Disclaimer: I don't own Young justice.

Trust Chapter thirteen: Family

Wally's P.O.V

I sat on the couch nervously as Roy asked why Lex would be after Conner so desperately, I wanted to tell them so badly the secret of Conner's origin but had been sworn to secrecy by Batman, who wanted to look into the situation a little more before revealing anything to everyone. Robin looked over to me suspicious of my silence and asked me if I knew anything. I looked at Uncle Barry with pleading eyes begging him to let me say something but all I received back was him and Bats shacking their heads at me.

"You do know something don't you? But you can't say anything because you've been asked to keep it secret." Robin said ignoring the glare that he was receiving from Batman. He went quiet as if he was thinking about what it could be and Batman sighed.

"In order for Conner to stay stable during the cloning procedure the scientists had to use the DNA from a human. The human that was used for the DNA was Lex Luthor." Batman said stunning everyone except Uncle Barry and me.

"You mean that...Conner is the clone of Superman and Lex Luthor?" Robin said shocked at what Batman had just said, Batman nodded.

"And when were you planning on telling me? It's one thing to keep this secret from Conner but it's another to keep it from me." Superman asked angrily, Barry frowned at Batman as well.

"You should of at least had a meeting with all of us first to discuss it, I don't think it was fair of you to expect Wally to keep a secret like this, especially when it involves one of his team mates." Barry said sounding disappointed, Batman just stood there with an expressionless face.

"I wasn't sure if my information was correct and wanted to be sure before telling anyone, I wouldn't think that Conner would like to find out something like this only for it to be found untrue." Batman explained, Superman looked over to Batman and nodded in agreement.

"I suppose your right. So what do we do now? We obviously can't keep Conner hidden forever." Green Arrow asked.

"We need a plan. One that will not only stop the Shadows but Lex as well. Miss Martian how is your shape shifting ability?" Batman asked Megan, Robin frowned and looked over to Megan who seemed unsure as to how to answer.

"You aren't thinking of using her as bait are you? She doesn't shape shift into the male gender well and I don't think it's a good idea to use her abilities in that way." He said standing in front of Batman.

"What else do you suggested? We could use Martian Manhunter but he doesn't know Conner's characteristics like she does. Our enemy is extremely clever and will notice if something isn't right. Why else do you think they hired Zucco for the job in Gotham? You said it yourself that it was meant as a distraction, though for what is still unclear." Batman said sounding annoyed.

"I think I've figured it out!" Artemis exclaimed randomly causing everyone in the room to turn and look at her in confusion.

"Figured what out?" Roy asked curiously. Artemis grinned and sat forward in the chair she was sitting in.

"The reason why Lex is after Conner so badly. It's so obvious it's amazing we hadn't thought of it sooner!" Artemis said excitingly which annoyed Batman.

"Will you just tell us already! We haven't got all night."

"The chip. It must have had a fail safe on it that was activated once it was removed that alerted them that Conner was no longer under their control, and that we had discovered how they were able to keep track of our missions and accomplishments." Artemis explained, Barry looked puzzled.

"If there was a fail safe device on the chip that was removed from Conner then Wally and I would have noticed it, there was nothing out of the ordinary." Barry said.

"Are you sure? Maybe Artemis could be on to something. How else were they to know that they could no longer control Conner and come after him?" I said agreeing with Artemis' hypothesis.

"But there was nothing on the device. It was just a chip that was connected to Conner's electrical brain currents." Barry said defensively.

"Electrical brain currents? That's it! Artemis is right they did have a fail safe on it, just one that isn't visible. As soon as it was removed all connection they had with him was severed, leaving them unable to continue to use him for information." Batgirl exclaimed, Barry thought about this and frowned.

"That does make sense. I can't believe that I didn't think of that. But then what are we going to do to stop them? It's only going to be a matter of time until there send someone else."

"Yes but this time we will be ready for them. Conner's in a safe place where no one will ever be able to find him so we don't have to worry about him." Batman said. "We need a plan that will stop them once and for all. It won't be long until they send the next agents to come after Conner."

"How? Even if we catch one they will send another. We don't even know who is working for who." Robin asked.

"I've got a plan, though we will need Cheshire for it to work." Artemis said causing us all to look up at her questioningly. Why would we need Cheshire?

"Why? It isn't like she will co-operate with what we say. How is she going to be able to help us?" Kaldur asked mirroring my thoughts. Artemis pulled out her phone and waved it at us.

"We'll need her phone. She was put in charge of hiring criminals that they would need for their plans and the phone that she carries with her contains those numbers." Artemis explained.

"I still don't see how that will help us. We will still need Cheshire to make the calls and we know that she won't do that." I said unsure about her plan, I started thinking about her involvement with the shadows and even though she had done that under Batman's orders I still wondered if she could be fully trusted. After all Cheshire is also her sister. Artemis looked at me and sighed.

"You still don't trust me do you?" She asked bowing her head. "I know that it's a big thing to ask but I think that if we work together we can make this plan work."

"What did you have in mind?" Robin asked.

"I was thinking that once we have the phone Megan could use her powers to mimic Jade's voice and lore them into a trap." Artemis explained, I will admit that this does sound like a good plan though it will take a lot of work. Batman on the other hand didn't like the idea.

"This plan is too risky. Firstly how are you planning on capturing Cheshire when you can't even fight her? Secondly if you are able to catch her how are you going to use her phone? It will most likely be coded so that she's the only person that can use it, and thirdly Megan may not be up for the task. All she has to do is say the wrong thing and they will know it's a trap. No I think you should leave this to the League. We'll figure out what to do." Bats said causing Artemis to frown.

"I can fight her! The only reason I didn't before was because of the plan. You had told me to keep a low profile so I didn't jeopardise my position." Artemis argued angrily Batman frowned down at her fiercely.

"That may be true but I still don't think that it's a good idea. Now if you could give me your phone. I know that you still have it." Batman said sternly. Artemis stood there with her fists clenched staring up at him in defiance. The look in her eyes were passionate with anger and I couldn't help but stare into them. I had never felt like this for a girl before and it scared me to think that my feelings for her were more then just that of a comrade and friend. My stare was broken when Robin stepped in and placed his hand on her should, pulling her back.

"Just do as he says Artemis. There's no use in arguing with him." He said evenly. Artemis sighed and pulled the phone out of her pocket. She looked at it for a brief moment before passing it to him.

"Thank you. We will keep you informed." And with that Batman and the League left. Barry gave me a sympathetic glance before following. It wasn't fair! Why wouldn't he let us do this? Conner's our team mate. I slowly stood up from the seat I was sitting in and hobbled over to Artemis, who was shaking in what I presumed to be in anger. Her cheeks where red and tears flowed down them freely.

"Don't worry, we'll think of something." I said reassuringly putting my arms around her. Robin stepped back giving us some space, a knowing smile on his smug face. Artemis wiped the tears from her eyes and grinned a wicked grin. She went into her pocket and pulled out another phone that was identical to the one she'd given to Batman a moment ago.

"You didn't? You managed to trick Batman The worlds greatest detective!" Batgirl gasped a little surprise with her deception. Roy on the other hand smirked knowingly.

"So what were you planning on doing? If I know Batman it won't take him long to realise that the phone you gave him is a fake." I asked looking behind me expecting to see Batman standing there behind me giving a furious glare.

"We go ahead with the plan. That's if you trust me enough to go ahead with it." Artemis replied calmly. "Megan do you think that your up for this? You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Artemis asked concerned.

"I can do this. Conner is counting on us to stop these people so that he can come home. Just tell me what I have to say," Megan replied. Kaldur looked around nervously.

"I am uncertain that we should go against Batman's wishes. He was extremely angry when Robin left the cave the other night, even though he had not said that he couldn't. To go against him again could be the end of this team, and maybe our careers as hero's."

"I know that Kaldur and I understand your concern. If you are uncomfortable with this then you do not have to participate in it. That goes for everyone else. I've caused enough trouble without bringing more onto the team." Artemis said, her tone guilty and full of regret. I thought about the conversation that I had had with uncle Barry when we were up in the tower. It had made me angry that Batman had commanded us both to keep quiet about Conner's origin.

"I say we do it! The league has done nothing but keep secrets from us since we started this team, and I have a feeling that they still are." I said surprising Artemis.

"I'm in as well. I don't like the way their controlling the team." Roy said, Robin nodded and stood next to me and Artemis.

"You do know that they watch over the team for a reason. Their only looking out for our best interests." Batgirl said sternly frowning at us. I supposed that she had a point but even she much understand the reasoning behind our disobedience.

"I would of thought that you of all people would be first to want to prove Batman wrong. Unless things have changed and he's suddenly excepted you as part of the family." I said disappointingly, she sighed and shook her head.

"I know that he doesn't except me as a real crime fighter and that he's expecting me to fail and go crying home, but I still don't think that disobeying his orders is going to change that. In fact it will only make it worse. No I think I would rather go back to Gotham and pretend that I didn't know about this." Batgirl replied.

"I understand. Just don't forget that you are welcomed to join this team when ever you feel that your ready. Kaldur are you sure that you won't join us?" Artemis asked turning to face Kaldur. He looked at us all seriously.

"I supposed someone will have to go to keep the peace. What do we do?" Artemis grinned and told us to go to the bio-ship. She handed Robin the phone and he plugged it to the computer. He brought up a video of Cheshire that had been taken from when she had been put in prison and instructed Megan to listen carefully to the voice whilst he concentrated on getting a tracking device placed on the phone for when Artemis called her. I just hoped that he was able to track it, the shadows where clever a could easily have a anti-tracking system on the phone to prevent anyone tracking the call to their destination.

"Robin I have something that I need to tell you. It's about Zucco..."

"Don't worry about that now, just concentrate on mimicking that voice. This mission depends on it." Robin said interrupting Megan.

"But it's important! I know the reason why Batman won't let you go after him. It's because..."

"I've got the device set. Artemis are you ready?" Robin said interrupting Megan again. I gave him a nudge and pointed over to her. Robin didn't look. He was too occupied with what Artemis was doing to notice how concerned Megan had become. What ever it was that Batman was hiding must been serious for Megan to be concerned.

"Hello Jade? Jade it's me Artemis. There after me Jade! I tried to convince them that I wasn't the one giving away their secrets but they didn't trust me enough to believe me. Please I need your help!" Artemis said down the phone, her voice anxious and scared. She panted heavily as if she had been running and again I was amazed with how well she was able to control her emotions. She put her hand up to her ear signalling for Roy to play his part.

"THERE SHE IS GET HER!" He shouted angrily. Artemis gasped and pleaded into the phone for Jade to help her. It only took a minute before Robin gave the thumbs up, he'd managed to track Cheshire's location. Roy and Kaldur both shouted this time and Artemis told "Jade" that she couldn't talk for much longer and asked her where she could go to be safe. She ask her sister her location, which for her was Gotham, and listened to what Cheshire had to say before hanging up.

"Did she buy it? What did she say?" Megan asked anxiously, Artemis smirked.

"She told me to go to Gotham using one of the zeta beams we use and then head to the park. She said that she will meet me there. I must admit I didn't think she was going to believe me, she didn't sound too convinced when I told her I was in trouble. She thought I was trying to deceive her. It wasn't until Roy started shouting at me in the background that she truly believed that I was in danger. She told me to head to Gotham where she will meet me in the park." Artemis explained.

"Let's go then, but be on your guard. Cheshire isn't easily fooled and could be expecting a trap." We sat down in our seats and Megan set the course for Gotham.

Megan's P.O.V

'Why won't Robin listen to me? I would of thought that he would want to know about Zucco and the reason why Batman won't allow him to go after him.'

"Megan are you all right? I wouldn't worry too much about Robin, he's just too busy concentrating on helping Artemis with her plan." Wally said reassuringly.

"I know. I'm just concerned about how Robin will react when he finds out the truth about Zucco." I admitted, Wally gave me a curious look.

"What is it that you know? How bad is it?" He asked glancing over to his best friend, who seemed to be busy in his own thoughts.

"I can't really say. I want to tell Robin himself so that he doesn't think that we've been hidding anything from him. He's had enough of that already without us doing it as we-"

"There's the park. Ok is everyone ready?" Kaldur said cutting into our conversation. I sat back into my seat and concentrated on making ship invisible to anyone that could be watching from the ground. I found a quiet place to land her and as soon as we were grounded Artemis was up and took something that Robin was holding out for her before heading to the doors.

"I will signal you once I have her." Artemis said as she wondered of the ship to wait for Cheshire to arrive. All we could do now is wait. We watched out off the windows and it wasn't long until Cheshire, or Jade as Artemis calls her, arrived. We watched as she looked around suspiciously as if she expected us to jump out and ambush her.

