Disclaimer - I do not own Harry Potter.

Note - Well, I'd been entertaining the idea of doing this story in Lily's perspective, and then I was asked to. So I decided, why not? So, I hope you enjoy this. I personally had fun with it.

Bad Girlfriend

Lily's P.O.V.

Heat. Sweat. Movement. Bodies. Grinding. All around me that was all I could see on the dance floor. And I loved it! The heat that wrapped around me was fantastic, and the movement around me was intoxicating. I loved dancing. There was almost nothing better to do in the world! The forbidden fruit tasted so sweet. Since I was the baby of the Potter/Weasley clan, they all attempted to force me into a sheltered life. It hindered my attempts to be independent, but now that I was eighteen, and out of school, I was free to do as I wished! I could go to a club if I wanted, party, dance, and date whoever I wanted. And unlike most girls in my position, I got to date a real man.

For a while now, I've been dating Scorpius Malfoy. A notorious bad boy from Hogwarts. And he still held that same air about him. Especially for me. After all, how taboo would it seem for a Potter to date a Malfoy? And not lying, that was what had started my attraction to him. But Scorpius was a man. Tall, really tall compared to me, broad shoulders, an upper torso that just rippled with muscles. He had a strict work out, and I never complained. Messy blonde hair that fell into his eyes. And those eyes were stunning. A stormy color that seemed to whirl when angry, and turned to steel when his gaze was intense. He had tanned skin, large and very warm hands. And his lips. His lips were devious. They could curl into that sly Malfoy smirk, and snarl in the most handsome way. Everything about him was all man. From the way he looked, to the way he sounded, even to the way he smelled.

And that wasn't even the best part. This man was wrapped around my little finger. I always had a way with having men, especially in the family, whipped, but Scorpius had surprised me. It was balanced though. Scorpius had a habit of being very . . . territorial. And he had only two ways to vent the anger he felt at someone hitting on me. Killing that man, or converting it into a massive sexual force. I preferred the second option. So, I let him take advantage of me, and I had him wrapped around my finger. I won both ways.

And I was sure that his anger would surface tonight. It usually did when he took me out. Some idiot usually hit on me, at least weakly. We were out with a group of Scorpius's friends, at their usual club. I didn't really care. I was just tagging along for the fun. It wasn't that I didn't like Scorpius's friends, although one of them wasn't very fond of me, I can't remember her name. But I liked being out on the dance floor. They seemed content to sit at their table and drink the night away.

Just as the song's tempo began to pick up, I felt a hand sliding down my back, and grab my ass. I whirled around, seeing a smug-looking idiot behind me. I slapped him. He wasn't cute enough for me to just ignore it. He was too smug, and that coupled with the ugly quality of his face led me to take action.

I easily slipped through the dancing crowd, wanting to get out and get a drink. I knew Scorpius had been watching. It was easy to feel his intense gaze on me, and I could almost feel his anger radiating from the second floor of the club. I stepped off the dance floor and made my way to the stairs. I immediately went to the bar. I had the "luck" to be "mistaken" for twenty-one to bartenders.

"Apple martini," I ordered.

I tried to hide my disgust as his eyes roamed over me. "Comin' right up, miss," he leered. It was a swift moment before he was holding out my drink. He looked ready to say something, but someone at the other end of the bar called his attention.

I took a drink, but then felt a hard and hot body pressing into my back. I didn't have to turn to know who it was. I knew that intense gaze on my back. And I knew whose breath it was fanning against my neck and ear. Arms stretched out, and tanned hands set on the bar. I was caged, and I wasn't about to complain.

"Do you enjoy pushing my buttons?" a deep, rumbling voice, hissed.

A light shiver ran through my entire body. I smiled. I loved this game between us. "It's a hobby," I said loftily.

Those warm hands left the counter and took a firm hold of my waist. A heat rushed through my body, almost making me gasp. "Come on. We're going home," he growled.

"Is he bothering you, miss?" the bartender asked, glaring at the man behind me.

