Last chapter guys, omg. Prepare for some frantic trying to tie up of loose ends.

I hope you like it!


"Thor told me about the party Loki." Logan had said. Loki's head dropped to his hands and he curled into himself, becoming very small, a whimper escaping his lips.

"Why would you do that Thor?" Loki asked in this terribly young, vulnerable sounding voice.

"What's going on?" Tony asked, getting up from his chair and going to kneel beside Loki, taking his hands away from his face and trying to meet his eyes. Loki squeezed those bright eyes shut and refused to look at Tony.

"Why would you do that Thor?" The younger brother repeated, his voice higher and more frantic then before, he tore away from Tony's reaching hands and stood up, glaring down at the senior.

"Loki, I had to tell someone, Logan could tell that something had happened to you! We can all tell! You need to talk about it, you need to tell me who did it and I promise that I'll fix it." Thor leaned forward, his blue eyes wide and imploring and fixed on Loki and Loki alone. Tony felt as though he and Logan were intruders here on these two brothers that were so closely intertwined. He glanced at Logan and saw that the other junior seemed to be having the same thought as him.

Logan stood up and jerked his head to the kitchen, his eyes saying that he would explain everything once they weren't in such an emotion filled space, Tony nodded and stood up, following him out of the room noiselessly. He had touched Loki's hand for a second as he stood up but he didn't think the sophomore even noticed that he was gone; he was too fixated on Thor.

In the kitchen Logan sat down and gazed at the closed door to the living room for a second before fixing his attention on Tony, who was currently shifting from foot to foot looking like he wanted to bolt back to Loki. "What the fuck is going on Logan?" He asked his voice deadly low and serious.

"Ok, Tony...just…..stay here….sit down. Loki needs to be only with Thor for a while ok? Neither of us will be able to reason with him like his brother."

Tony grudgingly sat down across the table from Logan and shrugged off his jacket. "Fine, I'm sitting and getting comfortable. Now tell me what's happening."

"There's no way to say this nicely. But about 3 or 4 months ago…..Loki…he-he went to some party with Thor and got drunk I guess so he went off with some guy…..and he was raped." The word sounds foreign and wrong in Logan's mouth and Tony can't stop the shudder that runs through his body at that single syllable. He moves to stand up, his chair screeching harshly against the tile of the kitchen floor, but Logan is up in a half second and next to him, strong hand on his arm. "No, Tony let them talk it out first before you go comfort him."

"I'm not going to comfort him; I'm going to go kill the guy that did it." Tony hissed, his eyes wild.

"That's the thing. Loki hasn't told anyone who did it, we don't know why. Thor thinks that he was threatened or something but Loki hadn't told anyone. The only reason Thor knows is because he's the one that found Loki that night."

"He was alone?" Tony chokes out; barely able to speak anymore at the thought of Loki, dealing with this, so alienated and cut off from the rest of the world. Why was it that just when life seemed to be getting good something like this had to come along? Why couldn't there be something uncorrupted in his world?

"Yeah" Logan murmurs, sitting back down with a heavy sigh and slumped shoulders.

"Do we know anything else?" Tony asks, something is stirring in his mind, his too busy head is full to the brim with possibilities, scenarios, outcomes, reasons why and most of all, Loki, Loki, Loki. The way he had looked when Tony kissed him, the way he would drift off sometimes and seem so unaware of the things around him, and most of all the sadness that was hiding behind all that he did. The conflict in his eyes and the way his smile was never very strong, it always seemed to waver.

"The only thing that Loki said was that it was one of the Thor's friends. And god knows who that could be; the guy is friends with practically the whole school." Logan blew out yet another heavy sigh and leaned back on the back legs of his chair, staring up at the ceiling and seemingly losing himself in thought.

Tony wasn't paying attention to him though, that had been a clue, a vital clue, what was it that Loki had said?

"My brother's friend, no one important." He had said after school, talking quickly, eyes darting away from Tony's, trying to change the subject. Loki had been so scared of that guy, and that odd way they had talked to each other, that had drawn Tony's attention more then anything else. It had seemed so wrong, the way they spoke, in such obvious victim/predator roles. It was all coming together in Tony's head. That man's face came to his mind, tall, blond ponytail, tan skin and narrow blue eyes that were fixated on Loki and Loki alone.