"So when do we make our move?" Wally asked, eager to get out there and join in on the action.

"We aren't. All we do is sit here and wait for Artemis' signal." Kaldur replied, Wally and I looked at him in confusion.

"But I thought the plan was for Artemis to trick Cheshire to come here and then when we know that she's alone go out there and capture her." Wally said looking out of the window to see what Artemis was doing. Roy smirked and got his bow out as if he was getting ready for a fight to happen. Kaldur told us to keep watching out of the window so we did, confused as to what our roles where in this plan besides using Cheshire's voice to call someone from her phone.

"There's the signal, wish me luck!" Roy exclaimed dashing out of the ship and up into the trees. We watched outside wondering what he was doing when Cheshire turned around to confront Roy, who was obviously on one of the branches above them. She pulled out her kunia to attack when Artemis pulled out the thing that robin had given her and stuck it into her sister's neck. Cheshire turned to see what had happened but was unable to keep her balance and fell to the ground. Wally and I looked at Robin for an explanation for what had just happened.

"I gave Artemis a sedative to give to Cheshire when she wasn't looking. I figured that it would be easier then trying to fight her and possibly loosing to her." Robin explained, Roy carried Cheshire into the ship and I commanded ship to take us back to Mount Justice.

"When did you decide this?" Wally asked unhappy that we weren't told about the changes.

"When I was preparing the device on the phone Artemis Roy mentioned that it might be too risky for us to ambush her, so I suggested that Artemis uses a sedative to knock her out." Robin explained. "I had called you two over but you were too busy talking to take notice and by the time we got your attention we was already there."

"Oh, sorry about that we should of listened." I said apologising. "How long will it take for the sedative to wear off?" I asked curiously as Roy carrying Cheshire in behind us.

"It was only a small dose so she should only be out for no more than an hour. That should be enough time for us to go on to faze to of our plan. Megan are you ready?" Robin asked handing me the phone that Artemis took out of Cheshire's pocket.

"Y-yes I am. Let me just prepare my voice and I'll read what Artemis has prepared for me to say." I replied nervously. I concentrated on changing my voice to sound exactly like Cheshire's and took the paper that Artemis was holding out for me to read. After I had memorised what I was to say I asked for the phone.

"Zucco. We have a job for you. What? We will pay you once you have completed your job. Now we want you to go to BludHaven docks at two . I will meet you there to give you your instructions." I said having to improvise when Zucco asked me about his payment. I listened for his reply before hanging up and handing the phone back to Artemis.

"How did I do?" I asked shakily changing my voice back to my own.

"That was perfect!" Artemis beamed excitingly.

"Ok we've only got thirty minutes to get to BludHaven and to the docks. Robin are you sure that your up for this? I will understand if you decide to stay here and guard Cheshire." Kaldur asked, Wally glanced over to me and told my telepathically to tell Robin what I had learnt.

"Robin before we go I have something that I need to tell you." I said anxiously, Robin looked at me in concern and asked me what was wrong.

"When Batman and the rest of the league was here before I...I kind of over heard Batman's thoughts." I explained, "I didn't mean to I just..."

"What did you find out?" Wally asked. I took a shaky breath and continued telling them what I heard.

"I know why Batman has been preventing you from going after Tony Zucco." Robin sat down listening intently to everything I was saying. I stopped and took another deep breath before continuing, worried about the way that Robin could react to the news.

"Zucco...somehow knows who you are." I told him. Robin sat there in shock, too livid to speak.

"You mean that Zucco knows Robin's true identity? How would he know that?" Wally asked not believing what I had just told them.

"Are you sure that's what you heard? He could have been thinking about something else concerning Robin's and his identity and you might of just gotten confused." Roy said trying to help calm the situation.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but we need to get to Bludhaven before Zucco arrives." Artemis said heading towards the bio-ship.

"Robin are you alright?" Wally asked placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine. Let's just do this! I've waited long enough to get that murderer and I'm not going to let him go now." Robin exclaimed standing shakily to his feet. I contemplated trying to convince him to stay but decided that from the emotions I was feeling from him he wouldn't listen. I followed the others onto the ship feeling guilty about having to tell him that his mentor has been lying to him for four years. We left the hanger and headed for BludHaven, anxious about what Zucco will do when finally confronted by Robin. I just hope that he doesn't reveal his identity like Batman fears.

