Hello everyone it's your lovely SkeletalNightmare here to bring you my first story. Hopefully you like it. This I believe is the first Naruto/Brutal legends crossover that has naruto controlling the tainted coil (seeing as the popular one is him controlling the drowned doom). I believe that way is played out and needs some new blood injected into it. So I hope you enjoy and also if anyone wants to I would sure love a Beta.

I do not own Brutal legends or Naruto

Warning: There will be violence, blood, fighting, Konoha bashing, Sasuke bashing, Council bashing, and well bashing of all people that mistreated Naruto (except Danzo).

Read, Review, Fav.

Naruto, a young blonde boy with blue eyes, whisker marks on his face, and a 'kill me' orange jumpsuit, flew through the forest of death, via an unknown wind Jutsu. Unbenounced to him his team, Sakura and Sasuke, were fighting for their lives against the S-Class missing Nin, Orochimaru. He crashed into a large stone, which broke and caused Naruto to fly into a dark cave.

He landed on the ground; unconscious, unaware of what lay next to him. To his right what appeared to be an ancient looking door. What was really strange were the symbols and markings on it. The symbols glowed faintly but were slowly fading, as if something was draining them.

Inside Naruto's Mind

The Kyuubi growled, its chakra being drained and sent to the door. As soon as Naruto landed near the door it began to leech off of its chakra. At first it started draining a lot, taking 3 tails worth of chakra from the mighty demon lord but soon it started to take less and less until it stopped, taking 4 tails worth of Kyuubi chakra and leaving it with only 5 tails worth.

"D-Dammit, what the hell was that? I-It took a lot of my chakra….UGH it's going to take me a long time to get back that much Cha-" Kyuubi was saying before the sound of something thudding could be heard outside of the cage. Kyuubi looked over to the noise, expecting Naruto, but saw something the demon lord had never suspected.

There stood a tall demonic looking being. The bottom portion of its body was that of a goat, much like stereotypical demon beings. Its upper body was a twisted, human like body and a head covered in what appeared to be a black horned mask. Spikes jetted from his chest and extremely sharp curved incisors were in its mouth.

"Well it would appear that death cannot even hold me. But I wonder, where am I" he said as he looked at the cage that held the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi looked at him and blinked, 'Just who is this…..this being?" it thought.

The being raised its hand and stared at it as it slowly started to disintegrate, "It would appear that I'm disappearing I have no time to explain what I am but I will tell you my name. I am Doviculus, Leader of the Tainted Coil" he said before he completely disappeared. When he disappeared a seal appeared with the same strange symbols on the door.

Outside of Naruto's mind

Naruto let out a groan as he sat up and rubbed his head, "Owwww…..What happened" he said as he looked around the place. He blinked as he stared at the door with the now faint glowing symbols. Naruto got up slowly and limped to the door to check it out. The door let out a loud creaking noise as it began to slowly open, causing Naruto to jump and move back. As the door opened, a strange red light poured from behind the door.

Naruto gasped as the door burst open and red specter-like beings flew out of it. They flew around Naruto, screeching as they flew. Naruto covered his ears and fell to his knees as they flew faster around Naruto. Soon Naruto began to hear something strange, something sounding like…..loud music?

Naruto looked up and just outside the circle of spirits around him was what appeared to be a demonic quadruple-necked electric guitar. Naruto stared at it as a voice in his head seemed to call to him, "Come to me boy….Come to me and claim me as yours" the voice said. Naruto, not knowing why, slowly got up and began to walk towards the instrument. The spirits never stopped circling him as they seemed to move with him as he walks towards the guitar.

Naruto reaches out, his hand going out of the circle of spirits and grabbed the guitar. As soon as he did a large booming sound came from the guitar, blasting away the spirits. Naruto held it and examined it as the ground shook. Naruto blinked and turned around as something seemed to burst out of the ground. Behind Naruto was a large demonic two-headed staff axe. Naruto stared at it as the same force that made him retrieve the guitar made him move towards the destructive weapon.

Naruto walked toward it and held out his hand and took it. As soon as he touched it Naruto groaned and collapsed to his knees as a searing pain goes through him. Naruto groans as spikes burst out of his shoulders and elbows. His canines grew sharper and shredded butterfly-like wings burst out of his back. Naruto panted and collapsed again as the pain faded and soon darkness enveloped him.

Just after the Fight with Orochimaru

"Damn Leaf Shinobi. You take down one and several more pop up to take their place. They're like cockroaches!" said Zaku, as he saw Neji, and Tenten up in the tree above while their teammate was below protecting Sakura.

Also on the ground was Leaf Genin team 10, which consisted of the new Ino-Shika-Cho, and with Ino currently possessing the female Sound Nin by the name of Tsuchi Kin while Shikamaru made sure nothing bad happened to her body. As for Chouji, he was ready to use his Body Expanding Jutsus his clan was known for, and crush the other two Sound Nin should they try anything.

"Surrender. You're surrounded and have no place to go," said Shikamaru knowing he had to time his Shadow Possession Jutsu just right on them should they decide to refuse and do something drastic to escape.

"I think not," said Dosu with his metal bracers at the ready and was about to charge until the sound of clapping could be heard behind the Sound Nin. They turned around and saw a shocking sight. Naruto, who was the one clapping, stood behind the sound Nin and had changed drastically.

