Dog Demon Overlord Inuyasha: The Inu-Overlord

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Overlord

Chapter 33: Evil Spell Returned

Earth Kingdom: 1000 years ago


The Earth Kingdom is under attack, an inhuman army of dark knights of the Dark Kingdom is razing the city to the ground and engulfing flames. Many villagers fell by those monsters' blade as they slaughter them with no remorse. The Armies of the Earth Kingdom retaliates with their 4 generals: Jadeite, Nephalite, Zoisite and Kunzite.

"Don't let them enter the castle!" said Jadeite

The Earth Knights position in a phalanx position and await the Dark Knights advancing to the castle.


Thunder booms as the storm that conveniently appears when the Dark Kingdom started the invasion of Endymion's kingdom. But this storm isn't normal. The lightning is blue and more menacing, it doesn't strike randomly like lightning normally does. It strikes at the Earth Knights, but it doesn't electrocute them but corrupts their hearts and betray their fellow Knights. Now the Earth Kingdom has to deal with corrupted traitors as well and the number is growing from every strike.

Jadeite fights off the Dark Knights and the corrupted Earth Knights while trying to evade the lightning strikes. But the lightning is resilient and also wielding metal doesn't help the blonde haired general.

"ARGGGH!" screams Jadeite as the lightning strikes his sword and flows into his body.

"Jadeite!" exclaimed Nephlite, Zoisite and Kuntie.

Next Nephlite got struck by the blue lightning. Zoisite and Kunzite widen their eyes as 2 of their fellow generals were struck down by the lightning. Suddenly Jadeite and Nephlite stands up but their eyes glowed blue as if they are under some spell. They charge at Zoisite and Kunzite. Zoisite stands forward against the enemy forces and turns to Kunzite.

"Warn the Prince, Kunzite," said Zoisite "I'll hold them off"

"Right" said Kunite before he rushes in the castle.

Endymion's castle: throne room

"Your Majesty, the enemy has breached the castle."

Kunzite, rushed to the Throne Room, Endymion is sitting on his throne when one of his Loyal General storms in to warn him.

"Are you certain?" said Endymion

"I had to fight my way through to deliver this" said Kunzite, his military uniform is dirtied by blood and dust from his combat against the enemy invading the Kingdom. "The Dark Kingdom has corrupted Jadeite, Nephelite and Zoisite along with most of our army. We need to get you out of here."

"Not without getting Serenity to safety" said Endymion.

"Your Majesty, there's no time" protested Kunzite

"If I don't get Serenity back to safety, I will never forgive myself" said Endymion before he rushes out to warn Princess Serenity. "Keep the enemy busy"

Kunzite wanted to protest but he has to obey his Prince's commands, no matter how futile they are. He draws out his sword and kneels to his Prince.

"As you wish, your Majesty" said Kunzite before the throne room door bursts open and the Dark Kingdom Loyalists rushes in. "Go, my Prince"

"Right" said Endymion as he leaves.

Kunzite calls out the rest of the remaining soldiers and forms in a line and prepares for the assault.

"For the Earth Kingdom!" yelled Kunzite.

Palace Garden

Endymion rushes out to the garden to warn Princess Serenity who is at the Gazebo, but she is not alone. 8 of her Sailor Scouts are with her, no doubt to return her to Silver Millennium.

"Serenity, you need to go back" said Endymion "The Dark Kingdom is attacking, soon the InuOverlord will come to aid the King and Queen."

"No, I don't want to leave you, Endymion" said Serenity with Protest.

"Princess, we must go" said Sailor Mars holding on the Princess's arm. "You're in danger"


Explosions are heard in the castle and electric zaps followed by male screams.

"Come on, girls" said Sailor Venus, who is the commander of the Sailor Scouts. "We must go, now"

"Right," said the Sailor Scouts

"Endymion" pleaded Serenity.

"When this is over, I will find you, my love" said Endymion while Princess Serenity and her Sailor Scouts are engulfed in a celestial light from the moon. "I promise.


Endymion turns to see Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom, with the now corrupted Jadeite, Nephlite, Zoisite and Kunzite. The evil queen laughs triumphantly as the Prince of Earth is outnumbered. Endymion notices to see that the King isn't here.

"Where is that King of yours, Beryl?" said Endymion with venom in his voice.

