Hi and welcome.

The major inspiration for this was an AU fic called Soldiers of Fortune which you'd be able to tell (if you've read it) within a quick glance of the first few chapters. However, this is not a rip-off.

This is Ultimate Naruto.

Guide to reading this:

The universe I've created here is original, set in a fictional world I've christened Earth-0 (the Ultimate verse) which runs parallel and alternate to the canon Naruto-verse we know (I am still undecided if canon characters will be making a crossover appearance or not). The characters and their depictions will remain intact for the most part but there might be a few noticeable differences.

Earth-0, for one, is very closely related to our world. Think of it simply as what we'd get if we took the entirety of the ninja continent and replaced them with Japan in our present day map. However, there are certain disparities:

(i) For some ill-explained reasons, guns do not exist on Earth-0. Neither do airplanes, major explosives, nuclear energy, space travel, forensic examination and KY-jelly. Yes, you heard right. KY-jelly.

(ii) The continuity is also tweaked a bit. No major wars have happened so there are no reasons for world powers to be united. Continents are divided by great ocean chasms and prefer their anonymosity anyway, so you can rest assured that you won't be seeing your 'favorite' Naruto characters tripping to New York and Paris; or having OCs named Jack or Gary appear within these pages for any reason whatsoever.

(iii) The shinobi continent will remain named thus; the Shinobi continent - due to a history of shinobi prevalence in the area, and will be a rather divided set of nations. Jutsu has always been something of a natural occurence and with the rampant mercenarization going on within these regions; it is not odd for teachers to happen upon students flinging fireballs in class. However, this is widely frowned upon, and with the onset of this present age; the various governments are now decidely wrestling power back to the people. Mercenarization is at an all time low.

(iv) Foreign music can be downloaded via the internet, electronic gadgets; imported and exported, and tailed beasts DO exist, although, they are more a topic of mythology for the area than anything else (tied in with their own story of creation, yada, yada, you know the drill) and

(v) Thank you for reading this etymology. I hope it helps you get settled into the verse easier. Enjoy the read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.




A black sedan pulled up without a sound, coming to rest beside the rotting walls of an abandoned, company building. Quickly, the driver alighted and scurried to the passenger door, holding it open for the person within to appear.

"Thank you, Hiro."

An old man, wrinkled with age and more, had emerged from the depths of the vehicle. Despite his short height and frail appearance, he seemed to carry himself with reputable dignity; as he cradled a bundle in his arms, walking a distance away from his chauffeur.

"That would be all for now", he called over his shoulder,"You can take the car back home."

"B-but, Sandaime-sama...", the young man complained.

"That would be all, Hiro", his master reaffirmed good-naturedly, "Even an old geezer like me can still remember how to catch a train."

The valet flushed at this and apologized profusely before retreating back into the vehicle. The surroundings fell deathly silent once again; the moment the last of the squealing tires was heard.

The old man; Hiruzen Sarutobi, now left standing alone with the quiet bundle in his arms, sighed and said,

"You can come out now. . . Jiraiya."

And from within the shadows, another figure appeared; that of a tall, imposing man with great white hair and red facial markings. However, the laugh lines around his mouth were turned down this time in a gravelly, sombre expression.

"Heh, never could hide my presence from you now, could I, old man?", he began conversationally.

His companion's interest was piqued at this, "You were using the transparent escape technique, I presume - your original ninjutsu that could easily be disguised otherwise - but where were you able to draw enough light to bend in such darkness? Unless, of course, you had..."

The big man's guffaw cut off the smaller man's words, "Now, I know why they call you the professor!", he said jovially, "Never one to let the workings behind a technique flambozzle you, eh, Sarutobi-sensei?"

Hiruzen just stared passively in reply allowing the larger man to calm himself a bit and turn his attention to the bundle his teacher was holding.

"That's him, isn't it?", Jiraiya stated.

Sarutobi sighed, "Yes. It's young Naruto."

The toad sage peered at the baby sleeping in Sarutobi's arms only to become mildly surprised upon seeing the whisker-like markings on its face.

"I take it the sealing went well?", he asked quietly.

"It did. But at great cost."

Jiraiya's eyes immediately became downcast, "I came as quickly as I could, old man - as soon as I got your message! Yet, it still wasn't quick enough..."

"Don't beat yourself over it..."

"How can you say that, you old geezer!", Jiraiya roared, "Minato's dead! And had I arrived any faster, I would have..."

"...been the one we'll be mourning right now", Sarutobi completed for him.

The toad sage turned his face away in an angry huff causing the Sandaime to smile sadly, "Everyone knows that you would have given your life in place of Minato's. I would have done the same but somehow everything went to the blazes. I was prepared to be a dead man today."

"And Kushina?", Jiraiya asked with anger in his voice, hoping some good could still come out of all this.

"Dead too", Sarutobi answered sadly, "She gave her life to assist Minato with the sealing."

"So you're telling me Naruto is an ORPHAN?! Just thirty minutes into his birth?"

"Calm down, Jiraiya", Hiruzen chastised sharply, "Do not wake the boy."

"Unbelievable!", the great man shook his head, now speaking in lower tones, "Fucking unbelievable! How could this all happen? Minato! I mean, the Minato! This was supposed to be the happiest day of his life and now..."

"Naruto is not alone, Jiraiya", the Third stated, "He still has you. He still has his godfather."


The Third frowned at his student's tone.

"Don't tell me you didn't know Minato and Kushina chose you as godfather."

