This was actually a gift for my friend who requested it~ although it kind of died... and then I found it hidden among the infinite files I never got around to deleting~~~

Also, I've never actually watched Hitman Reborn (I know, I'm sorry! ;A;) so I apologize if the characters are OOC ^^;

The sun shone brightly through the pink, silk curtains that hung in Tsuna's room as he slept quietly in his comfortably warm bed. His gentle snoring was constant and it echoed the sound of the birds chirping outside his window. Suddenly he felt something poking at his face. He slightly opened an eye out of reflex to see a disoriented figure slowly shape into Gokudera's smiling face. Gokudera noticed Tsuna staring at him in confusion yet he continued to poke him with one of his dynamite sticks. After a moment of blankly staring, Tsuna finally realized that it was Gokudera. In his room.

"HIEEEE? Gokudera-kun! How the-?" Tsuna shouted, surprised, as he fell out of bed.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Gokudera chirped as he pounced on the boy and hugged him tightly.

Tsuna felt every breath of air squeezed out of his lungs until finally he managed to struggle free, gasping.

"Why are you in my room?" Tsuna asked between breaths.

"You just look so mesmerizing when you sleep, you know," Gokudera said, smiling cheerfully, sparkles in his eyes.

"Erm… okay…" Tsuna said, "Well, I should get changed for school…"

"Uh-huh," Gokudera said, leaning closer towards Tsuna.

He stared at him intently with his arm supporting his head as it rested on a knee. Tsuna stared blankly back at Gokudera for a few minutes before he spoke.

"Uh… Gokudera-kun?"

"Yes, my lovely Jyuudaime?" he said as he batted his eyelashes.

"Get out!" Tsuna shouted causing Gokudera to fall over.

"Okay, okay…" Gokudera said as he rolled his eyes.

He stood up and walked out of Tsuna's room, closing the door behind him. Tsuna changed into his school uniform with lightning speed, fearing that Gokudera might walk back in. Luckily for him, he didn't. Tsuna flipped his phone open and checked his messages.

"Really… they're all from Haru-san…" he grumbled.

Suddenly his door burst open and Haru ran in.

"Tsuuuna-saaaaan!" Haru shouted as she jumped on him.

"Haru-sa-" Tsuna gasped, "I can't… breathe…"

Just as he felt like passing out she got off of him.

"Oops, sorry, hehe…" she giggled.

He took a moment to catch his breath before turning his attention to her.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I thought I'd help with breakfast…that's all…" Haru said, blushing.

She smiled and let her gaze fall to her feet.

"Right…" he said, raising an eyebrow.

He grabbed his backpack and headed towards the stairs as Haru latched onto his arm.

"Kyaa! I'll help walk you!" she said, happily.

"Erm… you don't need to…"

He tried shaking her off, but that only caused her grip on him to tighten.

"Oh, Tsuna-san, you don't have to be so modest with me!" she giggled.

Tsuna decided that a small thing like this wasn't going to stop him from getting his breakfast. Struggling, he slowly and cautiously made his way down the stairs with the parasite still latched onto his arm. When they arrived in the kitchen, I-Pin and Lambo had already started eating while Gokudera rested his head on the table, face-down. He really looked out of it compared to earlier that morning.

"Good morning, Tsuna-san," Lambo said, watching TV.

At the mention of Tsuna's name, Gokudera's energy levels immediately spiked and he jumped right up.

"Good mo-"

"Jyuudaime! You're finally done changing! I was starting to worry about you," Gokudera said as he pulled Tsuna away from Haru.

"Why is HE here?" Haru asked, angrily.

"Well, unlike you I actually live here. And I need to assist my lovely Tsuna as he readies his magnificent… body… for school," he answered nonchalantly as he poured milk into Tsuna's glass.

"M-MY Tsuna?" Haru asked, eyes flaring with the intensity of a thousand 10-year bazookas.

She grabbed the bottle out of Gokudera's hands and shoved him aside.

"D-don't call me that!" Tsuna said, face glowing red.

"See, Gokudera-san!" Haru sneered, feeling victorious.

She turned to Tsuna with a cheerful smile and poured the rest of the milk into his cup.

"Don't you have to go to school, Haru-chan?" Gokudera asked, annoyed.

"I can take a day off for Tsuna-san," Haru said, still smiling at Tsuna as he gobbled his cereal, now completely oblivious to the conversation.

"Well, Jyuudaime is going to school and definitely NOT skipping, right?" he asked.

"Um… yeah…" Tsuna replied, finishing his bowl, "We should leave now, Gokudera-kun."

"Yeah, so, Haru-chan, you should leave too," Gokudera said, shooing her away with his hands.

"You're such a child!" she yelled, pouting her lips and crossing her arms.

"Whatever," he replied, uninterested.

The two of them left the dorm as Haru tailed closely behind them, glaring at Gokudera. Gokudera moved his arm around Tsuna's, causing Haru to slap it away as she turned to face the brown-haired boy.

"I'll see you after school," she said as she blew him a kiss before turning in the opposite direction.

Tsuna blushed, and he and Gokudera began making their way to school when they heard Haru's voice echoing down the street.

"And you'd better keep your hands off MY Tsuna!" she shouted.

Gokudera sighed.


A/N: I'm leaning towards Tsuna X Hibari since that was what my friend asked for so please excuse the fail first chapter... and also expect more lemon in the near future :D