I couldn't hold back a giggle. "Oh, no. He's always like this when he's ready to take me," I teased. I knew my choice of words would just rile him up more.

There was a growl in my ear, and I felt him pulling at me. "Let's go!" he demanded. He took my wrist and pulled me away from the bar. I let him, and tried my best to keep up with his long strides. His arm wrapped securely around my shoulder as he took me down the stairs to the first floor, to the side door, and into an empty hall that led out to the back door. He stopped walking, so I followed suit, waiting for him to continue walking. But he didn't.

I looked up at Scorpius. "What are we doing?" I asked, playing innocent.

I took hold of me and pulled me firmly against him. His jaw was clenched, his breath hissing between his teeth. "We're going home," he snarled. He turned in place before I could argue, Apparating us. My feet hit the floor, and I instantly recognized the living room of Scorpius's flat. I'd been here countless of times. Practically every night, even though my family never knew.

His lips were on mine before I could think. The kiss was rough, and I loved it already. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and responded immediately. Another great thing about his devious mouth. Even a rough kiss from his mouth was amazing and shiver-inducing. I felt his hand let go of me, but then harshly grabbed my ass, a rumble emitting from his throat. Merlin, he was sexy.

A little moan escaped my own lips at the feel of his lips against mine. He slowed the kiss, like he was taking his time. Memorizing me. It was amazing how the simplest things seemed to calm him. But it didn't take much to rile him back up, and that was something I loved doing.

I pulled away from the kiss, but stayed in his grip. He was too warm for me to ever want to pull back. I smiled at him, licking my lips once quick. "Do you get angry when other men stare at me?" I asked.

I watched as his adam's apple bobbed with a gulp. "Yes," he growled.

I tilted my head to add an inflection with my next question. "Why?" It was so silly for him to be angry. No real reason for it, but I never tried to understand it.

He pulled me even closer, and it seemed impossible for there to be even a sliver of space between us. "Because you're mine!" he hissed. One of his hands dug into my hair and pulled it roughly, forcing me to look up at him

I loved his possession, although I never said it aloud. But it was . . . it was like a rush whenever he did something like this. It was thrilling. "Well, I know that," I assured. "But so what? It's not like I'm going to follow any of them home." I giggled. That thought was ridiculous. Like anyone was ever going to compare to Scorpius. Like anyone would ever be half the man he is. I dropped my hand from his chest to the belt in his jeans. I listened to him suck in a breath before I continued. "I don't think they could fill my standards. Not after you." I kept our eyes locked, loving the intense colors.

A low growl escaped his lips again. He began to push against me, and slowly pressed me into the closest wall. He pressed into me firmly, letting me feel every hard muscle in his body. With the hand still in my hair, he turned my head slightly. His lips began assaulting my neck with small bits and slow sucks. I let out another moan, not bothering to hold it in. Scorpius had a habit and a love of leaving marks. Another way of showing his "possession" over me. I never minded, and as strange as it may seem to others, I found it cute. Not to mention very pleasurable. I took a soft hold of his hair and pressed his lips closer to my skin. His response was to bite a little harder.

But I felt myself getting impatient, and Scorpius had a habit of drawing things out when I felt they should be hastened. Luckily, it was easy to get him to speed things along. "Scorpius," I murmured, stroking his hair gently.

His lips refused to leave my skin, so his response was muffled. "What?" I almost giggled. He was probably scowling, and I was sure that if he hadn't had his lips against my skin, that tone would have been a growl.

I leaned forward a small bit, and took his ear between my teeth, and nipped carefully. "My shirt's a bit tight. Can you fix it?" I asked sweetly. Scorpius was never one to refuse me of anything.

He finally pulled away from my neck, and his eyes roamed over my shirt. But then he took hold of the shirt and ripped it apart. I tried not to growl myself, or roll my eyes. That was another thing about Scorpius. He was renown for ripping at least one article of my clothing.