"Fuck." He looks up at Logan, drawing the boy's attention back to him with the harsh tone of voice "I know who it was."


Shit. Shit. SHIT.

How could this possibly be happening? Why would Thor tell Logan? And now Tony knew that something had happened. Shit, Fandral would kill him. Loki felt the room closing in around him and put a hand to his forehead, his skin was clammy and ice cold and black spots appeared in front of his eyes. He swayed and Thor stood up, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him onto the couch. The older brother put a cool hand on Loki's forehead, pushing back black curls and frowned. Loki saw him through blurry eyes and felt his stomach warm just a bit at the concern in his expression. "Loki, just stay calm ok." Thor said quietly "I don't want to scare you. Just….talk to me."

"I can't tell you" Loki whispered "I wish I could but I can't."

"Why can't you?" Thor asked, his voice cracking "Loki why don't you trust me anymore?"

Loki sat up and caught at his brother's hands, pulling him closer and staring up at him with shocked eyes. "Don't you ever say that. I trust you Thor, you're the only person I trust fully in the whole world but….you'll be disgusted with me. And I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if you were."

"I could never be disgusted with you Loki." Thor said "Just tell me and together we'll fix it, I won't let you deal with this alone anymore ok?" he squeezed Loki's hands and the sophomore wanted so badly to lean just a little closer, close the small distance between them and kiss him. Kiss him like how Tony had kissed him earlier that day, gentle and careful, kiss away the sadness and confusion.

But Tony…Tony was in the next room, Tony had left and Loki hadn't even realized. He had been too caught up in his brother instead of Tony who he actually should be day dreaming about.

"I just can't." He whispered "It's awful."

"At least tell me who did it; you don't need to tell me why it happened. Please just tell me who."

"But you won't be able to do anything! There's no evidence against him, there won't be any justice! He'll get away with it, I just know he will."

"Well you just tell me who the fuck it was?" Thor practically shouted, throwing down Loki's hands with a desperate gesture and pulling back from him, face turning bright red.

"Fandral!" Loki shouted, putting his hands over his ears, he hadn't even meant to say that horrid name; he had just wanted to stop Thor from yelling. If there was one person that he couldn't stand yelling at him it was his brother.

But now Thor was falling backwards against the arm of the couch, staring at him in horror.

"No… no no…oh Loki….please tell you you're lying." The blonde said in a quiet, terrified voice, Loki could hear the tension mounting in his voice and started to shake in anticipation of the anger that was sure to come.

"I wish I was."


Blood was rushing to his ears and he couldn't think or see or hear, he couldn't anything. That single word, that shouted name was reverberating through his mind. Fandral. Fandral. How could this possibly be the work of one of his best friends? Things like this weren't supposed to happen, not in his life.

So many things made sense now though, Fandral's hopeless infatuation with Loki when the boy had started high school, his unease when Thor had mentioned anything off about his little brother, all of the puzzle pieces were fitting together. But god, fucking Fandral! Thor could see it now, all of the things that he had missed because he had been so damn fixated on not seeing it. Those narrow eyes that had always been following Loki, watching as he walked out of the room, flirtatious comments that Loki hadn't been able to respond to with his usual biting remarks. And most of all of those small hints that Loki had given him, those hints that he had never noticed.

"I'm going to kill him." Thor declared, standing up "No, screw that. I'm going to destroy him."

"Thor" Loki says in a soft murmur, a total contrast to the thunder of his older brother's voice.

It succeeds in drawing Thor's attention back to his baby brother. Loki is sitting there shocked on the couch, his hand over his mouth, as if he still can't believe that he admitted such a thing. He sees that Thor is paying attention to him again and reaches out to tug him back down on the couch. "Shush, it was months ago. There's no need for death."

Thor stares at him aghast "He raped you Loki; he's been messing with your head since then. I refuse to let this go-" he broke himself off as a thought occurred to him and his expression grew more drawn and grave. "He's always over here, almost every day I bring him over here. Loki….he hasn't…..has he done anything else to you?" His words quiver like a drop of water about to fall. And at his brother's continued silence and meaning filled eyes a drop of water does fall, right from his eye and down his cheek, streaking the golden skin. "He did, didn't he? What did he do? Please tell me."

