
Chapter Eleven


Talia opened her puffy eyes slowly, sniffing as she snuggled into the warmth that had surrounded her. She felt comfortable, safe, but it did nothing to quell the emptiness that filled her. "Please," she whispered, knowing Sanosuke had woken up the moment she had moved. "Please tell me it was just a bad dream…" she begged.

"I've never lied to you in my life." Sanosuke said softly, making her throat begin to close up. "And I won't break that record now. I'm sorry Talia."

He felt her sob and then soon after heard her crying. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as if he might disappear. "Why?" she asked. "Why did this happen to me?"

"Maybe…it's for the best." He winced after he said it, since he didn't want her to take it the wrong way. "What I mean is, if he did that to your mother…he would have done the same thing to you, if not something worse. I'm just glad that you were spared his wrath." He said, beginning to rub her back to try and soothe her.

Talia actually glared at his chest. "It's best that my mother died instead of me?" she almost seethed, pushing away from him slightly. "What is wrong with you! Maybe if he had just killed me, he would have left her alone!"

"But you would be gone!" he replied, looking down at her. He reached out and cupped her cheek. "And then I would be all alone…"

"My whole family is dead!" she sobbed. "You have no idea what that feels like!"

"No, I don't." Sanosuke said. "But you still have me, Talia. And my family. You know you're like a daughter to my mother. Everyone here loves you."

She stared down, frowning. "It's not the same Sanosuke. My mother is dead. The woman who gave birth to me and cared for me my whole life is dead. You can't imagine the hole I feel right now. It's like I've been punched in the stomach."

He frowned. "Talia…I understand you missing your mother and being sad…but if she knew what Hajime had been doing to you and did nothing about it…she wasn't much of a mother." He said. "I know without a doubt my mother would have left my father if he did something so terrible…actually, she would have killed him, but my point is, she didn't do anything, and she could have."

"Just because she was weak as a woman doesn't mean I am okay with what happened!" Talia yelled, sitting up and moving away from him. "I will never be okay with this, my mother is dead and I loved her! No matter what she did or didn't do, she was my mom and I will always love her."

"I wasn't saying you shouldn't love her, of grieve her death." Sanosuke said, sitting up as well. "I'm just trying to help you look on the bright side…I mean, you both could have died. I know what Noriaki did was bad…but if Hajime had been alive when you'd walked through the door, you could be dead. If he'd been waiting for you…I wouldn't have made it to you in time, even with my sand."

She stared at him, her amber depths filling with tears. "I don't want to look on the brighter side right now Sanosuke. All want is for you to shut up and just hold me while I cry. It hasn't even been twenty-four hours, stop trying to make me feel better because you suck at it." She said seriously, though after a bit of silence she almost laughed. "I'm sorry." She said, nearly smiling. "I didn't mean that…but you really do."

"I'm sorry." He said, opening his arms in an invitation.

She glanced down before moving over to him and sitting in his lap. "You know…if you really want to do this bright side thing…I told you your punishment wouldn't be long."

"Hm." He smiled slightly, wrapping his arms around her and holding her. "It seems you were right."

"I'm always right." She said, leaning against him and looking up. "It's time you got used to it." She snickered, before her small smile fell. "I don't…I don't know what to do Sanosuke. I'm so…angry…and I don't want to be. I'm mad and I just don't know how I should feel. I know it's not my fault…but it feels like it is."

"It's not your fault." Sanosuke said strongly, looking down at her. "If anything, it's mine. If I hadn't stood up to him for you, said and done what I did…maybe you would still have your mother." He told her, looking down in his shame.

She shook her head. "You wouldn't be you if you didn't." she said softly. "You're the only one who takes care of me…and it's something I love about you. I know you're selfish and to others you may seem like an asshole, but being the only one you care about…makes me feel special."

He kissed the top of her head. "You are special Talia." He told her, reaching up and cupping her cheek. "And I would do whatever it took to keep you safe, and to take care of you."

Talia nodded, looking forward. "I wonder…when I'll start to feel normal again…"

"That's not really something we can determine, but, I will be here to help you get to that point." he said, rubbing her arm. "I wonder if my parents will let us share my room indefinitely." He couldn't help but smile.

She actually laughed. "Who knows, but we could always milk it as long as possible. I can't imagine being alone any time soon."

"Let's do that then." Sanosuke chuckled, nuzzling the top of her head slightly. He kissed her head once more. "And I will take a few weeks' vacation so that I'm not sent on any missions."

She nodded, placing her hands over his and stroking his skin with her thumbs. "Good…I appreciate it."

"Anything for you." he said. They sat like that for a few moments, before he felt the rest of his family beginning to stir and move about the house. "Are you up for breakfast? Knowing my mother, she's cooked some of everything for you." he said.

"I just don't want to be bombarded." She sighed.

"If it starts to look that way, we can leave." The Uchiha promised.

She nodded. "Sounds good." She said, but she didn't move from his grasp.

Sanosuke slipped his arm beneath her legs and lifted her as he rose, holding her like a princess. "You can stay in my lap throughout breakfast if you want." he murmured, using his sand to open his bedroom door.