"I am right here, Endymion"

Endymion looks up to see the King of the Dark Kingdom, he is wearing a black Kimono with Dark Pauldrons and chest plate. He is young, appeared to be in his late teens. He has long black hair with silver streaks and golden eyes, on his head is a pair of black dog ears and a dark silver circlet around his forehead. Beryl smiles happily to see her king who pulled her close to him.

"I had a little chat with the InuOverlord, who was generous to give us these 4 strong warriors as our servants" said the King as he was referencing Jadeite, Nephlite, Zoisite and Kunzite. "Right now, he is heading to the Moon with his 9 Biju allies. He can have the Moon while I destroy this pitiful kingdom."

"Not gonna happen!" said Endymion posing his sword to attack and charges at the King.

Present day: Momoru's Apartment

Momoru wakes up from his sleep and sits up, he was reviewing his memories as Endymion when his Kingdom was attacked by the Dark Kingdom, who was allies to the Legendary InuOverlord. He frowns at that memory, especially since his 4 Generals were corrupted by Queen Beryl and her mysterious King.



He turns his head to hear the door knocking, it is late at night so who would be up this hour to see him.

"Momoru Chiba?" said a man's voice on the other side of the door.

Momoru Chiba heads for the door to open it but stopped the moment his hand is near the knob. He decides to look through the peephole and sees 2 men with assault rifles in their hand. Momoru Chiba panicked as he moved away from the door before it got hailed by bullets.

Momoru Chiba ducked behind the bed and stayed away from the bullets' path. He pulls out his Tuxedo Mask uniform and quickly gets dressed.

After a couple of minutes of shooting, the door gets kicked down and the 2 men enters in to see the apartment empty.

"You had to knock the door, hadn't you Yoichi" yelled the man who is in his 30s. "We are here to kill him, not to pay him a visit."

"Well excuse me for being polite, Toyohisa" said a man named Yoichi.

Toyohisa rolled his eyes at Yoichi and starts searching through the apartment.

"Whatever, the President wants him dead so let's just search for him and then kill him!" said Toyohisa

"*sigh* you're such a brute" said Yoichi reloading his rifle and helps his partner search for Momoru.

Unaware to the 2 assassins is that Momoru is hiding in a secret room he installed months ago to help store his Tuxedo uniform and weapons. He stays in while the 2 are searching him.

"Where the hell is he?" said Toyohisa getting impatient.

"Calm down, he said to kill the Prince so that boring utopia Silver Millennium doesn't return" said Yoichi

Momoru was shocked to have heard this, how did those assassin…no, how did the President know about Prince and the Silver Millennium. Does he also know who the Sailor Scouts are too? Now he want's answers. So he dons his Tuxedo Mask suit and pull out a cane before bursting out his secret room.

Toyohisa and Yoichi turn their attention at the charging Tuxedo Mask. Toyohisa aims his assault rifle at Tuxedo Mask but Tuxedo Mask swats the Rifle to aim at Yoichi before it fires. Yoichi screams in pain as a hail of bullets tore him to shreds.

"AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!" screamed Yoichi as the rapid fire filled him with holes and ripped off his arm. Toyohisa ceased firing as he accidently fired at his partner.

"Oops, sorry Yoichi" said Toyohisa sheepishly.

Tuxedo Mask didn't understand why Toyohisa felt awkward about this, didn't he kill him.

"You fucking asshole!" exclaimed Yoichi as he is still standing and fired rifle at Toyohisa's head.


"ARGH, YOU DICK!" exclaimed Toyohisa as he now has a gaping hole in his forehead as his brains was blow off. "I said I was sorry"

Tuxedo mask's expression showed horror at this, they were shot at places no one can survive from and still stands as if nothing happened. But then, the 2 assassins are shrouded by a dark aura that gave Tuxedo Mask a chilling sense of déjà vu.

"It can't be" thought Tuxedo Mask

The dark aura around the 2 men causes the wounds to close up, Yoichi picks up is amputated hand and snaps it in place. They aim at Tuxedo mask and fires, but they are out of ammo and both cursed.

"Fuck, out of ammo" said Toyohisa as he put his rifle away and unsheathes his Nodachi. "Looks like I have to do some old school decapitation"

Yoichi rolled his eyes as he put his rifle away and pulls out his Yumi Bow and took an arrow from his quiver.

"Like what you did against those Americans back at '43" said Yoichi

"Er…which '43?" asked Toyohisa

"1943, of course" said Yoichi.