"Fandral is evil, don't get me wrong Thor, he's sick and disgusting and evil but…..I'm just as bad. He….he reminded me a long time ago of someone that I liked so when he expressed interest in me at that party I followed him without a second thought. And then…..I accidentally told him a secret, something that no one was ever supposed to know and he got scary. I tried to fight back but he knew my secret and he said that he would keep it if I let him do what he wanted, so…I did." Thor makes a choked noise low in his throat and starts to say something but Loki puts a hand to his lips "Let me get this out or I never will." he waits until Thor nods his assent to put his hand down. "But I didn't expect it to be so….terrible, I thought I could deal with it, but I couldn't. And he refused to leave me alone! Whenever you weren't around and he was he would corner me and talk like I was nothing Thor, like I wasn't worth anything. And then…"

"And then?" Thor prompts, touching his brother's cheek gently and wondering where his parents were, weren't they the ones that were supposed to take care of things like this?

"And then Tony came along and it was wonderful but Fandral got mad at me for that, said that he didn't want me to have my own pet. So he told me to go to his house after school."

"And you went?" He practically yells, outraged at everyone and everything right now because life is so unfair.

Loki curls even more into himself and hides his face behind his fall of black curls; all Thor can see is a flash of green eyes under that curtain of darkness. "Well what do you expect? No one else knew the truth, it's not like I had anyone to confide in. And….he's Fandral, when he says something it's like I have no choice, I don't know why, that's just the way it is." He sounded so resigned and content in his wretched situation that Thor grabbed him by the shoulders and actually shook him.

"Loki! Wake up will you? This is wrong and disgusting and you have to stop getting drawn into this trap that he's set for you!"

"I know that." Loki said, not meeting his brother's eyes, which were to wide and innocent for him to bear.

"Do you though?" Thor replied, releasing him and smoothing Loki's hair back from his face. "I'm sorry, go on."

"I went to his house and I…..I really didn't want to have sex again, it was so terrible, and I just hated it so much. So I…did the other thing." He turns away from Thor, sitting forward on the couch and places his hands on his knees, leaning forward, tension obvious in every line of his body.

"The other….thing…?" Thor asked, eyebrows kitting together as he tried to figure out what that could possibly be, then his expression turned horrified as he realized the only thing that it could be.

"Then you came over to his house but you didn't realize that I was there of course. But you saved me Thor. He had been about to…but then you rang the doorbell and he had to pretend to be normal."


He was staring at Tony in astonishment, and he rose to his feet slowly. "Well, who was it?"

"I don't know his name, but I'm sure as hell going to find out." He spun on his heel and walked towards the door then stopped, his hand hovering above the handle and glanced back at Logan. "Aren't you going to try to stop me?"

"This isn't my business; this is between you, Loki and Thor. I don't have a place here so barge in if you want, I won't stop you." He said quietly, as much as he wanted to be there for Loki he knew all too well when he wasn't needed.

"You're going to see Victor aren't you?" Tony asked with a knowing look on his face.

"Yeah." Logan hesitated "Should I tell him?"

"If you think it's best." Tony stopped talking, caught at his lip and gnawed at it. "I think our group has had a bit too much secrecy lately."

"Got it." He turned and walked out of the kitchen calling over his shoulder. "Good luck Tony."

"Thanks." Logan heard the living room door open and close and he shut his eyes for a second, relishing in the cool, dark relief that he got from shutting out the real world. He opened the kitchen door and walked outside, the sun was beating down on him and Frigga was pulling into the driveway.

"Hello Logan." She called, smiling widely at him as she got out of her Subaru. "I brought pizza, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Oh…um sorry no, I can't. My foster parents want me home for dinner." He lied, feeling his voice turn stiff and awkward at the look on Frigga's face. They both knew that his parents could care less about if he was home for dinner or not, but she was to kind to pry so she let it go.

"Alright dear, oh and bring Sara over again sometime soon ok? She's such a sweet girl."

"Of course, I'll see you later." He waved at her, feeling her sharp, intelligent gaze on his back as he walked down the driveway and over to Victor's house.


