alright guys first fic in a while, i don't know about this one, i'm sleep deprived and had a random idea and thought...well why not try it? so if i get at least a couple reviews then i'll continue...i promise i do have a pretty interesting plot planned out, but only if some people are sweet enough to give me 30 seconds on your time a type up a tiny but nice review.

Loki was 15 when it happened, Thor would never forget that day, the day when it all changed, when the way he looked at the world changed, the day that Loki was broken.

He was 15, to young, Thor would think later, too young to even think of kissing anyone. He of course ignored the fact that at 15 he had been doing a lot more then kissing.

But this was his baby brother remember, and this is Thor, the boy who would beat up anyone who so much as breathed near Loki wrong.

Thor had gotten pretty unsettled about the whole Loki as a teenager thing a few years ago, he hated that people were noticing his brother in a whole new way.

But since he had turned 15 Loki had changed even more. His jet black hair was now being straightened so it fell across his shoulders and into his eyes, he had taken to putting on just a touch of eye shadow and kohl eyeliner around his eyes making their bright green color stand out even more.

Even the way he walked had changed, he slinked down the hallways like a cat, laying across couches in a way that made Thor aver his eyes hurriedly though no one else seemed to mind.

And Thor could always feel those bright eyes on him, narrow, contemplating, trying to figure something out. But then he would look and there was just Loki, a slender hand twirling a lock of hair and a smirk playing on his lips, Thor would glance away but Loki never did.