A new story from me. Well the first one on this account. I have written this some time ago and I didn't wanted to publish this without finishing this story first. Now I'm putting it on anyways. I just want some feedback on this story. Should I continue or not?

I do want you to know that I'm a slow updater. I need a boost of inspiration to write. I notice that when I'm to busy I can't find motivation or peace to do so. I apologize in advance. If you are looking for a fast updated story and I you hate waiting then please do not read this story or any of my stories!

Feel free to leave comments and reviews. If you don't like things in this story let me know what and why. The same goes for liking the story. I'm here to learn and I need others to help me with this. Thanks!

I do not own Naruto.

Chapter 1: Kushina

The nights were slowly growing colder, the end of September drawing near, marking the final weeks of the summer. It was a clear night and thousand's of stars were lighting the sky. The streets were silent, as the people of the hidden village of Konoha continued to slumber, until the sun would rise.

Everything seemed peaceful, but in one house in the village a young woman tossed and turned in her sleep. Tears were dampening the pillow she was laying on as the nightmare continued to hold her in its clutches. Feeling the restlessness from the woman that slept next to him, a man woke and sat up. He gently shook her, trying to wake her.

"Kushina," the man called. "Wake up."

The young woman awoke with a gasp and her hands instantly went to her swollen stomach, rubbing it. The man next to her looked at her, worry glazing his azure blue eyes. The young woman's green eyes met his and she hugged him. The act seemed despaired, as if she was scared that he would disappear that second.

"Minato," the woman, Kushina whispered as she buried her head in the crook of his neck, tears still running down her face.

The man, Minato, hugged her back and rubbed her back with soothing motions, trying to take the fears away from her.

"It's okay, I'm here," he said gently.

Kushina pushed back from him a little, to look into the eyes she so loved. Those kind and gentle eyes always calmed her, made her feel safe. Minato looked at her in question, when her hand went back to her stomach, rubbing it nervously.

"Kushina?" he questioned.

"I'm scared," she whispered. "What if…."

Her voice died down and another tear escaped from her eye. Minato put his hand on top of hers to stop her nervous rubbing.

"He is a strong kid," he answered, looking at her stomach. "He is our child and we'll be here for him."

Kushina wiped the tear away and smiled at her husband, having calmed down a bit.

"Who says it isn't going to be a girl?" she asked, her smile turning into a cheeky one.

Minato laughed, kissing her forehead.

"You were the one that was loudly exclaiming that we're having a son, after you saw Sensei's book."

"Naruto," she whispered.

"That's right."

"Well maybe I have changed my mind. I mean, what if the pervert rubs off on him."

A scowl appeared on her face and Minato couldn't help but chuckle. Kushina was never boring.

"Through a name?" he questioned.

A sigh escaped from her lips and she yawned.

"Just so you know, I'm not letting that pervert anywhere near our child."

Kushina gave her husband a kiss and lied back down. She heard a chuckle and felt Minato lying down too, putting his arms around her. She listened to his breathing that slowly evened out as he went back to the world of slumber. A sigh escapes from Kushina's lips once more as she thought about the nightmare. Was that all it was, a nightmare? A cold feeling spread throughout her body.

"I just hope your right Minato," she whispered, before falling into a peaceful sleep this time.

A few days later Minato came home from a long day of work. If he had known that the role of Hokage had meant doing all that paperwork, he might have reconsidered on taking the job.

He smiled as he entered his house. When everything stayed silent he raised an eyebrow in question.


Normally his wife would be there to give him a warm welcome. Especially since she was pregnant and off duty for the time being. He searched the house, but found no sign of his wife. Just when he was about to panic, he heard the door open.

"Where have you been?" he asked as he embraced her.

"Just out for a walk, saying a little prayer," she answered and returned the embrace.

Minato let go of his wife and looked at her in question.

"The only shrine close to here is the one of the Shinigami, the god of death."

Kushina just smiled at him. "It never hurts to have a lot of gods watching over you."

She walked passed Minato, taking off her shoes. Minato looked at her, not knowing how to respond. His wife walked to the kitchen and started cooking their dinner, while softly humming.

Sure Kushina had her moments from time to time, in fact she was quite unpredictable. This just stunned him, but it wouldn't be her last trip to the shrine.


