It took a while, 57 years to be specific, but Caroline is back off the humans 100%.

For the first nine months after they got back together Klaus didn't take notice of her frequent unexplained disappearances. Neither did he notice the faint smell of blood that clung to her when she came back. One day she returned home with blood soaked into her sleeve, this is what gave her away in the end. Straight away he got to work fixing her to how she used to be; he knew the Caroline he loved wouldn't want to kill humans; it was just that the blood was too strong – controlling.

First he directed how frequent she could go out. Month by month he slowly constricted her blood intake. The next step was to stop her from killing her victims. She accelerated quite quickly in this part, she liked having the control. After that it was blood bags. Then it was back onto her animal diet. She even tried not to kill them if she could. Now she tries to avoid them all together.

Quite understandably she was very reluctant to play along in the beginning, but she trusted him. She trusted that he was helping and that he was right. She sees it now; how much she had changed and she is forever grateful. She finally feels like herself again and she has never felt better; especially with him by her side.

During the third step of the plan they moved. She couldn't be surrounded by food when she was hungrier than ever. He took them to an isolated place. A little village was near, about ten minutes by foot, and their neighbours were barely in eyesight. The house was big, built in the 1900s – the decor was inspired by that too, which is one of the reasons he brought it; it made he feel a little younger. The dense forest out back hugged their home into seclusion and it was also a convenient fast food restaurant for Caroline.

Her favourite part is when her side of the world turns to dark and she gets to see the stars slowly return from hiding behind the daylight. Here they can be seen in their true glory. She has never seen so many before. They remind her of her immortality; as the universe ages she will slowly watch the constellations change to form different shapes over thousands of years. A star doesn't live forever, they are amongst the most powerful, magnificent things out there and even they have their time to die. She can't help but feel she is cheating the cosmos a little. Should her time come, she hopes it is as immense, as bright and with as big as a bang - Caroline doesn't do things lightly.

She already has it planned; for their 100th anniversary he is taking her to the southern hemisphere so she can see the night sky there. She just needs to remember to tell him of this plan. 100 years, she doesn't believe it sometimes, she is going to be with him for that long, and longer after that. All that time with one man. "He must be something special." she knows is what her Grandmother would say, "If a man can put up with you for that long, for goodness sake, Care-bear, hold on for dear life!"

He is doing his part as the man. Doing things it is though men should do. Fixing the things around the house, forgetting most of their anniversaries, etc. Except one thing that is; every now and when he thinks how human their lives are, sometimes his mind slips to how there is one thing he can't do; to give her a child. Not that she can have one anyway, but he still blames himself. He has thought about it, their options. 1) Witchcraft: not too keen on the idea of what would come out of her; wolf, vamp, both. Whichever, he is not willing to put her at risk and it seems it would be unfair to the child. Similar con to option 2) adoption: bringing a human child into a world of vampires, sure they could play human for a few decades but they wouldn't be able to avoid the questions forever. Then what would they do? Turn the person into one of them, the alterative being watching him grow old and eventually die. And you know they will then feel guilt for not turning him all those years ago.

So he just leaves it, saying nothing. Neither does she; maybe she doesn't want that, but he doesn't know. Mostly he is too afraid to ask.

Conversations have, however, turned to marriage. The sparkling ring is now sitting on her finger and waiting to be accompanied by the marriage band. In an unusual twist of events he wears an engagement ring as well as her. She insisted saying if she were to have one then why shouldn't he.

For now though, he is happy, and so is she. As for the future, it can't be foreseen. But Caroline wants her happy ever after and she is sure as heck going to try her hardest to make it happen.

So, with it being Caroline and all, I am sure their ending will be one of happiness.

A/N: This is the end of the road for She's The Gift That Keeps On Giving; I think they have had their drama and there is no use in dragging it out. If you want more drama I could always write more. (If you guys have any stories plots you want to read then let me know and I will give it a crack!)

Speaking of more, I have been writing another story over the past week or so, hence my lack of uploads on all my stories, that and of course Christmas. Speaking of which I hope all you guys who celebrate it had a great one! Back to point this story is a Bonnie/Alaric. Would you be interested? Please let me know =D I have just broken into my 15th word document page for it so far - so I pray you will be.

And I wish you all a safe and happy New Year! =)