I pouted as he took the shirt completely off of me. "Scorpius! I liked that shirt." But as I looked at him, I knew that my complaint was pretty much lost to him. His eyes were locked on my lips, and when he did that, only the movement of my lips caught his attention.

He pressed his forehead against mine, his hot breath fanning against my face. His chest was pushing against the fabric of his shirt, catching my attention briefly. His jaw was clenched, like he was restraining himself. "I'll be you a new one," he hissed. "I'll buy you ten of them."

Then he caught my bottom lip with his teeth. He bit softly before it turned into a rough and passionate kiss. It burnt through me, and I loved it. I threw my arms around him as he brought one of my legs to wrap around his waist. He paused in movement, although he didn't pause in the kiss, but then grabbed my other leg to do the same. I locked my ankles to keep myself wrapped around him. He pressed me harder into the wall, so I rubbed against the obvious bulge in his jeans, anticipating the coming events.

He broke the kiss with a grunt, and was panting. Keeping his lips near mine, he looked down at me. I tried to regain my own breath. My chest was heaving too, and all I could do was pant. I looked at him, his hair was mussed, looking like he'd just gotten out of bed. His lips were red from the insistent kisses he'd been planting on me. His eyes were darker than ever, a rolling storm cloud. He was beautiful. But he had too many clothes on.

I grabbed at the collar of his shirt, and then begin to tug at one of the buttons of the shirt. Knowing it drove him crazy, I leaned forward and took hold of the button with my teeth. Then with a skill that I never intended to gain, I slid the button through the small hole. Meanwhile, I undid the rest of the buttons with my fingers, wanting to hurry this along. When I finished my work, he pushed the shirt down to his elbows, showing the large expanse of his broad chest. It was so . . . delicious!

He pressed me harder into the wall as he slid his shirt off, taking his hands off of me. I moved forward and began pressing soft kisses on different bits of the skin of his shoulders and neck. I couldn't help but let my hands roam down his thick arms, massaging the tension I felt. His hands returned to my thighs, keeping a firm hold on my skin.

I giggled into his skin this time. "You're so handsy," I teased. But that was a good thing in my mind. I pulled away and placed my hands on his cheeks. I pulled his face to look at me. Then I leaned closer to whisper in his ear. "Lucky for you, I don't mind being manhandled." I made sure to brush my lips against his, but yet not actually kissing him properly.

I felt him straining against my hands. I knew he could break my grip easily, but he didn't. He just growled, and the rumble in his chest was undeniably sexy. "Don't tease me, Lily!"

I almost laughed. I knew he loved being teased, even if he wouldn't admit it. So giving him what he really did want, I grinded my hips into his. I gasped quietly. Merlin, it was what I wanted! I could feel him straining against his jeans, brushing against me. I bit my tongue to keep from moaning.

He snarled, gnashing his teeth together, he buried his face into my neck, and roughly grinded back into me. My stomach knotted at the pleasurable feeling. I tried to keep it out of my tone as I licked the lobe of his ear, then teased him more. "You're just so fun to play with, Scor." I bit his ear playfully, knowing it sent jolts through him. Feeling the tension in his shoulders, I carefully massaged them, yet still rolling my hips into his.

He groaned, and began his siege on my neck once again. I was going to look like I'd been hit with a Bludger. Then his arms wrapped around me tightly, binding me to him. "You're fucking delicious," he mumbled. Then his bit at my skin again. He hissed suddenly. "Fuck!"

I was feeling his pain. His hands were roaming my sides, sending warm shivers through my veins. It was such a fantastic feeling. One the best things about Scorpius were his hands. The wonders they could do. They could break bones, and they could give the softest touches. My whole body was aching, my core especially. I was soaked, I would admit it, and my body was hot! I couldn't tease anymore if I wanted to.

Knowing I was done, I surrendered, giving a soft kiss and then lick on his cheek. "Play with me, Scor," I begged quietly.

For a quick moment, he stopped his movements. I couldn't even feel his breath on my neck. Then his voice rung out with an air of command, even though it was so soft. "Undo my pants, Lily Luna."

