AN: So I started watching Bones and then went to read some fanfiction and the first I found was a Bones/Losers cross over, and obviously that made me need to write this chapter. Which I've written like five times since my last update, I just hated them all.

Hacker Heart

Chapter 4- Shots and Dancing

"Papa papa we are clear."

"Setting perimeter: you're five by."

"I'm a little nervous about this one Cornel."

"Whatever happens, get to that package."

"Mission is locked."


"I'm in."

"You know I love sitting out in the rain as much as the next girl, but why are we ignoring the fact that he literally could have just walked inside?" I asked into the ear piece while watching Pooch through the floor to ceiling windows that the hospital had.

"Izzy, you're ruining the fun." Jensen was able to be heard both through the coms and from where he was squatting in the bushes five feet away.

"And we're fugitives who are supposed to be dead." Aisha called out as she made her way towards us, com unit already in her pocket.

"And I'm a brilliant hacker, what's your point?"

"Congratulations!" Clay chuckled into his com unit before taking it out and uncorking one of the bottles of champagne, "It's a boy!"

A round of cheers went around the group as the other two bottles were opened with a loud pop and passed out around the group. I went to grab the closest bottle out of Jensen's hand with my good arm but he pulled it out of my grasp before I was even able to grab onto the neck of it.

"Are you even old enough to be drinking, Issy?" He asked with a large smile spread out on his face.

"Don't call me Issy!" I spat back at him as Cougar handed me the bottle that he had just taken a large drink out of

"What now?" Aisha asked as she looked around the group then at the bottles that were all very close to being empty.


Bar was a little bit of an understatement. This was much more of a dance club, one that catered to an age group that was barely even old enough to drink the overpriced alcohol that was served there. Speaking of which I was carder, much to Jensen's delight, while none of the rest of the team was. Like I would be carrying around an ID that didn't even say I was twenty one.

The team had gone straight to the only available table and informed a passing waitress that we would be needing a minimum of four shot of tequila each. After the sixth round we had all started to break up into smaller groups. Meaning that Clay and Aisha were sitting at the bar nursing a beer, Cougar had a nice young thing back at the table practically hanging off of every word he was saying, and I was out on the dance floor. I have no idea where Jensen had wandered off to but I was two shots and three songs past really caring.

A pair of strong arms made themselves comfortable on my hips as a new face paced song started playing over the sound system. For the last half hour I had been dancing on and off with a few different people but none of them had really caught my eye yet and were quickly ditched for the next new partner. This guy, I could tell by the size of the hands, seemed very confident and honestly that alone made him a bit of a keeper in my book

Leaning back slowly I placed most of my weight onto his chest and reached my good arm back to run my fingers through his hair. Very soft, awesome.

"You know you shouldn't dance with just any stranger, Issy." An annoyingly familiar voice whispered into my ear, and I could hear that smirk of his in his voice.

"Luckily I have a big strong man looking after me." I smiled lightly while trying to get a look at him from over my shoulder.

"Yeah you could call me your knight in shining armor." He chuckled and moved his right arm to wrap around my waist.

"Oh really, cos I was talking about Cougar." I chuckled and leaned even further back into him.

"Time to go" Cougar called only a few minutes later, suddenly in front of us.

"Come on Cougs, just a few more songs." Jensen whined while burying his face into my neck.

"It's last call, time to go." Clay called out as he made his way towards us with an arm slung comfortably over Aisha's shoulders.

"There is no way that it has been that long!" Jensen complained but let me go none the less and we all made our way out to a taxi that seemed to be waiting for us outside the club.

The whole ride back to the hotel kind of blurred which was defiantly not helped by the flask of something strong being passed around the back of the car. But suddenly Jensen and I were outside of my hotel door, on a higher floor then the rest of the guys because I made a very special request for a nicer room, and we were both laughing hysterically. I don't even know what we were laughing at, probably nothing at all.

"Good night, Issy." Jensen said as soon as he was done laughing.

"I told you not to call me that." I told him again while looking up, only to notice that he was standing very close to me, like closer than personal space dictated. But I certainly wasn't going to complain.

"I know." And just like that his lips were on mine, warm and a little but clumsy, not that I wasn't. His hands went right back to my hips just as they had been earlier in the evening and mine went around his neck, my hands returning into his very soft hair.

I have literally no idea how long we stood making out against my door but just as soon as it started, Jensen was pulling back, saying "Good night" again and walking back down the hall towards the elevator.

So yeah I kind of have this head cannon that all of the Losers kind of have a drinking problem, sorry if you don't like it or if it bothers you. There are only two chapters left in this but I'm always thinking of small scenes between Issy and Jensen so if you want like a drabble fic I could deff do that. Just let me know!