He was sitting in his room listening to Fun and putting off doing his homework by contemplating just how lame it was that he was a guy listening to this type of music when there was a knock on his window. He hurried over, pulled back the curtains and pushed open the window, stepping back to let Logan clamber in.

"Hey" He whispered, putting a finger to his lips and pulling the older boy over to the bed by the arm "Talk quietly, god knows what my parents would do if they knew that boys in leather were crawling through my bedroom window."

"I noticed that plural, have there been others today? Trying to make me jealous Vic?" Logan smirked and Victor should not be feeling that odd, knotted up feeling in the pit of his stomach just from that mouth, but he was.

"Oh shut up Logan. So why did you crawl in through my window? Are doors to mainstream?" He sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard, putting some much needed space between the two of them.

"I wanted to see you; it's been a hell of a day." He trailed off mysteriously and Victor couldn't help but get drawn in again by it all, by all that was Logan, the conflict in his expression, his dark hair sticking up around his tan, weathered face.

"What happened? You weren't at school, neither was Loki…." Victor whispered, feeling his face burn at the too obvious jealousy in his voice, why must he always be so transparent?

"I don't want to talk about Loki right now Victor. I'll explain that later, right now you're what matters."

"What…..what are you talking about?" He felt his eyes grow huge as Logan moved closer to him and touched his hand, he jerked back instinctively, not used to being touched like that, so intimate and caring.

"I'm talking about you Vic, you would not believe the shit that has happened today and through it all I couldn't get you out of my head. I like you, a lot." Then he was right there, right in front of Victor and then his lips were on Victor's and it was all the younger boy could do not to fall over and die right then because he was getting his first kiss. And it was wonderful.

Logan leaned back and grinned, his eyes shining. "See now that wasn't so bad, we should have tried it earlier."

"When will you learn to shut up?" Victor smiled back at him and grabbed a hank of Logan's jacket, pulling him close again.


She had been pacing her room all night, ignoring her mother's worried calls up to her room and texts from friends who had seen all of her angsty blogging. She was ignoring everything except for her memories of that day. The conflict and worry in both Professor X and Erik's faces. Conflict and worry that she had caused.

She picked up her phone and keyed in their number, the number that she had gotten from Erik when she had been having anxiety about the history final.

"Hello?" Charles answered the phone, sounding rushed.

"Professor, it's Raven." She said quietly

"Raven…." She could hear him walking quickly and the snap of a door closing. "How did you get this number?"

"I'm sorry; I had it from a long time ago, Professor Lehnsherr thought I might need extra help studying for last tri's final."

He let out a low sigh "God, how long has it been like this? How did I not realize it sooner?" He sounds almost as if he is talking to himself but Raven feels so horribly guilty that she can't help but respond.

"It's been my fault, all my fault. I liked him since I was a freshman so I chased after him and made sure that I got into all of his classes. Please don't be mad at Erik, I acted like a slut." She sits down on the carpeted floor and lowers her head to her knees, keeping the phone pressed against the side of her face.

"Don't say that. Of course you didn't. You're a teenager Raven, he's an adult, and the blame has to be on him. And don't forget, he kissed you, that was his fault."

"I won't forget."

"And neither will I."


He followed the sound of the door closing and came to the laundry room. He pressed his ear to the door but couldn't make out any words over the sound of the clothes dryer, and that was exactly what Charles had wanted. Erik sighed tiredly and opened the door slowly.

"Char" He murmured, his partner glanced up from the phone, his face a guilty mask.

"I have to go." He said shortly into the phone and turned it off. "That was Raven." Charles said, his eyes darting over Erik's face.

"I figured."

"I'm still angry."

"Don't blame you for that. I'm pretty angry at myself."

"Please stop that." Charles whispered, making Erik step closer to hear him over the sound of the dryer.

"Stop what darling?" The taller man asked, reaching out a hand to touch his shoulder, just get a bit of human contact, just something of Charles to hold on to.

"Stop being perfect, it's making it hard to do what I ought to." Charles moved away from him, backing against the washing machine and twined his hands together.

"How can I make this better?" He grabbed the psychology teacher's hands and kissed his knuckles. "What can I do?"

He jerked away from Erik and shoved his hands in his pockets, thin shoulders curling inward. "I don't know, just…..I need some space right now. It's hard for me to even look at you."