Robin's P.O.V

'Zucco knows!He knows! How would he know? How could he find out? Zucco's not that smart is he? And why didn't Bruce tell me?'

"We're here...Robin if you want we can..."

"Let's just get it over with. The sooner we have him locked up the sooner I can ask Batman why he's been hidding this from me." I snapped angrily interrupting Megan who looked as if she could cry. I don't know why she was feeling so guilty? It wasn't her that had kept this from me for the last four years! I stood up from my seat and in front of the team.

"I know that you are all worried about me but I assure you that I'm perfectly fine. Even if Zucco does know my identity I don't think he'd be stupid enough to tell anyone or that anyone would believe him if he was to tell them." I said glancing out of the window to see if he'd arrived for the meeting yet. "Yes I will admit that I was shocked to learn that he knows what's supposed to be the worlds best secret but there's nothing I can do about that. All I want is for that man to be behind bars so that I can..." I stopped noticing that someone was standing outside on the docks. It was him! The man that I have hated for all these years, the man that had gotten away from me the other night was standing on the docks waiting for Cheshire for the instructions for his next job. I took a few deep breaths to try and calm my nerves and mentally prepare myself for what Zucco could do. Megan transformed herself into Cheshire, placing the mask on that we had confiscated off of her for our plan. She left the bio-ship and walked over to Zucco who turned to greet her. We waited until Zucco had his back to us before exiting the ship to hide behind some crates, ready to ambush him when he walked by.

"I want out after this got it? It's too risky with old pointy ears and his snot nose kid running around after me." Zucco complained and I felt relieved when I heard the fear in his voice. Maybe Megan did get confused and he doesn't know my secret. But then he said something that dashed all my hopes.

"Though I suppose I could revert to my threat and tell everyone their secret. I know a lot of criminals that would pay thousands to know what I know...Argh!"

"How do you know?" I seethed leaping on to him and pinning him down on the floor. "How could you possibly know?"

"Ah if it isn't bird boy...Argh!" He screamed as I twisted his arm hard behind his back. Megan transformed back to her true form and stepped back too afraid to intervene.

"Answer the question! What is it that you know and how?" I asked him again pulling more on his arm so that it would be painful enough to scare him. But he wasn't scared. Not of me anyway.

"Oh little bird there's a lot I know about you. I can still remember the first night I saw you with that pointy eared fool. You twisted and spun in the air like you was one with it. It was so perfect. The way you would dodge the bullets and land so delicately on your feet. It was all so familiar. And then you did the hat trick. A back flip so perfect that there was only one family in the world that could execute it. The triple twist. It was only then when my suspicions were confirmed and I knew who you was." Zucco said panting through the pain that I was inflicting onto him.

"I wonder if your friends have figured it out yet? Do you know the true identity of Batman and Robin?" He teased grinning. That was it! I couldn't take it any more. I pulled Zucco up to his feet and punched him right in the face braking his nose. I hate him! How dare he tease me and my friends with his smug smile after everything he'd put me through! I could heard Kaldur and the others shouting at me to stop but I couldn't. All I could see was my parents falling to there deaths and his evil grin as he ran away.

"Robin that's enough! If you keep hitting him like that you'll kill him!" Wally screamed behind me grabbing my hand to pull me back.

"Come now Grayson what would your parents think if there saw you now?" No! He didn't? He...

"Robin step back I'll deal with Zucco." I heard a familiar voice say and I turned to see a man that I thought was dead. Zucco stared at the man in front of us and fell to his knees, his face going pale at the sight of him.

"No it can't be! Your supposed to be dead!" He exclaimed timidly to scared to move as the man glared down at him.

"Tony Zucco I warned you what would happen if you were to speak to anyone about this boys secret." Ra's al Ghul said calmly with a disappointing look on his stern face.

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me I promise that I will stay quiet. Just please don't hurt me!" Zucco begged grovelling on the wet wooden floor.

"Robin I want you to go and call the police. I think it's about time this man paid for the crimes he has committed." Ra's said turning to me, I nodded and headed to the bio-ship to make the call. Wally and the others came to see how I was.

