He stepped down from the rocky ledge, knowing full-well that he could just fly, but too afraid to let his concentration lose focus. If that happened, then his invisibility would slip up, and they would see him. They being the two looming, dark, and evil-looking figures below him.
Doc Miller, Dad, he'd said not to judge a ghost by it's looks, but Phantom decided that these two were the exception.
"Did you get it?" The one with the pointy hair and cape questioned in a husky whisper, even though Phantom was sure he knew that no one was here for miles... except, you know, him. And these two.
The other one, the pale one with flames flickering and framing his face, red eyes and fangs, shook his head smugly. "Well, there haven't been anyone in this section of the GZ for centuries, Plaz, my man. Don't think they'd decide that today, of all days, would be a great day to repopulize—"
"But did you get it?" The first, Plaz?— hissed.
The second rolled his eyes. "No— I decided to buy a unicorn instead—yes, I got it! You moron, what did you think this is?" He reached inside his suit, a jumpsuit with a white cape and a military belt, and pulled out a peciluar object.
Phantom caught his breath, leaning forward ever so slightly to get a better look. He'd expected the thing to be sinister, but all it was was a box! Simple, stainless steel. It was sleek, and black, with a purple-hued button on the side. What did it do?
Plaz—or whatever his name was— sighed with pleasure. "Ah ha! Thank you, Dan. This...this will speed up my plans to extraordonary results."
Dan scowled, his red eye's gleaming. "Don't you mean our plans, Plasmius?"
Ah, so his name was Plasmius.
Plasmius winced. "I—Ah, of course, Daniel—"
Phantom shivered as the cool word slipped easily off the undead lips of the second, Dan. He was beginning to regret ditching the others. He'd never been so scared in his life. Hell, he'd never actually been scared in his life! He'd always seen everything coming, always came up with counter attacks to those that actually managed to surprise him, but this—this, he had no clue.
Plasmius nodded furiously. "Ah, of course. Dan."
Phantom snaked his body up the face of the cliff he had scaled. Time to go unlock the others?
Yup. Time to go release our friends.
Alright, bro.
Phantom squeezed his eyes shut. That was Danny talking again. Danny, his second half. Danny, his human half, son of Madeline and Jack Fenton, brother to a Jasmine Fenton. He was slightly more immature than Phantom was, but he got over it. They loved each other, like brothers should. Danny got to take over rarely, however, and he always got bored.
Yes Danny?
Can we take a small detour before we go back? Please?
Phantom supressed a breath. Fine.
Phantom let the white glowing rings of power wash over him, letting Danny take over for a while, retreating into the back of their mind.
Danny glanced down at the small hand, flexing the slowly developing muscles. He felt a grin take over his face, then heard Danny's slightly-more-childish voice in his—their—ears.
"Hey bro, C'n you hear me?"
Phantom tried to nod, but remembered that Danny had control right now.
Yes, I hear you, brother.
"Aw, cool!"
Phantom wanted to smile. Danny always made him feel more...alive, although that word seemed to contradict his entire existance.
Where do you want to go today?
"... C'n I meet Petey?"
Phantom was surprised. You—wait, what?
… Ugh, sure.
Danny smiled triumphantly. Phantom wanted to growl now. Danny knew that Phantom would always agree with him, unless he really opposed the request.
Peter glanced down when he felt something tug his pant leg. He'd been released from the hospital, crazy as it was, just a few hours before. They'd told him to rest, but his friends knew they'd be able to steer away from any trouble.
Bright blue eyes stared back at him. They had light green specks in them... he recognized them from somewhere... But where?
"Hey, Mister, have you seen my daddy?"
Liz Allen choose that exact moment to glance back to see why Peter wasn't following them, and squealed. "Omigosh, Petey! He's sooooo adorable!"
The others looked back in surprise, and Gwen and the other cheerleaders cooed.
Soon, Peter and the little boy were surrounded by giggling teenage girls.
The six-year old giggled cutely back at them, still pulling at Peter's pant leg. He held up his arms "Up!"
Peter sighed, confused, as he lifted the tiny child into his arms. He had bright blond hair, deep blue eyes, and pale skin. He wore a solid white T-shirt, six-year old sized blue jeans, black boots, and a red baseball cap.
"Hey, kiddo." Peter said. "What's that you were saying about your daddy?"
"C'n't find 'im, Mister."
Liz 'awwww'ed, snatching the kid from his arms. "It's okay, sweetie, we'll help you find him! What's your name?"
The boy squirmed uncomfortably, suddenly shy. Peter didn't blame him. "... Danny."
The girls, excluding Gwen, squealed happily.
Danny titlted his head. "C'n you help me find him, missus?"
Liz nodded furiously, along with her clique. "Oh, yes! What's your daddy's name, sweetheart?"
"Doct'r Miwwer."
Peter's head snapped up, and the others looked at him in surprise. Liz gasped, dramatically. "Wait, are you Phantom's brother?"
Danny's face lit up. "Ryk'r? Ya!"
Flash frowned. "Ryker?"
Danny nodded excitedly. "Ryker's Phantom's weal name. We boff have n'cknames. M'ne's Spect'r!"
Gwen laughed, taking Phantom from Liz's armes. "Okay, Specter. Let's take you home. Do you live at the hospital too?"
Danny opened his mouth to reply, but his eyes suddenly widened, and he was silent for a moment.
Phantom wasn't happy. At all.
What are you doing? You can't just tell them lies like that! You need a basis of truth! My name isn't Ryker!
...It's a cool name though!
Phantom sighed. Just... cry like a kid your age, and get them to take us home, okay? You met Parker, now let's go!
… Fine...
To the group of teenager's surprise, Danny randomly burst into tears.
Peter jumped, then groaned as a sharp pain shot through his shoulder. "Let's just take him home..."
Flash nodded. Liz looked slightly regretful, but handed the wailing kid to the brown haired teen. They were starting to attract attention.
After the teens had dropped them off, Phantom immediately requested control of their body back.
That was unacceptable.
...I'm sorry...
Worst part was, Phantom knew that he wouldn't be able to stay mad for long. Danny knew it too, but Phantom still heard the note of shame in his voice through the mind-link they shared. He knew that sound. It meant Danny was about to cry. He needed their body back, quick.
The rings washed over him, and Phantom flexed his reaquired hand, before phasing through the ceiling in to broom closet.
Still, as Danny retreated to the back of their shared mind to quietly wail to himself, Phantom felt the small urge that he'd left behind. He wanted to cry, very badly.
And as he got to the main office, and caught sight of Terry talking with his father, that's exactly what he did.
Terry jumped as the tiny boy started sobbing into his lab-coat. Everyone froze as Terry's eye's widened, and the blond man held up his hands in defense. "Oh, nu uh. I'm so not falling for that again." Doc Miller sighed, and they all waited for the boy to quiet down.
But he didn't. For the life of him, Phantom just couldn't swallow the tears.
Terry frowned softly, after a while, and he hesitantly knelt down to pick the boy up. "Yo, kiddo, you okay?"
Phantom shook his head wordlessly, burying his face into the man's shoulder in an attempt to mask his tears.
He felt Terry's hands transfers him to someone else's, and he found himself looking into the concerned eyes of Doc Miller. Phantom wrapped his arms around Doc's neck, and quietly cried into his loving father shoulder.
Siblings were so annoying.