Erik sighed and stepped back from his partner, his best friend, the person that was just always there. "Of course, I understand." He gazed at him, chewing on his upper lip, wanting to say something that would make all of this go away but not knowing exactly what that was. And there, in the back of his mind was Raven, she wouldn't leave his thoughts, no matter how hard he tried to banish her she was still there. God only knew how terrible she must be feeling, Erik glanced at the phone sitting on the laundry machine next to Charles but the smaller man was watching him closely so with a sharp nod Erik turned and walked out of the room.


He walked into the living room and stared at the scene that awaited him there. Loki and Thor, sitting close together on the couch, both looking like they were on the verge of tears.

"Tony" Loki noticed him and hurriedly wiped at his face, trying to look normal.

"I know who it was, that guy, the one who was hitting on you after school. You….you said he wasn't important." Tony hates the vulnerability in his voice but he can't seem to control it, not right now. "Does he know?" He asked, gesturing at Thor.

"I do, I know who it is." Thor says gravely "I'm going to call the police and we're going to get all of this sorted out."

"No!" Loki says loudly "I told you before, there's no evidence, he won't be sentenced, things will just get worse."

"We're not going to let anything else happen to you." Tony said, walking over to the couch and sitting on the coffee table, leaning forward to grab Loki's hands.

"You can't control everything that happens to me Tony, neither can you Thor. If you could then none of this would have ever happened."

"Loki, we know who it is and we will make sure that he goes to jail for a long time, and we'll do that with or without your approval." Thor said his voice low. "Though I'd prefer if it was with your approval."

The room got so silent and tense that they all jumped when they heard the front door shut.

"Boys? Are you home?" Frigga's voice sounded throughout the house and the three teenagers stared at each other with wide eyes.

"One minute mother!" Loki called back then dropped his voice as he turned back to the older boys. "What do we tell her?"

"You need to tell her Loki." Tony whispered "You can't keep hiding things."

"Don't tell me what to do." Loki hissed and glanced at his brother "Thor?" he asked his voice pleading for some sympathy.

"I'll talk to her and father tonight if you don't want to, we're calling the police tomorrow, first thing in the morning. We have the family lawyer…..with all of us testifying…..Fandral has to be put in jail, it has to happen."

"What if it doesn't though?" Loki asked softly

"It will." Tony said, ignoring that Loki had been asking Thor not him. But hey it got Loki to look at him again, and really that was all he wanted.

"I don't want to be here while you're talking to mother, I don't want to be here at all, and especially not tonight." Loki said to Thor without looking at him, his gaze was still fixed on Tony.

"Come over to my house." Tony said gently, when he saw Thor bristle out of the corner of his eye he glanced at him hurriedly. "I have a ton of spare rooms; I just think he would feel safe there."

"Thank you Tony." Loki said, putting a calming hand on Thor's arm "And thank you, for….keeping my secret for so long, I shouldn't have done that to you."

"It's ok brother." The blonde replied, looking like he just wanted to crush Loki to him and never let him go but Tony had taken his hand again and pulled him to his feet and Thor nodded to the junior, they both understood that he had won something with Loki, even if neither of them knew exactly what that was.


He let Tony lead him out of the living room and into the kitchen, where mother was. He fixed a fake smile on his face and hugged her hello.

"I'm going over to Tony's house tonight. Is that alright?" He asked, feeling blood rush to his cheeks at her raised eyebrows and the knowing smile she gave him and Tony.

"Will you be getting homework done?"

"Of course." Loki muttered, feeling her grin pierce through him, she wouldn't be smiling like that when Thor talked to her later.

"Will you actually sleep?"

"Mother!" He glared at her, trying to ignore the way how Tony was almost dying from laughter beside him.

"What? I haven't implied anything terrible have I?" That falsely innocent look she gave him almost killed him, why must she be so flawless? It made it so difficult to keep things from her.

"I'd better take him away before he combusts from embarrassment." Tony said through his laughter.

"Good idea, come over for dinner some time alright Tony? I'd like to get to know the boy that my son has gone so crazy over."

"Good bye mother." Loki said, rolling his eyes and leaning forward to peck her cheek.

