"Let's Get it Oooon!' crooned Marvin Gaye from the speakers of Alex's bedroom. His voice of chocolate coated nuts was completely oblivious as to why it had been set on 'repeat' that evening.

Aidan Quinn! Alex commanded aloud. That's who she was supposed to be thinking about while she was lying on her back on her special, rarely used, white silk sheets. She'd seen the actor in an old '80s movie the other week and had stored his sex scenes in her 'bank' for such occasions of self-pleasure. However, as a certain unnamed detective was wont to quote, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Alas! Aidan's image kept disappearing and being usurped by another man each time she plunged the vibrator into herself (Bobby who?).

Bobby's image had only appeared in her masturbatory fantasies once before, about a month ago, and she had managed to send him to purgatory rather quickly. Sure, Bobby was attractive, always had been. But it was just wrong to imagine him in that way, so he had been quickly vanquished.

Liam Neeson! she tried again. Ooaaaaaah! This could work. Liam was so big-boned, so tall, so masculine, and so powerful in that 'Taken' movie. He could take her right now. When had she started fantasizing about really oversized men anyway? That was new.

She looked into Liam's imaginary eyes and then closed her own as she felt the tremendous weight of his hips thrusting into her. "Eames!" he moaned slowly, but it was her partner's voice she heard. This unexpected occurrence made her open her eyelids once again. This time it was Bobby's dark chocolate eyes with their accompanying, downright lick-able dark puffy circles that looked back into hers. Fuck! I can't do this. I can't think about Bobby. It's wrong! her inner voice rebelled.

The rabbit ears peripheral tickled her clit and she lost her senses momentarily. Detective Goren! she called out, and with that, she shame(less)fully gave in. She imagined him kissing her. She had never seen him kiss anyone, but she knew those lips so soft and thick. They were unyielding, relentless and filled with long, long tongue. Tongue which crammed and probed and prodded her all over. His cock was a wide nine and hot and hard. She felt herself wetten. There had been too much of that sensation at work lately- sticky, moist, horny residue. Maybe it was her biological clock ticking, but she had been wearing panty liners every day for the past few months because she was so wet for him. Late one night after a long case, he was sitting at his desk opposite her, eating noodles with chopsticks in a way that was so unintentionally erotic. He had put them down momentarily to slowly remove his tie and undo the top button of his blue collar and one more button for good measure. She had gotten just a peak of chest hair, just a glimpse out of the corner of her eye.

Urged on by this image, she sat up on her bed and got on her knees, repositioning so she could maneuver herself up and down the shaft of her vibrator, gripping around its girth. Meanwhile, imaginary Bobby lay on his back looking up at her in awe and lust, stroking her nipples and breasts and grabbing her hips with his long fingers and large hands. The very real vibrations coupled with 'unreal' Bobby proved too much. She came and came deep, and it stimulated an awakening of an almost atrophied muscle group. This was accompanied by a new type of orgasmic sound. It was not her usual high-pitched, clipped porno 'Aahh! Yeah!' cry. Instead she produced a small series of deep, guttural grunts as she released her pleasure and shame.

When these noises finally subsided, she climbed off the vibrator, switched off its remote and fell back onto her silk sheets, shaking. He had vanished into thin air. Black spots clouded her in eyes for a minute or so. When she could see once more, she swiftly stood up, got the antibacterial wash, cleaned the vibe in the sink, dried it, and threw it back in the drawer. She turned on the hot water hard, and jumped in the shower, still glowing and full of electricity. She admonished herself, while she washed, that was just wrong, wrong, just wrong. She turned the hot water on harder, scalding hard.

"Let's Get it Oooon!" urged Marvin once again from the speakers. This time the voice seemed somehow aware of what it had just provoked.

"Ags!*h!" she screamed.