found him and he recognized me, maybe he can fill all the blanks in my life, I hope he knows my family.

"Sit down, please. Would you like something to drink? I have coke, your favorite!"? 'Ok, he really knows me'

"No, thank you, I'm ok" 'Just really nervous'

"So? How you been? How are Renee and Charlie? They've been good with you?"

"Yeah, they are, well, were… Actually, they passed away six months ago…" he looked shocked and then shook his head sadly

"I'm sorry, Bella" I nodded

"Do I know you?"

"Right your mom told me you wouldn't remember me" He was frowning

"My mother? Renee talked to you?"

"Not Renee, your biological mother, Piper, Piper Halliwell"

"My mother's name is Piper? Do you know where she is? Where are my mom and dad? Please, Mr. Darryl tell me where I can find them, I need to talk to them, I need to know what happened that made me forget everything about them and my first thirteen years of life"

"Bella, I'm sorry, but your mom and your dad are dead, they died ten years ago"

"What? How? Why?"

"Ten years ago, there was an accident in your house, the whole place burned down to ashes, your parents Piper and Leo, your aunts Phoebe and Paige and their husbands Coop and Henry and also your grandpa Victor died there, I'm really sorry, Bella"

"Where was I?"

"You were at your house, but in the backyard"

"You were a friend of the family, Mr. Morris?"

"Yes, I was pretty close to all of you, so stop calling me Mr. Morris, and just call me Darryl"

"Ok, Darryl. Do I have any other relatives alive?"

"No, you're actually the only Halliwell alive! Your grandma was an only child and she died when your mom was a little girl, your great grams die when your mom was twenty five and her older sister, the one you were named after, Prue, she died when she was 31, your grandmother and Prue died on an accident and your great grams died from a heart attack"

"There are a lot of accidents in this family. Did something happen to me there, something that made me forget? Did I hit my head or something like that?"

"No, you weren't hurt"

"Then, how come I don't remember anything?"

"You weren't supposed to remember anything. Your mother told you to forget it"

"And what? I just did it? No, something must have happened. I came here for answers Darryl and you are leaving me with more questions"

"You need to remember Bella, I can't tell you everything, because I don't know the whole story"

"That's what I'm trying to do"

"But you won't do it this way"

"Then how…?" I was going to tell him something else but I started to feel dizzy, then the clock started ringing, I turned around and looked at it, it was three o'clock, when the bells stopped I felt better.

"Piper left you a letter with me, you need to read it, wait here; I'll give it to you"

"Why did you wait to give it to me?" I asked him and he turned around

"I needed to wait till three in the afternoon" ok, maybe he has some kind of mental disorder. He went up the stairs and I started to think about my mess up life. I mean, all my family is dead, the adoptive one and my biological; for six months I thought that my biological family abandoned me because they didn't want me and they were living happily, but they have been dead all this time. What am I going to do now? I'll probably move away from San Francisco, I don't have anything left here, I don't even have friends; my whole life I've been shielding myself from people, I never trust anybody because deep inside I thought they wouldn't understand me and they would end up hurting me, so I never got closer to anybody…

"Hey, are you ok?" I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Darryl entered the room.

"Yeah, I'm… ok"

"Here's the letter" he walked towards me and gave me a black envelop with a golden triqueta on it; it looked just like my birth mark. Anyway, he gave it to me and sat on the coffee table in front of me.

"Why didn't you look for me? Or why didn't you leave the letter with Charlie and Renee? I had the right to know about my past"

"Because your mother told me not to, she said you will find me when the time was right, when you were ready"

"And how did she know that?"

"Your aunt Phoebe told her"


"Nobody bets against Phoebe, she was always right" He said smiling sadly

"How was she always right?"

"Just read the letter Prudence, after that you'll know everything you need to know"

"Ok" I opened the envelope and there was one sheet of paper with only four lines of words, I looked inside the envelope again but there was nothing there. I frowned. How all my questions are going to be answered in only four lines?

"You need to read it out loud"


"Because it's November fifth, 2011 and past three in the afternoon" he was getting upset

"Alright" Yeah, he was kind of crazy, but still I read it out loud

Power and emotions tied

A witch's heart is where it hides

Help me through my agony

Bless me with my memory

That's … (Gasp)

Author Note:

Well, this is my first Twilight/Charmed crossover story. I'm going to do everything in my power to update soon (Well, as soon as you review) hope you liked it. See You… Yasric!