"Oh yeah, that was fun" said Toyohisa pulling a twisted insane grin. "But killing a prince is a life time"

"I concur," said Yoichi as he fires his arrow but Tuxedo Mask swats it with his cane and pulls out a sword from it.


Toyohisa's nodachi clashes with Tuxedo Mask's cane sword. Toyohisa was surprised to see this.

"The reports never said you wielded a sword" said Toyohisa at Tuxedo

"I never use it unless I have to" said Tuxedo before he pushes his opponent back. "Now's the right time… but first"

Tuxedo grabs his bed sheet and tosses it at Toyohisa and Yoichi. The 2 assassins removed the bedsheet, but failed to realise that it was diversion as Tuxedo Mask fled and jumped out the balcony. Tuxedo Mask seems to be gliding down to a low building. Toyohisa growls and chases after him, it seems that the show on his head gave him brain damage as he failed to realise that he can't glide and plummets down 20 feet to the ground.

"Motherfucker!" exclaimed Toyohisa.

Yoichi leans over the balcony to see Toyohisa fall before he aims his Yumi bow at Tuxedo Mask, who landed on a building 50 years away. Yoichi fires his bow but the arrow is deflected by a rose Tuxedo Mask threw. Tuxedo Mask jumps on rooftops and gets his distance away from his apartment.

But Yoichi has some ideas on where Tuxedo Mask I going. He put away his Yumi and leaves the apartment.

10 minutes, Yoichi exits the apartment building and sees Toyohisa planted on the road. He sighed and shook his head at his partner.

"Just because we are undead, doesn't mean you can just jump over balconies and assume that we can fly" said Yoichi

"Shut up, Yoichi" muffled Toyohisa as his face is buried in the road. "And why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to go after him?"

"I think I know where he's heading" said Yoichi "No matter, he'll be dead anyway"

"What gave you that idea?" said Toyohisa as he pulls himself up and sits on the road.

"I think he overheard our little conversation about knowing his true identity" said Yoichi

"So he's heading to the castle" said Toyohisa as he pulls out his phone. "I got to warn the President"

Yoichi stops him, Toyohisa looks at him with a confused expression.

"You forget what kind of person the President is" said Yoichi "And also how he brought us from the dead"

Hikawa Shrine

Sailor Mars is on the verge of corruption, the evil that surges in her is getting less painful she for her and more pleasurable. She starts to unconsciously masturbate her pussy and her face no longer shows an expression of a dignified Miko and Guardian but of a mindless slut who want's nothing but to fulfil her insatiable lust.

Minutes after the evil surging through her, the corruption ends and the run releases Sailor Mars from its grip. Laying on the floor, naked and cumming, Rei Hino has been turned. The Evil Presence Spell Rune glows dimly at the 2 dark priestesses. As if it is giving them permission to claim it.

Kagome summons more Gremlins to help hoist the Rune, a dozen of those michevious creatures obey their mistress and starts their heavy lifting.

As the Gremlins take the rune out of the Shrine and into the next, Kagome and Kikyo walk towards Rei lay defeated and surmised. Rei slowly open her eyes, her violet eyes are dim as it lost the shine of willpower and confidence. Now it shows emptiness and submission. She looks up to see Kagome and Kikyo. Rei sits up, so that she can bow down before them.

"My lady, forgive me for resisting you" said Rei, now with a tone of a submissive slave. "I will accept any punishment you have for me"

Kagome smirks and turns to Kikyo.

"Can you give me a moment?" asked Kagome

"Of course, I'll just supervise the gremlins in transferring the precious cargo." Said Kikyo leaving the shrine.

Kagome smirks as she undresses of her Dark Priestess kimono to reveal a dominatrix leotard and bra. She pulls out a Cat o ninetails and licks the handle ecstatically.

"For resisting the evil when the Spell Rune pour its magic in you, I think 30 lashes but you must thank me for every lash. Fail to thank me, I'll add 10 more per fail."


Kagome lashes at Rei, she now corrupted Sailor Scout screams in pain and lust.

"T-Thank you" stammered Rei until Kagome lashed again. "T-Thank you!"

Kagome continues to lash at Rei Hino, but her lashes gets even rougher and more painful. Regardless, Rei still thanks for every lash, but Kagome pretends to hear a few and deliberately add more lashes just for the fun of it. But Rei didn't protest, she keeps saying thank you for each lash. Kagome enjoys the sadistic pleasure of lashing at Rei, who has been a real pain for disrespecting her and her Shadow Priestess persona, not to mention disrespecting Kikyo just for loving Inuyasha.