"Have a nice time darling." She hugged him tightly, her lips near his ear as she whispered "Be safe ok?"

"Ok" He whispered back, pulling away from her reluctantly and taking Tony's hand and letting the junior tug him out of the house.

The car ride was silent with Tony glancing worriedly at him every few seconds, though when they pulled up to his house Loki couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped him.

"Whoa…" He breathed, staring in shock at the mansion that stood in front of them. It was white and four stories high with ivy climbing up the sides of the house. A perfect, manicured yard surrounded the house and a glittering stone driveway led the way up to the front door.

Tony turned to smile at him "Father is really big on a good first impression." He said simply.

"Is he here?" Loki asked, opening his door and stepping out of the Volvo, turning around in a circle to take in the property.

"No, away on business again, I suspect he has some girlfriend in Europe that he's hiding away and that's why he's gone so often."

"Oh" Loki's mouth fell open and he glanced over at Tony, trying to gauge what type of reaction he should have to that.

"Come on." Tony took his hand and led him up to the house; the door was opened by a tall, older man dressed in a neat black suit. He smiled at the boys and took their backpacks from them, hanging them on a row of hooks by the door.

"Good afternoon Anthony." The man said, smiling politely at Loki.

"Hey Jarvis, could you call in some Indian food for dinner?" He glanced over at the sophomore "That alright?"

"Of course." Loki said, still amazed by the place that he was in and the fact that it seemed like Tony had a butler. And of course once they were out of earshot of Jarvis he couldn't help but ask. "Is he your butler?" Loki hissed, clutching at his hand and staring up at the older boy with wide, amused eyes.

"Yeah, though he's practically my second father, god knows he's done a hell of a lot more then my real dad." As he spoke his voice got lower and sadder until Loki was looking at him with alarm.

"Are you ok dear?" He asked, stopping Tony in the hall, touching his face gently and peering at him, trying to see exactly what it was that was causing this sadness and what he could do to make it better.


Tony laughed and took his hand away from his face, pulling him down the hall and leading him into a room at the end of the hall. He closed the door behind them and turned to look back at Loki. "I should be asking you that."

A heavy sigh escaped Loki; he should have known that it was just a matter of time before Tony started fussing over him. "I'm fine."

"No you're not, I've known that since I met you, I just never knew why."

"And so now that you know everything is just going to get better, is that it? Somehow everything will work out and we'll have our happily ever after?" He walked away from Tony to perch on his bed, his pale skin stood out against the black blankets and Tony wished that he had a camera, so that he could capture exactly how Loki looked in that instant. His expression was incredulous and aloof towards Tony's words, his eyes were narrow and his body language was text book insecure. All of those odd things somehow working together to make up this teenager that became more complex and intriguing to Tony with everything he did.

"Maybe we can. Have some hope Loki." The floor creaked as he strode across it to go sit beside Loki; he grabbed a small throw blanket off the end of the bed and threw it over the two of them. The younger boy glared at him and shrugged his shoulders so the blanket fell away from him. "Come on; let me take care of you. Let me feel good about doing something for you."


Frigga was staring blankly across the room, her eyes wide; Odin was slouched over in a chair beside her. For once he didn't have a drink in his hands; he had set it down as Thor was speaking.

"So he doesn't want to call the police right away, I said that I'd give him the night to mentally prepare himself but by then I'm going to call them." The blonde finishes, avoiding looking at his mother, her gaze is to desolate.

"Where is he now?" Odin asks, his voice carefully detached. Thor noticed that once again he hadn't used Loki's name, it had been a long time since he had called Loki by name. His younger son was to small and feminine for him to really appreciate and respect. Thor had to wonder if Odin had ever respected Loki. Now that he was thinking about it he couldn't even remember a time that the two of them had had a conversation that didn't involve yelling. No wonder his mother looked so fragile and brittle, he would to if he had to deal with being stuck in the middle of that relationship. He ought to be, being the older brother of one side and the favored son of the other side but he had always been loyal to Loki over anyone else, it had never been a question. He would give up his father's love and approval in a second as long as he got to keep his brother's. And Odin was well aware of that, he was always careful when talking about Loki around Thor, trying to keep the older brother on his side.

