Battlestar Wasp


The Cylons were created by Man.

They were created to make life easier on the Twelve Colonies.

And then the day came when the Cylons decided to kill their masters.

After a long and bloody struggle, an armistice was declared.

The Cylons left for another world to call their own.

A remote space station was built...

...where Cylon and Human could meet and maintain diplomatic relations.

Every year, the Colonials send an officer.

The Cylons send no one.

No one has seen or heard from the Cylons in over forty years...

Until Now.

Sixty minutes before the attack:

Near Caprica Station

In the Lounge of the Leviathan class ship Kiel:

Rear Admiral Joshua Anderson sat at the table eating his breakfast. Scattered around him was the logs of his flagship, the Battlestar Wasp which was currently sitting in the Kiel's massive dock having her damaged engine replaced. Across from him, the commander of the Wasp Howard Horn was draining his glass of coffee when Joshua flipped the next page.

"Howard, the report from the engine room is that they are still finding particles of explosives. It's the firm opinion of MI that the ship was sabotaged. I think we should recall the crew from Caprica station, and get them aboard the Kiel. Something is not right, and I want to know what it is," Joshua said as his eyes went over another document from the investigation.

"Are you sure?" Howard asked as he buttered his toast.

"You take a look. You're a former MI. Tell me what you think," Joshua said as he handed the papers to his second in command.

Howard took the papers and quickly started reading. As he read, his eyebrows narrowed as he quickly turned the page.

"Wait a minute. They detected trace amounts of explosives, but are saying it was a faulty Tylium line? That makes no frakkin' sense."

"I know. Now look at the body they found. There is no ID on her. They have no fingerprints on her in the fleet files. I want to know how she got on my Battlestar, and was able to carry out an act of sabotage, yet no one saw her board? That's not right. She had to have come on with those people who upgraded the ship's software…"

"The CNP system, and several other systems, if I remember right… and I remember that the CNP program wouldn't upload for some reason. Something about the Crawler Computers they installed on the Wasp when she was built. At that time they were experimental. The computers were dropped, but they were left in the Wasp and Hornet, because it would have been more expensive to rip them out and install the Grayson computers. I remember someone saying the computers couldn't handle the new CNP program, and that they had to reinstall the older version. Then three days later the engine explodes? Something is not right!"

"I agree, Howard. I think I will forward my suspicions to Nagala and Corman and see what they think," Joshua said as he closed the folder and reached over to the handset on the wall.

"This is Admiral Anderson. I want to issue a recall to the Wasp crew to report onboard the Kiel in forty minutes. We will use meeting room two for the meeting. Please have the room prepared for me to speak to my crew. Also, send two dispatchers down to the lounge and prepare a pair of Raptors to carry some papers to the Atlantia and to Admiral Corman's office on Picon."

"Right away, Admiral," came the reply through the handset as Joshua stood up.

"Why are you recalling the crew?" Howard asked as he stood up and started gathering the folders.

"Because someone in the crew had to have seen her board the ship and I plan on showing the picture of her face to the crew to see if anyone remembers her," Joshua replied as two ensigns walked into the room carrying a briefcase attached to their wrist by handcuffs.

"Sir, Ensigns Roberts and Howell reporting as ordered." the redheaded woman on the right reported.

"Thank you Ensign Roberts. You are to deliver this folder to Admiral Nagala at Virgon, Ensign Roberts. Ensign Howell, you will take this one to Admiral Corman at Picon fleet headquarters. Both of you are to report back here when you complete your mission. Any questions?" Joshua asked.

"Sir! No, Sir!" both ensigns replied.

They took the folders, locked them into their briefcases, and left the room.

Joshua and Howard spent the next fifteen minutes going over the paperwork and then left the lounge. They headed for their rooms where they locked their papers away, and changed into their ready uniforms. Ten minutes later they were in the briefing room, just down the passageway from the CIC of the Kiel. They entered the room and were just about to sit down, when the door opened.

Commander Isis Walters walked into the room with a stack of folders and nodded to her crew as she looked at Admiral Anderson.

"Sir, we have started opening up the engine space of the Wasp and should have it completely open, so we can remove the FTL engine, in about ten days. The new engine has been delivered and is being inspected by Chief Mays at this time. Your crew has arrived from Caprica Station, and is waiting for you in the main auditorium for you to speak with them."

"Thank you, Isis…"

"All hands set Condition One throughout the ship. This is not a drill, all hands set Condition One throughout the ship. Commander Walters please report to the CIC."