"N-no, no - I mean, yes- I did! But I can't, old man. I can't raise Naruto."

"Why not?"

"I just can't, okay", Jiraiya said sternly, "You know the kind of life I'm immersed in. I'm always on the move; always handling some critical assignment or the other. Naruto can't grow up in such an unstable home. I won't partake to it."


"Isn't there somebody else. . . more reliable than I?"

The Third shook his head sadly, "I cannot reach Tsunade and I doubt either of Minato's young pupils could undertake such task."

"But surely, you..."

"Biwako is dead, Jiraiya."

There was a moment of silence. A brief period of time in which the toad sage allowed his teacher to mourn his beloved wife.

"I'm sorry."

The third nodded in understanding, "I knew I wouldn't be able to convince you but I was hoping it was something you could do as your final act to your deceased apprentice."

Jiraiya's gaze hardened at this, "I assure you, sensei, my final act to Minato would be finding out the bastard who was behind this. And when I do, I promise you - I will kill him."

The Third had never heard a truer threat. Still, he had to let his hard-headed pupil know,

"Jiraiya, you can't blame yourself for any and everything. Orochimaru was not your fault and neither is the incident that happened today."

"I understand."

Hiruzen seriously doubted he did.

"I take it you would be resuming your position as Hokage then?", the toad sage asked.

"Yes. It was either myself or Danzo and as you never wanted the role, you can relate to my sense of desperacy."

A small nod, "So what about Naruto?"

Sarutobi closed his eyes in thought, "The boy would grow in an orphanage and his relationship to the Fourth will never be revealed; for his own safety, of course. I will try my best to ensure that he has as comfortable a life as possible; that way, he might not become swayed unto the path of the mercernary."

Jiraiya was flabbergasted, "Surely, that is absurd", he argued, "Considering who his father was, I'm pretty sure he'd make a hell of an operative. Old man, you can't..."

"I want to give Naruto a sheltered life", the former replied sadly, "To see if he would, perhaps, outlive his father and see his own children's children..."

"How sappy, even for the both of you."

The two men immediately tensed at the appearance of the newcomer. It was a true testament to their skill, that regardless of who the intruder was, he wasn't already dead on his feet.

"Danzo", Jiraiya hissed between teeth; as if attempting to spit out something bad he'd swallowed.

The Third's gaze hardened at the presence of his rival but he quickly calmed himself and proffered, "What are you doing here, old friend. Were you following me?"

Danzo; a bandaged man, who walked with the aid of a cane, strode out of the darkness, his face schooled in an expression of diplomacy.

"I assure you, Sarutobi, I was merely taking a walk across town...", he said snidely, "...wondering where our able leader could have gotten to in the wake of such chaos."

Neither man said nothing, allowing Danzo to walk up to Hiruzen and stare at the bundle in his arms.

"I see, so this is the container of the demon", he murmured. He then straightened himself and turned to his Hokage, "Hand over the boy."

The Third raised an eyebrow in amusement, "Is that an order, old friend?"

"Sarutobi, we might have had our differences but this is in the best interest of our nation and company. Hand the boy over. He would make an excellent soldier in our ranks."

"Why, you...", Jiraiya began but his teacher raised a hand to silence him.

"That won't be necessary, Danzo. Naruto will grow up like any other child his age. The decision to become a mercenary will be up to him."

"Don't be stupid, Sarutobi!", Danzo hissed, "Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. After today's occurence, our company has gotten weaker! We need to bolster our strengths. That boy; that demon, is the future of the Oniwabanshu!"

"And in lieu of everything", Sarutobi continued, as if he had never heard the other man, "You are hereby banned from ever approaching Naruto. All senior executives of the Company; including myself, are hereby prevented from ever initiating contact with the boy; in any manner whatsoever, until he has come of age and become a man of his own."

"What? You can't do that", Danzo said, smirking, "You have no such power."

"Oh no, I don't, old friend. But Minato did, and as it is his son, I have no other obligation but to respect said wishes."

"Minato never said that!"

"But how would you know what goes on within the confines of my office?", and there was a twinkle in Sarutobi's eyes as he said this, "Unless you've been spying on me, of course."

Danzo fumed, looking as if he wished to mutter something, but with a swish of his coat he turned away; in that dignified manner of his.

"And one more thing", Hiruzen called to his retreating back. The warhawk stopped but didn't bother to turn.

"The above decree I just issued is punishable by death", ordered Hiruzen in the steely voice befitting his position, "Do not approach the boy or else force my hand, Danzo."

There was silence in the night as the one spoken to let the words settle within him.

"You are a fool, Sarutobi."

And with that, he vanished into the black.

"Were you serious about what you said, old man?", Jiraiya asked cautiously.

"Sadly, yes. Since you cannot raise Naruto, it's the best I can do to protect the boy. Luckily, in time, he will find out the truth behind everything."

"I see", Jiraiya said, nodding sagely. He took one last look at the still sleeping boy and ruffled his little head before turning into the night, "I must be going now, sensei. Do not bother searching for me for I will contact you if I find anything."

"Godspeed, Jiraiya."

The toad sannin was gone as silently as he came.

Hiruzen looked down at the boy for the umpteeth time that night. He had his father's hair but his other looks were definitely Kushina's.

"Well then, Naruto Uzumaki, it seems that fate has dealt you a heavy blow tonight. The road ahead might be shaky and filled with despair but... I trust you. I just hope that you can forgive an old man for what must be done today."

And then the pair walked down the road as the first rays of the rising sun stole a glimpse across the horizon.


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