"At Tony's house" Ignoring Odin's look of incomprehension Thor glances at his mother. "I thought that was probably the safest place for him. Tony will watch over him, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He'll bring him back over tomorrow morning and then we can figure out what to do."

She was watching him with a sad sort of fondness and Thor realized just how similar Loki and Frigga were, both so affected by all that happens around them and so unable to mask the depth of their feeling. "You've become so grown up." Frigga says quietly. "I'm so glad that you've been there for him. I'm just so sorry that I wasn't there…..that I…..I didn't realize. If I did then maybe things would already be in the past and we would be moving on. Your teenagers, you shouldn't be forced to deal with something of this depth."

"It's in the past now mom." Was all he could think to say and Frigga looked rather hurt as those words left his lips so he got up and crossed over to where she was sitting on the couch, right where Loki had sat only a few hours ago and kissed her forehead briefly. He nodded to his father, who was now staring blankly at the ground, seemingly in shock and left the room.


He had stayed up with Loki for hours, just sitting together as the younger teenager filled him in on all that he had been keeping from him, an inch of space between them that had stayed there all evening. Tony had spent most of the time worrying about what that inch of space meant, because what if Loki hated him now? Oh god what if? But finally Loki's tension had melted away and he had fallen asleep, his arms and legs splaying out across Tony's lap. He had tucked him into bed and watched him sleep for a few moments before he remembered the second most important person in his life.

It rang, once, twice before Pepper picked up and Tony sighed in relief into the phone. "Thank god"

"What's wrong Tony?" The poor girl, she sounded exhausted, Tony checked his watch and realized that it was midnight, and Pepper actually was one of those crazy people who slept at night instead of staying up thinking of depressing things like what he had been doing lately.

"Loki" The name was a caress and a curse in his mouth, to many emotions attached to the short, simple sounding name. Tony glanced over at his bed; Loki was passed out in it, pale limbs glowing in the darkness of the room.

"What happened?" All the tiredness was out of her voice now, Pepper knew how serious this must be, she could tell by the way he had uttered his name.

"He told me everything about him Pep. And fuck I don't know how to handle it."

"What is it? Can you tell me?" Oh course he could, she was Pepper. He told her everything, no matter what the consequences.

Tony kneeled beside the bed and touched Loki's cheek with gentle fingers, shit he was beautiful, all Tony wanted was to protect him and make him feel good again and he didn't know if that would be possible.

"At the beginning of this school year…..he…..he went to a party…..and he was raped. By one of his older brother's best friends, and that little shit has been fucking with his head ever since. He….when Loki met me the guy got mad at him, didn't want him to be messing around with anyone else, like Loki was his property."

"And then what happened Tony?" Pepper asked softly, her voice so gentle and maternal that Tony just wanted to die. He got up and walked away from Loki, unable to look at his perfect face when he was talking about the nightmare that he had lived through.

"Loki wanted to be able to date me so…he let the guy do whatever he wanted with him, just so he would be allowed to be with me." He is literally forcing the words out of his throat now, and he can't say exactly what happened, what Loki did for him. Images are flashing through his head no matter how hard he tries to stop them, their still there, all that Loki did, and was forced to do.

"God Tony." Is all Pepper said and somehow that summed it up pretty well, what can anyone say to something so horrid and unreal?

"Yeah." He whispered "Fuck Pepper, what do I do?"

"I don't know…..Tony just be there for him, let him know how much you care about him but….."

"But what?"

"Try not to push him." She hurries her words, knowing from his tense silence that he was getting angry. "I know you would never on purpose but Tony…you can be intense, you know how you are with people you love."

"I know." Is all he can think to say, because he does know how he can be. He remembers when Pepper would be nursing him back from the brink of death, slapping him across the face just so he would stay awake for a few second longer. And most of all he remembers the aftermath, the way he would beg Pepper to stay with him, kiss her to sooth her worry and pet her ego, cause even though they weren't together anymore they were so close and Tony was so fucked up that no one would think it was odd come the next morning. "I know" He utters again, turning to watch Loki and notice the way he's tossing and turning and Tony knows that he's dreaming of something wretched that he can't even imagine. "I've got to go Pep; I think he's waking up."

"Alright, I love you Tony, do your best."

