Before I can catch myself I turn to face him and ask "How do you know about that?" I ask with shock across my face. "No one knows about that. No one." I state even though I know he hears me.

"I do. One day when you went home to your mom's crazy stuff I wanted to make sure you were okay and when I got there you mom told me where you were." He explained. After school I would go to Carly's house and then tell them I had to go do something at home when really I was going to the shooting range.

My blue eyes pierce his own brown ones. "You never answered my question." He says as I turn away from him. "Why didn't you use it?" I keep my eyes focused on the elevator doors in front of me and luckily I am saved by the dark gray doors opening. I scurry out of them seeing Haymitch but ignoring his questions as I go up to my room. I know that Freddie will tell him about my skills with a bow and I'm not sure if I'm thankful or displeased. I am called for supper but I refuse to go. I don't want to have to confront Freddie, Haymitch or Nelson tonight. I am told I have to go but I never listen to anyone else so I stay put in my room. I hear a faint knock at my door and I jump off the bed and swing the door open.

"For the last time, I'm not going to dinner!" I yell as I open the door. I am standing in front of Cinna who is staring back at me with the exact calm look he always has. My eyes leave his and I look at the door frame trying to forget his gaze. "Sorry, I didn't realize it was you." I say walking from the door frame back to the bed and plopping down on it forcefully. I hear the click of the door and foot steps toward the bed.

"I don't get it." He says calmly.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him in an annoyed tone.

"So you're a volunteer for the games, you are beautiful, you're feisty, you're strong, and you can shoot a bow amazingly? Are you mad because you're going to win?" Cinna asks as he sits down on the bed next to me.

"That's the thing. I'm not going to win. I'm not as strong as the others, I don't want to kill anyone else, I'm not likeable, and…" I pause before admitting the rest to Cinna. "I'm afraid of the Careers." I say rolling my eyes and closing them. Cinna chuckles slightly and replies.

"You are as strong as the others, mentally and physically. I would be worried if you wanted to kill someone else Sam, but the thing is, is that you won't be killing them for fun, you'll kill only for survival. And believe me Sam, people like you, a lot." He says smiling. He gets more serious before continuing. "Being scared of others is perfectly normal. Being scared makes you alert and focused. But trust me when I say you'll make it." He says as I sit up next to him. I try to comprehend everything he is saying to me but my thoughts are interrupted by him saying, "Why don't we go have dinner and then we'll talk late okay?" He asks raising his eyebrows at me. I let out a breath and nod. He stands and I follow him out of the room and into the dining room. Haymitch, Nelson, Freddie, and Portia are all sitting around the table smiling, Freddie laughs before he sees me come in the room. Their heads all turn towards me and I hesitate in my tracks. Haymitch smiles and says,

"Well it's about time sweetheart." Freddie cracks a smile at me and I smile back instantly feeling the pressure rolls off my shoulders. I take a seat next to Freddie who across from Haymitch. I start eating and things get quiet. I know no one wants to bring up Freddie and my disagreement.

"You were smart Sam." Haymitch says as he takes a sip of his soup. Both me and Freddie's eyes shoot up to Haymitch. What am I smart about? I've never said something to be smart.

"What?" Both Freddie and I say simultaneously. "Dude, we've got to stop doing that." I say looking at him.

"You were smart about not using the bow." I don't have to ask him to continue because he sees my confused look. "If you had used the bow people would have seen you as a threat, someone to put at the top of their hit list. This way they don't how great you are with the bow." Freddie and I exchange glances before I speak.

"So you don't want me to use it at all?" I ask him confused on why I would want to hide it.

"No, you only use it for the Gamemakers. Surprise the tributes." He says gently chuckling and taking a sip of his drink. "Speaking of which, Freddie I heard you can fight." I smile as Freddie looks down.

"He was on a regional wrestling team." I say looking at Freddie whose head shoots up at me. "Looks like you're not the only one who knows things they shouldn't." I smile and look back at Haymitch. "He never told anyone but I've seen him, he's great. Oh and he's great at survival and he knows first aid and.." I am cut off by Freddie.

"Stop Sam! Just stop. We all know none of that is going to make me win. So just stop." He says as he gets up from the table and stomps away from the table and up the stairs. The table gets quiet before I get up to follow him.

"Freddie wait!" I yell at him as I run after him up the steps. "Freddie!" I shout at him. He slams the door in my face and I stop at the doorway. I try the door knob but it's locked. "Freddie open the door. Open it." I say forcefully. The door opens and Freddie walks back to the bed and plops down on it. "Freddie why do you think you're not going to win?"

"I don't think that. I know that." He says putting his hands on his head.

"That's not true Freddie. You can win and you probably wi…" I say before Freddie cuts me off. He jumps up from the bed and comes over to me, face to face.

"No Sam. I'm not going to win." He says looking straight in my eyes. "You want to know why?"

"Why?" I ask in low tone.

"Because no matter what happens, I'd never let you die. And there's only one winner." He says looking straight at me.

"Freddie…" I start to say but he cuts me off once more.

"No Sam, nothing you say will change my mind." He says in a stern voice.

"Well then we have a problem." I say looking at him. He looks at me confused before I continue. "Because I won't let you die either."