Okay, in my personal opinion there should be more of these. I love Harry as a girl with Fred. It's too cute! Now tell me if you like it!

Disclaimer: you guys have common sense, use it.

He stood there, transfixed on the girl in front of him. It couldn't possibly be the same girl he gave the Marauders map just last year.

Sure she was always easy on the eyes, but in the span of one summer she became absolutely gorgeous.

The way her midnight black hair was slung over her shoulder with a few strands making its way to the side if her face, slightly covering those beautiful emerald green eyes. If any of his brothers knew that he, Fred Weasley, had a crush on Havana Potter well he would possibly die from embarrassment.

Havana Potter, Girl-who-lived, seeker extraordinaire, little brothers best mate, slight prankster, and daughter of a Marauder, was way out of his league. But the way she laughed brought butterflies to his stomach. When she cried all he felt like doing was wiping those tears off her soft porcelain skin and comfort her till she felt better. When they were playing Quidditch he felt himself slowly losing interest in the game and rapidly gaining interst on her.

"This isn't normal," he muttered to himself.

And tomorrow they were going back to Hogwarts, where he would have less time with her. It wasn't fair! He never felt this way about anyone, and when he actually does start to have feelings for someone, it just so happens to be someone he can't have.

"What's not normal?" asked George.

Whoops! He forgot George was here with him.

"Nothing George, go back to bed," he lied smoothly. Keeping secrets from his twin hurt him and it slightly hurt George as well. George, the only person besides Havana to be able to read him like a book, turned towards Fred, and unusually serious look on his face.

"Don't try lying to me Fred," George warned "because my dear twin, I just so happen to be the only person in this slightly insane world who knows you. Now spill."

Fred hesitated. Yes, he was usually always all jokes and smiles but he knew when to stop fooling around. And believe it or not, he could be serious when it was needed.

"You always could read me like a book… that is if we ever read a book," said Fred, earning him a grin from George.

"You always seem to forget, my devilishly handsome counterpart, that I was with you during birth, so in reality, there isn't much you can keep from me."

Fred sighed, "It's Havana," he finally admitted "I don't know why but I'm having… feelings towards her. She's changed, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Its just not normal George! This time last year, I just saw her as an adopted little sister, now all I want to do is snog her senseless!"

By the end of his little speech, Fred was blushing the famous Weasley red blush. He hadn't meant to say that much, but since when did he ever think straight?

George was in shock. His mouth slightly open, with wide eyes.

And he said the first thing that came to mind, "Brother dearest of mine, you've got it bad."

Unknown to either of them was that their smallest brother was outside the door and had heard every single word Fred has said. I wicked grin formed on his face, he also just so happened to know that Havana might have feelings towards him as well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~Flash Back~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They were heading back home after the disaster at the Quidditch world cup. Everybody was either scared or angry. Mostly angry.

Havana was actually so miffed that she was muttering death threats to those death eaters. And an angry Havana is an unaware Havana. So she hadn't noticed she had walked into a sort of rabbit hole.

Her foot gave a twist and was sprained.

"OW!" she yelped as tears threatened to escape.

"What? What is it?" asked Mr. Weasley in concern.

"My foot," she whimpered "I think it's sprained."

Mr. Weasley asked where it hurt and then started to probe around her ankle to see just how sprained it was or maybe broken.

"Ow ow ow!" whimpered Havana. "There! It hurts there! Now please stop touching it," she yelped.

"Not broken but definitely sprained. This is going to set us back a few hours at the most."

The kids groaned, well all minus Fred, he looked highly concerned and genuinely upset.

"I'll carry her dad," Fred volunteered "That I, if the little missy doesn't have any objections," he said looking at Havana.

Havana gave a grateful smile which Fred returned.

He picked her up bridal style and carried her all the way back, never once complaining but also never once seeing the smiles and blushes Havana gave as she looked up at Fred as she snuggled closer. And she never saw the pleased look on Fred's face, or the longing in his eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~End Flash Back~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He knew the two had a crush on each other, and he would play match maker if he had to.


Hopefully this will encourage people to write more Fem!Harry with Fred.