Note: This story may parallel the Zoids cartoon at some points and not others so understand that it was written before I saw all the episodes. So don't mail bomb me with telling me that the story was inaccurate. I know.

Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids or any of the characters except for the ones I created myself. I mean think about it if I did. This wouldn't be a fan fic and I wouldn't live in Arkansas.



Chapter One- The Awakening

Nothingness…….nothingness……nothingness……. Then the void was replaced by a liquid inferno of flames. The flames pooled into the center of the unconscious abyss. The pond of fire feed off the emptiness, increasing its hinterland. Shapes began to form out of the lake of fire, trees, land, villages, an entire world. Planet Zi, as the quixotic dreamer remembered it. When the planet was covered with flora and vegetation, creatures, reptiles, birds, and fishes, as most people could not even picture in their mind's eye, scenes of life played on the planet.

The sleeper watched the portrayal of all the events of an ancient people, the slumberor watched months, years, centuries past by. Watched the lives of the people scurry into oblivion like the mosquito flies into the light only to die. Watched the wars of the inhabitants destroy their own lives and the lives of others. Watched the destruction spread like wildfire over the planet eating everything in its path and leaving nothing but the ashes of decay and death. Watched the survivors rebuild and control the fire for warmth and health. Watched the citizens' progress in their science and technology. Watched them become to civilized for war and fighting, yet building bigger and better bombs. Watched the animals live. The sleeper remembered how it used to love the animals and birds. How it loved life, but that wasn't important now. It was in the past. Must watch. Then the sleeper came to its own time, watching its own life plot unfold. Watched itself grow-up from a child to a teenager, watched itself make friends and rivals and fight with them both. Watched with a detachment borne of a coldness of the soul. A disdain created because it was tired of hurting, tired of dying, just tired. It was easier to be cold, survive than it was to be passionate, live. It watched. The planet of liquid fire blurred, became distorted. It diverted its attention to the sky. Two magnificent beings stared at each other posed for confrontation in the endless void of space. One a dragonic beast and the other was pheniox looking bird.

-One is DRAGON SHADOW; it is darkness. It represents existence, death, etc. The other is PHENIOX FORCE; it is light. It represents an uncontrollable, unattainable hunger for pleasure: to destroy, create, anything.

"That is nice to know, but what has that have to do with me?" questioned the sleeper a bit grumpily. (I might add that the sleep is not really a morning person meaning that it doesn't enjoy being awoken.)

-They are the symbols of prophecy. The dark and light. Both must exist together, be in balance. For life cannot continue, renew itself without death. Who is to say what light is without dark?-

"This is all very interesting, but, again, what does this have to do with me?" said the sleeper with such icy undertone it made the speaker shiver inadvertently.

-Two different men awaked them: each wanting to control Zi. The light and dark usually do not hate each other; in fact, they know that each must exist in order from each of their own survival. But the beings feed off their master's hate for the other. The two beasts were unsuited to such raw feelings so that when their masters told them to battle- they did. The PHENIOX FORCE and the DRAGON SHADOW fought. The lightness and the darkness, the day and night, fire and earth, both must be in order for life to continue. Yet they fought.

The figures in the sky launched themselves at each other. Tearing at the other's throat. The pheniox called on its powers of fire and light. The dragon called on its powers of earth and darkness. The pheniox arched its graceful body in preparation for an attack on the dragon. The dragon spread its wings in anticipation of the pheniox's attack. The pheniox cried its war cry and attacked. The war went on for a while; each dodging or getting hit by the others blows. Finally each prepared for their final attack. The pheniox let lose its fire and the dragon let lose its darkness. The firebird started to fall back to the earth; its once glorious wings where now crumpled like a piece of paper. The fire that it consisted of was now replaced with a dreariness that the sleeper had never seen before.

-But the DRAGON SHADOW did not have a complete victory over the PHENIOX FORCE. As the PHENIOX FORCE fell to the earth, she could feel the DRAGON SHADOW's power of existence cloak over the world. It was to late for the native beings of the planet. They must die or live on their own. But she could help the animals in some small way. They would die, yet live on. She intertwined her power with that of existences, so when existence enclosed around the animals, they became the metallic life forms that are now called ZOIDS. Most of the original Zoidains died, but some survived the wars. Humans from neighboring galaxies soon came across Zi and settled it for themselves. The star travelers where amazed by the ZOIDS. They had never seen them before on any other planet. The ZOIDS had kept the shape of the animal that they were once. They had kept their animal shape so the inhabitants of Zi would never forget them.

