
P.S. Sorry for my mistakes (if any were found which I'm sure has a couple of words, this and all of that). MS Word did help me though^^



We were on top of the falls, sitting side by side, after that kiss, followed by another, and another, we decided to stop, for our own good. "Controlling myself around you is hard enough. Please don't push my patience Hinata, or you'll be sorry," he told me with that serious look on his face.

With those words, I settled with our hands entwined. His hands were callused, forged by the harshness of life. Never ending battles and blood. Sacrifices. Yet, for me, his hands were the softest I've ever touched.

"When this is over… Would you come home with me?" I asked, staring at him, memorizing his face, knowing that our moment together is close to an end.

"Where is home?" he asks. Finally, he looked at me, a tender look on his face, "I still have to find Itachi. He is the only family I have left."

"Then I will wait for you," tears starting to form in my eyes. He took my hand and places it near his heart.

"Thank you." His words were solemn, like the breaking dawn.

"Sasuke. It is time." Juugo said.

"When this is over, I will find you Hinata. I promise."

I closed our distance, pulled his face into mine and kissed him for the last time. It was painfully sweet. "Sasuke." It feels cold. I knew he was gone. I knew he will hold on to his promise, I knew he would come back. For me.

"Hinata!" Kiba shouted while Akamaru jumps at me, licking my face. I am happy to see them too, but I feel like crying.

"Where is he?" Kiba is frantic. He was looking for any sign of Sasuke.

"He already left," I said hesitantly, trying to hold my emotions.

"What's wrong Hinata, are you hurt?" Shino asks worriedly.

"I'm gonna kill that guy," Kiba shouted angrily, furious that he never had the chance to lay his hands to that traitor.

"No, he didn't…" I answered quickly, looking at both of them; Akamaru sits by my side, comforting me. "He didn't hurt me at all."


"What? Are you serious?"

"Get out of my way, Kiba!" Priestess Amara shoved Kiba aside, as she hugged me, I couldn't stop myself from crying. Akamaru put his head down.

"You two, pull up some tents and gather some woods, I think it'll be safe to camp here tonight," the Priestess told the two.

"But, he might come back," Kiba complained.

Shino dragged Kiba away, "Yes, I think it will be safe for the night. Let's go Kiba, its getting dark."


"Akamaru is more than capable to protect them while we're away. It will only take a couple of minutes to set the tent up and gather those woods." Akamaru barks confidently telling Kiba that he will protect us at all costs. Kiba hesitantly left us alone and follows Shino to the woods.

Lady Amara patted him in the head, "Good boy," she smiled warmly at the large dog as she looks at me. "Hinata-chan?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I could hardly breathe, the pain was too much. The Priestess grips my hand, forcing me to look at her, I tried to avoid her gaze but she was persistent. "Hina-chan, please look at me. Do you really want to make it harder for him?"

"Y-you knew all along?"

"That you and that cute guy have a relationship? No, but I see the connection between. I was beautiful," she smiles with a dreamy look on her face. "Oh, the last time I see something like that happened between my sister and her… hrrmpp… mortal enemy. Or so she says about him." The Priestess recalls and winks naughtily about it.

"Your sister?" I asks, suddenly confused.

"I'll tell you the story some other time. But for now, let's take your matter at hand before those two shows up."

Somehow, I feel relieved that there is someone I could talk to about this, I omitted some important details not to compromise Sasuke and his mission, but still, "Thank you, Lady Amara," I smiled shyly.

She patted my hand thoughtfully. "It's very rare for two people to have that kind of connection. It grew stronger over distance too. I don't usually believe in happily ever after, but I'm happy to prove myself wrong." Her face turns serious, "Don't be afraid of those feelings Hina-chan. It will only make him worse."

"I don't w-want to be his b-burden…" I stuttered.

"Then be the pillar of his strength, Hinata. Only you can help him." She holds my hand together and put it in front of my heart. "I figured that he's the type of person who doesn't use words but I can feel that he loves you as well."

"He does?"

