
Ok so this was an idea I had for like, a Halloween episode of Victorious. I wanted to send it to Nick, but I thought I would share it with you guys first, enjoy! And tell me what you think!

"And then, the kids went into the closet, and found a HOOK!" Jade yelled as she told her story to now frightened 2nd graders. Tori shook her head. This was not going to end well. "And then, when the kids grabbed the hook, the lightning flashed and they saw heads without bodies! Like this one!" She ran over to a table and pulled the bowl off of it to reveal a "beheaded" Cat. "Hiiiii!" she squeaked through her bloody make up. The kids screamed and all ran out the Black Box Theater . Right in to Lane and Sickowitz. "Great grape sauce! What the fur ball happened?"Sickowitz asked watching the kids run. "Jade scared the kids…..again." Tori said and rolled her eyes. She understood it was Halloween week, and that sometimes everyone loves a good scare, but that doesn't mean Jade can go around scaring the snot out of kids. "Is that why Cat is decapitated?" Lane asked pointing to Cat. "Pretty much." Andre and Robbie nodded. "I enjoyed it." Rex chimed in. Sickowitz was not impressed. "Everyone to my classroom now." Jade suddenly wasn't having fun anymore. "Oh chiz." She breathed.

Everyone sat in the classroom worried about what Sickowitz had to say. When he finally came in the room, he was smiling like an idiot and he had a bag of chocolate bars. "Hey Sickowitz, whatcha got in the bag hmm?" Andre asked and then laughed. "Well, I brought you children some candy my girlfriend Bertrice made." "Ok I'm not eating anything that was made by a girl named Bertrice." Jade said getting up. She slammed the door behind her. "Anyone else?" Sickowitz asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Good." He handed a candy bar to everyone and said, "These are magical bars made with special ingredients to do special things to your body."Cat became worried. "Is there weed in here?" Everyone turned to Cat. "Cat, how do you know about weed?" Tori asked. "Well sometimes, my mom gives my brother small tiny doses to calm him down." She explained. Sickowitz shook his head. "No, Cat. You will see. And tell your mother that's illegal." "Kay Kay." She nodded. "Now everyone please eat your bars." Just then, Jade walked back in the room and sat down. "Give me my candy bar." She simply stated. "You left! You can't get one!" Andre protested. Jade growled. "I think Jade should have a candy bar." He said sitting back in his chair. She smiled triumphantly. Sickowitz handed Jade her bar and clapped his hands. "Now everyone, eat!" he shooed with his hands encouraging everyone to take a bite. Everyone took a bite and chewed. "Mhmm. This is so good!" Cat said. "Yeah this is a little too sweet for me." Tori yawned. "I feel sleepy." Robbie said. "What did you put in this you crazy hippie?" Jade asked sleepily. Sickowitz smiled devilishly. "You'll see." He snickered as he turned off the lights and shut the door.

Jades POV

I woke up dazed and my head hurt. "Hey, you guys get up." For some reason my voice sounded really squeaky. Like a kids. And my clothes seemed really big on me. I leaned up off of Beck and looked around me. Everything seemed…bigger. Then it hit me. "Hoy crap!" I yelled. I hit Beck and woke him up and he hit André and Robbie and woke them up. I ran over to Tori and Cat and woke them up. "Dude get up! Look what Sickowitz did to us!" We all stood back and looked at ourselves. I looked everyone up and down. The first person I looked at was Tori. The off the shoulder sweater she had been wearing reached to her knees. And her skinny jeans wear extremely baggy. I looked at Cat, who looked even more childish than usual. Her dress almost touched the floor and she had her stuffed pig in her hand dragging it along the floor. Beck looked the same, except he was smaller, and his voice was just as squeaky as mine. The same was for Andre. Robbie actually looked adorable caring a younger Rex around. His voice was lighter too. "What happened?" Tori asked rubbing her eyes. It was the cutest thing ever. Ugh what am I saying? "That stupid hippie turned us all into little kids!" I shouted annoyed at my own little voice. "Urgh!" I yelled kicking the chair in front of me. I fell almost immediately. I started to cry. "Damn that hippie!" I cursed holding my throbbing foot. "How are we supposed to explain this to our parents?" Robbie asked panicking. "I'm like, 45 inches shorter then I used to be!" Tori shook her head. "You weren't that tallWobbie ." She said and then covered her mouth turning red. "Wobbie?" I exclaimed laughter taking over me. "Oh my god this might actually be a good thing!" "Shut up Jade!" she yelled. She seemed to be annoyed that her voice was high too. Guess I'm not the only one. We all heard the door unlock and was I was one of the first people to run over to it. Unfortunately, my boots had become too big and I tripped over my own two feet.