I felt my face flush at his demand, but the heat that rushed through me proved that I didn't care. I quickly reached down and undid the button of his jeans. I grabbed the zipper, and while keeping it pressed against him, I pulled it down. He hissed out a breath, but he didn't stop me. I let the zipper go, and shoved the jeans down to his knees. Without even jostling me, he kicked them off and across the floor. I kept my hands on him, slowly bringing my fingers back to his shoulders.

With an almost inaudible sigh, he carefully let me down. He took the zipper of my skirt, and with a quick 'zip', let it fall to my feet. His rough hand dragged back up to my thigh, and I moaned quietly at the feel. I took hold of his cheeks again and pulled his face closer to mine. I smiled at him, and then I moved to lick his ear again. "Take me to the bedroom, Scorpius," I murmured. I had to tell him now. Scorpius wasn't against taking me against any surface, and normally I wasn't either. But I had to be at my parents' house in the morning, and I didn't want to be sore or overly tired.

He silently, and easily, picked me up bridal style. He kept my close, and I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and nuzzled his neck. I let my lips linger on the skin before giving it a short kiss.

He brought me into the room, shutting the door afterwards. He gently set me down on the bed, resting my head on the pillow, and then moved onto the bed as well. On an instinct, I moved my leg so that he was between mine. His hands started at my knees and then slid up to my sides. It left a trail of warmth along my skin. I sighed happily at the feel. Then he suddenly kissed the middle of my stomach.

At the fluttering that went through my stomach, I giggled. "Scorpius, that tickles!" I told him.

Then he began teasing me. His fingers began moving up and down along my sides. "Really? What about this?" Then he kissed my side, just below my bra.

Not actually wanting him to stop or move, I ran my fingers through his hair. "You're such a jerk," I mocked playfully.

"I'm ok with that," he mumbled as he unhooked my bra. I helped and slid my arms out of the straps. Scorpius easily threw it away from us. Almost instantly, he placed his hand over my right breast, and his mouth sought out where the skin covered my heartbeat, and began to suck.

A wave of pleasure and heat ran from my heart down to my core, and I felt myself getting wetter by the second. I could only tighten my grip on his hair. "Scorpius!" I gasped. I slid a hand down to his shoulder, gripping it harshly.

He groaned, sending a vibration to my heart. Then he nipped the skin, a sharp and beautiful pain that faded quickly. Then he switched sides, giving my right breast the same treatment. This man was so perfect! It was as if he knew exactly what my body craved before I even knew. How could he ever think that someone could be better than him for me?

I pushed against his chest, wanting to reciprocate the pleasure, and show he had no worries. Even though my strength was no match against his, he moved off of me. And he let me push him onto his back. I straddled him, placed my hands on his shoulders, and then caught sight of his scowl. I almost laughed, but kept it at a smile.

"I think that I should show you that you have nothing to be angry about," I whispered to him. I began to massage the muscles of his shoulders again. He relaxed them instantly as my fingers moved over his skin. I leaned forward to kiss his cheek, and trail down to his neck. Once my fingers finished with his shoulders, I moved my work down to his chest. He was relaxing, but I wanted to keep that passion within him up. So I rolled my hips against the prominent bulge in his boxers.

He grabbed my hips, keeping them still. But then he teased and cheated, and rolled his bulge into me. Then he grabbed my knees and pulled them. Now his erection was rubbing directly into my core, our underwear the only barriers. I moaned at the torturous sensation. It was so unfair that he kept me immobile while he moved against me.

"Scorpius!" I gasped. My stomach was roiling, and heat was running through me.

He dropped my leg suddenly. I was about to protest, but then his hands were tugging roughly at my underwear. I was a bit afraid that he was going to tear them. I helped him pull them off of me, then he dropped them off somewhere. He turned back to look at me, his eyes wandering. Then his hand moved around the inside of my thigh. Finally, his thumb began to rub along my slit, adding a pleasure that just made me want more.