"If you look into your heart, you'll understand more. It might be difficult for both of you to hold on, but maybe, it would be better if you'll let go for now. This might be your hardest battle, but for him, you'll do anything to win. Right, Hina-chan?"

"For him," I agreed.

Her wisdom gone from her eyes, replaced by an innocent candidness that I always like about the Priestess. "Let's race Akamaru, she rubbed the dogs left ear as she ran towards Kiba and Shino. Akamaru barks playfully as he run after the Priestess.

For a moment, I stayed and look at the falls, remembering, "Someday, we'll see each other again, someday."


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Quite true. In my case, I loved him more.

Orochimaru's death spread like fire. Everyone thinks that Sasuke killed the old snake for his own selfish reasons. I believe otherwise.

He didn't return to Konoha as Lady Tsunade had expected. Instead, Sasuke battles his way up, killing everyone who dares to oppose him. Most of those unfortunate souls were Konoha's enemies, the most dangerous ones. He might be doing those things to get his brother's attention, or maybe, just to impress me as he leaves a stem of my favorite flower in every scene.


A few years later, Akatsuki attacked Konoha. The village was almost destroyed. Naruto almost defeated Pain, but was outsmarted as he was tricked into submission. I tried to help as bravely as I could. I thought I would meet my end. Sasuke would be mad. As I think of his possible reactions, I couldn't help myself but smile.

"I never thought Konoha ninjas were fond of death. I will not ask what brought that smile in your pretty face, but I'll give you credit, little one," from his sleeve, he took a pole, the same one he used to pin Naruto on the ground, the same pole that he will use to end my life.

I closed my eyes and think of Sasuke's handsome face. "Such a waste, you could have been perfect."


"What the…?" Naruto muttered, surprised on his voice.

Pain seemed to deliberate as he took a step back.

"What's wrong?" I opened my eyes and saw two shadows shielding me from Akatsuki's leader.

"I should have known who you've been seeing, Itachi-san."

"Leader," Itachi bowed his head in respect to his former leader.

"Give me a break, Itachi. Stop being a hypocrite and kill him now." A voice I knew so well.


"And what do you think you're doing?" he turns to me and removed the poles without difficulty. "If you wanted to die so badly, you could have told me so I would kill you myself," he said in gritted teeth. I knew he was worried about me.

"I… I'm sorry."

"Sasuke, you bastard, you should have come sooner." Naruto shouted frustratingly. Juugo already helped him up.

"We have to make a little detour. Someone is following us." Itachi replied, "We don't want to make a scene of our arrival." He looked around and saw the damaged Pain had inflicted to Konoha. "Seems like even with our combined forces, it would still be difficult to defeat him," Itachi added.

"You got to be kidding me," Naruto exclaimed, sudden excitement etched on his face.

"Hn," Sasuke rolled his eyes in irritation, while glaring at me. "Juugo, take her to safety, let Karin heal her immediately. Find Suigetsu, make him useful for a change."

From a distance, I hear someone screaming for murder.

"Sure," Juugo was about to carry me in his arms, when Sasuke tried to stop him but didn't said anything.


As they fought Pain, I prayed so hard for their safe return, especially Sasuke.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be just fine," Juugo said. The red-haired woman who healed me is staring at me with contempt in her eyes.

"Ignore her, she's just jealous," the man named Suigetsu added with a funny expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" I tried to ignore her but I could feel her from behind, shooting daggers at my back.

"She fancies Sasuke, but he avoided her often it was hilarious… Ouch! What was that for…? You witch!" Suigetsu shouted at Karin, holding his arm as the woman tried to hit him again.

"You're getting on my nerves, you moron," Karin chases Suigetsu as Juugo tried to separate them but gave up eventually. Karin lifted a boulder single-handedly as she throws it at the poor guy.

I giggled, "I'm glad that Sasuke had such a good company," I turn to Juugo, smiling.