Tori's POV

I watched Jade fall and snickered. She glared at me and I grabbed Cat. Sickowitz clapped his hands. "Why hello, children." He sneered. "You did this to us! You turned us all into little kids!" Jade shouted. "I'm trying to teach you all a lesson." He explained. "What lesson?" I shouted. "The lesson that you scared the poop out of us? Cause I learned!" I raised my hand. Cat reluctantly raised her hand too. She was gripping her stuffed piggy and sucking on her thumb. It was oddly cute. Even for Cat. "I just have one question." Cat said. Sickowitz sipped on his coconut. "Go ahead Cat." He encouraged. "Can Tori talk me to the bathroom?" Everyone including me let out groans. "Aw, man!" Jade yelled. She picked up a chair and threw it at the window. It smashed, and the chair flew out. It's nice to see Jade was still…well Jade. "Ah Jade." Sickowitz commented. "Still a gank even at 4 feet tall." "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Easy! Easy!" Beck said holding Jade back. Sickowitz was right. Even with the body of a 7 year old Jade was incredibly strong. And remembering Beck wasn't Beck anymore, and the fact that he didn't have abs anymore, I counted to 5 to see how long he could hold her back. I got to 2 before she broke through Beck's barricade. I caught her fist and smirked. "Look at his size and look at yours." I said simply. She looked repeatedly from Sickowitz to me and sighed. "Just this once Vega." She warned. She let herself relax. Just then, Lane walked in the room. "What happened?" he asked. He obviously heard the chair. He saw us in the state we were in and then looked at Sickowitz. "What did you do?" he asked. "I turned the children into kids so they can learn their lesson about being ganks to little kids." He responded. "Aye! That was all Jade! Why do we have to be kids too! If it's anyone that should learn a lesson it's her!" Andre pointed out. Robbie nodded. "It's bad enough she messed us all up. Now we have to deal with this." "You look the same as you did before." Rex snickered. "Why do you have to be such a mean person?" Robbie whined. Jade shook her head laughing.

Jade's POV

I was laughing at Robbie because even after turning into a kid, Rex is still as insulting as before. "Alright! Listen up!" I heard Sickowitz say. "Here's the deal! For the next 2 weeks you kids will remember what it's like to be a kid again! And maybe after that, you kids will learn to appreciate the young. And not mentally scare them." He said directing the last sentence at me. I rolled my eyes "And oh, yes, I almost forgot. You kids will be using the buddy system." My mouth gawked open. "What? That's not fair!" I yelled. "André you will be with Beck, Cat you will be with Robbie, and Jade you will be with Tori." He said. "Excuse me?" Tori said raising an eyebrow. "Either you stick with your partners or you stay like this for another two weeks. And If you can't get along with your partner that's another 2 weeks!" Sickowitz warned. "What the heck!" I yelled. It was no use. Robbie started to panic again. "But wait! I can't take Cat to the girl's bathroom!" Sickowitz smiled. "You will find a way." "In the mean time, I will tell your parents you have gone on a last minute 2 week trip to Spain. Now, let's get you children out of those clothes and get you into some more fitting attire." I fell to the floor in frustration. This was going to be a long week. And honestly, I had no idea how I was going to survive it.