Hey everyone! I know I just finished the labyrinth, but this thought just popped into my head! Tell me what you think please!

Your chocolate craving author


~~~~~~~~~ The Curse ~~~~~~~~~

Hermione stared into the eyes of a crazy woman. A woman who had lost everything. A woman who was looking to destroy someone as fully as she was destroyed.

Hermione shivered as she was tied to the tree behind her. If only she hadn't lost her wand. Her only means of fighting, and maybe even surviving this mess.

"You silly little girl." Bellatrix high pitch laugh rang out as the rain started to pour. "You think that you won. Well you didn't, you haven't. You will regret ever going against me."

Hermione watched the blood soaked arm raise a shaking wand to her heart. "No please, don't do this." She begged, hoping that she could hold her off long enough for Bellatrix to not be able to cast the spell.

"You stupid girl." Bellatrix coughed before moving her wand in clock-wise circles. "AeternusPectusBestia."

Hermione felt cold as a blood red light shot out of the end of the wand before hitting her in the chest. Hermione watched as Bellatrix crumbled to the ground, and took her last breath.

Hermione shook as her muscles started to bubble and contract. She tried to scream as the pain overtook her. It felt like her entire bone structure was shifting, morphing.

Her back arched as her face changed, elongated. Her arms took a different shape as her feet become smaller.

The transformation finished. Hermione laid on the ground panting. Slowly she opened her eyes. The world just didn't seem right. Turning her head she looked at her body and almost fell down. Her body was no longer that of a Human, but of a dog. A dog with very long hair, and a very large dog if she had to guess. She took stock of her body, everything was there, and unharmed, which was something she didn't expect. Other then being a dog, she was in fine shape.

She heard him, smelt him, before she saw him. Pulling back her lips she let out a low growl as he came into the clearing. He was wearing all black with the mask of a skull. He smelt like blood, like death. She growled again backing up, hoping for a way to escape.

"Don't move Mudblood." The mask man hissed pointing his wand at Hermione. "I watched her turn you into this. Now I am going to have a little fun.

Hermione growled and lunged. She felt her teeth sink into his neck before pain shot through her body and blackness overcame her.

~ ~ ~ ~ SS ~ ~ ~ ~

Severus groaned and rolled over. His head ached, his body hurt, and he just wanted the nightmares to go away. What a long, stressful war it was. He was so happy it was over, that he was finally able to be himself. Still an arse, but one who didn't favor houses, but smarts. It was going to be a new revolution at Hogwarts!

A loud crack made him jump from bed and flourish his wand. They were after him. A low howl caught his attention before another crack sounded. Then silence.

He slowly made his way to the front door. Casting a shield he threw open his door and stepped into the night.

No one was there. The place was dark. He lite his wand and looked around. There was blood, lots of blood. He looked around some more and saw a big black shape at the end of his walkway.

He moved forward slowly, his wand ready encase it fought him.

It didn't move.

He touched it, poked it with his wand.

It didn't move

He huffed. Slowly he bent down and looked at it. It was a dog, a very badly hurt dog. He had always had a fondness for dogs, and this one was beautiful. He picked it up, noticing it weighed very little for its size, before bringing it inside to heal it.

~ ~ ~ HP ~ ~ ~ ~

"Where is she!" Harry shouted at Dumbledore after exciting the party. "She should be here! She should be honored as a Hero!" Harry breathed heavily tears sliding down his face.

"I don't know son." Dumbledore said hanging his head. "We found Bellatrix in the meadow, we found lots of blood, and we found Hermione's little beaded bag." He said handing Harry the little bag.

Harry took the bag and choked on a sob. "We should have been there." He whispered.

"I am so sorry Harry." Dumbledore whispered.

"Where are you Mia! Why did you leave me." Harry shouted before succumbing to his pain.

~ ~ ~ HG ~ ~ ~ ~

Hermione awoke wrapped in something. Automatically she fought, snarling and ripping at the thing around her. She heard a swear then a light flooded the room.

"Shhhh. Shhhh Shhh. Its okay." A voice crooned at her.

She watched as the figure stepped closer. Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of Professor Severus Snape.

"Its okay girl. I have some water for you, and a little bit of food are you hungry?" He said placing to bowls on the floor in front of her.

Hermione's eyes narrowed. She was hungry, but how did he come to have her, and was what he brought her poisoned. She sniffed each in turn before looking at him then looking at the dish's pointedly.

He stood there in shock for a moment before laughing softly.

"Its okay. I didn't poison it. Its plain old tap water, and a little of my beef stew for dinner." He smiled before sitting on the floor a way away from her.

She watched him before deciding he was telling the truth.

