Disclaimer- I own NOTHING!

Summary- Roy and Riza are about to experience something that will change their lives forever.


Month 1: A night of passion sets it off.

Month 2: She's starting to feel it, but doesn't know it yet.

Month 3: She's been sick for week with no known cause and is starting to get suspicious.

Month 4: It's confirmed, and she's even starting to show, just a little.

Month 5: The sickness lessens, but now the cravings really kick in. They still don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

Month 6: It's a girl and she's really starting to poke out. Normal clothes don't fit anymore, so her friends decide that it's time to go shopping. It's getting harder to stand up.

Month 7: The cravings are still there and getting worse, and now the mood swings hit full force. He has hidden most of her guns.

Month 8: It's difficult to move, but the room is almost ready. They are both getting anxious, wondering if they will be any good. They assure each other that they will be.

Month 9: The due date is here and gone, she is late, but nobody is surprised; she is his child after all. She is on leave now; they don't want you to work when you're about to explode.

Month 9, Week 1, Day 3: Her water just broke. She wakes him up; it's the middle of the night. They rush to the hospital and get her checked in. The contractions hurt and he is glad that she doesn't have any of her guns. She is not quite fully dilated, just two more cm to go. He calls all their friends; they are not happy at first, it is 3 in the morning, but then rush right over.

5:00am: She's ready, it's time to push. It hurts like nothing she has ever experienced before, and she lets him know that. The doctor says just one more push, she manages that and the next thing they hear is their new baby's wail. The nurses hurry to clean her off and get her to her mother. It is love at first sight. At 5:23 in the morning Elizabeth Marie Mustang is born, and her parents couldn't be happier.

Five Years Later

It hardly seems possible; already she has grown so much. She has her father's hair and her mother's eyes. She is intelligent and disciplined and already is showing a knack for alchemy. Every day she makes her parents proud.

In his earlier years her father could not understand how his best friend could spend so much time talking about his own daughter, but now he does. He can never get enough, can never say enough, and never have enough pictures. He wishes he could share this with his friend, but sadly he can not.

As a child the girl's mother did not believe in unconditional love, she had never known it herself, so how could it exist? That all changed, however as she watched her daughter grow. She never believed that se would have a family or ever be this happy, but luckily she is.

Two people, whose lives have been full of pain and hardship, who never imagined what true joy could feel like now live it every day. Their goals reached; their country safe; and their friends and family living out their days in peace. Though their early lives were difficult it's safe to say that Roy and Riza Mustang have never been happier


A/N: Okay this may be a little lame, but today is my son's 5th birthday and I'm feeling sentimental, so who better to share in my happiness than all of you. As for their daughter's name, I kinda figured that if they ever have any children their names would be Elizabeth for a girl, as a tribute to Riza's code name, and Maes for a boy, for obvious reasons.

I know a lot of people use Elizabeth as Riza's full first name, but I don't see that as very logical, they would not use her full name for her code name. If you look at the other's code names they all sound fairly similar to their actual names, but are different enough that no one else would know who they are talking to/about.