Isis ripped the handset from the wall and said, "CIC, this is the commander. What is going on?"

Joshua watched as the blood latterly drained from her face, "Prepare all Vipers and Raptors with combat loads. All batteries are to load armor piercing rounds. Bring point defenses online," she said and then hung the phone up.

"What's going on Isis?"

"Admiral, the Cylons are back. We have reports of nuclear detonation on several worlds, and our battle fleets are under heavy attack," Isis said as she turned to the door and opened it.

Joshua followed the commander of the Kiel to the bridge, behind him was Howard. Storming on to the bridge, Isis started issuing orders.

"Status report!"

"Ma'am something is wrong with the fleet. Every time the Cylons get near one of our warships it shuts down. We've lost two Battlestars, four Faststars, two Gunstars of BSG-11. Hundreds of Vipers have been disabled and destroyed. Cylon fighters are closing on BSG-12 and 14 now. They are launching fighters to engage the enemy ships. They have opened fired with their main batteries on the approaching Baseships. Estimated count is fourteen Baseships and twenty support ships."

Joshua's eyes flew over the dradis screen and he watched as several more ships vanished from the plot. A cold shiver started going down his spine as he stepped up to the dradis table.

"Isis, I'm assuming command of your group. Get me Admiral Corman on Picon," Joshua said as he watched BSG-12 vanish from the plot.

"Caprica station is starting to evacuate its civilian population. All military assets have been launched from the station and forming up to engage the Cylon fleet."

"Sir, Admiral Corman is on line one. It's breaking up… looks like its being jammed."

Joshua looked up at the screen and said, "On screen."

The image came up. Admiral Corman was standing in the war room of Picon.

"What's up Joshua?"

"Sir, the Cylons have somehow infiltrated our ships and are able to shut them down. I am taking command of repair fleet Alpha…" he stopped as a man stepped up to Admiral Corman and handed him a slip of paper.

Corman quickly read the note and snarled out in anger, "Frak, they're using the CNP program to hack into the fleet. Get this off to all ships to purge the new program and reboot with the old ones. Joshua, I want you to take command of repair fleet Alpha and jump them away. We will need your ships to recover our damaged ships if we cannot get them back up and running. Take any support asset you need to…"

The image vanished and Joshua looked over at the com station.

"Sir, jamming at Picon has tripled in intensity. We lost the feed."

With a nod of his head, Joshua acknowledged the message and shouted out his orders. "Contact all ships of Alpha, and have them form up with us. Any nearby warship is to form on us and prepare to jump away. Contact the rest of my battle group, and tell them to jump to Crispin. We will reform there, to figure out what is going on. Have all civilian craft to join with us…"

"Battlestar Odyssey just blew up. Incoming nuclear and conventional missiles, they are targeted on Caprica Station. Caprica station and her support satellites have opened fire."

"Recall all Alpha groups' fighters and Raptors. Notify all ships we're jumping to the Crispin Nebula…"

"Gunstars Aurora and the Astral have taken damage. We have heavy damage to the Aurora and light damage to the Astral. Both are still jump capable, and are forming up now. Aurora's Vipers and Raptors are landing on the Kiel."

"Good. Start charging the FTL drives and disconnect the network for the ship. Once we come out of FTL, I want all warships to purge the new CNP and install the older version," Joshua said as the doors to the bridge opened and several crew came in.

"Sir, Hephasetus reports their FTL is online and ready to go."

Joshua was about to respond when he was shoved to the side and gunfire was heard. Rolling, he pulled his pistol and came up behind one of the support stations. Standing in the doorway was a dark haired girl with a two pistols in her hands. She was firing at anyone who moved. Raising his pistol, he fired just as she turned towards him.

"Incoming missiles!" one of the dradis techs shouted as his round hit the woman in the forehead.

"Counter missiles launched!" replied another.

"Jump the fleet!" Joshua shouted.

Around the Kiel, dozens of ships vanished into FTL. The nuclear missiles detonated as they were intercepted.



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First Edited By Bill Lewis

Final Edit By TeNdErLoin

Battlestar Galactica™ is a registered trademark and copyright (©) Glen Larson & the SciFi Channel. Thank you to the Battlestar Wiki and The Battlestar Galactica Role Playing Game, Battlestar Prometheus have proven invaluable for the information they contain. All material found in this story is for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement should be inferred or is intended. Battlestar Sword and all its original characters and story lines presented here are the copyright (©) of their creator (©) 2010.