Legend of Zelda: Wisdom, Courage, Love?

A/N notes: Hi everyone! Here is Chapter 9! To make up for the really short and crappy chapter I put up before (and how long it took me to update…), I made this one nice and long! Enjoy! (Emily's POV)

Chapter 9: Being the better person

"So Link, what happened?" I said. Link looked up from his hands, "I was able to defeat Vaati, but he got away." Josie shook her head, "That's not what we meant." Link looked surprised and got up of the rock, "Then what…" Link started to say. "We meant with you and Natasha," I said. Link just shook his head. "Don't worry man!" Josie said, putting her hand on his shoulder, "you might have messed up, but you can always try again. Just wait till she cools down." "Yeah, Natasha has a hot temper, but she is a really nice person, just give her some time," I said. Link turned his head to me and Josie and said, "Thank you, but I'm confused, how did you know she and I fought?" "We just had a hunch," I said. "We can go talk to her," Josie said, "but first, we need you to do us a favor."

(Natasha's POV)

"Is it alright if I sit next to you?" Hiro asked. I nodded my head, still thinking about what I said to Link. Hiro sat down next to me, on my left. "Are you OK? You're not hurt right?" He asked. I shook my head no. "That's good," he said. We sat like that for a few moments. "Go Squirtle! I choose you!" Someone said, pushing me into the water. Underwater, I see these green fish swimming close by. Kicking my feet upward, I swim towards the surface. Getting up there, I see Josie and Emily at the edge, smiling at me. "Alright, which one of you did that?" I ask, swimming towards the edge they're on. Josie puts her right hand up and says, "Guilty." Quickly, I grab her feet and pull her in. "Ahhh!" She said. She comes back up moments later, laughing, "Hahira! You got me!" I look up to Emily and Hiro, saying, "Come on in guys, the waters great!" She laughs and they both jump in.

Shortly after we all got in, a man with brown hair (who told us his name is Fado) came by to drag Hiro back to work. He reluctantly went back, saying "See you guys later." My friends and I decided to get out as well, drying ourselves off by the dock near this pinkish house, with a cat door on it. I sat down to try and manage my hair, while the other two stood shaking like dogs. "Come on Natasha! Whip your hair back and forth," Josie said, sitting down on my left. "Yeah, it would dry it faster and its more fun," Emily said, sitting on my right. I just shake my head no, going back to thinking about my fight with Link. "Alright girl, tell us what's up," Josie said. I tell them what happened, the yelling that I did, the whole shabang. "After yelling at him like a bitch, I came to the water and Hiro joined me. We talked and then you guys joined us," I said, finishing up my story. "How do you feel now? Are you still mad at him?" Emily asked. "No, not really, I just feel bad about what I said to him," I said, frowning a little thinking about his face before I walked away. "You could just say sorry," Em said. "I know I have to, but I don't even where he is," I said. "Wow Natasha, I didn't know you cared about him so much," Josie said, "you're never so willing to admit you're wrong." "W-w-what!? No! It just that we need hid help is all! We don't know where we are and he is the only one who can fight that Vaati asshole, that's all!" I said, trying (and failing) to fight the blush on my face. Josie looked over my shoulder and said, "Well here's your chance." Turning around, I see Link coming towards us.

So there you go! Sorry it took so long, I'll try to schedule writing so that I can update regularly, R&R!