Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight or Vampire Knight Guilty or the characters or story line affiliated with either the anime or the manga. All rights are reserved for its creator Matsuri Hino.
Author's Note: This story is a challenge between me and magicalgirl10059 and although both stories are based on the same idea we will both be writing our own fics based on that idea. I hope you enjoy this Vampire Knight Christmas story. Happy Reading and Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas magicalgirl100591! This story is for you!
Christmas Apparition
Sometimes you just need a little ghostly help…
There once was a boy born into a family of renowned Hunters, a half of a whole, a twin despite the curse placed on the Hunters many centuries before by a vampire. He was strong, courageous with an unfathomable will and stubbornness to rival all who knew him. He was able to see the beauty of the world yet still remained cautious of the dark shadows that marred the purity of the world. He was never jaded to that which lurked within the shadowy slums of humanity.
He was taught at an early age to be a Hunter, to see without blindness the impurity that was the vampire, the monsters in human form, what evil was in its truest form. However, no matter the teachings he still saw the beauty in all things and like most he fell victim to an illusion of prettiness and with his own young eyes witnessed the brutality and cunningness of the monsters he was trained to destroy.
Now this boy had a brother, his twin, and while he was strong and healthy his twin was anything but. From the very beginning his twin was sickly, often times bedridden with fever and illness. He may have not been jaded to the whims of a vampire, but his brother, although receiving the same training despite his frailty, fell victim to the lure of a vampire woman.
It had been a cold day that day when he saw his master off. He had been standing there watching his retreating back when he twin showed up. They stood together watching as their mentor and friend left on a hunt when they noticed whiteness falling around them. At first it had appeared to be snow, but upon further inspection they realized it to be cherry blossom blooms. While his twin looked upon the beauty he however saw through the illusion.
Almost in sync the brothers noticed the beauty woman before them, tears pooling in her eyes and streaming down her pale flawless cheeks. Recognizing her for what she truly was the boy ushered his twin home. It wasn't too long after that that the Pureblood came after the boy and his family. It was that cold snowy night that the boy again witnessed the brutal nature of a vampire, and this vampire woman was not only brutal but vengeful.
In return for the death of the man she loved she slaughtered the Hunters who had taken his life. The boy lay injured and bleeding when she came to him and bit into the tender flesh of his neck injecting her poison into his veins, damning him to become something far worse than herself. He wouldn't be granted the same power she had as a Pureblood, no his tainted blood would turn him into the dreaded Level E, the lowest rung on the ladder of vampire hierarchy. He was to become that which children only saw in the darkest nightmares.
It was also on that night that his hatred for Purebloods took hold of his heart encasing it in bitter vengeance and he vowed that he would one day rid the world of their filth. He promised vengeance for the death of his parents and for the cruel fate that awaited him and he vowed that he would not leave a single Pureblood among the vampire race, no not a single one.
That night he was taken to a man and met his daughter, for all intents and purposes, and despite the horrendous slaughter he had witnessed, the tragedy he had been forced to endure, he saw the beauty and purity of the young girl as she gently cleaned the blood from his body. He said nothing to her, nothing at all, and yet she seemed content with that as she tended to him. He quickly found himself falling in love with her and because of that he kept his dreadful fate a secret from her.
They spent many happy years side by side, he watched over her and protected her, struggled hard to keep his feelings for her and the bitter rage over her feelings for another, a Pureblood no less, in check. Although his blood began to turn on him, transforming him into what he always knew he would become, he was happy. She made him happy with her smiles, her purity; everything about her was beautiful to him. She was the most precious thing in the world to him, his light in his world of black misery. She also became his salvation when the tainted blood in his body began to transform him, to slowly start his descent to Level E, by freely giving him her blood although it was forbidden to do so.
But like all light there was darkness surrounding her, a secret past he never would have fathomed. It was on a cold night, not long after Christmas, that he finally realized her secret. She was not the girl he had known for the past four years, everything he had ever known about her he felt was a lie. She was a Pureblood, but not just any Pureblood, but the Pureblood princess to the vampire realm. Although he knew that she had no idea of the memories that had lain dormant for many years he could not stop the iciness from encasing his heart.
His hatred blossomed again, burning deep in his veins, taking a hold of his heart as he threatened to one day kill her, but as he watched her retreat with the Pureblood he hated above all else he knew that he could never kill her, no he still loved her despite what she had become, but he hoped he never saw her again, his hatred for her kind ran far too deep and he did not want to look upon her with hatred in his eyes. He wanted to remember her as the beautiful girl he had always known, wanted to remember the purity that surrounded her like a glowing halo.
As time went by his love for her never diminished, never waned, not even after they were once again reunited. At first they had been cautious, civil at best, towards the other, but the feelings were there just beneath the surface. However, he was not willing to allow himself to confess his love to her, not when she was the very essence of what he despised the most.
It was because of this that the fates deemed it necessary to intervene. The one watching over him saw that it was time to end his hatred before it cost him…and her… the one thing they wanted most…and needed above all else. This one felt like he owed it to him to help salvage his life before it was too late, before he let his misgivings sway him and he was forced into a life of bitter loneliness and regret. Yes, the one watching over this stubborn and willful boy knew just how he was going to help him.
After all Christmas is the time for giving…