"I thought that you said that he was dead. How could he be alive if you and Batman has filled in all of his Lazarus pits?" Kaldur asked. I couldn't answer there was too much going around in my head that I just couldn't think straight. I made the call to the police trying to sound as calm and professional as I could before taking a deep breath and gong back to the man that everyone believed to be deceased. We didn't have to wait long until the police came to arrest Zucco and take him to prison and Batman, who must have been hidding in the shadows, walked up to Ra's to talk to him.

"I hope that it hasn't been you that has been causing me and the rest of the league all this trouble." He said sternly to Ra's who just continued to stand there calmly.

"I'm afraid not detective, I have only came back a few days ago and was angry with what the league has been doing in my name. I can assure you that now that I'm back you will have no more problems." Ra's said reassuringly, Batman didn't look too convinced.

"You mean if we stay out of your way. You know that I can't do that, not when there are innocent lives involved." He said threateningly.

"You mean like young Richard over there and the others? Aren't they all innocent in all this? And yet you and the rest of the hero's insist on allowing them to put themselves in danger. And for what? A city that will never be saved." Ra's said quietly so that anyone near by wouldn't hear. "You know, my offer still stands, just think of the good we could do working together."

"The answer is still no Ra's! Now I want you gone and stay away from my city!" Batman threatened angrily turning to face me and the rest of the team. "And you six have some explaining to do! Go back to the cave and I will meet you there." He said sternly, I frowned and stood up to him with angry eyes.

"Not until you tell me why you didn't tell me?" I said the stress and emotion from the nights events evident in my tired shaky voice. Batman stopped and sighed, he must of known that I was going to ask about that.

"I'm sorry but I didn't want to worry you. Zucco had threatened to tell our secret if we didn't leave him alone and I didn't want to take the risk in case he did carry out the threat." Batman explained, his voice soft and tired compared to his usual stern, gravelly tone. "I was trying to protect you. Now head on back to the cave and we will talk when I get there." I did as he said and we headed back to Mount Justice anxious about what the league would do to us.

When we got back Batman and the others were waiting for us. We slowly walked out of ship and sat down bracing ourselves for the lecture that we expected to receive. Batman started talking, telling us that he was disappointed with us for disobeying his orders again and that we had taken a huge risk in doing what we had done.

"I wish that you all would stop being inpatient and stay in the cave when we tell you too. When are you going to learn that we are only looking out for your safety." He said, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. I was actually surprised with how calm he was being, it was almost like he was a different person.

"But all in all I'd say that you did a good job and for that we are all proud." What? Where did that come from? Did he get hit on the head or something? Or is he trying to trick us into relaxing so that they can ambush us? Batman noticed our confusion and decided that he should explain what he meant.

"Even though you did disobey my orders, you did manage to carry out your plan and capture two wanted criminals that are now safely behind bars. So for that I am pleased, though I do hope that next time I give you all an order you'll follow it. To the letter." Batman warned, we all nodded in agreement and Megan asked when Conner would be allowed to come home.

"In a few days. I want Conner to learn a few things from me first and get to know the family before coming back to the team. So don't worry." Clark replied reassuringly causing Megan to smile warmly in return. Batman told us about the chat he had had with Ra's before he came back to Rhode Island and informed us that the League of shadows would no longer be participating in the capture of Conner. "Ra's doesn't see how capturing Conner would be beneficial for his cause so he's stopped all involvement that the league had with LexCorp and forbade any of his men from looking for him." Batman explained. The league soon left after that giving the team and I some time to sit and reflect on the events of the last few days.

"I'm glad that that is all over. Now I can finally catch up on the sleep that I've been missing on." Artemis said stretching her aching muscles. I yawned and agreed with her, it would be good to finally get a full nights sleep. We talked for a while longer and then decided that we should all go home to bed.

"But aren't we supposed to be having a sleep over?" Megan asked upset that we were going to leave her.

"I'm sorry but it's a school day tomorrow so I've got to go back home. But I'm sure that if I speak to Batman I can convince him to let us do it next weekend, considering the challenge I've set you I'm sure that you'll all be busy." I said teasingly. Wally gasped before grinning smugly at Artemis.

"I bet that I figure it out before you." He said as he hobbled over to where Megan was sitting on the couch. Due to his injuries Wally wouldn't be able to go to school so he would have no problem with staying with Megan until Conner came back from the Kent's farm. Artemis gave Megan a jealous look but said nothing and waved goodbye before leaving to go and see her mum, who she hadn't seen since before she was kidnapped a few nights ago. Megan looked concerned.