Sighing she lapped the water before sticking her face in the bowl of stew. It was very good and she whined when it was gone.

"Its okay Little one. You can have more. I just don't want to hurt your stomach. Would you like to stretch your muscles, go for a walk?" He asked watching her.

Hermione looked at him baffled before shaking her head and timidly stepping closer.

~ ~ ~ SS ~ ~ ~ ~

Severus woke to the sound of struggling.

"Shit." He cursed understanding what was happening.

Grabbing his wand, he bathed the room in light before speaking softly to the animal on the floor.

"Shhhh. Shhhh Shhh. Its okay." He crooned at her.

She stopped struggling and looked at him. Slowly he grabbed the two bowls off his desk that he brought up earlier.

"Its okay girl. I have some water for you, and a little bit of food are you hungry?" He said placing to bowls on the floor in front of her.

He watched stunned at she sniffed each in turn then looked at him suspiciously. Understanding what she was asking he laughed. Of course out of all the dogs that could end up on his doorstep, a smart one had to, both a blessing and a curse.

"Its okay. I didn't poison it. Its plain old tap water, and a little of my beef stew for dinner." He smiled before sitting on the floor a way away from her.

He smiled as he watched her eat. She really needed a bath, but first she should stretch her muscles out. He was sure he healed her hole body. The scan he did didn't show anything, but she still needed to stretch or she would be in pain.

She looked up and whined at him when all her stew was gone.

"Its okay Little one. You can have more. I just don't want to hurt your stomach. Would you like to stretch your muscles, go for a walk?" He asked watching her.

She looked at him, shook her head, then slowly stepped closer.

Severus stood completely still, letting her come to him. He smiled when her nose touched his hand. Slowly lifting his hand, he stroked her head letting his fingers curl around her silky smooth ears.

"You are such a pretty. What a good girl." He crooned petting her softly until her eyes closed and she leaned against him.

"Who could have done this to you." He sighed to himself mostly. He slowly got up and she watched. "Well we should go for a short walk, loosen you up a bit, then a bath is in order, its still dark out, so no one should see all the blood.

~ ~ ~ HG ~ ~ ~

Hermione looked at herself at those words. He was right, there was blood all over her. Why didn't he just cast a cleaning charm on her, to at least get the visible blood off. Huffing she closed her eyes and pictured her fur clean, no blood in sight.

At his gasp of shock she opened her eyes and looked at herself. Smiling as much as a dog could smile she looked at him and wagged her tail.

~ ~ ~ SS~ ~ ~ ~

He stood there watching as she seemed to vanish the blood.

"How." He whispered looking in awe at her.

"Is this why someone hurt you? You are a magical dog?" He gasped trailing his eyes over her slowly.

She looked at him and cocked her head before rolling her eyes. His mouth dropped open.

"A sassy one hu." He said crossing his arms.

She leaned her head against his thigh and whined before moving to the door.

"Alright alright, hold on. There is a leash law. Lets see. Pink or purple?" He asked getting ready to transfigure a string into a leather collar and leash.

He laughed when she just cocked her head at him. "Alright then, One bark for pink, Two for purple."

Hermione let out two barks and wished she could laugh, the look on his face was pricless.

"Alright." Severus cleared his throat. "Purple it is." But before he could transfigure them she barked again.

"Yes?" He asked wondering why she stopped him, what she wanted.

She just looked at him before looking at the string and barking twice.

He looked at her a moment before answering. "Yes I am and transfiguring the string into a collar, purple like you asked. Was there something else?"

She nodded her head up and down and barked again.

"Okay, what is it." Severus thought for a moment. "Something to do with the collar. You would like it purple, but is there something else you want for it?" He asked watching he nod her head and bark again.

He thought for a moment before sighing. "I wish you could just tell me, or show me what you wanted." He wished again people and animals could communicate, but no one had bothered to create a spell or potion to do it, or like him, had tried and failed.

Hermione looked at him before scrunching up her face. She had learned this spell for the war. It showed an object formed of mist that the caster thought about.

Severus gasped. She had a floating object in front of her. Granted it was out of mist but it was fully formed.

He looked closer at it, it was a collar, a wide collar. It looked like leather and had spikes on it. His eyebrows rose as the object faded.

"Alright." He said before transfiguring her a purple, wide, spiked collar.

She barked happily as he slid it over his head.

"Now for a leash. What do you think, leather or chain. One for leather two for chain." He asked.

She let out two barks and wagged her tail as he smiled.

Clipping the leash on her collar, they walked out into the night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Chapter ~~~~~~

Yay! Another story started! This one is all lined out! Tell me what you think and I will get the next one out in the next few days. I have internet finally, for a while hopefully! :D

~ Isis