"That's fine." She said, looking up at him and trying to control the fast beating of her heart. "Though, I hope no one finds it inappropriate."

"If they do I doubt they will say anything." He assured her as they walked through the living room and into the kitchen, where his family was getting ready for breakfast. "Morning everyone." Sanosuke said, his sand pulling out his chair before he sat down, keeping Talia with him.

Hayate smiled at them. "Good morning Sano! Talia!" he greeted cheerfully.

All three of the triplets stared at their brother, mostly the way he was coddling the blonde. It wasn't like it was new to see him be affectionate with Talia, but it still wasn't something that happened that much, at least in public. Natsumi turned, smiling at the two until she saw them and it faltered. She swallowed, keeping her light aura. "Good morning you two." She said, looking down at Talia. "You sleep okay Talia?"

She nodded, giving Natsumi a thankful smile. "Yeah, I didn't even hear Sano come in last night."

"That's good." Akito said, beginning to serve himself some food. "You know obviously you are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you like. It can even become permanent. Though eventually you will need to move into your own room." He told her.

"Why bother?" Noriaki scoffed. "They already act like they're married."

Talia's friendly gaze turned into a sharp glare. "Shut. Up." She snapped, making everyone go wide eyed.

"We do not." Sanosuke huffed, blushing lightly as he took the offered eggs and put some on his plate.

Noriaki sighed, setting his fork down and standing. "Well I think I'll just eat outside this morning." He said, grabbing his plate and orange juice.

Kanamé and Izayoi watched him leave, both frowning before looking at Talia and Sanosuke. "So…Talia, did you need me to get you anything?" Izayoi asked, not really knowing what to say.

"No, I'm okay." She said, taking some bacon and nibbling on it.

"Do you want some pancakes?" Hayate asked, holding the plate staked with the hot cakes out towards them.

Talia nodded and began to get some onto her plate. She took the syrup and poured some on her pancakes. The rest of breakfast continued in a similar fashion, not a lot of talking until Kanamé decided to quell his curiosity. "So what's going to happen to Noriaki?"

"He will be suspended from any missions for a period of six months, during which time he must perform community service around the village, as well as run errands for your mother and I." Akito said. "Other than that, the elders, your mother, and I, have decided that what he did, while it was wrong, was not entirely unjust. And so that will be his only punishment."

"Six whole months?" Izayoi gasped. "But he's an Anbu team leader."

Natsumi nearly growled. "Don't remind me." She said, giving her husband a somewhat irritated look.

"He has to learn his lesson." Akito replied, not backing down from his wife. "Besides, you were outvoted."

"You voted against me." She argued.

"Because he has to learn his lesson. A three month suspension is not long enough and you know it." he replied. "That's the equivalent to slapping his hands away from the cookie jar and telling him no, only to have him go back when you look away."

"This is not like that Akito, this was your son doing something he knows was ri-" she paused looking over at Talia's downcast face, before returning her gaze to Akito. "You know it was for a reason."

"That doesn't mean he gets to escape the law with no consequences." The Hokage replied.

Sanosuke picked Talia up as he stood. "Breakfast was delicious mother, thank you." He said, turning and beginning to head from the room, since he didn't want his friend to be bothered by their debate any longer.

Talia sighed, resting against him and looking off. "What do you think Sanosuke…?" she asked hesitantly.

"About Noriaki's punishment?" he asked, wanting to clarify.

She nodded. "Well…kind of…about the entire thing…"

He looked off as they entered his bedroom once more and let out a sigh. His answer would not make her happy. "Well…while I admit that what happened to your mother was terrible, I believe that Hajime got what he deserved, based on what Noriaki told me, and I don't think he should be punished at all for what he did."

"I see." She said softly, looking off. "What are you going to do today?"

"Whatever you want to do." The ebony haired boy answered automatically, closing his bedroom door with his foot and sitting on the edge of his bed, placing her in his lap.

"Could we just lie together, talking, and you running your fingers through my hair?" she asked, looking up at him.

He smiled slightly, actually liking that idea. He hadn't seen her in so long, after all, and despite everything, he couldn't help and be selfish in his thinking that what had happened yesterday was one of the best things to ever happen to him. "Of course."

"Then let's do that, all day, just you and me until we fall asleep again." She smiled somewhat.

"Well we'll have to take breaks for lunch and dinner." The Uchiha chuckled, reaching up and stroking her cheek. "But that sounds nice."

She leaned into his hand, staring into his green depths. "Not if we eat in here."

"Good idea." He rested his forehead against hers, kissing it before they both moved to lay down, with Sanosuke holding her and running his fingers through her hair.

They stayed like this the rest of the day, having Natsumi bring them their food when it was ready so that they didn't have to leave. Sanosuke could tell that their nonstop interaction was worrying his mother, especially the way he was always holding his blonde friend, but he didn't care. If it was really bothering her she would say something about it, and until then, he would ignore her.

And eventually, Talia fell asleep in his embrace, Sanosuke following her soon after, thinking once again that he liked sharing his bed with her, and that it was something he could get used to really quickly.