Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the strawberry-flavored lip balm in my room.

"MOM! MOM! MOM!" Candace Flynn screamed at the top of her lungs. She paused, then added for dramatic effect, "MOM!"

"Candace, Honey. What is it this time?" Linda called from the kitchen.

"Phineas and Ferb built a giant fort in the backyard, and it's HUGE!"

Phineas randomly poked his triangle-shaped head through the doorway. "Actually," he said, "it's a clubhouse. The fort was last month. Do you want to come out and see it?"

"Yes! Yes, Mom, see?" Candace cried happily. "I'm not crazy! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!" she giggled hysterically. She looked back. "Why aren't you c'moning?"

"One minute, Dear. I'm going to put the pot roast in the oven."

"No, now!" Linda gave her daughter a look. "I mean, now, please. But Mom, if you don't hurry, it's going to disappear!" Candace grabbed her mother and dragged her out into . . . the empty backyard. "See?"

"See what?" Linda asked.

Phineas looked confused as well. "Hey! Our clubhouse is gone!" he turned to Ferb who alone in the clubhouse-less yard. "What happened?" he asked his stepbrother.

The green-haired-boy simply shrugged. It wasn't unusual for their amazing invention to vanish, but Phineas was really excited to show this to his mom. School was starting up again in less than two weeks and this was one of their last projects of the summer. Sure, they would be able to build things on holidays and weekends, but this year they were beginning middle school and with all their homework, they wouldn't have nearly as much time.

Phineas looked at his mother sadly. "I'm sorry, mom. I don't know what happened."

"NO!" Candace screamed. She ran around the backyard. "It's not possible! It was right here! I saw it! Where could it have gone? I was so close! Why does this always happen to me? It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not FAIR!" she stomped her foot in anger.

"Kids," said Linda, "I'll be in the kitchen. Let me know when your sister is done with her mental breakdown."

"Okay, Mom!" he said happily.

Linda inside of the house. Lawrence was sitting at the kitchen table holding a piece of paper. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. Linda had never seen her husband like this. She sat down next to him. "What's wrong, dear?" she asked.

"It's time, Linda. The boy's eleven. The letter will arrive any day now. I can't do it!"

Linda knew what he was talking about. She couldn't believe the day had come so soon. "Well, maybe - - "

"Do you think it's selfish of me? Is it so wrong? Is it a crime to want to have my son with me? He's the only part of Ombeline I have left - - plase don't get me wrong. I love you, it's just - - "

"It's okay. I understand."

"But if I don't send him, they might come after . . . " he didn't finnish the sentence.

"Why don't we let him decide? After all, he is the one going."

Lawrence sniffled. "You're right, love. But first let's let the boys enjoy a couple more days together."

Linda nodded. It hurt her to see Lawrence like this. He was usually so happy and talkative; now he looked a hundred years older.

"It'll be okay," she whispered.


Perry the Platypus woke up from his nap to the sound of his watch beeping. The semi-aquatic mammal looked both ways before jumping up on his back legs and pulling out a fedora, seemingly out of nowhere. He walked over to the side of the Flynn/Fletcher house and tapped it three times (one of which was done with his tail). A hidden section opened and the platypus stepped in before it closed behind him.

The secret compartment led to a chute, landing Perry in a chair in front of a large screen. A man appeared on the screen and looked down at the platypus, he had been expecting him.

"Ah, Agent P," the man said, regarding the platypus. "We have just received a report that states that at exactly 7:06 last night, Doofenshmirtz brought a plane ticket to London, England. We would have found out sooner, but a certain unpaid intern forgot to pay the power bill."

"Sorry, sir," said the college student from offscreen.

"Anyway, we think he may be up to something - - Doofenshmirtz, that is. Not Carl. At least not as far as I know. Anyway, we need you to find out what he's up to and put a stop to it!"

Perry saluted and jumped into his epic platypus mobile.

Agent P!

"So what part of sixth grade are you most looking forward to?" asked Phineas. He, Ferb, Irving, Buford, Isabella, and Baljeet were lazing around under the Flynn/Fletcher tree with their backs to each other.

"Being with y - - I mean art!" Isabella said quickly. Phineas didn't seem to notice. Ferb snorted quietly at his brother's complete obliviousness.

"Lunch," Buford grunted.

"Seeing you guys!" Irving cried happily. He had somehow convinced his mother to transfer him to Phineas and Ferb's school. According to Phineas it was "Cool, but kind of creepy".

"EVERYTHING!" Baljeet cried happily. Everyone stared at him as if he were completely insane. The Indian kid looked offended. "Oh, well excuse me for wanting to get an education!"

"Okay," Phineas said, turning to his brother. "Hey, Ferb, what are you looking forward to this year?"

Ferb blinked.

"Yeah," Phineas agreed, "me too."


Perry smashed through the evil scientist's wall.

"Oh. Hello, Perry the Platypus," Heinz said casually. He was packing a suitcase and didn't even bother looking up.

Perry looked at him in confusion. Where was the trap? Where was the "inator"? Where was the depressing backstory?

"Vanessa!" Doofenshmirtz called, "have you seen my Baljeetles T-shirt?" Perry smirked. Well, as much as a platypus can smirk, anyway.

"Here," Vanessa threw the shirt at her father's face. Perry blinked. Was it just him, or did Vanessa look even more annoyed than usual?

"Hey!" Doof protested, pulling the shirt from his face. He folded it up and put it in his suitcase. "That was uncalled for. Look, Vanessa, please don't make this harder than it has to be. Now, come over here and give your father a proper good-bye."

Good-bye? Perry wondered. He couldn't have possibly heard that right.