Panic was grasping the village of the hidden leaf as the red chakra filled the streets. People were screaming and crying. Loved ones had died and the end of this horror was no where in sight. No one had ever expected that a demon would come for their village on what should have been a day of celebration. No one had even dared to think of it, but one person.

Kushina was currently in the hospital. Early this morning she had gone into labour and Minato had taken her there. He had been next to her bed all the time, calming his nervous wife. The past few days she had been on the edge, as if waiting for something terrible to happen. To Minato it didn't make any sense. Kushina was never one to get so nervous and worried. Still whatever he did, she never seemed to really calm down anymore and nightmares continued to hunt her. He had asked her what was wrong, but she always avoided his question. When she was crying she blamed it on hormones. Minato was lost.

The contractions had come slowly, the child not showing any sign of coming into this world yet. A few hours had passed and Minato was holding Kushina's hand, the contractions now coming faster and faster. The weather had turned and the rain was falling. He smiled at her, trying to calm her a little, when the door flew open. Minato let go of his wife's hand and turned to the door. His former Sensei or the pervert, as Kushina called him, stood in the doorway. His normal smiling face was serious and grim.

"Minato, they need you," the man had said, his voice a little unstable. "A demon has set eyes on the village."

Minato's eyes were open wide and he glanced at his wife.

"Go," she said smiling sadly, but with reinsurance.

Minato looked at his former Sensei and back to Kushina.

"Stay with her," he said as he passed the man on his way out of the room. The man nodded and gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Be careful out there."

Minato nodded and left the room, into the chaos that was his beloved village. The man, Jiraiya, took Minato's place next to Kushina. Her face was pale and it would show pain when a contraction passed.

"Hey old perv," Kushina addressed the man. Jiraiya turned towards the woman and wanted to snort, but he held it when he saw the serious look on her face.

"Could you do me a favour?" she pointed at a bag that was in the corner of the room. "There is a letter in there. Will you give it to Minato for me?"

The man raised an eyebrow.

"Why don't you give it to him when he returns?"

A sad smile crossed her features, before turning to a look of pain. Her child would be born soon and she knew there wasn't much time left. How she had hoped that Minato had been right, but everything had gone as she feared.

"Please just give it to him," she begged.

A doctor came into the room, checking on Kushina, in between the chaos. He was followed by a member of ANBU.

"Jiraiya-sama, you are needed sir," the ANBU said.

Jiraiya stood, but felt a small hand grasping his wrist.

"Please," she whispered.

He nodded and she let go of his wrist. He walked to the bag, took the letter out and put it in his robes.

"Stay safe," he said before leaving the room, with the ANBU following him.

"Thank you," she whispered and then she screamed, as a very painful contraction hit. The doctor told her that the child needed to get out, fast. With everything she had, she pushed her child into the world. A cry was heard and the Hokage's first son was born.

Kushina felt the life draining from her, but held on. It wasn't time just yet. The doctor handed her, her son, congratulating her. Kushina looked at her little boy. He had a little dot of golden hair, the same colour as his fathers. He was so perfect, from his little nose, tiny fingers that were wrapped around hers to his little feet. The little boy opened his eyes and looked up to his mother. Kushina smiled and tears started to fall from her eyes. Those beautiful eyes, just like his fathers.

"It's the way it should be," she silently whispered.

The doctor was called away and he left the room, excusing himself. Kushina just sat there, clinging onto life, looking at her son. A dark shadow came into the room and the wind had picked up, the now falling rain, was pounding against the windows. The little boy in her arms started crying, with soft frightened cries. Kushina held him close and started to sing a lullaby that her mother had sang to her when she was a child:

"Little child, be not afraid
The rain pounds harsh against the glass
Like an unwanted stranger
There is no danger
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
Though thunder explodes
And lightning flash
Illuminates your tearstained face
I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Little child
Be not afraid
The storm clouds mask your beloved moon
And its candlelight beams
Still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
The wind makes creatures of our trees
And the branches to hands
They're not real, understand
And I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forest and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning"

The boy fell into a slumber and as Kushina sang on, she stroked his soft cheek, taking in every detail of his tiny face.

