
beccalovesbumblebee~ Well this is my final chapter of T.M.I. and I hope I can wrap it all up here. WARNING FOR NIGHTSHADOWV AND EVERYONE! MAJOR OC DEATH... Sadly, but there is a little bit of a surprise also... *Smiles* Please enjoy. Read and Review just to tell me stuff like I love your shoes or something like that... I do sometimes. Peace and Love to all. I do not own TFP.

Chapter Eighteen.

(Rebecca's P.O.V.)

I had spent the past few months wedding planning... If I would have known that it was this hard I would have just had someone marry me, and Bee in the base. Well actually we are going to get married in the base. Where else was I supposed to have it where my soon to be husband, my father, and the team would all fit. The only other people that were going to be at the wedding would be my baby, Raf my almost charge, Miko my best friend's charge, and Jack the Feme that wanted my jobs charge. Oops I forgot June, and Agent Fowler. All that aside I was going crazy all the planning.

"Relax Becks," Bulkhead said, "Everything will be fine."

"No it won't be!" I yelled in frustration.

"Calm down Becks. I didn't mean to upset you." Bulkhead patted me on the back.

"I am sorry. Jess won't answer me... What if she doesn't make it here for the ceremony?" I asked trying to mask the worry in my voice.

"I am sure she will be here," Bulk said trying to reassure me, but he didn't know what was going to happen.

I shook my head, and ran to my room.

Miko was waiting in there with my dress.

"Miko I don't want to look at that thing right now," I nearly growled at Miko.

"Becks we need to try it on one more time before tomorrow," Miko said slowly trying to break me.

"Fine Miko," I huffed. I stripped down to my underwear, and the Miko helped me put on the dress.

"Here we go," Miko said as she zipped me up.

I looked at myself in the mirror with Miko looking with me beaming over my shoulder. The dress was a lace that showed my tan skin, and panties. The dress hugged my boobs and my hips perfectly. I loved this dress, and Arcee hated it which made it that much better.

"You look stunning," Miko said.

I smiled I knew she was right.

That night Prime took me to a hotel room for the night. Because Bee shouldn't see me 24 hours before the wedding. Prime activated his holoform and walked me into the hotel room.

"Dad you know you don't have to stay here with me," I said looking at him. His holoform looked a lot like me.

"Rebecca I want to be here with you." Prime smiled.

I ran to his holoform and jumped into his arms. With his reflexes he caught me and returned my hug.

"Thank you," I whispered into his holoforms ear.

"For what?" He asked with a bewildered expression.

"Being my Dad, and caring for me," I said.

"I always cared for you youngling. I hated knowing what you had been through," Prime said regret lining his tone.

"No," I said, "We need to be happy. I am getting married tomorrow."

"Get some sleep. You are going to need it," Prime said.

I didn't like that they wouldn't let me bring little Bee with me for the night. What made it worse was that Arcee has her. She was "helping me out" as she put it.

I fell into a restless sleep. I tossed and turned all night. The truth was I didn't sleep good without Bumblebee laying next to me. After awhile I gave up and sat in Prime's lap for comfort. I just had a bad feeling about today.

"It is probably just cold feet, or the pre-wedding jitters," Prime said sounding awkward as he tried to use earth terms.

I nodded, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that it was something else. I mean I had no idea where my sister had went, or if she was alright.

Eventually I fell asleep in Dad's arms. June came by in the morning and did my make-up, and hair. I made her leave so it was only me and my Dad there when I finally pulled my dress on.

"Would you zip me up?" I asked him as I walked out of the bathroom holding my dress up.

"Okay. Come here," He said. He smiled as I walked over to him holding my dress up as I approached him I let the dress go, then gently lifted my hair up. My Dad zipped me up. I turned to face him. I saw that June gave him my veil.

"Are you ready for this?" Prime asked.

"As I will ever be," I said realising a breath as he slipped the veil gently into my hair. His holoform took my hand.

"You look beautiful," He said as he lead me to his passenger side. The door opened and his holoform faded after he helped me in.

He drove at a steady speed to the base. As we entered the base my daughter was waiting for us. My Dad fixed my veil so it covered my face. Little Bee radioed Raf to cue the "modified" wedding march that him and Miko had worked on. Little Bee hugged me before she took her spot in line behind Jack, and Miko who were the only members of the bridal party. I saw Jack smile a little as he took Miko by the arm to lead her down the aisle.

Me, and Prime cheated technically. I was supposed to walk in front of him, then he was going to hand me to Bee, but we just decided to skip the first part. Ratchet's jaw dropped as he saw this. I stuck my tongue out at him as Prime handed me over to Bee.

The ceremony went like any other. Bee set me down, then gently reached down and lifted my veil.

"Bumblebee do you take this Autobot for as long as your sparks are still beating?" Agent Fowler asked.

"I promise her myself longer after my spark is extinguished," Bee said touching the side of my face gently. "I do."

"Rebecca do you take Bumblebee to be your husband for as long as your sparks keep beating?" Agent Fowler asked.

I opened my mouth to say "I do" when a loud scream rang through the base. Jess came running in. Jess was pregnant, and in labor. Jess collapsed to the ground. I ran over to her forgetting about what was happening before.

I was kneeling beside Jess when she turned to look at me. "I heard you call for me. I had to make it here." Jess smiled weakly. "I wouldn't miss this for the world." Jessica's eye closed slowly before we heard the soft cries of her sparkling that had just emerged from her body. I looked over at my nephew and picked him up. He was covered in energon, and he was small. I held him in one arm as I sat Jess up leaning her against me.

"Come on Jess. Hold your baby boy," I coaxed. Jess held her baby with my assistance. She smiled weakly at him. "What are you going to call him?"

"His name will be Paxus," Jess shook as she said this. "Becca... Take care of my little mech." I felt his weight shift into my arms as Jess released her baby, and her last breath.

My sister died there in my arms, and Paxus was born my nephew, and my new charge.

I looked at Bumblebee, and mouthed "I do" as I began to cry clutching my sister and her baby in my arms.


Beccalovesbumblebee~ This is where I feel that TMI ends... With Jessica's death and the birth of her little mech Paxus. I may write a sequel about Becks raising Paxus, and Little Bee. I will only do that if you guys want me too... Let me know. I know this is a sucky ending but this is what I decided to do. Till I return peace, love, and laughter to all. Btw thank you for those of you that followed, favorited, reviewed, or even just read this fic that means the world to me.