Rei, however due to her corrupted state, enjoys the pain that her now mistress has giving her. She continues to say thank you, and no matter how much pain or how much those cuts from the lashing stings, she keeps saying "Thank you" for everyone. Rei is very determining and loyal, a perfect slave.

Minutes has passed, and after the 100th lash despite it being only 30, Kagome ends the punishment but her fun with Rei is far from over. She pushes Rei with her foot to roll her on her stomach, her ass sticks out, all plump and smooth like a ripe peach.

"Now to completely claim you" said Kagome as a Gremlin rushes beside her to hand a strap-on to her. She takes it off the Gremlin and dismisses it before putting it on. "Inuyasha will have his fun after he had his with the rest"

Later at Higurashi Shrine

Kikyo and a small group of Gremlins hauling the spell rune arrives at Higurashi Shrine. The evil aura from that dark stone artefact is quite disturbing as Kagome's grandfather feels it malevolence. But surprisingly Kagome's mother isn't fazed from it, in fact she stands outside at the courtyard to greet Kikyo.

"Hello, Kikyo" said Kagome's mother calmly. "Had fun?"

"Much" said Kikyo while the Gremlins take the spell rune to the well. Kikyo is rather curious about Kagome's mother being supportive and casual about this. Kagome's grandfather's reluctance is understanding but the mother is unusual. "Higurashi-san, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away," said Kagome's mother.

"How are you so casual about this, your daughter being the first mistress of the Inuoverlord, getting involved of dominating Japan, having sex with many women and with Inuyasha?" said Kikyo "Aren't you at least concerned or disapproval at this"

"to be frank, I'm a bit jealous of my daughter, Kikyo" said Kagome's mother. "The idea of being a mistress of an Overlord is a teenage fantasy, I sometimes foreplay with my late husband as First Mistress and Overlord. If I'd know that the well leads to him back when I was a teenager, but Kagome's wouldn't have existed."

"I see," said Kikyo

"Can I tell you a little secret?" said Kagome's mother, earning a nod from Kikyo. "Kagome's father, my late husband was a Dark Monk and supporter of the InuOverlords. Kagome's "Shadow Priestess" persona was no mere coincidence, she inherited her Miko powers from her father. Oh if he were here, he'd be so proud of his daughter being a First Mistress."

"What happened to him?" asked Kikyo

"He died from a car accident when Kagome was only 4, just when Sota was born" said Kagome's mother frowning in sadness at that tragic memory. "He was a good man, a dark malevolent monk who curse those who threaten him, but a good man."

Meanwhile at the Dark Tower

Spell Room

"Careful, careful!" exclaimed Gnarl as he supervises the gremlins who entered the well and took the rune up to the Spell rune where it originally resides. "We need to place this rune perfectly or it will never work."

Gnarl mentally grins and feeling all giddy with anticipation, the Evil Presence Spell Rune has returned to the tower.

500 years, at last it has returned home thought Gnarl excitingly at the spell rune. Oh I can't wait for the burst of power erupts, oh it just makes me feel tingly in my nether regions. Ohhh.

The Gremlins put down the Spell Rune, but nothing happened. Gnarl gaped in shock and anger and turns to the Gremlins.

"What did you do to the rune?!" shouted Gnarl

The Gremlins shrugged and legged out of the spell room. Gnarl starts to pace in panic as the Spell Rune didn't do anything.

Gnarl starts pacing back and forth from the dysfunctional Spell Rune. Every stare increases his panic as it just stands there and not radiating, he strokes his bald spot, down at his chops and ending with his long goat beard. His eyes turn to the rune and gulps with worry.

"Oh man, the master isn't going to be pleased about this" said Gnarl "if I weren't immortal, I'd be having a heartache but mass hysteria right about now"

"What is going on?"

"EEEEK!" screamed Gnarl as a voice suddenly startled him and cowered in a ball. "Forgive me, Master! I don't know what happened but I assure you it's not my fault"

"Relax, Gnarl. I doubt you've done anything wrong"

Gnarl turns to see Miruku, she is wearing a fresh clean navy blue kimono with purple leaf pattern. Her hair is way as it shows she just got out of the bath and got changed.