"For you know, once even I
Was a little child
And I was afraid
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears
Trade sweet sleep for fears
And to give a kiss goodnight

Well, now I am grown
And these days have shown
Rain's a part of how life goes
But it's dark and it's late
So I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close

And I hope that you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Everything's fine in the morning
The rain will be gone in the morning

TengLullaby for a stormy night)

A new member from ANBU, with his dog mask on the side of his head, that she recognised as her husbands student came into the room. He walked towards her bed, a sad look on his face. His clothes were torn and dirty. She kissed her sons forehead and handed the boy her child. The boy gave her a surprised look. He hadn't said a word yet, how did she know what he came for.

"Take care of him," she said a sad smile on her pale face.

The boy still looked at her stunned.

"Go! There is not much time!"

He nodded and left the room, the little child safely hidden in his arms. Kushina watched them disappear as she felt a presence next to her. She looked it in the eye, without fear.

"It is time," its emotionless voice said.

Kushina looked outside one last time.

"Goodbye Naruto, my little boy. I hope you'll grow up strong and happy," she whispered. "Goodbye Minato, I love you…"

Then she closed her forest green eyes, never to open them again.


In a room in the Hokage tower, Minato finished his seal. He put his last bit of chakra into sealing half of the demon fox's chakra into his newborn son. He waited for the Shinigami to come and claim his life, but it never came. Minato's world turned black as he passed out from exhaustion and he heard her final words.

"Goodbye Minato, I love you…"

Minato awoke to a dark sky and a deafening silence. He sat up and looked around the white hospital room, not recognizing it. His feeling told him something was terribly wrong, but his mind couldn't seem to wrap around the why. He knew that the silence was strange and that he shouldn't be in the room he was in.

As he was trying to search his memories for any clues, the door of his room opened. A man with long white hair and red stripes on his face, who he recognised as his old sensei stepped in the room. Around his mouth played a gentle but sad smile and in his arms he held a small bundle that was crying in distress. Minato's former sensei walked to the bed and handed him the little bundle. Minato looked at the little child in wonder and that was when the memories came back. This was his son.

Kushina had gone in labour and he had taken her to the hospital. He had been by her side until ANBU notified him of the Kyuubi's attack. He had gone there, no choice but to leave his wife. When arriving at the battle field on his toad summon, he met a scene of panic. Fighting the Kyuubi had been a difficult task, because nothing seemed to be able to stop the demon. That was when he remembered a seal he had studied. That seal could end the rampage of the demon and save the village. There was a cost though; he needed to seal the demon within someone who could contain it. In his mind's eye he had seen his wife and he made a decision, he would seal the demon within his child. The other cost didn't faze him that much, giving his life was just part of his job as the Hokage. He had to keep the village safe, no matter what. The thought of never seeing his child grow, had been tough, but he had to act fast.

Jiraiya had come and helped him set the seal. Half of the fox's chakra had been sealed into the Shinigami and the other half within his son. He was going to die to save the village, but then why was he still alive?

Minato looked at his son, who now had stopped crying. The little boy looked at his father with his big blue eyes. Minato gave the boy a small smile, before tracing the marks that were now on the boys face. The marks where the scars that showed the evidence of the demon that was sealed inside him.

Minato looked up to Jiraiya, who was still standing next to the bed. He gave him a questioned look.


"I'm not sure," his former sensei answered. "But I think you should read this."

Jiraiya handed him the letter that Kushina had begged him to deliver to her husband. Minato took the letter from the man, holding his son in one arm and opening the letter with his free hand. He gasped as he recognised the handwriting.

"Kushina," he whispered.

To my beloved Minato,

I don't know how to start this, but if you read this it means that dreams or better said nightmares do come true sometimes. I can't tell you how sorry I am that I'm not here anymore.

In my dreams I have seen our son, he is so beautiful. For him it is that I made this decision. I've seen the Kyuubi's attack, you giving your life to save the village, making your only son a hero.

I've seen myself giving birth to our son, Naruto and dying.

I have seen Naruto grow up without us in a village that is supposed to see him as a hero. They never saw him as Naruto. The only thing they saw was the Kyuubi that murdered their loved ones. I do not wish that loneliness upon our son. He deserves lots of love and happiness.

At first I thought it was just a nightmare, but when it returned nearly every night I couldn't let go of the fear anymore. I went to the shrine to pray to the Shinigami. I went there often and my prayers were answered. I made a deal with the Shinigami: When you would sacrifice yourself, I would take your place.

So please Minato don't be angry. I was to die, even if you would have died. I know that I can't take the sadness away, but I hope you will continue on even if I'm not there.

