The Showdown Chapter 43

Thank you all again for reading and for being so patient while I went through this horrible writers block, I understand now why authors say its takes years to write a book. Anyways appreciate all the reviews and glad you stuck with it.

"Oh my God, you did what?" Rachel squeals looking at Santana.

"She asked me to marry her," Brittany answers holding her hand out and smiling at the ring.

Kurt takes the blonde's hand lifting it to get a better look, "that's real."

"Yes Kurt, it's real," Santana responds sharply.

Kurt glances at the ring again, "how did you afford that?"

Santana shakes her head, "thank you all for the vote of confidence, really. I appreciate it."

Brittany quickly takes a hold of Santana's hand as she makes eye contact, "I don't care if it's real or how much it cost. I just care that you gave it to me and you want to be my wife. I think it's beautiful and I love it, almost as much as I love you." Santana ducks her head bashfully.

"I didn't say it wasn't beautiful, but that had to cost a small fortune," Kurt replies.

Santana lifts her head quickly to look at him, "I have been saving and took some extra shifts at work to pay for it, besides Brittany is worth every penny."

Rachel walks over wrapping her arms around Santana who quickly pulls away and gives her a wicked look, "Santana I am happy for you, for both of you. Congratulations."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool you two are engaged. I always thought Rachel and I would be the first to get married," Finn adds.

"Thanks," Santana mumbles before walking out of the room.

Brittany smacks Kurt's arm causing him to yell, "good I hope that hurt," she says turning away.

"What did I do?" Kurt inquires while rubbing his arm.

"Kurt, tonight was so special for us, it was perfect. She was so sweet and even asked my parents' permission, she got down on one knee, it was exactly how I imagined it. Why do you always think the worst of her? Santana is the most thoughtful and generous person I know. I wish you guys would open your eyes and see her for who she really is." Brittany retorts before walking off to find Santana.

She walks into their bedroom seeing the window is open. Glancing out onto the fire escape she sees Santana sitting with her feet dangling over the edge and her head down staring at her fidgeting hands. Brittany takes a few steps out on to the fire escape before Santana lifts her head. "Hey."

"Hey," Santana responds sullenly.

The blonde walks up behind her bending down to kiss her head before sitting down next to her. She places her hand on the brunette's back rubbing it gently, "you okay?" Santana doesn't respond just nods her head. "You don't have to lie to me San."

Santana quickly lifts her head looking directly at her, "I wouldn't lie to you."

"You are right now, I know you're upset. Baby I'm sorry everyone was so hard on you in there and I am sorry they can't see you the way I see you." Brittany pauses for a couple seconds, "well.….actually I'm not." Santana tilts her head in confusion. "If everyone saw how amazing you are then everyone would want to marry you and they can't because your mine," she adds with a wink.

Santana lets out a small laugh, "thanks Britt Britt."

"So talk to me San, what's going on? You were so happy at the restaurant and on the way home and now you are sitting out here alone," Brittany says reaching over and taking her fiancée's hand in hers.

"I'm not alone, I have you and that's all I need," Santana answers quietly.

"You do have me, you always will, but you need other people too Santana," Brittany responds softly. "I don't want to see you get depressed again."

Santana looks out across the NY skyline, "not that easy Britt. My own family doesn't want me and my so-called friends don't think much of me either."

"That's not true Santana," Rachel says poking her head out the window. "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I just wanted to make sure you guys were alright. Kurt can be kind of harsh sometimes." Brittany gives her a small smile.

"I'm fine Berry," Santana snaps.

"I heard some of what you were talking about and Santana, I am sorry. I tend to judge people and I was wrong about you. You are completely devoted to Brittany. You make her happy and from what I have seen since we moved here, you are a very caring and thoughtful person," Rachel replies sincerely.

Brittany stands walking over and reaching out her hand to Rachel. Rachel takes her hand as Brittany leads her out the window and hugs her whispering, "thank you."

"No Brittany don't thank me," Rachel responds pulling away catching the blonde off guard. "I mean it. I am sorry Santana for not seeing who you are or for not being there for you when you needed a friend. I didn't know all you were going through back then."

Santana stands, "I don't want your sympathy Rachel," she starts to walk by but a hand grasping her arm causes her to stop.

"It's not sympathy," Rachel adds as Santana pulls her arm away. "Look a while back Brittany asked me to try and get along with you and get to know you better. I think I have. I have seen you work long hours while taking classes, I have seen you make time every day to show Brittany how much she means to you and do things for her. I have even enjoyed the time we have gotten to spend together. Santana I am proud to call you my friend and if you ever need anything I will be there for you please know that. I am truly sorry for everything and I couldn't be happier for the two of you."

"You mean it?" Santana asks defensively.

Rachel nods her head, "yes I do."

"Then thank you," Santana mumbles barely audible.

"I'm sorry Santana I didn't hear you," Rachel replies with a grin on her face.

Santana sighs, "I said thank you."

Rachel wraps her arms around her hugging her, "aww Santana who knew under all those insults was such a softy."

"Am not," Santana mutters hugging her roommate back.

Rachel pulls back slightly, "seriously though I am here if you ever need me or just want to talk." Santana nods her head as she releases her.

Brittany quickly steps to her fiancée's side and kisses her cheek, "this makes me so happy. I love you San."

"Love you too Britt," Santana states with a small smile. "You're not so bad either Berry." Rachel smiles at them before turning and crawling back in the window leaving them alone.

"Dance with me?" Brittany asks holding her hand out.

"Here?" Santana questions.

"Why not?" Brittany responds placing her hands around the brunette's neck pulling her closer. "Dance with me."

Santana could never say no to Brittany so she places her hands around her waist, "you lead."