The sleeper remained quiet. So this was what happened to her and her friends. She had barely been seventeen when the insane men had awoken the beasts. Memories of her past life came flooding back to her. Memories that would have made her coming awakening easier if they would have stayed forgotten returned to her. She remembered what she did for a living after everything living had ceased to live.

She returned to watching Zi's history. Some of the Zoidains had survived. Strangely enough she did. She had never been really physically strong or fit. She had always been fit enough, but not one who you would have thought could have survived it. She was wholly broken after everything ceased. She became a mercenary. She was feared by all and hired by the rich. The people gave her the name of Cold Fire. Her name was used to threaten little kids into behaving. Yet that still did not explain what she was doing here.

She then watched the ancients Zoidains come into their own. Watched them repeat the triumphs, mistakes, and lives of her people. She watched their history. Watched them work on the Zoids, improving them. Watched them live their lives of meaningless existence. She just watched.

-It now has been over a century since the confrontation of the light and the dark. You have slept all these years. Time has continued and continues. Life on Zi has resumed its natural coarse.-

"Then why have you awoken me from my happy oblivion? Only to inform me my friends, family, way of life has died along with you so- called PHENIOX FORCE?" asked the girl in a bitter and deceivingly calm voice. "To show me all the living things that I held dear to me was changed to those lifeless metallic Zoids-things. If you wished to endear yourself to me, you certainly aren't doing a good job."

-I am only telling you the facts as they happened- The speaker was taken back with the timbre of the voice. The speaker certainly didn't expect the girl to be so calm. The speaker then realized that the girl was most likely retreating back into her shell of ice. She was that way when the THEY had captured her and sealed her in the sleep. HE had told her to be careful when handling the girl. Well, anger was stronger than grief, and the girl must survive at all costs. Yet at the same time, for her to protect the world against the prophecy, she must be alive physically and spiritually.

-A mad man has re-invoked the prophecy of light and darkness in hopes of gaining control of the world. You must stop him, or this time Zi will not survive. -

"Why should I care?" the girl asked in a frozen voice. "Zi binds me in no ways with all my friends, family, and life gone. It would have been better that I died instead of being here today."

-You will not let Zi die. You will not let all the innocent lives be destroyed. You will not let what happened to you happen to countless people again. It is not in you.-

"Are you really so sure?" asked the girl. "Are you willing to risk the lives on me?"

-There is no risk. A risk is when you have options. No one else can do the job. You are the last of your kind. You surely realize that you were never quite all human. So if you do not fight it all ends of Zi-

"What do you mean 'not quite all human'?" asked the girl skeptically. She remembered that she was somewhat different. She had friends, enough, sure, she was quick witted and had a sharp tongue. Her presence was never really dreaded. She wasn't really a rebel or an outgoing person. She never gave her trust to anyone to easily. She was always afraid of something bad happening. She had always told her that she was afraid of being hurt or betrayed by someone. At the same time, she was approachable. Once drawn out of her den, she could talk and talk. She wasn't really shy. She liked to think that she was withholding or cautious. Yet she never felt she fit in with the rest of her peers. She was always fascinated with the woods or animals. Things most people thought little about after they reached a certain age engrossed her. She dreamed most of the time and was always scared that the dreams would master her- become the only thing she wanted. She saw all the tangled, twisted routes of the paths, while others only saw the dirt path, itself. No, she had never been quite human.

-You were a PHENIOX before the battle. You had power running through your veins. So did some of your friends, but you were the most powerful. You are a daughter of a very powerful DRAGONSHADOW. However, after the battle, the aftermath of the two powers merged creating a new power. The new power needed a sanctuary, so it fastened itself to your being. To uproot one would be to uproot the other, the power is now you as you are the power.-

A cold rage was building up inside of the girl: she did not like being used. "You will regret the day that you awoken me," the girl said in arctic tones, "Phiona."