Take care of our little Naruto. I know that even though people will not believe it, he will grow up to be a great man, just like you. Please love him as much as possible. I am not sad, because I know that Naruto has a great father and that you have a beautiful son. The only thing I wished is that I could be there for him growing up. I know it is hard task to care of a child by yourself, but I believe in you.

For you, the one I love I will give my life without a second thought. I wish you happiness and sunny days. Stay safe Mina-chan.

Remember that no matter where I am I will always love you and Naruto and watch over you two.


Minato read the letter several times, not believing the words that were on the paper. He looked at Jiraiya, hoping he would tell him his wife was fine. All he got was another sad look. His inside turn to ice as realisation dawned on him. Kushina was gone. Why had he not seen, all the times that he woke up, Kushina tossing and turning next to him and the several unexplained trips to the shrine. Tears gathered in his eyes when he remembered the smile she had given him when he had left her side. The tears were now falling from his eyes, onto the letter. The words he had heard before blacking out, her words. Why?

"Minato… I'm sorry," the voice of his former sensei said. He felt a hand on his shoulder and Minato looked up to the man.

"She knew," he said, his voice shaking. "She knew what was going to happen and she…"

Jiraiya took the letter from Minato, reading it with wide eyes.

"This is impossible." Jiraiya said.

Minato looked at his son, who was still looking at him. The little boy stretched out his little arms to Minato. He gave the boy a smile through his tears and held him close. The little boys eyes closed and he fell asleep, safely is his fathers arms.

Minato felt some of the sadness leave him as he watched his son sleep. Kushina was right, he was really beautiful. Jiraiya put the letter on the nightstand and watched the two.

"It all seems so unreal," Minato said, breaking the silence.

Jiraiya was just about to answer when the door flew open. Minato's silver haired student barged into the room, his face worried. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his sensei awake and well.

"I thought you wouldn't survive," the boy said, sighing relieved.

Minato looked at his student a gentle look on his face.

"Well, as you can see I'm still alive and kicking."

The boy walked towards Minato and Jiraiya gave him room to stand next to the bed. The boy looked at the little bundle sleeping in his sensei's arms.

"Kakashi, this is Naruto, my son," Minato said and he gave the boy his precious little bundle. Kakashi took the boy, nervously, not wanting to hurt or wake the tiny child.

"He looks just like you sensei," Kakashi said with a smile that could be seen trough his mask. "Kushina-san must be happy."

Minato's smile disappeared and he looked away. Kakashi looked at his sensei in question, before glancing at Jiraiya.

"I think she is happy," Minato answered, forcing his tears back.

"Sensei, why do you say that like she's …" Kakashi couldn't finish the sentence, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

"She died, not long after the kid was born," Jiraiya explained.

Kakashi looked from Jiraiya to his sensei, who now had tears gliding down his face.

"Kushina gave her life so Minato could live," Jiraiya continued. "When the demon fox was sealed within Naruto, Minato was supposed to die, but Kushina took his place."

Kakashi looked shocked, before turning his gaze on the little boy in his arms. He had thought the marks on the boys face where strange, but now he understood, why his sensei had asked him to get his son form Kushina's room. This boy held that demon that had done so much damage and had caused al that pain. Kakashi didn't know what to feel towards the boy or if he should be scared.

Minato wiped his tears away and looked at Kakashi as several emotion were displayed on the boy's face. He knew how much Kakashi cared about Kushina, seeing that he had never know his own mother.

Kakashi looked to his sensei and back to Naruto and a smile graced the boy's lips. He gently strokes the little boy's cheek.

"The little hero of the village," he said gently. "Isn't that what Kushina would say?"

Minato smiled at this comment. It was indeed what Kushina would say. It made him happy to hear Kakashi say that. Kushina would always be remembered and although she was now gone, a part of her was in Naruto, flowing in his blood. He was the last and best gift that Kushina had given to this world and Minato would make sure that he was happy and safe.

Jiraiya put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder and Kakashi returned Naruto to his father's arms.

"Get some rest Minato," Jiraiya said before leaving the room with Kakashi.

"Well it's you and me now, little man," Minato said to the sleeping boy. "Someday, when you're old enough I will tell you all the stories about your mom."

He kissed the boys forehead and looked outside to see the stars spread across the sky.

"I love you Kushina and I always will."