DISCLAIMER: We DO NOT own The 39 Clues and anything connected to it.

This fan fiction is the collaborative work of UniversalForce and AngelicSpring.

Fabula Secunda is a Latin phrase which means 'The Story Behind'. It is a collection of one-shots and drabbles, using the 39 clues to show how they affected the lives of the people involved with the clues.

Let us begin.


HONEY (noun): a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers.

Branch Clue: Janus

/Because honey is sweet, but the fact remains that it would not be made without hard work./

When they first met, she was unusually quiet.

A five-year-old blonde fidgets with her fingers timidly, sitting under the same tree where he could have a clear view of her from the playground. He walked up to her, not stirring any response. He greeted her, expecting a vain reply. Days flew by turning into weeks, weaving themselves into months, resulting into intricate years. He tried valiantly to squeeze a conversation out of her. Nothing. He didn't give up; it wasn't in his nature. He teasingly accused her of being mute.

She still didn't say anything.

When they went to school, she opened up a little.

She walked up to the platform and from where he was sitting, he could see how her legs wobbled in utter nervousness. She tugged at her pigtails, standing just beside their first grade teacher. She opened her mouth to speak, only to have it closed again as she eyed the expectant faces of her new classmates. She bit her lip, her eyes dropping to the floor, face turning a bright shade of red. The next thing she heard was the deafening laughter, her teacher hopelessly trying to put her class to order. Tears formed themselves, ready to cascade down her cheeks, when beside her she felt his presence. She looked up.

And that's when he sang.

When they became friends, she changed, just like he did.

Now he knew her story. How her parents left her behind to care for her younger sister to go to a place called heaven. How she didn't get to celebrate her birthdays with cake and presents. How she kept quiet so that nobody would know, so that nobody would look at her with pity. He didn't. How could he when he cared more than anybody? He told her everything, too. He told her how his life moves so fast, it's like a movie. How his father would teach him songs and play them with his guitar. How his mother would bring him lots of souvenirs from all her trips around the world because she can't be there whenever he needs her. His seven-year-old face held all the innocence, not bothering to feel hurt.

That's how she knew they needed each other.

When he told her he has to leave, she didn't say anything.

That's probably better. He didn't know what to say either. He glanced up at her tilted face, gazing at something above her. He followed the direction of her wise, gray eyes. He was met with a rather odd sight. A beehive bulging strangely.

"That's probably filled with lotsa honey, huh," he murmured absently, still wondering what is so fascinating about a beehive.

She nods her head, strands of her blonde hair falling to cover her face. "Honey is cool, isn't it? It's sweet and it doesn't expire. It comes from the hard work of bees."

He makes a sound of agreement.

"When you come back, make sure you still have the honey," she said, her lips curling upwards into the smile he learned to love.

He nods without understanding what she meant.

When they met again, fate was against them.

He looked at her serene face. He held her pale, freezing hand. He held it to his lips, hoping that the warmth would cause her to wake.

"I've brought the honey back," he whispered against the still, unmoving cold. Almost imperceptibly, her fingers twitched.


January 20, 20XX

To Jonah 'The Wiz' Wizard,

No, this is not a freaking fan mail.

If you're so darn smart, solve this. If you can't, don't show your freaking face to me.

There was an idle bee,

Just sitting under a tree,

Hoping that nobody would see,

And notice how fake her smile could be.

But then another bee,

Came and tried to make her happy,

The idle bee was scared,

That this new bee actually cared.

Together they worked,

Together they went through things,

Be it flowers or thorns,

Honey they made.

She changed and was filled with glee,

But he had to leave.

She knew this would come someday,

So she left him be.

Now she is writing this,

Maybe he would remember.

To give her back,

The honey they made together.

-You Know Who

/Because friendship and love are sweet, but the fact remains that they would not be made without hard work./


Characters: Jonah, OC

Author: AngelicSpring

Next: Hydrogen, an Ekaterina clue, by UniversalForce

Be yourself because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind.