A/N: Here we are, thanks to all who reviewed and stayed with this. All good things must come to an end….
Chapter 17: Christmas Blessings (Matthew then Arikado/Alucard's POV)
December 2038, it's been two months since Halloween, which was a blast! I think what had me on my ass was when Mathias went bobbing for apples and my son tripped him. The man fell in and came up a drowned cat but he had an apple! Even Adrian laughed and I must admit, years fell away from his face. Mathias was angry at first but the moment he heard his son's laughter, it disappeared. I don't think Mathias heard his son's laugh in a long time….Now, its Christmas Eve and everyone's getting festive….
"Hi Dad," I heard my son say at the door. "Can I come in?"
"First Adrian, now you," I teased. "Yea sure, come on in."
"Dad, I really have to thank you and Mom for putting up with us."
"Soma, it's no problem. That's what family does for each other." I said. "Soma, there's something I haven't told you. But, I want Adrian here to hear it as well." Before my son could call, my son-in-law was at the door, right behind him!
"You wanted to see me?"
"How did you know?"
"Supernatural being remember?" Adrian said. I smiled and welcomed him in. Adrian took a seat next to my son and waited. I turned to my desk and pulled out some papers and a pen.
"Well, I've been thinking, your mother and I really don't need this much space…."
"Let me finish." I said. "So, I invested in a smaller home in Madrid. But," I handed the papers over to Adrian. "I spoke to my realtor and all he needs, is Adrian's signature."
"Dad, are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I decided to give you two this house." I said. "This is more of a family home and you two need the space." My son's eyes welled up with tears and he hugged me. I held him back and looked to my son-in-law.
"Adrian, it's up to you. Once you sign it, this house and lands are yours."
"I don't know what to say." My son-in-law said as he looked over the paperwork.
"Thank you would be a start."
"Thank you." My son-in-law said with a smile. We both turned when Soma gasped.
"Oh…GOD!" He cried as he held his stomach. We raced to his side and I gulped when I heard water splashing onto my….eh…Adrian's carpet.
"What the hell was that?" Adrian asked, looking around.
"Adrian, pick him up and go to the bedroom. I suggest you move your ass." Adrian looked at me, shocked at my manner but picked up my son nevertheless and made it to the bedroom, just in time.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Soma screamed, legs spread apart and on their bed. "What's happening?"
"I've only seen this with your mother." I said. "I think it's time."
"What's going on here?" I heard Mathias ask as he came into the bedroom. One look at Soma and he already knew. "Leon, get towels, blankets, a knife, a bowl filled with water. Don't ask just do it." The blonde nodded and ran to get the things. Mathias looked at his son. "Adrian, support his head and shoulders keep him focused and calm."
"Yes Father,"
"Matthew, get your wife, she'll aid in the delivery."
"And you?" I asked. Mathias tied his hair back and knelt between my son's legs.
"What do you think?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and went to get my wife. My heart wrenched as I heard my son's cry.
"Adrian, it hurts…." I heard him sob.
"I know Angel and I'm here. I'm not going anywhere…..Father what on Earth are you doing?"
"I have to check him!" Mathias yelled. "Now shut up and let me do this." I came back with my wife; she was cleaning the living room to see Mathias looking where no man except his spouse should be then at his watch before resetting the blanket and taking a seat.
"He's not fully dilated." Mathias said. "All we can do now is keep him comfortable and wait."
"But his water broke…."
"He's not dilated…. He pushes now he'll kill the child."
"I can't believe he has both….organs…"
"It's rare but it does happen." Mathias said. I watched as my son-in-law stroked my son's hair and kept him cool with ice chips and water. Soma rested and whispered to his beloved.
"I'm so scared."
"I know Angel but you're not alone." I silently agreed with Adrian. Soma would never be alone. I left the children alone, catching up with Mathias.
"So, how long do you think?"
"It's hard to say," Mathias said. "It could be in the next few moments, couple of hours, it varies."
"I'm telling you, you should be a doctor."
"I'll think about it."
"You do that," I said. "In the meantime, let's continue with Christmas."
We had dinner and watched movies. Soma was resting against Adrian and after Mathias checked him and shook his head, we waited some more. I was wondering what the children were waiting for. I looked out of the window and saw the sun was going down. No….that can't be….As soon as the sun set, Soma screamed again. This time, it made my blood run cold.
(Arikado/Alucard's POV)
As soon as I heard my Angel scream I knew something was up. My father checked him again and this time, he nodded.
"It's time." He said. "Soma's ready."
"What do we do now?" My father-in-law asked. My father knelt and lifted the blanket. He's seen it all. He has a strong stomach. I thought. But then again, so do I….
"Yes Father,"
"I need you to brace him." I blinked at that, not sure on what my father wanted. Without warning, my father placed Soma's legs onto his shoulders. I held my beloved and made sure he was upright. My father looked at my beloved.
"Soma, listen to me Child. I know you're in pain and it's going to end soon, but I need you to start pushing. All right…."
"Yes…." Soma sobbed. "Please,"
"All right, push!" My father commanded. My beloved obeyed and I winced. He gripped my hand and was holding it tight. My father counted to three then told my love to breathe and relax. He did but it wasn't to last.
"Again, push!"
"Boy, do as I say or I cut them out!"
"Father, don't frighten him further!" I shouted. Soma pushed while we argued.
"YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He screamed. My father coached and I supported. Leon and my mother-in-law were cleaning up and cooling Soma down. My father-in-law was constantly sent to bring sheets. Soma had the hardest job and even though it wasn't me on the bed, I felt his pain.
Hours came and went and Soma was still laboring. The pain seemed eternal for him. I looked out the window and beheld the snowy beauty of the landscape. Moon-kissed snow and blue violet sky….
"Oh, will this ever end?" My beloved asked weakly. I kissed his lips and sighed. I wanted to take the pain away. But I couldn't…
"Soma, push…."
"Why don't you do this?" Soma asked as he started to push. "This is hard, painful work you diabolical son of a BITCH!" With that, a cry was heard. We looked up and Mathias grinned, holding a little bundle.
"It's a boy." He said handing him over to me. "Say hello to your son." My eyes welled up as I held my son. He was so tiny. He looked so much like his mother….Gabriel…..I thought.
"Adrian, help Soma." My father-in-law said as he took my son. "We'll clean him up."
"Oh look at how precious…" I heard my mother-in-law whisper, "So tiny…." I rejoined my beloved and helped. A few more pushes, swear words and screams, we heard another cry. My father wrapped the little bundle and chuckled when it gurgled at him and tried to kick him.
"Oh, she's a feisty one." He chuckled as he handed our daughter over. Soma was exhausted but happy.
"They're here…" He sighed. I took our daughter and handed her over to my waiting in-laws, who gave me our son. Soma looked down at our son and smiled, soon, our daughter joined us. Soma held our children, looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you…." He said as he rested against the pillows. I looked at him and kissed him. I heard our children gurgle and giggle.
"Merry Christmas Angel," I whispered as I watched Soma feed our children. This is the first of many Christmases I'll never forget.
Well, the kids are here and it's been a long ride. Thanks to all who reviewed, I really hope you enjoyed it. There will be more as soon as possible.