The PHENIOX QUEEN had not expected the girl to name her. No, perhaps the girl was stronger then she had anticipated. Maybe she should have gone about it another way. PHIONA sensed a new presence.

So the girl has roused, has she? She named you by blood name, yes; a blood name is a powerful thing indeed. Even I don't know your blood name.

She is more powerful than either of us bargained for.


The girl slowly opened her eyes. She was in the desert. The girl stood up and looked around with an ice cold. She did not know how she was going to get out of the desert. Nor at this time did she really care. She acted as if she was a block of stone incapable of caring. Life held no hope or joy for her, just a stupid prophecy that she wanted no part. If it had not been for the prophecy her life might have been wrought living. She suddenly realized that she was not alone. The girl looked around and spotted a black dragon looking zoid. She recalled that they were called organoids- special zoids who were able to fuse with the battle zoid to enhance its capabilities. She didn't fear it has it walked closer to her and took her away to who knows where. After all she was Cold Fire; she didn't fear anything.

The black organoid did not know why it was drawn to this girl. His master would be sore at him for leaving so abruptly. Master would probably be very mad at him for bring this girl back, but he just had to protect her. She was something from his past before he was Shadow. And besides if the silver one could have that Zoidain girl, why couldn't he have a girl?

"Shadow where have you been?" accused an angry (well more angry than usual) Ravin.

As an answer to its master's question, the black organoid dropped the now comatose girl on the sandy ground.

Ravin walked over to the girl. He studied her with a measuring stare. She was neither pretty nor ugly. Her layered auburn hair reached down to just above the small of her back Her skin tone was an ivory color. From what he could tell, she was about five foot five when she was standing. She was nicely proportioned; she was not too skinny or too fat. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were a dark brown, which would probably accent green eyes thought the boy. She was just a normal looking girl. She was wearing a pair of black-heeled boots and black flare pants. Her shirt was a gold color, which was covered by a black jacket that flowed down to the middle of her thigh.

When Ravin stepped closer to the girl to get a better look at her, Shadow suddenly jumped over the girl, standing in between her and his master. The organoid crouched and revealed his sharp, pointed teeth at his master. The organoid truly did not understand why he felt he must protect her, but he did, just the same. She was a link, Shadow thought, to a time before he was Shadow. NO ONE, not even Master, would harm this girl not while he was still alive.

"What the crap, Shadow?" yelled Ravin. Shadow had always been dedicated to his wants. He was seriously about to severely reprimand his organoid and demand its reasons for bringing this girl here, when he noticed that she was stirring. She slowly lifted herself to a standing position. She was about five foot five. She shook the sand and debris out of her hair. She turned to look at Ravin. Ravin involuntarily stepped back. He had never seen such cold, frozen eyes before, especially from a girl. Those dark brown stared into his soul it seemed like. Those eyes held no fear of anything, not even death or him. They seemed to almost invite death to them, as if life held no more meaning to them.

"Who are you?" Ravin asked accusingly once he pulled himself out of his train of thought.

The girl smiled malevolently, mocking Ravin's ignorance. "There once was a time when the strongest warriors shrank to sniveling babies crying for their mothers at my presence. People ran from my shadow. But that was in the past, perhaps the current people need to have a history lesson?" questioned the girl with a sideways tilt of her head. "Only the richest and most powerful could afford to hire me, yet even my employers were not safe from my blood-lust. I exist solely to extinguish the fire of life. I am Cold Fire."

"Roooooooaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!"(a\n- I suck at sound effects) cried Shadow at the end of the girl's speech. He had felt the power stir and awaken within the girl. Still he was somewhat confused, this was not how he had thought the girl would be like.

"Hmph. Your pretty speech does not move me. I think it is just all talk. I have never met a strong girl, and I don't recall any Cold Fire from my history lesson. I was a particularly astute student, too," said Ravin smugly.

"I cannot be blamed for your ignorance."


Author's note: I hope you enjoyed the first part of my fanfic. This is my first time to write one.

Please review it! I will take any comments or suggestions. No flames please. Don't be too hard on me though. Van, Fiona, and the gang will appear later in the game, so don't think that I have forgotten them. Please, please review. See ya.