AN: I needed something simple and fluffy enough to get rid of all the hurt my heart is currently feeling. This season is just...depressing:P Here's a little something to take our thoughts off of what's happened so far!
Disclaimer: The day I own Supernatural is the day Cas comes back and falls in love with Dean and all with be Destiel. Remember to keep a look out for that day, folks.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Dean is sitting on his bed, perfectly unbothered by the rough sheets and the lumpy pillow. His focus is only on the plate before him – the one completely taken over by the massive piece of cherry pie that sits atop it. He licks his lips in anticipation, thanking whatever-the-hell-was-up-there for Sam and his stupid need to make Dean happy with desserts from the diner across the street.

Right now, it's just him and this pie. Sam is off stocking up on food and what-not at the local super market, and it's just him and this pie.

This beautiful, one-of-a-kind, original recipe…

"Hello, Dean."

Said hunter nearly jumps completely out of his skin as that familiar voice pervades his peace, nearly sending the plate tumbling for the floor. He grabs it just in time, though, and glares at the angel as he pulls it close. "A little warning would have been nice," he grumbles.

Cas cocks his head to the side like he usually does when he's curious, and before Dean can do anything about it, he's plopping down on the bed and reaching out for the pie. "May I?"

"May you what?"

"Try it?"

It's so random and out-of-character for the angel that Dean doesn't even have the time to be protective. Silent in such a way that conveys his shock, he passes the plate over and lets Castiel take the first bite.

Cautiously, the angel inspects the fork before using it to cut himself a small piece. It crumbles easily beneath the pressure, and he can feel Dean's eyes burning through his hand as he watches. The slow descent his hand takes to get to his mouth leaves his skin feeling itchy as he does his best not to meet the hunter's eyes.

The sensations that ripple slowly over his taste buds are so great that he can't help the small moan of satisfaction that is pulled from his lips, and it's barely his fault that some of the jelly gets smeared on his upper lip, and he really can't be blamed for licking it away.

It's not even his fault when Dean shoves the plate aside and seals their lips together like the angel is the only remaining source of oxygen left on the planet.

"Damn it, Cas! You can't just do that!"

And then they're back to kissing, and Castiel willingly opens his mouth against the slight pressure of Dean's tongue, smirking the slightest bit because, okay, sure, maybe it was a little bit his fault.