Fireflies (Shion - August 2020)

Reuniting with his mother; casual adoption of little Shion and Inukashi as family; rebirth of No. 6 and the West Block…

Then last September, two years after she'd left for No. 5, Safu returned alive.

In May, about two years after he'd left as well, Nezumi returned— to stay.

He was surely the luckiest man alive.

The sun's last rays still peeked inside when Shion went upstairs to wish his mother and baby sister goodnight, but now it was growing dark. For the first time since No. 6's existence, a fresh power grid brought the West electricity— but supplies were short and lights were off to conserve energy. Shion, who had learned to adjust his eyes to the dark long ago, effortlessly padded downstairs, and entered the hallway to the kitchen.

"But I—" a faint voice traversed the pitch black hall.

"Not yet!" an emphatic stage whisper carried too.

Safu? And that was Inukashi before. Is something wrong?

Safu continued: "I promise, soon. Right now… it's just too…"

"Alright, don't worry." Inukashi soothed fondly.

Shion rounded the corner in time to spy a tan hand stroking loose strands of short brown hair away from lavender eyes in the opposite corner of the kitchen. Firelight reached inward through the glass doors, barely illuminating the contours of two sundresses, a charming bob, a cascading updo. Two faces; fair and bronze.

They're! Shion remained still at the darkest corner of the kitchen, stunned to watch Safu's hands clasp around Inukashi's waist, and the latter bring their lips together for a fleeting, yet meaningful kiss.

"When I'm, you know, on better terms with everyone, it'll be different." He could hear the telltale trembling of an emotional Safu, but also a reassuring smile in her lowered voice.

"Let's go." After Inukashi took Safu's hand and turned to lead her outside, she froze for a brief instant. Her sharp eyes spotted Shion's motionless form, partially hidden in the entrance to the hallway at the opposite corner of the kitchen.

The white-haired youth's heart raced in continued shock, happiness for two of the dearest people in his life, and embarrassment for intruding on their intimacy. Inukashi let an unaware Safu outside before turning in the doorway to glare directly at Shion. With a look of warning, she raised index finger to lips in demand of secrecy. Shion nodded and drew his thumb and forefinger across his own to signify he'd keep them sealed. But he couldn't help the huge grin now breaking out on his face. Inukashi rolled her eyes and slipped out the door.

After a minute, Shion stepped outside. It was getting late. Shop-talking committee members and Inukashi's 'Way too dull' business associates had already ducked out or excused themselves from the soirée.

Past the fire Inukashi and Safu had to themselves, a handsomely-dressed, raven-haired young man reclined against his favourite tree. Shion kneeled beside him, gazing into captivating grey eyes that made his heart leap.

"Nezumi," Shion caressed his companion's cheek with the backs of his fingers, before bestowing him a slow, sweet and appreciative kiss, and simply melting onto his shoulder.

"What was that for?"

"Just because."

Because we can, Nezumi.

A moment passed.

"They look like fireflies."

"What do?"

"Sparks from the fire, idiot."

Shion shifted against Nezumi's arm to better view the fire, interlacing the fingers of his right hand with those of his beloved's left. Brilliant sparks flew about as an inconspicuous tan arm wrapped innocently around a certain adjacent waist.

We're all so lucky.


A/N: So how was it? I hope you enjoyed each instalment of this semi-epilogue (to my story Waiting) / semi-standalone fic. Think InuSafu are a good couple? Would you have preferred Safukashi? Both? Neither? Let me know what you think. If there's enough interest, I may continue writing fics in this particular post-story scenario.

Thanks for reading! :)