"Oh, Lady Miruku," said Gnarl bowing at the cursed and lecherous priestess. "You scared me there, how was your bath?"

"Wish Inuyasha was there to join in" said Miruku sighed slightly while crossing her arms. "But he has business at Kagome's timeline… oh, is that the Spell Rune"

Miruku approaches the Evil Presence Spell Rune and touches it with her gloved hand. She shuddered as she felt the evil coursing from it, although Gnarl doesn't notice.

"Aye, but unfortunately it isn't working as I hoped" said Gnarl "it didn't react when it was placed back at in this room. Nothing happened.

"Oh it has happened, Gnarl"

Yuyami flies in the Magic Room as she is getting attracted by the Rune's aura like a moth to a flame. She wearing a navy blue corset and knee length boots.

"I can feel it's evil all the way from the bedroom, just while I was in the middle playing with Sango.

"Yuyami, where are you?" said Sango, wearing only a fundoshi. She notices the Spell Run and got allured by the malevolent aura from it. "Oh my, what is this feeling? It's so delicious"

"Lady Yuyami, I don't understand" said Gnarl who is a bit confused. "Are you saying that the Evil Spell Rune is activated?"

"Of course, I have seen the Overlord of Old obtain it for Eons back when I serve in the White Army of Heaven. Also back when I volunteered for the Hell-Guard" said Yuyami. "As well speak, Inuyasha is now using his new spell on his foes right now"

Modern Era

Yuyami is right, as the Evil Spell Rune has returned to the tower, Inuyasha's gauntlet surges in evil lightning, flowing all across his body and armour. The evil from the magic is intoxicating, and it gets even more delicious as his sensitive nose consumes the smell. Such evil that even the Tenshi from Heaven to and the Demons of Makai would tremble from it.

"Oh, yes!" exclaimed and moaned Inuyasha as he blasts out his evil spell from out his gauntlet in the air as a demonstration to all who would see it. Such evil even causes the forces of nature to go crazy as dark cloud form with intense booms of thunder and blinding flashes of lightning.

"HA, ha, ha, this power!" laughs Inuyasha with glee as he is enjoying the malevolent sensation surging through him. He feels to aroused and primal at this, like an addictive drug that lasts forever without any side effects. "I feel like a true Overlord, great embodiment of evil. Is this what my father feels like while having this spell?"

Sailor Moon and her Sailor Scouts all start to get frightened at this display. Usagi is having traumatic flashbacks about the falling of both the Earth Kingdom and Silver Millennium. This evil spell corrupted even the purest of hearts, destroy utopian kingdoms and enslave all who are innocent by submitting to their dark desires.

The very spell that forced her and her Sailor Scouts to go in hiding in the distant future. But now their fate is sealed. Inuyasha notices this sense of fear and smirks like a hungry predator, first at Sailor Moon.

"Can you feel it? This is the true power of the Overlord." Said Inuyasha confronting Sailor Moon. "The very spell that was taken from the past Inu-Overlord and now returned to me. You will pay for this, and pay you will."

He charges at the Princess; he is too fast for Usagi to counteract. Before she could, he grabbed her by the neck and starts channelling his delicious evil in her.

"Corrupting Ami I slow, no doubt Sailor Mars was corrupted as I can smell her tainted in evil" said Inuyasha "Those 2 will be lonely if you and the rest of your little bodyguards are left behind. Say goodbye to your elegant life as a princess, your Silver Millennium has ended. Now rebirth as my slave. EVIL PRESENCE!"

She screams, not of pain but of desperation as her pure heart is corrupting with haste by the very evil her mother banished and sealed away for a millennium. Inuyasha laughs with excitement, using this new spell is too much for him to contain this overwhelming excitement. He feels complete with this spell, an Overlord who can't instantly corrupt the purest of hearts is hardly called an Overlord.

"I feel so alive!" said Inuyasha.

Sailor Jupiter and Venus just stood there, the intense evil from the spell is too much that even mortals would petrify in fear at its presence. As the conversion finishes, Inuyasha drops Sailor Moon and smirks at both at the 2 remaining Sailor Scouts, who are next to corrupt.

"If you value your purity, you run" said Inuyasha as his gauntlet sparks from the Evil Presence spell.

Tempting to run fill the remaining 2 sailor scouts' mind, they know it is futile as Inuyasha is faster and he'll hunt them down. So they stay and prepare to fight, in hope to remove that evil spell once more, even though the changes are slim.

