A/N: I told you already, this story had changed into a multichappies story! XD


Story by PervertDutchman/iDutchman

Disclaimer: K-ON! belongs to Kakifly/KyoAni

"What?" The brown-haired girl panicked as she heard the news of her girlfriend. "Azusa was on her way to get here? What is this? What is she going to do here?"

The other brunette frowned, "Now wait a minute, she's going here just for one thing, two words. Meeting You."

"I don't think Azusa will be happy to see me…" She muttered.

"Seeing how Mugi told me about Azusa these days, I think she'll be more than happy to see you, Yui." The mature black-haired girl smiled and patted the poor brunette. "But you've changed now, Yui. We don't even know, it's probably because of the college's bad influences here and there. It could be you who got too depressed because Azusa didn't even call you on your birthday. However, I know it for sure; Azusa wouldn't ask you to change. Like the Yui now."

"Mio's right. You changed drastically, Yui. What the hell happened?"


"Oi, are you okay? You seemed really off, what happened?"

"Nothing, thanks for your concern anyways." Doesn't feel comfortable anymore, she stood up and walked away.

"Ne, Hirasawa, I guess I can figure what happened to you. I have a girlfriend too, she's still a high-schooler and if it's not you who has the same girlfriend like mine, I wouldn't know."

She turned around and walking back to the girl. "I have something to ask, if you don't mind"

"Go ahead, Yui. I'll try to help you as much as I can."

"What would you do if your girlfriend didn't call you as much as she used to?"

"It depends, actually. There are three possibilities on why she's not calling me. One, they're too shy to call first. Two, they're busy with other stuff. Three, there's something in me she wanted to change. However, don't think negative thoughts just yet. If it's me, I will try to call first and see her reaction towards that. If she didn't answer my call, I thought she's busy. If she's started to missed simple or little important things, like forgetting our anniversary or my birthday, then prefer to text rather than call me to apologize. I suspect she's started to have no more interest in me or she already has someone else aside from me."

"No more… interest? Someone…else…?"

"But like I said, Yui, don't put on negative thoughts. You need to talk to her first."

End of Flashback

"Geez, Yui, you're not a kid anymore. There's no way Azusa cheated on you, there's no proof of it."

"How can you tell? None of us even sees her ever since her birthday."

Mio sighed in defeat, "Okay, maybe Ritsu and I even you had no idea what would she be doing, but I believe in Azusa. She's too innocent to do something as far as cheating on you and I believe, it is not that easy to find someone like you, Yui. She wouldn't leave you that easy."

"And Yui, I really wish that you can be back to your usual self. The Yui that used to call me 'Captain', the Yui that used to get so hyped-up when it comes to cake, the Yui that used to call all of us with nicknames. Azusa missed you a lot, well, the truth is, she ever called me once and I never told anyone about this—" Mio shot a puzzled look at Ritsu, "—even Mio." She added.

"What did she said to you?"

"Not much, she only asked me about you and said that she missed you so much. I said she can just call your cell phone, but she said 'No, I don't feel like calling her' and so be it. To say it honestly, she called in the middle of the night that time."

Mio started to frown, "Wait, is that the call when—" She was stopped by a nod from Ritsu. "You lied to me."

"Mio, I promised to Azusa to not tell anyone that she called me that night. Besides, it's just Azusa who called, not someone that you don't—"

"いつまでもずっと…Yes, We are singing NOW!"

Ritsu's ringtone stopped her from talking; she excused herself to talk outside before she answered the phone. Mio and Yui were left in the room. It didn't take that long for Ritsu to talk with whoever calling her. The door swung opened and Ritsu popped her head in. "Mio? Please, come with me now." Was the only thing Ritsu said. Mio quickly got off the couch and followed Ritsu to the outside.

Now Hirasawa Yui was left all alone. "Fuu~ Now what should I say if she really come here?" She sighed in defeat and started to observe the room.

It's not like she loves to observe, but there is nothing interesting if she stay here and do nothing. Once she's done observing the room, which is nothing special much—It is only a bedroom, with one bed for two, a bedside table along with the lamp, big flat TV, a big fancy bathroom and a balcony with beautiful view. She started to wonder why Ritsu and Mio take a quite long time out there.

What are they doing anyway? It's not like they do a quick make-out ses-

"Excuse me." Her thought got interrupted by a girl's voice. Yui's mouth left agape as she turns around and saw who barged inside this room. Just like Yui, the girl seemed to be taken aback by the sight too. "Ah, it's… Y- Yui-senpai?"

"Stop dragging me, Ritsu!" She shoved the brunette's hand in protest. The fact that being dragged around was like a little kid or—if it's not too harsh—feels like she's a pet. "Ugh, what is your problem?"

"Mugi just called me; she said Azusa is on her way to that room. You know Mugi, she's up to something including her fetish. This time I kinda agree with her, so I dragged you out of there before Azusa or Yui even seeing us." Ritsu laid her back on the nearest wall, and then sighed as she slumped down on the floor. "No matter how much Yui had changed, I bet Azusa can manage it somehow."

Mio didn't say anything; she only extended her hand to Ritsu, indirectly offering her hand to help Ritsu get up. She accepted the offer and pulled herself up by the help of Mio.

"Yoshi! Let's go and find a good place to wait for those two—"

"Wait" Mio grabbed Ritsu by the arm, stopping her from walking any furthermore. Ritsu turned around and frowned, "Mugi texted me…"

She made a simple 'Oh' and came face to face with Mio. "What did she say then?"

