Human to Gargoyle Chapter 1

In New York City at a place known as the Eyrie Building there stood a large castle at the top of it which touched the clouds. On the castle walls stood creatures as old as time itself, gargoyles.

As the sun finally set above the city the gargoyles came to life and broke out of their stone sleep. Roars filled the air as they broke out of their stone skin and back into flesh. With yawns they stretched out their bodies and jumped down from their pedestals well most of them at least.

One of them remained on that pedestal of his while the others stepped off of theirs.

This clan of gargoyles in New York City was made up of mostly males with few females.

The eldest of this clan was an old gargoyle named Hudson. His hair was completely gray with his age. He was slightly on the chubby side but even though he was old he was still made of pure muscle. He was blind in one eye but that didn't stop him from being a good warrior to his clan before he stepped down from his position.

The leader of this clan is a tall lavender gargoyle named Goliath. Goliath was young and strong, if he were human he would be in his early thirties as he is now in gargoyle years. He was quite handsome for a gargoyle.

Two others in the clan were the same age as him. They were his brother and sister Othello and these two were, also, mates to each other.

Like Goliath, Othello's body was full of muscle, he was young and just as tall as his brother. Othello had a slight blue color on his body which made him look almost white but the blue gave him away. His hair was long and white. He had horns on the top of his head.

Desdemona was a beautiful young female gargoyle. Her coloring was of a lovely brown color like the shade that covered the trees. Her hair was golden and put in a braid on the back of her head. Her horns were placed right over her hair. She had a very nice figure and her body was like a models.

Another couple was even younger than the first. They were another lavender gargoyle and one that had an aquamarine coloring. The lavender one was the young female. Her name was Angela and she was the daughter of Goliath. She's beautiful, but she didn't have the looks of Desdemona. Her hair was as long and dark as her father's but she had it in a single braid going down her back. Even though she had the same coloring as her father she looked more like her mother who was an exile of the clan.

Angela's beloved, the aquamarine gargoyle, was known as Broadway. Out of all of them he was the biggest gargoyle in the clan because of all the fat on him. There was still plenty of muscle on him even though he was fat and this made him strong. He was bold on the head without any hair or horns. He loved to eat which would explain why he was so fat. He could look intimidating but he was actually quite sweet at heart. Broadway and Angela was a couple but they weren't mates quite yet. There were two others in their age group and they both were males.

These two other males were a small green gargoyle and a red brick gargoyle colored gargoyle. These two were both the same age as Broadway and Angelo. The small green gargoyle went by the name of Lexington. Lexington might've been the smallest of his clan, but he was the fastest and most intelligent of them. In his clan he was an expert on computer technology. As he has been said already what he lacked in strength was made up by his speed. He was completely bald like Broadway on the top of his head with no hair or horns. Also, unlike the others his wings weren't attached onto his back but onto his arms. They were like a bats wings.

Now as for the brick colored gargoyle he was different than his brothers. His name was Brooklyn and his hair was of the purest silver ever. He was the only one in his clan who bore a beak on his face. He, also, had horns on his head like some of the others in his clan. Brooklyn was a special one in this clan. A few years ago he was chosen by Goliath to be his second in command. So if anything happened to Goliath Brooklyn would be the new leader of the clan. Brooklyn was the only one who stayed on his pedestal when the others jumped down from theirs.

As soon as the clan moved off of their pedestals they all heard a voice coming from the doorway of the tower they were on. "Pardon me," it said.

They all turned in that direction as soon as they heard that voice. A tall young man stepped out of the doorway so the gargoyles could see him better. His name was Mr. Burnet with blond hair and glasses. He directed his next words at Goliath.

"Miss Elisa Maza is in the library, she's waiting for you down the stairs," he said.

Goliath nodded his head at Owens words and turned to the rest of his clan to give out their orders for the night. Goliath said "Othello, Desdemona, Brooklyn, Broadway, and Angela you'll be on patrol for tonight. Hudson, Lexington you'll remain here at the castle."

A smile appeared on Lexington's face when he heard this. He said "Great I need to work on the computer anyway."

Hudson now looked down at the dog like gargoyle creature next to him. I forgot to mention before but this gargoyle pet of theirs was called Bronx. Hudson said "Come on boy lets go see what's going on the television tonight."

Bronx barked and followed Hudson down the tower steps into the rest of the castle. Lexington followed them close behind his computer was in the same place they were going. Owen left a few seconds afterwards, as well.

Before Goliath could even move toward the steps Broadway voiced out a question. "What about breakfast," he asked.

Angela smiled and took her beloveds arm. "We'll get something while we're out Broadway. Come on the sooner we go the sooner we'll get back," she said.

Broadway smiled down at his beloved. They went back up onto the tower and glided off of it hand in hand. Their wings were made to glide not fly.

Desdemona took Othello's hand they both glided off the castle tower in a completely different direction.

Brooklyn jumped off after them as soon as they went into the air.

Goliath shouted after them "Watch your backs out there."

"We will," Brooklyn shouted right back at him. Brooklyn then picked up speed to catch up with the rest of his patrol group.

As he caught up with Broadway and Angela a sad look came upon his face and thoughts went through his mind. All of the couples were staying close to their beloveds as they were moving through the air over New York City.

Despair went through him, over the years he hadn't had much luck with the ladies. The first once was a young lady called Maggie but she fell in love with someone else. Next was Angela but she went for Broadway instead of him. Thoughts went through his head as he looked at this one couple.

"Will I ever find the mate for me," Brooklyn whispered. Oh he would find her all right. He would find her sooner than he thought and he wouldn't even know it. Also, his soul mate wouldn't be in the form he expected her to be. "Somewhere there's a mate for me, I just haven't found her yet."