I sighed, but when he added a little more pressure, I moaned. "Don't be mean," I said with a pout.

But he kept up his slow pace, making a quiet whimper escape past my lips. The rough pad of his finger was perfect against me. It was times like this when I understood how he felt when I teased him. But unlike me, Scorpius never teased long. And he proved me right, because he soon slid one finger into my core, surprising me. "Scorpius!"

His pace was normal, but then he added another finger. Then as an added overload, he began to bite and suck on the skin of my inner thigh. It was almost too much without being enough. I began to tremble, almost going over the edge, yet still hanging there. Then as he moved back to bite on one of my lips, and he added another finger. His pace became bruising, and suddenly I fell over that ledge.

"Scorpius!" I screamed, as breathing became hard.

He pulled his fingers out of me, leaving an unsatisfied feeling inside me. But I knew it would disappear soon. I tried to catch my breath, watching as brought one of his fingers into his mouth. He looked like he was in heaven. I sat up, wanting to see his reaction, and took the other two fingers into my mouth. The taste wasn't exactly new to me. I'd tasted it on Scorpius's lips before. It was salty, but kinda sweet. Scorpius's eyes hardened with obvious lust and desire.

I licked his fingers once more, and then let myself fall back onto the pillow. He quickly pulled off his boxers and threw them over his shoulders. I could feel him moving to position himself better. But he didn't enter me like I hoped. He leaned down closer to me, the small amount of air between us swirling rapidly. I waited for him to move or speak.

"What do you say, Lily?" he whispered. He moved so that his lips brushed my cheek.

I knew that tone, and I knew what he wanted to hear. And I would say it . . . but why not tease him one last time? "I don't know," I said innocently. "What do I say?"

His brows knit together in a small scowl, and he bit my earlobe for payback. "Who do you belong to, Lily?" he demanded.

I licked once at the corner of his lips. "You," I assured. "Just you."

He thrust into me then, surprising me so that I was unable to stop the tiny scream that erupted from my throat. His head dropped to my shoulder as his arms trembled. His usual steady pace got faster quickly, and I began whispering things into his ear, wanting to rile him up even more. But then I couldn't be quiet anymore. It was impossible. "Oh, Scorpius! Yes! Yes, Scorpius!"

"Fuck, Lily!" his growled. His began to get faster, but I needed just a bit more to finally come.

"Harder, Scorpius," I begged quietly.

He listened, and slammed into me harder. "Anything, sweetheart," he groaned.

Then it happened. The strings broke with a snap, and stars burst behind my eyes. "Scorpius!" I screamed as I came. I felt him tense as I came. But then he came as well, a warmth spreading through me as I milked him. He dropped onto his elbows, which brought a pressure onto me, yet not all his weight.

He slowly pulled out of me and then dropped onto his side. I rolled over as well and cuddled into him, nuzzling his neck. He rested his head against my hair, and I began tracing patters and shapes on his chest. Then I pulled back and kissed him slowly. Unlike the other kisses, he didn't rush this one, but kept the lazy pace. I pulled away and then rested against his neck again. "I love you," I said softly.

He wrapped his arm around me to pull me closer to him. "Yeah, me too," he mumbled.

I giggled. His "inability" to say "I love you" always made me laugh. I knew he loved me, but it was rare for him to actually say the words plainly. It usually took a lot of teasing. So I had to tease him now, and used a description his friend Lolita said often. "Even if you do act like a primitive caveman."

He sighed, obviously recognizing the words. "I have to stop letting you be around Lolita."

I just giggled again. He always made threats like that, but he never followed through. "We should go dancing again," I told him

He didn't say anything, but I knew he would take me. He always did what I asked him. I knew he was whipped, and so did he. I closed my eyes, very tired after recent activities. This man always wore me out. But I wasn't going to complain. Because after all, he was still willing to take me dancing. But I think it was because he knew this would happen again.

Who was I to tell him otherwise?