Yes I'm From Texas, No I don't Wear Cowboy Boots:
I am different. No, really… I absolutely do not fit in with my family. For one thing, they all have dark brown hair and brown eyes and I…. well, I'm a ginger. I have auburn hair and light aqua blue eyes. For another, the rest of my family is relatively short for the age and I'm like a friggin' skyscraper. I'm 10 and I'm already 5 foot 2! I'm also super skinny, even for a growing girl. I don't get it! I eat enough for 5 people. Grrrrrrrrrr… That's just physically, too. My brother's biggest hobbies include: insulting me, video games, putting me down, sleeping, and calling me names. My parents are super kind, but they're also super oblivious which is how my brothers get away with their constant villainy towards me. I also get the feeling my parents are hiding something from me…
Okay, enough of my angsting. I'm Kayla Smith and I live in Austin, Texas. Like I said earlier, I don't fit in and not just with my family. Yes, I'm in Austin, LAND OF THE WEIRD, and I'm "too weird." I didn't mean to turn my desk purple. How is it my fault that I was able to swing in a complete circle and then just float back down to the ground? I'm just really skinny I s'pose, at least, that's the only reason I can think of. Anyway, those weird things that happen around me have made the other kids afraid to sit near me or even talk to me. My own brothers ignore me at school. I once had a friend, Ashleigh, but she moved away because the others were harassing her for hanging out with me. I told the bullies to pick on me instead, but they didn't listen and tortured her till she couldn't stand it anymore. So now I'm alone.
That's what I thought at least until I got the strangest letter that was delivered in the oddest fashion on my 11th birthday…