Coming back but with a twist

They had been trapped together in the Sphere of Yun unable to break out most of them had tried everything they could. Clay was hitting the surface with his bare fist trying to at least crack it but failed. Rai kicked against the prison to try and break out of the small cage. Kimiko tried heating the glass like material in an effort to save them as well as punched her small fists against the Shen Gong Wu. Omi had tried the Tsunami Strike only causing disarray inside the capsule, Derek tried shoot light through the see-through walls but all it did was bounce off the walls. Katnappe slashed at the Wu's wall to cut her way through the material only to come empty handed as well.

Chase however was as calm as ever, perhaps it was because of what had happened the last time he was in this situation when Jack Spicer trapped him in this same device. He looked at the rest as they continued to tire themselves out, it had only been a few minutes since they had been trapped, not even the Golden Tiger Claws worked to get out of the sphere prison. Hannibal was mocking them not leaving them out of his site and even making them do singing battles against each other for his own amusement as is a feature to the Xiaolin Breaker.

It was a Shen Gong Wu that Dashi had made to in case a Xiaolin Showdown had gotten too out of hand for the good of the opponents. It was a Staff Wu that separated itself into long nunchucks when in use. The staff itself was wooden and strong but the metal was a silver tint to it, the Wu had been carved into the staff with many symbols that gave the item its great power. Chase had seen the Wu only once in his younger years as a test subject for the final item. Something that Grand Master Dashi worked on far before he had met the former Xiaolin monk.

Hannibal had taken a short nap while Wuya read ancient scroll from Chase's private collection. Jack was messing with the Shen Gong Wu much like a child as was his style playing with his Jack-bots. There was a sting of victory in the air where the trio relaxed without fear. However, something was off about the air around the cave as well and the two immortals of the room noticed it right away along with the female soon after. It was powerful and dark, strong but silent, it was one other thing… familiar? A shadow engulfed Sphere of Yun digesting it into its massive body.

The trio stood in position to fight except for Jack who hid behind a Jack-bot cowardly pointing at the dark mass, "What in the world is that?" The shadow cleared like a fog being blown by a large wind, the once trapped dragons were now free and revealed their rescuer.


Yin finally arrived to the forest on the Silver Manta Ray, realizing it was much slower than Dojo ever did making everything seem to go by faster than she was. The black colored pants maneuver with snowy legs while feet rushed barely touching the ground, hands moved greenery out of her face which was different than usual. Her marked arm was completely black like the night sky at midnight but the night was crawling on her face while the eyes on the same side of that arm was now reversed in color scheme. What was once a black pigment eye with a white eye was now a black eye with white irises.

She ran through the trees of green shades with determination obvious in her black and white face hopping from branch to branch. Nothing was going to stop her from her current goal, not any animal, not any fear, nothing. That was what her mind was set to until….


She fell backward being pushed by another opposing force in front of her making her fall to her back. Yin opened her eyes to find a shock to her very mind as they met each others' gaze. Both eyes were black as the evening sky with accents of stars inside the shining orbs while her hair was tied with a pair of chopsticks forming it into a bun like woven pure white wool on the top back of her head. The girl looked older than she did by perhaps a year or so, her black kimono was torn from battle as it appeared.

The Dragon of Yin was getting some kind of sense of familiarity with this woman in front of her, it wasn't till she saw the mark on the arm did her brain start asking more questions. 'She has my mark', she mentally exclaimed, standing up too quickly as getting dizzy for a bit. The strange older girl did the same until her orbs widened at the sight of the young Dragon. Yin waited for the stranger to make the first move only to have a shadow suddenly appear between them, allowing the new 'guest' to escape.

The sound of the others came to Yin's ears, causing her to stop in her tracks to look back seeing her friends were fine, no more damage than usual with confusion on their faces. The debate came to her mind whether to follow the figure or to apologize to her friends for abandoning them to fight on their own. It would appear to be a simple matter, choosing her friends would be the right thing to do. It was the noble thing to do… but something was pulling her to follow this kimono-wearing figure. She looked back one last time at the six before rushing to follow the older woman as fast as she could.

The team grew deeper in confusion at the action she looked completely different from before. When did she have time to change her clothes to her uniform again? Why was she running away from them? They followed behind the snow haired teammate. The two white haired women arrive to a clearing where a portal was coming from the side of a tree. Before the older woman went through it she turned to face the young Yin.

"Yin listen to me carefully", said the stranger calmly and sternly as Yin kept her guard up. "Things are going to change and the trials on your upcoming path will change you forever. Hannibal is much stronger now but the choice remains whether or not you want to fight him or join him. This is your choice don't mistake that, Yin Thompson." With that final word of advice, the stranger left through the portal without another word, leaving a very confused Yin with the cries of her friends bring her back to reality.

Yin saw the worried looks on their complexions, their anger and confusion were obviously in their voices. The more they spoke the more confused she also became. "Hey what is up with you, chica?"

"We know that the whole mysterious dark persona is your thing but you can't just leave us like that", scolded Kimiko.

"You ran off faster than a tumbleweed in ta middl' of a sand storm", added Clay obviously upset.

"I agree you can not abandon a fight", said Omi, "you have holed us."

"Ditched", corrected Derek, "She ditched us." Once they were done scolding Yin, she bowed in apology to them all not speaking. Not even looking them in the eye because of the shame she felt now.

"I'm afraid you've lost quite a bit of trust there partner", Clay said pulling his hat down with Dojo coming out of it. Dojo didn't even bother to say anything to her, the green dragon only huffed giving her the cold shoulder.

"Indeed", agreed Omi glaring at the bowing girl, "it will take a lot more than just bowing and saving our behinds only to hole us again."

"Its ditch", corrected Raimundo.

"You can use the Manta Ray to carry you home", said Dojo turning into his larger form flying away with the rest of the gang leaving an apologetic Yin by herself to look up at their flying figures.

"I'm sorry", she whispered to them knowing that they wouldn't hear her.