Vanessa stomped angrily into the room. Her hands were on her hips and the look on her face was so fierce, that even Doofenshmirtz turned away. Perry half expected her to run up and strangle him. Instead, she turned to look at Perry. Seeing the bewildered platypus, her expression softened a bit. "Does he know?"

Doofenshmirtz's shoulders slumped more than usual. He looked very upset. The German scientist stared into the distance as if he was about to tell one of his famous backstories. But instead, he turned to Perry. "Perry the Platypus, please do not think good of me but, I'm retiring."

"And moving to England!" Vanessa shouted. Perry was sure that he saw smoke come out of her ears.

"I don't understand what you're so upset about," Doof said, "I thought you wanted me to stop being evil."

"Not like this!" she exclaimed. There were tears in her eyes. "Why can't you just become good and stay in Danville? Why do you have to move?"

"This way I'll be able to start a whole new life!" he said, "you should be happy for me. I got this great job at this school - - "

Her sadness momentarily forgotten, Vanessa jumped back in horror, appalled by the very idea. "YOU'RE going to become a TEACHER?" she demanded incredulously.

Doofenshmirtz looked down. "Well, actually as a maintenance worker, but that's not the point!" he decided to change the topic. "You'll be able to see me once a month." He put his arms around her in a futile attempt to comfort his distraught daughter. "It'll all be okay, I promise." A car parked outside honked its horn. "Ooh, that's my ride to the airport. Anyway, sorry, Vanessa; curse you Perry the Platypus. Bye!" he grabbed the suitcase and dashed out the door.

After he left Vanessa looked, teary-eyed at Perry. "I can't believe he's actually leaving," she whispered. "I'm going home."

Perry did not believe it. He simply couldn't believe it. Not for one second. None of it added up. Doofenshmirtz was a natural evil scientist. He wouldn't suddenly stop after all these years. It wasn't like him at all.

Something stuck to his webbed, platypus foot. Lifting it up, he saw that it was a piece of paper; a diploma, no less. Doofenshmirtz's evil diploma. It had been discontinued. The stamp had the seal of LOVE MUFFIN on it.

Poor Doofenshmirtz. Even Perry could not help but feel a little bad for him. His own organization had kicked him out. That didn't seem fair, even if he was evil.

What would happen to him now? OWCA would probably give him a new nemesis to fight. But he didn't want a new nemesis, he wanted Doofenshmirtz! One thing, however, was certain: he had to get to England before it was too late. Because if he no longer had a nemesis, Agent P was no more.

"Hey, what's that?" Phineas asked.

The two boys stopped working on their language translating machine and peered up at the sky. A large bird of prey was flying straight towards them.

How curious, thought Ferb. Surely this wasn't normal behavior for owls.

The owl landed on top of their work table. Now able to get a better look at it, the boys saw just how magnificent the creature really was. The bird was mostly white and tan, but it also had numerous subtle patches of brown, red, orange, and yellow. The owl had a heart-shaped face and large, black eyes. But perhaps the most extraordinary part was that the animal appeared completely at ease with two kids creeping up to get a better look at him.

"Hey, guys," said Isabella as she walked into their yard. "What'cha - - ooh, a Barn Owl!" she exclaimed excitedly, adding her "owl-on-a-work-table-badge" to her sash. "He's beautiful!"

The owl cooed softly, seeming to appreciate the compliment.

"Where did you find him?" she asked.

"We didn't," Phineas told her, "he found us."

"So what's in the letter?"

"What letter?"

"The one in his talons."

Phineas and Ferb looked. Sure enough, inside of the bird's talons was an envelope. The owl then, as if reading their minds, stuck out his razor sharp claw, and dropped the note into Ferb's hands.

The envelope was a bit thicker than most. It was yellowish in color, as if it were aged. There was also an extremely detailed seal on it with a lion, badger, eagle, and snake surrounding the letter H.

Phineas let put a low whistle. "Fancy," he said.

"What does it say on the back?" asked Isabella.

Ferb flipped over the note. The back was just as formal looking as the front, and was written in emerald green ink. It read:

To: Mr. Franklin Joseph Fletcher

Danville, Illinois, United States of America

243 Maple Drive

The Fourth House on the Block

Second Bedroom to the Left

There was no stamp or return address.

Phineas was the first to break the silence. "Well, that's . . . specific," he stated.

"It's almost creepy," Isabella commented. "I mean, 'the second bedroom to the left', what's that all about?" she gasped. "What if somebody is stalking you?"

"Well, there's one way to find out," Phineas reached for the envelope, but was stopped by Isabella.

"Don't you think you should wait until your parents get home?" she asked a bit nervously, "I mean, it could be dangerous."

"I . . . I guess you're right," Phineas sighed. Due to his curious nature he was used to doing things quickly, not waiting around. Phineas shook the envelope and held it up to ear as if that would somehow give away what was inside.

"Hello, friend," Baljeet said, "what'cha doin'?" he and Buford walked into the yard.

Isabella stiffened.

"We're waiting for our parents to get back so we can open this letter," he replied.

"Borin'!" Buford declared.

Phineas shrugged. "Yeah, it's kind of dull, but what else are we going to do?"

"Why do you not just invent a device that can see through the envelope?" asked Baljeet.

All heads turned to the little Indian boy. Phineas looked at his brother, "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"

This is my first Phineas and Ferb related story, so I really want to know what people think of this.

Also, I'm taking a poll: Should this story take place in the normal Harry Potter time, or during the next generation era.

Please tell me what you think of this. I want to know if everybody seems in character, if the chapter is a good length, ect. So please review!