"I will" He snaps the phone closed and tosses it on a chair as he hurries over to the bed, he lies down beside Loki, staring intently into his face, the creases on his forehead as his face contorted into an expression of pain. "Loki….." Tony gathered him up in his arms and rocked back and forth, his fingers running through tangled curls "Shush Lo', everything will be alright, I'm right here." he whispered it over and over, his words dissolving into comforting gibberish until finally Loki relaxed in his arms and his breathing returned to normal again.

"Thor" Loki breathed, lips curving into a smile as he snuggled back down into the blankets and Tony's heart dropped. Loki had never said his name like that, so trusting and calm, maybe it was just sleep talk, meaningless but Tony's gut was telling him it was something more.

He got up after the sophomores breathing had turned deep and rhythmic again as he dropped back into a deep sleep and walked over to his computer. He pulled up Google chrome and glanced at his facebook, he had 11 notifications but he paid no attention to those, all that social bullshit seemed pointless right now. He looked at his info and smiled bitterly, he didn't have anything listed for his relationship status, he never did, it was easier that way. But things weren't easy now, if they had ever been; it was useless to pretend any longer.

He clicked on in a relationship, typed Loki's name and after a second of hesitation sent the request. He waited a moment, clicked back on his home page, stared at the useless statuses that his friends were posting and was preparing to close his computer and curl up beside Loki when something new popped up.

Tony Stark is in a relationship with Loki Odinson

He stared at the computer screen in shock before turning around to see Loki. He was lying in the bed, his phone glowing in his hands and Tony thanked the gods for the facebook app, it had made a moment like this possible.

"Thought you'd never ask." Loki said in a soft voice, smiling sadly at the older boy.

Tony couldn't even respond, he was so overcome with emotion and astonishment at his own emotion. Someone that he barely knew should not be able to rule him like this. But Tony didn't care about what should be or what he was used to anymore. He glanced back at the screen, bright in the dark of the bedroom. Notification after notification was showing up.

Victor Von Doom likes your changed relationship status

Victor Von Doom commented on your changed relationship status: Finally! :D

Raven Darkhölme commented on your changed relationship status: Oh my god you guys, stop making me grin like an idiot. You are too cute. 3

Clint Barton likes your changed relationship status

Pepper Potts likes your changed relationship status

Pepper Potts commented on your changed relationship status: Tony! I'm so happy for you hun! But you had better call me in the morning; I'm dying from curiosity over here.

Kurt Wagner commented on your changed relationship status: Damnn Loki, nice work. ;)

Peter Parker likes your changed relationship status

Steve Rogers likes your changed relationship status

Loki laughed and glanced up from his phone to meet Tony's soft gaze "We're more popular then I would have thought."

"We're in danger of becoming a power couple I believe." Tony replied grinning and shutting his computer off as he got up to walk over to Loki. He lay beside him on the bed and gathered him up in his arms.

"This isn't going to be easy." Loki said quietly, laying his head against Tony's chest. "I'm not a fun person to date, I'm needy and bi polar and I lie, a lot." He whispered all of this in a matter of fact way that made Tony's hair stand on end.

"I can deal. Loki I'm willing to deal with all of it and more if we can have moments like this." He held him tightly, his chin on the top of Loki's head, the smell of his shampoo filling Tony's brain. "I just want you to feel better."

"I don't know if I can." He chocks on a small sob, his words breaking off at the end of the sentence.

"Please just try for me. Please Loki? I'll help you as much as I can but you need to try."

"I'll try." He says quietly and Tony hugs him and kisses the top of his head.

"Thank you honey. Go to sleep now alright? I'll watch over you."

"You better." Loki replies and kisses Tony's exposed collarbone, a gentle graze of lips against heated skin before snuggling into his chest and closing his eyes.

I finished…..holy shit guys, finally. I adore you all who have stuck with me and this unstable, angst-ridden story. If you haven't already hit the author alert button so you'll be notified for the sequel to this story. I promise that it will be much better than this story. And there will be more family/friendship drama coming up (Odin bashing anyone?) as well as some much needed back stories for our lovely characters. So let me know if you enjoyed this and any suggestions/critiques/comments/questions will be much appreciated and I'll be sure to reply to them all!

Reviews make me write faster!