"She said she'll take it all from here and told me that we can just leave." Mio's voice got lower and lower as she finished her sentence. Sure, it's low, but the brunette still have good ears to hear it. She looks at Mio for a few moments before Mio said something else. A sigh in defeat escaped Mio's lips. "Alright, I guess I'll just go back to my room—"

"Who says anything about staying at your room?"

"I did, three seconds ago."

Ritsu sensed a different mood on Mio. As Mio walking passes by her side, she stopped her by holding her arms. One thing she knew when Mio acts like this towards her. "I'm sorry" Mio was mad at her for some particular reason and she knew she had to apologize, even though she had no single idea of why would Mio mad at her. "I know there's something bugging your mind."

"There isn't any. Stop trying to read everything in my mind."

Mio once again trying to walk away from Ritsu, but as she was already five feet away from Ritsu, she felt a firm hand grasp her right hand and pulling her by force yet gentle touch. She spun around and facing Ritsu with a close distance. "I'm not trying to read what's in your mind; you were the one who made it too obvious."

"You were just imagining. Let go of my hand now." She tried to shove her hand away from Ritsu's grip, but it's no use. Ritsu had a one strong and firm grip on her hand.

Without any second thought, she dragged Mio along with her. Mio keep protesting, trying to get away from Ritsu. Finally, she stopped for a moment, looking back at Mio. "There's no single time when I force you to listen to me and follow my lead. This time will be the first." Those are the serious pair of amber-eyes. Only in rare situations, Mio get to see that expression across her girlfriend's face.

Too speechless to say anything else, she let Ritsu lead her way.

"Y- Yui…senpai…" The short pig-tailed girl said slowly in a whisper.

The so-called senpai snapped back to the reality after look taken aback with the sudden visitor. Out of instinct, she turned around, back facing the visitor as if she doesn't even want to let the visitor look at her face. With all her might, she clenched her fist in anger. No, she wasn't angry at the visitor, but at herself. Sighing, she started to spoke up. "What are you doing here?" She was surprised with the hoarse voice of hers.

Within seconds, she felt warmth all over her body. She's not having any fever, the room was not even hot. It is the warmth from those tiny arms wrapped around her middle. The body that pressed against her back was not helping either.

"What are you doing?"

"I missed you. I missed you so much, Yui-senpai…" The taller brunette heard a few sobs from the person who's still had her arms around her middle. She even tightens the grip, but Yui still didn't react towards the shorter girl's affection. "I… I missed you so much… that it hurts… really hurts…" She said between sobs. Her voice was full of desperation and guilt. "I'm sorry… I'm really sorry… please… forgive me, Yui-senpai…"

It is very clear that she regrets everything she had done, but what was the brunette's doing? She doesn't react at all. What is she thinking about? There's a young girl hugging her from the back of her body, crying and begging for your forgiveness as if it's the end of the world. Was Yui being so angry at her that she can't even forgive the girl? Was the girl's fault really that unforgivable?

The shorter girl finally got a respond. Not exactly a respond, but she felt that Yui just sighed and lowered her head. The sobs and cries fade out. "Why won't you say anything?"

Oh God, how I miss her voice. C'mon, say something, anything! Wait, what should I call her? Will she be okay if I call her 'Azunyan'? No, she won't be okay with it. I'm positive enough that she wants me to be more mature, that means no more nickname. Just 'Azusa'… After considering what the best thing she should do, she took one deep breath. "A- Azusa…" It was too low, almost like a whisper.

Azusa pulled away from the hug slowly as she frowns in confuses. "What did you just call me? 'Azusa'?" Somehow, her eyes felt watery again.

In addition, as Yui heard a soft sob, she turns around. "Eh? Why are you- I mean, are you crying, Azusa?" Yui tries her best to act as mature as she could. That would be not over panicking when Azusa's crying all in a sudden. Running one of her hands to the shorter girl's cheek, Yui wiped off some of Azusa's tears. That, until those arms around Yui moved to the brunette's wrist, stopping her from wiping the tears.

"Are you really that mad until you don't even want to call me like you used to be?" Azusa shot her head up, making Yui looked away and avoids eye contact. "…Yui-senpai…" Yui hates another desperate tone so much.

"Stop that, Azusa." Yui stares down at the ground. No, she wasn't ready to look at Azusa in the eye now. She knew, this has gotten into a misunderstanding case. "I'm not mad at you it's just… I thought… I thought you were the one who… had no interest in me and… choose someone else better and more mature than Hirasawa Yui…" Now the roles had reversed. Yui felt so guilty for thinking about Azusa that way. "I'm sorry, Azus—"

Yui didn't get a chance to finish her apology as a pair of soft little lips brushed against her own. It was not a forceful attack, but it sure is surprised the brunette. "Don't… apologize… Yui-sen-" Yui pulled away all of a sudden.

"Yui. Please, when we're alone. Like this, I want you to call me without 'senpai', okay?"

She doesn't need audible answer, when Azusa leaned in once again to have another kiss.

It's those lips they both had been longed for, it's the voice they both had been longed to hear, it's that warmth they both had been longed to wrap arms around it.

"I love you, Azusa."

A/N: Aha~ sheeze~ another fic finished in the middle of the night! Trollolololol!~ Hope it's worth it!

iDutchman | Signing Off