Golden Smiles, Silver Tears (The Story of G/S)

By:  Silver Dreams and McWizardX

Prologue:  Vanishing champion

Lance yielded to the incredible pokemon trainer before him.  He has defeated the other three elites now himself.  However he wasn't the first, he was the second.  Just a few moments before, another has already defeated Lance, he felt completely outclassed.  Two trainers from the same town arrived and swept through everyone like a storm.  Now it was their turn to go against each other to see who is the better.  The other members of the elite four joined Lance to watch from the sidelines; this was an epic match between two trainers from Pallet Town.

Lance:  Who would have thought two incredible trainers would prove to be even more than the elite four can handle.

Bruno:  And they are just children too.

Lance:  Incredible.  This is a historic event.  It shall be written in the hall of fame that Ash and Gary have both conquered the elite four and challenge each other for the right to be champion.


The epic battle has left the battleground in ruin.  It was a true awe-inspiring sight to see a battle as intense as Ash versus Gary.  Though there can only be one winner.  Lance raises up his hand and pointed towards Ash's side.

Lance:  The winner is Ash!

Ash looked up and wiped the sweat from his brow.  His pokemon pulled through for him.  He knew they were tiring out but they went the extra mile for their beloved trainer.  Gary's pokemon may have been powerful but he had something missing to give him that same edge Ash had.  Gary looked towards Ash and slowly started to clap.

Gary:  Congratulations to the new champ . . .Ash.

The clapping started to spread to those who watched.  Everyone cheered to see a new champion crowned and achieve Master status.  Prof. Oak appeared and walked over to the new champion, Ash.

Oak:  Good job Ash, you've done a great job.  Your now champion, you've accomplished your goal.  Gary, you also have battled tough but you're lacking something a bit more.  Why not retrace your steps and see what you have missed.

Gary:  I will gramps I'll find it.  It has been a good battle Ash, enjoy being champion.

Gary walked over to Ash and shook his hand then without another word, left.  Ash watched in the direction that Gary walked away from and wondered if their rivalry was finally over.  As he watched he felt two arms grab him from behind and give him a big hug.

Misty:  Ash, you've done it!  I can't believe you actually are the newest champion!

Ash smiled and turned towards Misty.  Now was a time for celebration and rejoicing.  Finally after four years from the day he started he has finally accomplished his goal.  The celebration went on all night with music, dancing, and fireworks as the whole world learned of the new champion and master.


Lance went over the responsibilities of being a champion with Ash.  As a champion he was also the figurehead of what other trainers would hope to be, but Ash didn't quiet like that idea.  He believed everyone should be he or herself and not try to be like him.  Another thing Ash didn't like was he had to stay in Indigo Plateau and head the League Committee in deciding many issues.  Ash thought about being the champion, it wasn't what he thought it would be, rather than being the worlds greatest and learning more he has become a politician.  Once Lance was finished Ash walked to the cabin that he and Misty stayed at.

Misty agreed to stay with Ash till the very end; so far she kept her promise.  She busily cooked dinner for the both of them thinking what was it going to be like now that Ash is the champion.  Just as she checked on the stew she was cooking, the door opened and entered Ash.

Ash:  I'm home.

Misty:  Hi Ash, dinner will be in a sec.

Ash walked into the kitchen to see what Misty was cooking.  Misty leaned over and gave Ash a kiss on the cheek as always.  She looked at Ash and wondered what Ash was thinking he wasn't his usual self.

Misty:  Something wrong Ash?

Ash:  I don't think I like being champion if it means I won't get to adventure anymore.

Misty:  Oh, why don't you tell me all about it at dinner.


Ash sat at the side of his bed and looked up at the Silver Moon.  He always looked at the moon whenever he needed to know what to do next.  Now that he is the champion, what can he do?  It almost felt like he had nothing left to accomplish, no goal since he finally got there and no rival since Gary is out pursuing something else.  While looking up, Ash felt two arms grab him from behind and a soft body hug him.  Misty placed her head on Ash's back and felt comfort as he held her hand.

Ash:  Misty, I feel like I want to get away from all this.  I don't think being a champion is something that I'd really like.

Misty:  You don't like it here?

Ash:  Its not that I don't like it here but I still want to adventure on and not be stuck in an office deciding things.  They can do well without me.

Misty:  So you're leaving?

Ash:  Yeah.  I want to leave and let it be like old times.

Misty:  If that's what you want then I'll be there with you.

Ash looked up at the Silver Moon and smiled again.  He turned towards Misty and looked right into her beautiful eyes.

Misty:  I always adore your Golden Smile.

Ash:  And your Silver Tears.

They both closed their eyes and pulled a bed sheet over them, they'll enjoy the comforts of soft beds of Indigo Plateau one last time before leaving. 

The next morning news spread that the current champion, Ash, is missing.  Only a note remained that read, "Sorry to leave like this but I'm not cut out to be the champion.  I am only a trainer who wishes to know more about pokemon.  Good bye for now, hope to see you in the future, Ash."

This was an uneasy time for everyone, there was no current champion and the first runner up isn't around as well.  There was a brief moment of Anarchy within the ranks of the elite.  Lance soon restored order as he declared himself champion.

As Lance sat at his desk thinking to himself at what just happened, he wondered how long will he remain champion and also who will be the new elite four.  Agetha is getting old, Lorilie is going to get married, and his spot on the elite four is now open, this leaves three open spots.  This means a total league tournament to crown new members of the elite four.

Lance:  I can't believe this.  A single teenage boy, barely in his teens, has managed to affect the Pokemon League in a way no one could ever have.  Thanks to him I'm now the champion.  I wonder if there'll be another one like him, like rare pokemon, perhaps there will be.

End of Prologue