"Yeah, we're lucky to have him as well," Juugo answered as he rubbed my hair. "I'll tell you a secret, but don't tell Sasuke, " he whispered, "I always hear him spoke of you in his dreams," a wide grin on his face. "He doesn't tell, but he really misses you, ya know," he winks at me as I felt my face redden with embarrassment.


Konoha was saved.

With the brothers' help, Naruto persuaded Pain to stop his revenge. Like he always did, Naruto healed another wounded heart. He gave him hope. Like he did with mine.

As a new dawn arises, so was hope in the hearts of everyone.

For me, my happily ever after have just begun. Sasuke and Itachi found each other after so many years. A new beginning.


"So this is where you've been going to all along. I should have known," his voice startled me in my prayers. I smiled a little as I offer my final respect to his family's tombstone.

Lady Tsunade commissioned a memorial for the Uchiha. With the brothers' permission, the village knew the sacrifices the clan has made to attain peace. Many were surprised, some are still suspicious. But I stayed by their side. Supporting the two of them, so did Sakura and Naruto.

"How's your brother doing?" Itachi's health deteriorated rapidly since their arrival. Excessive usage of the Sharingan had really some side effects to the user who continuous to use that power. I think Itachi still blames himself for their family's death.

"Sakura wanted to strangle him for being so stubborn," Sasuke said lazily, "Guess he finally found his match."

"Did you give him your mother's letter?"

"I ask Naruto to do me a favor. Hope he did it right this time," an annoying look crossed his face. I tried to erase the crease on his forehead when I heard a commotion a few blocks away. I sighed.

"Your cousin is starting to get on my nerves," Sasuke smirked, plotting ways to challenge the Hyuga's strongest.

"You just can't challenge my cousin into a fight like you did with Kiba," I lectured him, "Among all of you; Shikamaru and Shino are the only sensible ones."

"Hn. It's because they are smart enough to know that they can never beat me. Well of course, except for my brother, in his good condition, and that idiot Naruto. I was thinking it was a draw or something close to it if we ever fought."

A thought suddenly comes into my mind as I look at him, "Maybe, what your brother needs is a gentle heart to help him recover? Someone to look after him, to care for him."

"I want you to know that I'm a very selfish person. I don't share what is mine," he said as he envelops me with his embrace.

"Ah, finally," I leaned a little closer, burying my face in his chest, "Feels like heaven." I smiled naughtily when we heard someone snaps. Sasuke ignored it completely.

"Silly, I'm not talking about myself." Lady Amara seems to be a good choice. How about Sakura-chan?

"Oh, really? Whatever you're thinking is impossible. Itachi doesn't like strong-willed women."

"Want a bet?" I stand on my toes and kissed him playfully on his cheek.

"Get your hands off her!" Neji shouted from behind. Tenten is having a hard time restraining him. Lee is closing by, looking energetic as usual.

"Tsk. Don't hang around those fools," Sasuke ignored my cousin much to my appreciation. I waved to Tenten and Lee; while I smiled apologetically to my cousin. Sasuke was referring to Konoha's newest addition to its population: Juugo, Karin and Suigetsu. "They influence you so badly. Maybe you should stick by my side just to be sure you're not corrupted at all."

"Is that a proposal?" As I turn to look at him, he gave me a box. "What's this?"

"It's my mom's necklace. An Uchiha heirloom that was passed down from generation to generation."

Hinata carefully opened the box, "It's beautiful." I exclaimed and turned to him, beaming happily. I look at it closely; it has the Uchiha symbol in it, surrounded by precious stones made intricately by artistic hands.

"Hn. It's just a necklace Hinata…!'' He looks surprised as I hugged him as tightly as I could and whispered, "I loved it, just I loved you for so long, Sasuke-kun. Oh, before I forgot…" I looked into his eyes; my stutter seemed to vanish completely. His eyes no longer had that look… the emptiness. He smiled tenderly at me.

"Welcome home, Sasuke."

He didn't react at firsts, but I felt his arms, tighten around me as he whispered lovingly in my ear.

"Yeah, it's good to be home."



Reviews, comments, criticisms and suggestions (if any, for future references) are mostly welcome…