Hey guys. I've been in The Vampire Diaries a lot lately and I got REALLY inspired to write this little one-shot. I'm leaving it open ended because I don't know yet if I'll add on to it. So, I hope you love it, and if you do, please review!

And be sure to check out TinyDancer365, who writes beautiful Damon fics, and whom I also beta for!


Chelsea bounded through the field of knee-high grass, ignoring the stitch in her side as she went. Her full dress and heeled boots were cumbersome, but she didn't let these things slow her down. Out of breath and giggling, Chelsea rushed behind a nearby tree, peeking her head out to see how close her pursuer was.

They were on the small bit of land behind the stables, about an acre of field with a single tree on the farthest edge. The sun was just beginning to set, giving everything a warm amber glow. Chelsea looked up to the simple tree-house the boys had built long before she had come along. She looked back out the field, but there was no one in sight. Using the opportunity, she pulled up her skirt, revealing the cage crinoline underneath. With deft movement, she unhooked the caging and let it collapse around her feet. Her dress now hanging limp around her legs, Chelsea ascended the wooden planks nailed to the trunk of the tree.

The tree-house was humble, but homey. From its inception it had been a wooden platform with a railing and awning. It had been a hiding place, a fortress, a military base, all in the minds of its creators. When Chelsea came along though, it had been painted and decorated with cushions. It was still of the places it had been before, they were just more comfortable now.

She looked out through the tree branches and still saw no one. She looked out from every direction, but he was nowhere in sight. Chelsea became nervous. She knew he was up to no good, but she could do nothing to stop it. She didn't even know where he was. Taking comfort in the fact that she would at least be alone for a moment, she quickly unlaced her boots and tossed them to the side. Her stockings soon followed and she lay back on the many cushions and propped her bare ankles up on the railing. She closed her eyes and bathed in the sunlight streaming between the leaves.

"Boo!" he shouted, his head sticking through the opening in the floor. Chelsea's eyes shot open and she shot up with a yelp. Laughing, he climbed the rest of the way into the tree-house and sat down beside her.

"Damon!" She exclaimed, slapping him on the arm. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a scolding look. "You were supposed to be chasing me."

"I was." He said and gave her that wonderful smirk of his. "And now I've caught you!" He reached out and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her towards him, eliciting another shriek.

Chelsea batted at his arm and he let her go free. She crawled to the opposite end of the tree-house and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Half-naked already?" He teased, nodding to her bare feet. "I've only just got here."

"If you had taken any longer, I might have been completely nude." She joked back, causing him to blush. "Don't worry, there's still time for you to catch up."

Damon went straight to removing his shoes and socks to match Chelsea's demeanor. He refused to look at her as he did it though. He felt a bit exposed following her frank comment.

Damon admired how blithe and honest she was. Since the day she had arrived in Mystic Falls, she was the talk of the town. Everyone whom had met her had told him how rude and improper she had been. 'And I thought the British were supposed to be more refined than we!' They would say. Damon was dying to know what bawdy conversation she could possibly be carrying on, and he didn't have to wait long. After being turned out of the Forbes's home for embarrassing the family, Chelsea arrived at the Salvatore boarding house.

Damon's first encounter with Chelsea was a mere hour before they were to have dinner with the rest of his family. Chelsea had 'borrowed' a carriage to come over to the Salvatore home early. In her defense, the carriage was waiting to take her there anyway, but she had decided to be the one to drive it.

Damon and his younger brother, Stefan, were playing a game of football with their vivacious houseguest, Katherine when a carriage approached. Abandoning their game to investigate their unexpected visitor, they were shocked to see a lady driving a stage by herself. The coach came to a stop and Damon stepped forward to help the woman down. Holding his hand, she hopped off the edge and landed on her feet in front of him, his tentative hand on her waist.

"Hello, sir!" She said excitedly. "I'm a bit early but I wanted a chance to meet everyone before our mouths are all full of food."

Stefan expressed his surprise to Katherine, whom returned his look with one of disgust. Damon just looked at the girl in wonder. His mind hadn't gotten far enough to process what she had just said; he was still taking in her appearance. She had long, wavy, red hair and bright blue eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks. She was beautiful. Her lips were painted red and they began to move, breaking Damon out of his musing.

"I'm Chelsea. Chelsea Tate." She stated, sticking her hand out to be shaken.

Damon, being a gentleman, turned the back of her hand up and leaned in to lay a light kiss on it.

"I'm Damon Salvatore." He said, returning to his full height. "That's my brother, Stefan, and our houseguest, Katherine Pierce."

"It's nice to meet you all." Chelsea said. "Have you been with the Salvatores long, Katherine?"

"Long enough," Katherine answered. "And it's Miss Pierce to you. Don't presume we are friends because Mr. Salvatore extended his hospitality to you as well."

"I don't," Chelsea replied, stepping forward. "I just believe that one should not be addressed like a lady until she has earned the title."

"I agreeā€¦ Chelsea." Katherine spat.

"Ladies!" Stefan interrupted. "Shall we make our way inside for dinner?"

"Certainly. Mr. Salvatore," Katherine broke her gaze from Chelsea and wrapped her hand around Stefan's elbow. "Would you escort me inside?"

"Of course, Miss Pierce." Stefan replied and they began towards the house.

"Damon," Chelsea said in a taunting tone, causing Katherine to stop in her tracks. "Would you care to escort me to dinner?"

"I would love to." Damon answered, suppressing a smirk at the girl's boldness.

The sun was setting quickly. The little shred of daylight that was left was tinted pink, creating a romantic setting for the two of them. Chelsea gave a little shiver and Damon wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his side. He ran his hand up and down her arm as she rested her head on his shoulder. They looked out onto the field and the setting sun, enjoying the silence and each other's company.

"How long do you think it will be before your father realizes where we are?" Chelsea finally asked.

"He's forgotten this place even exists." Damon mused. "I imagine we could just live up here forever and he would never bother us."

"He would think we just disappeared!" Chelsea laughed.

"Let him think what he will!" Damon exclaimed, standing with his hands on his hips. "We'll run away to the trees and get married and live happily ever after!"

Chelsea giggled into her hands, trying to hide the strange blush that arose on her face at Damon's words. She knew they were just joking around, but she feared he would figure out that she wanted it to be true. Regaining her composure, she stood before him.

"And a squirrel shall marry us," She said, adding to the silliness of their conversation. "And the birds will be our servants."

She looked up at Damon, but his expression had changed. He looked serious and thoughtful.

"I'm sorry, Damon, how inappropriate of me. We won't have any servants; the birds don't deserve such treatment." She said, trying to lighten the mood.

Damon was still staring at her though.

"What?" She began to say, but she was interrupted with his lips meeting hers.

It only took a moment for the shock to wear off. It was not the first time Chelsea had kissed a boy, but it was the first time it had ever felt so wonderful. She wrapped her arms around Damon's neck and began to his him back. His arms encircled her waist and they were both lost in each other for a moment.

"Brother!" Stefan called from the base of the tree, causing the two to break apart.

They could hear Stefan begin to climb the ladder up to them and Chelsea rushed to put her stockings back on, lest Stefan get the wrong idea and report back to his father.

"It is almost time for dinner." He said as his head appeared in the entrance way. "Father wants to know if you'll be joining us."

"I would love to, Stefan." Chelsea said, grabbing Stefan's attention. "You know you don't have to ask."

Stefan began to say something, but stopped himself and just shook his head. He began to descend when Damon called his name. They shared a look and Chelsea watched the two, confused.

"I won't say anything." Stefan finally stated before dropping down into the grass and walking away.