Inuyasha frowned and sighed at this.

"You're no fun" said Inuyasha while Gina and Yura snuck behind the 2 sailor scouts and held them down. "But I respect your courage, despite being foolish and suicidal. Now it's time to finish this, now scream for me"

Dark Tokyo Castle

The screaming of Sailors Jupiter and Venus is heard right at the Dark Tokyo Castle. The President smirks as he heard those screams, it sounds like music to his dog ears.

The phone starts to ring and he turns to see it ringing on his desk.

"Gnasher, pass me the phone" said the President

"Yes, master" said a jiggering and menacing voice as a rolling fur-ball leaps on the desk and unrolls to reveal a strange furry creature with short arms and legs, red eyes and a massive snapping mouth with 3 layers of teeth.

That is a Critter, an unstoppable eating machine from another dimension. Originally they are omnivores as they practically eat anything. But their favourite food is meat and live prey. Gnasher grabs the ringing telephone with his stubby arms and sharp claws.

"Here you go, master" said Gnasher as he gives the President the phone.

"Thank you" said the President as he grabs the phone. "You are relieved for the night. But don't eat the furniture or I'll mount you in my Trophy Room like Dente, Canine and Gordo!"

In the Trophy Room, the heads of 3 Critters are displayed, with each their names: Dente, Canine and Gordo.

Gnasher gulped and nods in fear before curling in a ball and rolls away. The President answers the phone and returns looking out the window.

"Hai?" said the President.

"I felt a surge of evil earlier, I assume that it is done?"

"Hai, the Sailor Scouts are no longer a threat to us" said the President "and no doubt that fool Endymion is also history also"

"Good, the Dark Millennium will start with me as Queen"

"Don't forget who's really in charge, Black Lady" said the President growling at the phone. "And don't forget who your mother is."

"I haven't forgot, my Prince"

"Don't patronize me, I will reposition you if I can" said the President

"You don't have authority to do that, you may be the President of Japan but you don't have full command over me"

"Not yet" said the President until he sees Tuxedo Mask from out the window and frowned. "I have to cut this call short, I have an appointment on schedule"

"Then I'll speak to you later…Aniki"

"Sayonara, Musume" said the President after putting the phone away and heads for the desk while redialling. "Sarada, if a man in a tuxedo enters the castle, escort him to the office."

"Er, Sarada isn't here, Mr. President"

"Oh right, I forgot she's at her parents" said mutters the President to himself. "Well then… err."

"Akane Saotome, sir"

"Ms. Saotome, make sure you escort my next appointment, a Mr. Momoru Chiba A.K.A Tuxedo Mask" said the President.

"Hai, Mr. President"

The President hangs up and sits on his desk and waits for hi "Guest" to arrive. Also to remind himself to punish Yoichi and Toyohisa for their incompetent failure.

"I should've sent Oda and Toshizo instead of them 2" said the President.

Higurashi Shrine

Kagome returns to the Shrine with the corrupted Rei Hino, who is limping involuntary as her ass is extremely sore. Kagome's face express satisfaction while Rei's is apathetic but hides excitement.

They are welcomed by Kikyo and Kagome's mother.

"Hello, dear" said Kagome's mother, greeting her daughter. "Had fun?"

"Yeah" said Kagome

"I see you made a new friend" said Kagome's mother.

"R-Rei Hino, ma'am" said Rei curtsying to Kagome's mother.

"Oh, you're from Hikawa Shrine" said Kagome's mother.

"Hai" said Rei

"Mom, have you seen Inuyasha?" said Kagome

"No, I haven't" said Kagome's mother. "I think he's still out in the city"

"I'm sure he's fine" said Kikyo reassuring Kagome. "I think he's just playing with his new spell"

"So it works?" said Kagome

"We'll just have to find out after he returns" said Kikyo

With Inuyasha

Inuyasha is busy corrupting Sailor Venus while Ami, Usagi and Makoto are hungrily suck and lick is erected cock. Gina and Yura just watches while cuddling naked on the sidewalk while using Gina's furry pelt to keep warm from the cold night.

Inuyasha takes his time corrupting Sailor Venus as he just wants to hear her scream and resist. The 3 corrupted Sailor Scouts doesn't care as they are busy on their new master's erection that he commands them to sort out. The excitement of getting this spell made him so hard that it aches.

