Chapter 1: The good or the bad guy

Gabriella Montez drove in her black Mercedes to her new home. Her new home for two years. Waverly.

The main building was a castle, while the dorms were in small houses all over the campus. The campus itself was enormously big. Waverly had two pools inside and three pools outside, a tennis, a golf and basketball court. There was a football field as well as a soccer field. Four gyms could be found on the campus as well. One for gymnastics, one for indoor training and the third consisted of many fitness devices. Then there was one gym for dance, yoga and pilates. The campus was overwhelming, Gabriella was sure she would get lost here pretty quickly.

She didn't know who was her roommate. Let alone where her room was - or if she had a room at all. Most girls had something like a little house here at Waverly - of course only the older ones. Their dorm consisted usually of eight apartmeants. With three bedrooms for three girls or boys, one livingroom and one closer Gabriella got to Waverly the more amazed she was. Waverly was beautiful. It had been the right decision. It was the right decision to go here. To leave her old life behind herself. To start fresh.

Once she reached Waverly, the brunette started to look for a parking spot. She saw that most of the girls were already unloading their stuff. Making sure that their butlers took every suitcase they had. And of course some girls were already gossiping about the new one. But Gabriella got used to it. Used to the gossiping.

She quickly found a parking spot and was about to drive in, when suddenly another car took the parking spot before her.

"Oh come on!" Gabriella yelled at her as she pushed the brake.

A blonde girl in the red Ferarri smiled at her as she got out of the car.

"Yeah, we're going to have fun this year..." the brunette mumbled under her breath as she continued looking for a spot.

She brushed through her hair and continued driving. Only to nearly run a human being over. "Watch where you're going!" she yelled at the guy in a black leather jacket. He looked up at her, "Bitch."

She looked confused into the crystal blue eyes for seconds. She saw those eyes somewhere before. It felt like a Deja Vu.

After another five minutes of looking she finally found an empty parking spot. After she parked the car, she opened her trunk and got out here suitcases. Then she made her way into the main building, passing groups of girls who were already gossiping about her.

"Did you see that? That blind whore nearly ran over Troy Bolton! I mean,Troy Bolton! Come on,where's she from that she does not know him?"

"I heard she got here straight from rehab."

"Well I heard that she's from a small town at the other end of the world."

"Guys, that's Gabriella Montez. As in Gabriella Montez!"

Gabriella shook her head smiling as she looked at the paper she was holding. First, she had to go to the principle's office. That shouldn't be so hard. Room 398.

The brunette stopped and looked to her right. This was room 029. Next she looked on her floorplan. It should be on the first level. Somewhere.

She continued walking through the enormous halls of Waverly. She felt like she was in the 16th century. This building was amazing. More than amazing. She couldn't believe that this would be her new home.

"Are you lost?" a voice asked her.

The brunette turned around, facing emerald colored eyes along with black short hair and a killer smile. "That obivous?" she asked him holding up the floorplan.

He giggled, "Kind of yeah. Where do you have to go?"

"Principle's office. Room..." she said looking at the plan again.

"398." he said faster than she could look.

"Yes." she agreed.

"Okay, walk down this hall and turn left at the end. Walk down that hall and then it's the last door on the right."

"Great, thanks." she said and returned his smile.

"If you need anything just find me, lost girl." he said as she saw her walking away.

"Lost girl? Guess that will be my new nickname..."

"Hey Jason!" Dan said as he walked up to the green eyed boy. "How was your summer?"

"Good. With lots of girls..."

"Speaking of girls, who's that girl you just talked to?"

He shrugged, "I don't know... But I will find out." he said with a smile on his lips.

"Of course you have to hook up with her... Before Troy Bolton does." Dan said, rolling his eyes.

After 10 minutes Gabriella finally reached the principle's office. She knocked on the door and walked in.

"Ahh Miss Montez! Come in." the principle said. He had amazing sapphired eyes.

The brunette sat across the principle. Mr. Bolton, that's what his name tag said.

"We're so pleased to have you here. A former gymnast..."

She smiled, yeah she knew she had that status.

"Of course you're here to get all the papers." Mr. Bolton said and looked for the papers. "I have a schedule, a dorm plan and of course the daily routine." he said handing her the papers. "You have the choice between artistics here or sports. Of course if you choose to focus more on artistics, you still have to take at least one PE class, but it won't be as intensive as it would be if you decided to take sports as your main focus." he explained to her.

"How much time do I have to choose?"

"The choice has to be passed on to me by the beginning of next week. But I'm sure you're going to choose gymnastics..." he said as he handed her another paper, "Here's a list of every department we offer. If there's anything else you need, feel free to ask."

The brunette nodded, "Okay, thanks."

The door to the principle office opened and a brunette girl with the same sapphired eyes walked in, "You wanted to talk to me?"

"Miley, welcome your new roommate." he introduced the girls.

"Hi!" she greeted her and glared at his Dad. "Is that all?"


"What? I have plans."

"Reschedule. You have to give her a tour first."



"Fine." she said annoyed, "Come with me." she ordered.

Gabriella got up and followed the brunette through the halls of Waverly.

"So, new girl, do you have a name?"

"Gabriella. Gabriella Montez."

"Miley Bolton. And yes I am the principle's daughter. Spoky, I know. Wait until you met my stepbrother..." the brunette answered as they walked to the elevator. "You're really lucky, you know."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, you will have the best time of your life here!" she said as the doors of the elevator opened. The green eyed guy from earlier stepped out, "Jason..." Miley mumbled under her breath.

