Chapter 17

Kagome landed on top of Kouga and started to punch him. Kouga could not believe what was happening. Kouga pushed Kagome off and was blocking all the punches she was throwing. He was getting cut up by her claws. "Kagome sweet heart what are you doing" Kouga asked. " You don't know me" Kagome screamed while tears rolled down her face.

Kouga grabed Kagome and pushed her against the tree. "I do know you. We are mate's and I love you. We are meant to be. Don't you remember we were going to raise 3 children and you were going to name one Tina because that's your favorite thing. Next we were going to grow old together and watch our grandchildren grow up" Kouga said. " I don't remember saying any of that. I don't want children. They are nasty creates and why would I want to be called mom" Kagome yelled back. "Don't you lie to me. I see you with children you are meant to be a mother. I don't care what you say." Kouga yelled.

Kagome kicked Kouga and got him off her. She went back to attacking him. The only thing that was bothering Kouga was that Kagome was crying.

With Vernie

Vernie was watching Kagome beat up Kouga. He was enjoying what he was watching. He decided that it was a good time to go eat.

With Kagome and Kouga

All of a sudden Kagome felt her father's hold on her stop. Kagome stopped hitting Kouga and hugged him. "This will not last long. My father has put a spell on me and has control of my body." Kagome said. " I figured that is what happen to you. I mean why would you attack me" Kouga said with a smile on his face.

Kagome reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "When my father takes over my body again I need you to say what's on the paper." Kagome say. "Okay I will do whatever I have to do as long as I get you back" Kouga said.

Vernie noticed that Kagome stopped attacking and he took over her body. Kagome's body was forced to attack again. Kouga was trying to read the paper to see what he was told to say. Kagome was fighting with her dad. Vernie was trying to make Kagome get the paper out of Kouga's hand.

Kouga said the few words and the spell was broken. Kagome's body fell down to the ground once the spell was released. Kagome jumped up and hugged Kouga. Kouga picked Kagome up and headed back to Sango's house.

At Sango's house

Kagome was telling them her story with her father and how long it felt to her. They spent the night at Sango's house.

At the den

Kouga and Kagome made it back to the den safely. Once they were their they shared their story one more time. They gave each other a kiss and they lived happily ever after.

Well that is the story! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I most likely will start a new story this summer. Well I hope you guys liked it! Thank's for all the support and I can't wait till I start my next story! Write again later!