I can't feel my senses,

I just feel the cold.

She ran against through the sheets of rain and the whipping rains coming down in New Mecca, she was drenched in a matter of seconds, and with the wind whipping around her she would surly freeze.

All the colors seems to fade away

I cant reach my soul.

She didn't believe it, she wouldn't, he was still out there in space somewhere, running to keep her safe. There had been a body but she had not seen it personally and it was charred beyond recognition. The authorities had said it was him but she wouldn't believe it, and in her mind he couldn't die, she never even heard of him losing a battle, and he was the best damn pilot ever. Her vision had turned into black and white, he had been everything to her, he made the colors in her life stand out in her world just knowing he was alive somewhere out there.

I would stop running,

If I knew there was a chance.

She couldn't stop running, if she stopped everything would come crashing down on her, her hopes would demolish and doubts of him still being alive would take over her soul and heart and she couldn't handle that. Maybe, maybe if he appeared and stopped her from running then she could see that he was there that he had just faked his own death just like when they had came back from Devil's Planet. She would stop running if she knew, if she really knew there was a chance of him coming back to her, at least to see her graduate from college at the age of 18. Yeah she was one hell of a kid, she was smart, she could fight, and pilot, but it didn't mean shit without him.

It tears me apart,

To sacrifice it all,

But I'm forced to let go.

He had crashed, but only on purpose, he had crashed on a frozen planet, the body in the ship of course not his but made damn well sure that the authorities could point it out that it was him. It had been a partner of his, he had thought the cover that Jack and Imam had told would have lasted longer, longer so he could risk going back to seeing how Jack turned out, but now it seemed like he had sacrificed it all, and his thoughts tore at him of the kid he had left with a holy man. The mercs had been on his ass once again, he had to shake them off, he couldn't risk them finding out about Jack. So he was forced to let go of her, to let her think he was dead, he just hoped she didn't do anything stupid and hoped she would have enough sense to know that he wasn't dead, yet anyway.

Tell me I'm frozen,

What can I do?

Cant tell the reasons,

I did it for you.

She froze as she ran to the end of town, she didn't stop though, what the hell could she do if she did? She couldn't tell him the reasons why she was crying, or why she was being stupid and running in the frozen rain and wind, but she did it for herself, and mostly for him, she didn't want to think that he didn't matter to her, even though she had let him have it when he left her.

He sat deep in a cave around a fire with his big burly coat on and roasting his fresh kill, a tiger with shined eyes came passing through the cave, he had always had a way with animals, probably because he was one himself, until recently. Slowly he removed his goggles and stared right at the tiger, it was the most gorgeous creature on earth and the most dangerous, just as he was. Finally the tiger came right up to him and sat down, he petted the tiger, and thought about Keira as he took his meat off the fire and halved it with the tiger. He was frozen, but what else more could he do, he couldn't tell her the reasons of why he did what he did, but he cared, she had taught him a little about that, he lifted his big calloused hand up to his cheek, what he found was wet and salty, he had done it for her.

When lies turns into truth,

I'll sacrifice for you.

You say that I am frozen,

But what can I do?

She had hated him for telling her lies, for telling her one minute he was staying and the next;

"I'm doing this for you kid, I am sacrificing everything damn thing for you, so you can have a life, you cant have a life with me in it, you will be killed in a fucking heartbeat," she didn't care if it was the truth, she wanted him, he was as much as family as the holy man had become. She had called him cold and heartless, and a few other colorful words went along with the fight they had had the last time they had seen each other. But what could he have done differently? He only did what he thought was the best.

I can feel your sorrow.

He could feel her sorrow, he knew she would be devastated and her heart would break but it was a part of the plan, she would show that to the world that he was dead, as she grieved for him. He just hoped she wouldn't really believe it, they had come to trust each other before he had left, and she saw first hand how strong he was and she just needed to believe that now.

You wont forgive me,

But I know you'll be alright.

He knew she wouldn't forgive him now, she may have forgiven him for leaving her only if he would have went back for her, but at least he would know she would make it through it and she would be alright, she had a home and Imam to take care her.

It tears me apart,

That you will never know.

But I have to let go.

She found the safety of the forest, she coward in the bushes where no one could see her being torn apart by an invisible entity, he would never know how much she cared for him, he probably thought she was just a kid, that one day she would have came to her senses and had known that he wasn't one of the good guys, but she never forgot him, she never wanted to forget him, she wanted him to come back, and she was grown up, it tore her apart that he would never know that she could handle herself and he could have her beside him, he would have someone to watch his back. She cried for what seemed like an eternity, but she knew she had to let this go, she hadn't seen the charred body, and authorities were wrong, she had to believe he had set it up because he had been in trouble again and he just didn't want to give them the satisfaction of being caught again.

He was torn apart by dreams that plagued him, dreams that held her in them and shown what she could do or maybe have already done since she found out about the crash and the fact that there was a body. He woke in a cold sweat finding the tiger lying by the dying fire, he rubbed his face and laid the dried out wood on the fire, it tore him apart that she would never know or understand how deeply he cared for her, he did the only thing he could do for her, but for now he had to let it go, it would drive him mad if he didn't.

Tell me I'm frozen,

What can I do?

Cant tell the reasons,

I did it for you.

When the lies turns into truth,

I'll sacrifice for you.

You say I'm frozen,

But what can I do?

Everything slips away,

Shattered pieces will remain.

When memories fade into emptiness,

Only time will tell its tale,

If it all has been in vain.

Over the years everything in her life just slipped away, she wasn't Jack anymore, she hardly ever talked to Imam anymore, or the friends she did have, nothing but shatter pieces had remained. All her memories of her hero had faded into emptiness that she carried around with her, that was like her own shadow, the ones that he stuck to. To work out all her pain and anger she went to the gym she had made friends with the married couple who loved her, but the man had seen the change in her, depression, anger, pain, she had just one day stopped talking or did very little talking with even them. One day the man called her on it,

"Come on Jack, fight me, fight me like you used to," the man adding fuel to the burning flame he saw in her toned body,

"Jack's dead," she gritted out, she got her ass kicked that night,

"I can help control that anger, cant do much for the depression or the pain unless you tell me what its all for, or who its all for," the man explained.

Only time would tell if she would tell her tale of the man who she trusted and now had died to keep her safe, and if it all had been in vain.

I cant feel my senses,

I just feel the cold.


What can I do?


Tell me I'm frozen,

What can I do?

Cant tell the reasons,

I did it for you.

When lies turn into truth,

I'll sacrifice for you.

You say that I am frozen.


I don't own Frozen by Within Temptations