"Miley... Lost girl. Nice to see you again." he said, smiling at her.

Miley noticed that smile right away. There was no way her roommate was going to steal her future boyfriend! No way!

"Goodbye Jason." Miley said as they both walked into the elevator.

"Hey, give me a call if you... You know wanna have a private tour through Waverly." he said to Gabriella.

"Goodbye, Jason." she said as the elevator doors closed.

"Seems like you already met the important people..." Miley said to her with a pissed look.

"Is he your boyfriend? I'm not going to... I mean, I'm not... No boyfriend for me this year. I just want to have a normal life."

"Normal life?" she asked her confused, "Wait, are you? Of course you are! You're that gymnast! Of course. Gosh, stupid me! You're Gabriella Montez! The famous gymnast."

She nodded, "Yeah, this would be me."

"Gosh, I'm so sorry for being such a bitch! We're going to have a blast together!" she said and grinned as the doors opened.

Gabriella noticed that they were on the roof of Waverly, "What are we doing here?"

"I'm gonna show you our dorm. You can see it from here pretty well." she explained and pointed to a small house in the horizont.

"That's our dorm? How far away is this? It must take 20 minutes to drive from here to there!"

"Why do you think we all have cars here? Waverly is like a whole town." Miley explained.

"So we should drive to our dorm first..."

"Yeah, you should get settled and stuff." Miley explained and pushed the elevator button again.

"Is there any connection between you and a Troy Bolton?"

"You already met Troy? Must be your lucky day then. He doesn't show up on first days of school..." Miley said surprised, "He's my stepbrother. My Dad got remarried... We both have been here since five years."

"I did not meet him. Well, I did. I mean, I heard girls talking about me nearly running him over, which I didn't. I am a good driver. He just can't keep his foot still. He should watch where he is going." she explained.

Miley smiled, "Thank god you're not into him. But soon you will. Waverly's girls usually are into Jason or Troy. The good or the bad guy. Or both. You're either way on Jason's or Troy's side."

"Jason? That's that guy from the elevator, right?"

Miley nodded, "And he is mine. Keep your hands off of him."

"Not gonna touch him." Gabriella said and they both laughed.

"Oh but I haven't even told you about Anderson..."

"Anderson? Who's that?"

"The hottest teacher alive! Lots of students have tried to... You know, have some fun with him. But no one has been there yet."

"What does he teach?"

"Drama, Gymnastics, Music, History... That would be it. It's enough." she said and smiled, "I'm guessing you will be meeting him once you've decided to do gymnastics."

"Who said I will continue with gymnastics?" she asked her back.

"You're not?"

"No. I mean, I am able to choose between spot and drama and music. Perhaps I will do something with drama."

"Right." Miley said smiling. "There's an audition for this year's musical. You should audition."

"Are you?"

"Yes. I wanna have the lead this year. I heard that Sharpay Evans is directing it this time. Which means, I might actually have a chance to have the lead role."

Gabriella nodded, having no idea who that Evans girl was.

"Evans is Troy's girlfriend. Or EX. I stopped keeping track. They are on and off all the time. So will you audition?"

"No, but I can help you with practicing. I have some friends at Julliard who taught me a couple of things..."

"Alright then." Miley said as they walked down the halls of Waverly again. "Are you taking AP in history?"

"Should I?"

"Oh yes. I am." Miley said dreamy.

"Let me guess, Mr. Anderson is the teacher..."

"And there will be a class trip in three months. To Cuba. You should go as well."

Gabriella shrugged, "I guess I will take AP in history then..."

"So why do we have one empty room?" Gabriella asked the brunette.

"Well, in our apartment used to live three girls. Before you, I was living here with two other girls."

"What happened?"

"Huge fight over Anderson and drugs. Mainly Anderson though."

"Where do they live now?"

"They are Sharpay's little army of skanks now. It doesn't surprise me. They've always been bitches."

"Were you guys close?"

Miley shrugged, "At the time I thought we were. But people change." Then the blue eyed girl smiled, "Alright, since today is the first day of boarding school, we have to go out."

"A club?" Gabriella asked Miley suspicious, "I thought we're not allowed to drink any alcohol."

"You're with the principle's daughter, duh! You're allowed to do anything!" she said as she walked into her walk-in closet. "What will you wear?"

"Are we even on the list?"

"You don't have to be on the list to get in." Mils answered as she found her outfit. "Who knows, maybe Anderson will be there as well..."

"Oh so you want him to get drunk and finally hook up with you?"

"No." Miley said and walked out holding a dark purple dress, "I want you to hook up with him. That would finally make us something like popular."

"You're the principle's daughter. Everyone knows you."

"Yeah, but they don't see me. They see the principle's daughter, with who you shouldn't touch. If you don't want to be thrown out of Waverly."

"Well what about Troy then? He's hooking up with half the campus."

"He's a guy. It's different with him."

"Is he the protective brother?"

"Nah. We kind of live our separate lifes. I mean, we occasionally talk to each other but mostly we keep to ourselves."

"Aha..." Gabriella said and rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No. I am the only child. Adopted."

"Have you ever looked for your parents?"

"Died in a car accident when I was three months old..." she explained.

"I'm sorry."

"So am I. I would have loved to get to know them..." she said and got up from Miley's bed. "Anyways, I better look for something to wear..."

A new story everyone! I really hope you like it, it's going to be epic!

Please review.

Xoxo Nic

P.S.: You can find pictures or the school building ect. on my profile.