Now that Sailor Venus is completely corrupted, he drops her, just at the same time of reaching his climax. He sprays his seed all over the 3 corrupted Sailor Scouts like a burst faucet.

"Man, that was intense" said Inuyasha while he is still hard but still leaking out semen. He grabs Usagi by the hair and shoves his cock down her throat. Clean my cock with your whore mouth, that is now one of your duties."

Usagi moans in response while sucking her new master's cock to get it clean. Makoto and Minako crawls underneath to give the InuOverlord's balls a clean with their tongue. Ami is excuse while Gina and Yura lick the cum off her body and face.

Inuyasha moans huskily as his 3 new slaves are "cleaning his genitals. Unaware that strange basketball-sized orbs hovers in the shadows and all appear to watch them.

Dark Tokyo Castle

The office door opens to reveal Tuxedo Mask with fallen bodyguards, some dead and dying on the floor behind him. The President moves his golden gaze at the costumed guest.

"Welcome to my castle, Momoru Chiba," said the President smiling at his 'guest'. "Or do you prefer to be called Prince Endymion?"

Momoru Chiba frowns at this and starts to speak but the President stops him with a halting gesture.

"You are wondering how I know you?" said the President

"Yes, only a few know of my past and they are my allies" said Tuxedo Mask "It is a forgotten past, a millennium has past and parts of that past life is now dust."

"And what if some of that forgotten past remains?" the President asked hypothetically.

"If it were true, no one but me, the Princess and the survivors of the Silver Millennium would only know about that tragic past"

"What about your enemies?" said the President. "There are other sides of that past, the victims and the culprits"

"That would be impossible, the Dark Kingdom is vanquished" said Momoru. "Queen Beryl perished just like that "King" that formed that insidious Kingdom just to invade and destroy mine. Those who were corrupted by his dark influence and power were sacrificed. Jadeite, Nephlite, Zoisite and Kunzite were sacrificed by my and Usagi's hands just to eliminate that witch."

"I see, but what if I would say that if there is someone from the Dark Kingdom" said the President "Like…me"

Tuxedo mask prepares to fight but the President just laughs in amusement.

"Let's just say that you were there, then it'll explain you knowing my past self." Said Tuxedo Mask. "And even if you are a Dark Kingdom Lackey we were unaware of, Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts will defeat you to ensure that Beryl's evil will never return"

The President continues to laugh as if it was a joke, it starts to anger Tuxedo while the President continues laughing.

"What is so amusing?" said Tuxedo

"You think I am a mere pawn of the Dark Kingdom?" said the President. "Oh no, I am the founder and its king. And as for your sailor scout friends."

Suddenly the office floor opens to reveal a huge crystal orb rising up, Tuxedo Mask jumps away in case it was a weapon. Then suddenly the orb shows a vision of Sailor Moon deep throat in Inuyasha's cock while both. Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus suck and lick his balls, next it shows Ami getting a tongue bath by Gina and Yura while being fondled and groped by said 2 mistresses.

Tuxedo Mask widen his eyes at this and starts to leave but the doorway is barred by a magical barrier, along with the windows. Tuxedo Mask is trapped in the Castle Office with the President. Tuxedo Mask turns to confront the President while trying to ignore the visions from the orb but they are now turning into 3-D holograms with audio.

"What is this!" exclaimed Tuxedo Mask

"Oh, this is just a little gift I was given back when I was banished into the 10th century." Said the President "The Tower Eye, it reveals what my Crystal Eyes see. Invisible to anyone, I see all of Tokyo and nothing happens with my knowing. I have been watching you, waiting for the right time to exact my revenge against you and those goody, goody Sailor Scouts for what they did to my Queen"

"And what did we do to you?" said Tuxedo Mask

"You don't remember?" said the President

"Strange thing about reincarnations, your past life gets fuzzy" said Tuxedo Mask

"Then allow me to re-educate you, Endymion" said the President "How it all began, how I formed the Dark Kingdom, how I met Beryl and how I failed to kill you"

"But first, who are you?" asked Endymion

"The President is just a fancy title just to keep those mortals happy of thinking that they're living in a "democracy", while they Overlord's is and still am the great power under control of this country and soon all of Asia." Said the President as he stands up and reveals his true form. "I am the first son of the Second Inu-Overlord: Inuyasha and Kagome the Shadow Priestess. Inu no Yoru, the Dog of the Night!"

End of Chapter.