"Is Artemis alright? She just gave me a funny look before leaving. I haven't done anything to upset her have I?" She asked, I shook my head.

"No she's just jealous because Wally is going to be spending the night here alone with you and she isn't. Don't worry about it she will be ok again tomorrow." I explained giving Wally a knowing look. Wally blushed and looked away too embarrassed to give a reply. I said good night to them and walked through the zeta beam to meet Batman and go home to my nice warm bed.

A week later I sat on the floor in a circle with the rest of the team listening to what they have managed to find out. Conner went first and told me that he knows that I'm not natively American and that my parents were apparently famous. I told him that he was correct and then asked the next person, which was Megan what she had uncovered.

"Do any of you think that you know my real name?" I asked them when I had heard what they had uncovered about me.

"Well um...we know that Zucco mentioned your name in front of us...but we were to concerned about what was happening with you that we forgot." Wally explained.

"I think I know. Your Richard John Grayson, the youngest of the flying Grayson's" Conner exclaimed surprising everyone who look at me to see if he was right or not.

"Your right. But how did you figure it out?" I asked him curiously.

"Simple, I looked on the adoption records and looked for Bruce as the foster parent. It took awhile but I managed to find the right one and there you were. Richard Grayson, aged nine, nationality half Romania and half English. You and your family were apart of Harley's circus as 'The Flying Grayson's'." Conner explained stunning us all.

"Wow! So that means that you won the challenge! You get to dare someone to do something and they have to do it." Megan exclaimed excited that her boyfriend had figured out the challenge. Conner grinned as he looked around the room as if trying to decide who he wanted to dare.

"Wally I dare you to kiss Artemis, on the mouth and admit your true feelings to her." Conner said smirking, Wally looked at Artemis, who was sitting next to him and gulped. He sat there for a moment just staring at her as if trying to determine if she would kill him or not when Artemis sighed in annoyance and grabbed him, placing her lips onto his and kissed him, her cheeks red with embarrassment. Wally sat there in shock, not knowing what to do before he relaxed and kissed her back, putting his arms armed her to pull her nearer. Conner, Megan, Kaldur and I turned away so that we didn't embarrass them too much. We had known for a long time that they liked each other and was now glad that they had finally gotten the courage to admit it to each other, even if it wasn't verbally. After a moment Wally and Artemis pulled back and looked at each other.

"Well it's about time!" Roy exclaimed walking in with Babs following behind him carrying a rucksack on her back. Wally's and Artemis' faces went bright red causing us all to giggle. Babs set her bag down on the table and came to sit down on the floor next to me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and everyone stared in surprise.

"What? Batgirl and I have been dating for a while now. Though Batman thinks that we are just friends." I said answering the unasked question that I know everyone was thinking.

"So who won the challenge and dared those two to kiss?" Roy asked braking the silence, I pointed over to Conner.

"Well I guess I won that bet Roy." Babs said with a smile.

"You betted on who was going to guess it right first?" Artemis asked.

"Yeah, Roy said that he thought it would be Wally since he's known Robin the longest but I figured that if Wally has known him for this long and still hadn't figured it out then he probably wouldn't be able to now, so I placed my bet on Conner." Babs explained. "So is it alright to start calling you by your name now?"

"Yeah everyone knows now. Though I will continue to call you Batgirl unless your ok with them knowing."

"I don't mind, after all we are a team. And a team is nothing without trust." Babs said smiling. "Everyone can call me Babs like Dick does though my name is actually Barbara."

"Ha ha Dick," Snickered Wally.

"Oh grow up." Artemis said smacking him round the back of the head.

"You know I think that we're more than just a team. I see us all as a family." Conner said grinning at Wally who was rubbing his now sore head.

"Yeah your right, we're all a big family and Bats is the big scary uncle." Megan said laughing, we all laughed with her and sat on the floor talking. It felt good to finally tell my friends who I am. I finally felt like I was one of them, with no secrets to hide. We truly was a family now and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Finally I finished! This is the final chapter. I hoped that everyone enjoyed. I was thinking about writing a sequel about Conner and the truth concerning his birth but I want to hear your views first before I decide to write it. Please let me know what you think and thank you again for reading.