Brittany lays staring at the ceiling listening to Santana breathe. It has been months since they got engaged and in that time Santana has seemed to open up a little to Rachel and the two of them have even gone to the movies a couple times when Brittany had classes. She even heard her and Finn laughing one night while watching a TV show. The blonde rolls over watching her fiancée sleep as a smile crosses her face. Santana is finally letting people in. It has been so long since she trusted someone other than Brittany. She leans in kissing her cheek as she whispers, "I love you Santana."

Santana wakes up seeing Brittany inches from her. She leans over kissing her forehead before sliding out of bed and walking into the bathroom. After showering and getting ready for work she returns to see Brittany in the same position. She leans down kissing her gently and whispers, "I love you Brittany," before leaving the room.

Brittany waits till she hears the front door close before opening her eyes and looking around the room. She reaches over to the night stand picking up her phone. After speaking with her mother she hangs up the phone excited about the conversation.

The week past and Brittany decided that she would make dinner for them since Santana was off on a Saturday night, which was rare anymore. She had been working non-stop trying to put away money for the wedding.

Brittany stands in the kitchen stirring the sauce as Santana walks up behind her resting her chin on the blonde's shoulder. "Looks like a lot of food just for us."

Brittany kisses the side of her head, "I might have invited a couple other people."

Santana quickly steps back, "who? Rachel said she and Finn would be out most of the night and Kurt is in Lima."

"Can you please just wait and see?" Brittany asks cautiously.

"Britt, you know I hate surprises," Santana says turning around and glancing around the room for any hints.

Brittany places her hands on the brunette's shoulders, "I know, but just trust me, okay?"

"Fine," Santana answers walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Brittany calls out.

"Well since we are having guests I figured I should put on something a little nicer than my sweats," Santana responds from the other room.

There is a knock a few minutes later as Brittany hurries to the door to open it. "Hi," she says happily hugging her mother and smiling politely at the other woman. "Please, come in. Santana! Can you please come out here?"

Santana walks out of the bedroom seeing Mrs. Pierce first and lets out a big breath. "Oh I am so glad to see you." She stops suddenly when she sees the other woman standing several feet behind her. "What are you doing here?"

Brittany quickly steps next to her taking her hand, "Santana just wait, before you get all upset. I invited her."

"Why?" Santana snaps.

Brittany squeezes her hand slightly, "because you have come so far and allowed people to care about you again. Your mother cares about you Santana."

Santana pulls her hand away, "my mother forgot I existed, or at least hoped she could forget me."

"Santana, that is not true," Mrs. Lopez states stepping closer. "There hasn't been one day that has past that I haven't thought about you."

Santana shakes her head in disbelief, "you have a funny way of showing it." She turns walking out of the room, "sorry you came all this way for nothing."

"Santana!" Brittany calls starting to follow her.

Mrs. Pierce grabs her arm, "let me try." The blonde nods her head as she watches her mother leave the room.

Santana hears footsteps behind her, "please leave me alone Britt."

"It's not Brittany," Mrs. Pierce says softly causing her to turn around. "Can we talk for a minute?" Santana shrugs her shoulders as she sits on the bed. "I know you are upset that Brittany didn't tell you that she was coming. But we all thought it was best not to. I know you are still very hurt about what happened and you have every right to be, but she is trying. She calls me at least once a week and asks how you are. When I tell her some of the things you two get into she laughs or will sigh and say, that's my Santana. She loves you so much. When I told her about your engagement she cried. She said she always knew you two would make it." Mrs. Pierce looks over to see a tear run down Santana's face. She reaches over taking her hand, "can I tell you something else?" The brunette nods slowly. "She insisted on paying your rent. She gives me money every month to send, but told me I had to make sure you stayed in school. She wants to see you succeed."

"As long as I am away from them so people won't see that their daughter is gay," Santana retorts.

"Santana, I don't care what you are, who you love or how you live your life, I just want my daughter back," Mrs. Lopez says sincerely.

Santana raises her head to look at her mother, "why? Why now? Nothing has changed."

"Everything has changed," Mrs. Lopez answers. "I have changed. Not being able to see you or talk to you, that's not what I want. You are my daughter and I love you. I just want you to be happy."

"And Dad?" Santana shoots back.

"Your father is very set in his ways, but he knows how I feel and that you are my priority. He might not accept your lifestyle but we have agreed to disagree on that. I will be there to support you whether he likes it or not. That is if you will allow me to be," Mrs. Lopez responds.

Santana glances up at Brittany who is now standing next to Mrs. Lopez, "so then you are all ganging up on me?"

"No," Brittany quickly replies. "No one is ganging up on you. Santana I have watched you in past few months allow people to get to know you and love you and your mother would like that chance as well. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at me, it was my idea."

Santana takes a deep breath, "you know I can't be mad at you," she says softly.

Brittany walks over squatting down in front of her, "then don't be mad. I know you are scared, but you trusted Rachel and Finn and Kurt, you can most certainly trust your mother."

"Santana, we can take it slow. I am not asking you to move home. I just want a chance to get to know you again. Talk and visit from time to time. I was hoping maybe I could help you with some of the wedding arrangements, if that is okay with both of you?"

Brittany smiles, "that would be okay with me, your daughter is not much help."

Santana laughs, "sorry." She looks over to her mother, "I guess we can try as long as you understand I love Brittany and she comes first in every decision I make."

"I do understand, "Mrs. Lopez answers.

Santana nods her head, "okay."

Brittany stands reaching her hand out to her fiancée, "can we eat now before dinner gets ice cold?"

"Yes, sorry if I ruined your nice dinner," Santana replies.

"This is better than any dinner. Seeing this smile and seeing how much you changed makes me happier than any gourmet dinner ever could," Brittany says before kissing her cheek. "You truly are my hero San."

The End