When morning came Keira felt a large hand in her hair, slowly she looked up at him

"Hi," Keira groggly,

"Guess we got more than we bargained for last night," Riddick grumbled,

"Yeah, but you got answers, how you survived, my parents saved you," Keira explained.

"Yeah, they talked about having another baby for me to love and to protect," Riddick getting up.

"And you did well and you love me really well, guess my family loved you well too, I'm glad it was my parents that saved you, at least they got to love one of us," Keira mumbled.

"Keira, your parents did love you or they wouldn't have had talked like they did when they were thinking about having you," Riddick pulling on some boots.

"Then why did I wind up with foster parents, why did you wind up the most dangerous wanted conman?" Keira shouted.

"Keira, calm down, I don't know why, maybe they got in some trouble, they would have left us in an orphanage, they had nothing else to do with us," Riddick seriously,

"So, they would have abandoned us?" Keira jumping to conclusions,

"They thought we would have a better chance at surviving," Riddick explained. He got up,

"Let me go with you, you can't handle all of this by yourself, I've already been out there in the street," Keira explained.

"I know you have but you weren't paying any attention to the street just the buildings and the pup, I need to do this Keira, it's my way of still protecting you, you just rest, you will need your strength to build back the buildings," Riddick holding her chin in his hand, he leaned down and gently kissed her lips and walked away. Keira watched him leave, she didn't want the horrible scene to eat at him either, but someone had to bury the victims. By lunch Riddick had buried the dead, he fell to his knees after putting the last stone on the last covered body, he hated the god that the holy man believed in, he couldn't understand how the holy man could believe in such a god that would let this happen, New Mecca had been the holy city. So why would God let devastation hit His own supposedly holy land? Or His own kind? Where was Imam's God now, where was He when he was strangled and thrown into a trash bin while the rest of his kind had been slaughtered? Would the holy man believe in his God now, now that his people had been slaughtered? Riddick finally got up and started walking back through town. When he got closer to the ship he heard something, Keira had been watching the town for any surprises and when she saw it she ran off the ship. Riddick had turned around, there were just a little handful of people, survivors. Keira jumped in front of Riddick,

"Keira is that you?" a woman asked,

"It's me Mrs. Jones, please no more bloodshed should be spilt on this planet, you can trust Riddick, he and I both killed the monsters who did this, we came back to rebuild your stores and homes if you will let us," Keira explained.

"He is a murderer, a thief, how can we trust him not to kill the rest of us in our sleep?" a man asked.

"He is with me, he is the one who buried the dead, he is not guilty for this, this…incident has changed him, give him the chance you gave me once," Keira crying. Everyone looked at each other and decided,

"Guess we could use another pair of hands, so how do we start? Where do we start?" another man asked.

"We start with the docking station and the rest of the businesses first, they will pull money in to fix the rest of this town," Riddick explained, all the survivors agreed.

"Come, we will feed you, I have enough room on my ship for all of you," Keira strongly. They followed at a safe distance behind Keira and Riddick.

Fixing New Mecca

Keira fixed everyone some soup, gave them some bread and meat for their guests,

"Did you guys really kill those monsters?" a little child asked Keira.

"You don't have to worry about them anymore, we got every one of those monsters," Keira getting level with the child,

"Why do you wear those goggles for?" the child asked.

"Because the light hurts my eyes now, don't you worry, Riddick and I won't let any more monsters hurt you," Keira smiling, she went on giving out soup, bread, and meat. Riddick stood by the doorway in the galley, he found he was making some of the survivors really nervous. Keira came over with some soup,

"Come on, sit down, they have to get to know you somehow," Keira strongly.

"They don't want to know me, they are going to use me to help build back their homes and turn me over to the first merc who comes calling," Riddick whispered as he eyed the survivors.

"Riddick, please, you're tired, we all are, come eat," Keira pulling him to the couch. She gave him the meat, bread, and soup, she then went to get her own food. The child who was talking to Keira came over,

"Mr. Riddick, you won't hurt me, will you?" the child asked,

"No kid, I don't hurt women or children, but sometimes you have to fight in this world, not everyone out there are nice, sometimes some monsters come after ya, and it's either you or them," Riddick explained.