His hair was a bit longer and wilder with a bit of red on the tips of the spiked hair. His whisker marks seemed to be darker than normal and he was shirtless showing pale white skin but what was really noticeable was the fact that going down the center of his chest was a long scar that had spikes going along the edge of it seemingly keeping it closed.

"Please do not stop" Naruto said as he walked towards them, "You all have been having such an entertaining fight" he said, stopping a few feet away from the Sound Nin.

"N-Naruto?" Sakura said staring at the new and improved boy. The rest of the rookie nine and the Sound Nin stared at Naruto in shock at his new form with different thoughts though two had similar thoughts.

'Think unsexy thoughts think unsexy thoughts….' Were the thoughts of Ino and TenTen as perverted thoughts started forming in their head.

"The one and only Pinkie" Naruto said to Sakura. Zaku quickly turned to blast Naruto with his Decapitating Airwave only to stop as a sharp pain went through him. He looked down and went pail as he saw the head of an Axe staff stabbed into his gut. He looked up and saw Naruto, who was holding the staff, standing in front of him.

'H-How did he move so-', he didn't finish that thought as Naruto lifted Zaku up with the staff causing his weight to push him down which made the blades go deeper, killing him instantly.

"It seems I had less to worry about then I thought" Naruto said and cruelly tossed Zaku's body aside. He turned back to see Dosu charging to attack and smirked widely as a spear impaled Dosu's side and sent him flying to a tree, pinning him there. Blood stained Dosu's bandaged masked as he weakly turned to look at who threw the spear and was shocked, along with the other ninja's, at what he saw.

There was a large muscular man on his hand and knee, his face covered in a leather mask that had zippers on the eye's which blinded him. He was gagged and had a large lock connected to a chain and collar. What really shocked them were two things. The first being that the bulking man had long spears protruding from his back and the second were the women around him.

They were short, half naked with C-cups and had leather covering small parts of their body. Their faces though were frightening because they appeared to face a dead bird-like face with long thin beaks.

"Excellent work my punishing party" Naruto said as they bowed to him, "It is our duty to you Naruto-sama" one said to him. Naruto chuckled and turned to Kin who, in fear tried to run. Naruto chuckled and, to the shock of everyone alive or near death, opened his chest. Something came out of his chest and took the form of a 4 neck guitar.

"Tainted Coil Solo number 8: Chains of Hell" Naruto said as he began to play an extremely loud song. The ground shook as chains burst out of the ground and wrapped around Kin's limbs keeping her restrained.

"NO I DON'T WANT TO DIE" Kin yelled as she struggled against the chains that restrained her. Naruto appeared next to her and delivered a chop to her neck which knocked her out. Naruto formed a hand signed and in a poof of smoke summoned a shadow clone, "Take her to the tower and keep her safe" Naruto said as the chains disappeared, letting Kin drop. The clone nodded and picked up Kin before growing shredded butterfly-like wings and flying off.

Naruto turned to the group and was about to say something when dark purple chakra burst out of the ruins of the tree Sasuke was under. Sasuke stood up and stepped out of the destroyed tree. He had black flame-like marks on his left side and purple chakra swirling around him.

"So, this is the power Orochimaru told me about. I have to say it feels pretty good.Verygood indeed," said Sasuke before charging forward towards Naruto. Naruto scoffed and began playing another song on the guitar he was still holding.

"Tainted Coil Solo number 10: Curse" Naruto said as he strummed some strings making a loud screech as blood, guts, and limbs blasted out of the guitar towards Sasuke which sent him flying into a tree knocking him into a blissful unconsciousness. Everyone stared at the sight, some green cause of the blood and guts, while a certain pink haired banshee decided to put her two cents in the attack.

"Naruto-baka how dare you attack my Sasuke-kun" Sakura screeched as she moved towards him to hit his head. Naruto grabbed her hand stopping her and kicked her in the gut, "Don't you dare touch me filthy worm" Naruto said as he let her arm go and let her fall. He walked past her not caring about Sakura being in pain and walked to Dosu who was still somewhat alive.

"D-Don't kill me" Dosu said weakly. Naruto scoffed and reached into Dosu's kunai poach and pulled out a Heaven scroll, "Well it would seem I should thank you. We needed a Heaven scroll" he said before summoning his axe staff and stabbing Dosu in the head. He pulled it out and walked away, "I will be waiting at the tower. Bring the two baka's with you" Naruto said as he grew his wings and flew off.

The others stared at the spot and looked at each other, "Uh lets head to the tower" Shikamaru said and the others nodded and picked up Sasuke and Sakura before heading to the tower. Unbenounced to them a person hid in the bush and watched the event infront of him.

'Interesting I should report this to my team', said the figure in the bush as he adjusted his sunglasses and shunshined away from the spot.

Annnnnnnd there we go. The end of the first chapter of Naruto: Emperor of the Coil. I hope you liked it and I hope I got a lot of comments and faves. Now to clear things up Naruto has Doviculus's weapon and guitar along with his wings and his ability to open his chest. Also naruto will be semi-dark and evil but will do good things too. There will be a Harem too and well I may or may not add other Brutal Legend elements into this story.

Also the man in the bush is an OC on a team with two more of my OC. I won't reveal who they are yet but soon. Well see you next chapter remember Read, Review, and Fave and if you flame I'll put you on the Pain Wagon as the tortured soul.