
My eyes popped open. I looked around and noticed that I was lying on the cold damp, ground. I'm in a forest. It's almost pitch black outside. I can't seem to see anything farther than 10 feet in front of me.

How in the world did I end up on the forest floor?

I was deciding which way to go to try to get out of the forest, when all of a sudden I heard a noise. I froze in place as soon as I heard it. It sounded like it was a wolf's howl. I didn't realize that I was moving until I saw that the forest was moving around me. To make sure that I was going to faint, I looked down at my legs to make sure that they were moving. Sure enough, they were. When I looked up again, I suddenly realized that I was walking towards the sound of the howl. I don't know why I was going to something that could kill me; I pretty sure my mind stopped working awhile ago. I just felt this strong pull to where the sound was coming from.

When I finally got towards where the source of the howling came from, I was shocked at what I saw. First off I was in a beautiful clearing. It was beautiful. But that wasn't the part that shocked me. What shocked me was who I saw in the middle of the clearing.

In the middle of the clearing were my two fathers. They have yet to see me. I was about to all them when my dad did something that made me freeze where I was standing. He suddenly burst into a giant wolf. Then my daddy did the same thing. (A:N. She calls one of her fathers 'dad' and the other one 'daddy'.) It was then that there was a strong breeze and it made my hair fly all over the place and into my face. It must have also blown my scent to them because when I finally got my hair out of my face they were glaring ant me. They turned to me and started to walk across the clearing toward me. I suddenly had fear creep through my entire body. They didn't have a look of love in their eyes; they looked like I was their prey. I could tell that they actually wanted to eat me. I tried to run away but my legs seemed to be frozen in place. I had a feeling that I was going to be their dinner.

All of a sudden a group of people ran out of the forest and attacked my fathers. They all had capes but their hoods were down. One of them was a man that has very pale skin. You could say that his skin could be called translucent. It reminds me of onion skin. His has very long hair that is jet black. Another was a man that has olive skin. It looked kind of odd with his chalky pallor but it looked good on him. His hair was also black but it was waves that stopped at his shoulders. The last one was a female. She has the same skin as the first guy. She had long lustrous mahogany hair. I wanted to yell at them to run; to tell that there was no way that they could win that battle. I opened my mouth to, but my voice got caught in my throat. I jumped about 3 feet into the air when someone spoke up from behind me.

"Jane. We have finally found you. You don't know how much we have all missed you. How much I have missed you."

I turned around to see who was talking. It was a man who looked to be about my age. He had the same pale skin that I had. I looked over the rest of him. We actually looked like we could be twins. Then only difference is that his hair was a little darker than mine and shorter than mine. Also, his lips weren't as full as my. His eyes were a deep, rich burgundy. They were the color that my eyes have recently become.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" As soon as the words left my lips, I could see sadness appear in his eyes. I felt pain in my heart that I made him upset.

As soon as the sadness appeared it was replaced with hatred. Somehow I was able to tell that the hate was not pointed towards me, but at my fathers instead.

""Jane, how can you not remember me? I'm your—"


I was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of my alarm clock. I hit the off button and rolled onto my side to see what the time was. 5:00 A.M.

Why did I decide to set my alarm and extra half-hour early? Oh, now I remember. Today is the day of the week when I run with my boyfriend.

How I ended up going out with Noah Puckerman, I will never know. Not that I'm complaining. I'm not, at all. I was the happiest girl in the world when he asked me out.

O walked o my bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. As I walked over, I remembered what brought Noah and I together in the first place.

It was about a week after Finn found out that he wasn't the father. Quinn broke with Puck hoping that Finn will forgive her. Puck was actually sad about the break up. Quinn was the first girl to ever break up with him; he is usually the break upper not break 'upe'. He also started to get attached to the baby. He knew that he wasn't going to end up with Quinn, but he wanted to help support the child. That was incredibly sweet of him.

So about a week after they officially broke up was when Puck caught me at my locker and asked me out.


I had just walked out of glee practice. We just decided that this week's theme would be Paramore/Pink. Everyone had to sing a solo and one group song. The groups ended up being: Finn, Artie, and Tina as group 1; Kurt, Mike, and Mercedes were group 2; while Quinn, Brittany, and Santana were group 3. That ended up with Noah and I being group 4. Apparently Mr. Shue and Miss Pillsbury were also going to be a group. I was walking up to my locker when someone grabbed my arm. That person spun me around. I looked up and saw that it was Noah. He looked upset. My heart hut a little seeing him being so upset.

"Is there something I can help you with Noah?"

"Listen Berry. I am going to be honest with you. I need you right now." I'm sure a look of shocked appeared on my face. "You are the only person who will still talk to me after this whole 'baby gate' thing happened. In this time I have come to realize that I really like you Ber-Rachel. Will you please go out with me?" He said looking down at the ground.

I couldn't stop smiling. I dropped my books and my bag and ran towards him. Once I wrapped my arms around he looked up in surprise. I took that opportunity and kissed him. After the shock wore off of him, he started to kiss me back. He started to get rough. He pushed me against the lockers and begged me with his tongue for entrance. I granted him since he was a really good kisser. After a while we broke apart, smiling at each other. He eventually let go of me so I could grab my stuff that I dropped on the floor. I picked the stuff and turned around to put the stuff in my locker. As I was turning the dial, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder. I shoved all of my books in my locker, since it was Thursday and we didn't have school tomorrow. I then looked in my bag to see if I needed anything that was in it. I saw my phone, my IPod, and my wallet so I grabbed them. There wasn't anything else, so I also shoved the bag into my locker. I then slammed my locker shut. I then tried to turn around to see No-Puck but I couldn't since he had a strong grip on me. He saw that I was trying to turn around and let go of me only to re-grab me with one arm as we started to walk out of the school. I couldn't be happier at this moment.

"So, do you want to go out with me tonight?" Shoot. And my smile faltered for a second. There goes my happy mood.

"Sorry Puck I can't." He looked sad but he also stopped walking, which pulled me back into him since I had continued walking.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked worried.

"No. It's just that you never called me Puck before. I like it."


"So, why can't you go out tonight?"

"I have to record a song I wrote. I would love it if you could come with me."

He had a smile on his face. "That would be fantasist."

A smile appeared on my face. "Great come on then. We can drive to your house so you can drop off your car before we go to the studio."

"Ok." He said as we walked out of the school. We walked to the parking lot and found out that we were the only two cars left. He saw my car and his jaw dropped. "Damn Berry! That's your car?"

I smiled. "Yup. It was a sixteen birthday party."

We drove to Pucks house and then to the recording studio. That was one the best days I've have ever had.

End Flashback