"So you have fought monsters your whole life? Did you save Keira from monsters?" the child asked,

"Yeah, twice now, you remind me of her when she was younger, she was just a kid when I killed the monsters that were after her, listen why don't you go eat," Riddick suggests,

"One more thing, I wanna see your eyes," the child smiling. Riddick smirked, Keira was coming over, and he pulled his goggles off and opened his eyes a little.

"They are so pretty, where can I get eyes like that?" the child asked,

"We are special kind of people," Keira jumped in to answer,

"So you were born with them?" the child asked.

"Yeah but I just recently got mine, your mommy is looking for you, you should go eat your soup," Keira smiling,

"Okay, nice meeting you Mr. Riddick," the child going back over to their parents.

"Cute kid," Riddick smirked and ate his food,

"Yeah, that's Taylor, she's not scared of you, remind you of someone?" Keira smirked,

"I never forget a cute kid," Riddick strongly.

"You think of me often?" Keira smirked,

"Yep, even found myself crying one night hoping you wouldn't have done something stupid when you heard the news," Riddick explained.

"Dying would have been far too easy, and I am too much of a fighter to die so easily, I fought to keep living just hoping one day you'd come back," Keira shoving a piece of bread in her mouth. After dinner Riddick tried grouping the people together,

"Who knows how to build houses or can hammer nails in?" Riddick asked, a couple of people raised their hands, he then told them that they were to teach the others how to do it as well.

"First we'll take the broken pieces, see if they are salvageable, if not maybe we can trade the broken pieces in on other planets, we need supplies, so Keira can show you to a room for the night, we will be going to Signo for supplies tonight, when morning comes we get supplies and head back, get some sleep, a rough road ahead," Riddick explained. Keira showed them sleeping quarters,

"If you need anything call on Marius," Keira explained.

"I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere," Marius's voice rang out. They all looked around,

"He's an AI, he can't harm you," Keira smirked. Everyone went to their rooms, they took turns with the hot water. Keira had given up her room since there had been 16 people and not enough rooms already. She let the dishes soak, she whimpered,

"Hey gorgeous, you seem tired," Riddick coming up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her, she purred a little,

"Just thinking and yeah I am beat, the beds are all taken," Keira softly.

"Good, like sleeping with you in your favorite place anyway," Riddick whispered in her ear.

"I like sleeping in your arms either way," Keira leaning back against him,

"Come on, got to go to Signo," Riddick picking her up. She snuggled up close to his neck, dried blood and sweat scent all that was missing was the sandalwood. She sighed, she was half asleep by the time they got to the cockpit.

"Gotta contact Frank, tell him he can meet us in Signo for some supplies," Keira mumbled out.

"I'm capable of doing it babe, you just sleep," Riddick watching the pup jump up into the co-pilot's chair. Keira snuggled deeper into Riddick as if she were a kid again. Riddick smirked, he moved the ship out of port and directed to Signo. He contacted Frank,

"Hey Blake, Keira done passed out on ya?" Frank using Riddick's fake name.

"Hey Franky, yeah it's been a rough couple days lately, got a gift for Imam though, actually 15 to be exact, need ya to head to Signo, be there in the morning, need supplies," Riddick explained.

"Wow, 15 that's more than he expected, how's my shop?" Frank frowning,

"Not too shabby really, didn't go inside but the ships are doing just fine," Riddick explained,

"Alright, well I'll tell Imam and you guys be safe," Frank ending the communication. Ridick gazed down at the fallen angel in his lap for a while.


"Hey Marius, we locked up nice and tight?" Riddick asked,

"Always am, goodnight Blake," Marius responded,

"Do me a favor, lock up the cockpit, don't want anyone coming and going," Riddick explained.

"Not even yourself?" Marius asked,

"Not even me," Riddick reclining the chair, getting Keira more comfortable in his arms and bringing the blanket over them,

"Sweet dreams princess," Riddick kissing her forehead and falling asleep.